The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Poster

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2
JoBloTheMovieCritic22 December 2021
8/10 - I know I am definitely in the minority on this one, but I for one feel that this 2014 sequel is not only not the "worst Spider-Man movie," but actually improves on its predecessor by doubling down on heart, the swoon-worthy chemistry between Garfield and Stone, and jaw-dropping visual effects.
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Underrated but not the best
harrypup-2843630 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a good movie with good chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone but it was not the best film with some dodgy bits of dialogue and the Green Goblin wasn't very good in this movie.

I loved Electro which is quite an unpopular opinion and his soundtracks and action sequences were immense. Jamie Foxx did a good job at portraying him. I love villains that have good powers like electricity and Electro is just that.

The Rhino was a bit pointless because he was only in the film for 10 minutes but I think they were setting him up to be a villain for the third movie which never came out.

Andrew Garfield was great in this film and he is my favourite Spider-Man. I think this is an underrated film but there has been better.
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Why the hate?
ThunderKing620 February 2019
I don't get the hate for this movie. Was it the ending? the death scene? green goblin? TASM1 I can understand that one was bland.

Fans just love to nitpick and don't know what they want.

Its a sad, fun movie all the way. Like all spiderman movies , shows, comics. Peter is trying to figure stuff out while nothing goes right. He fights crime, gets a big baddy and wins.

Same thing happened in this movie, but for a price.
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Spider-Man more on his plate than he can handle in this sequel
JohnnyPHreak28 July 2014
I'm an unabashed die hard fan boy for Spider-Man. There I said it. You can call me a homer for anything Spider-Man. I wasn't a happy camper when I heard they were rebooting the films that I fell in love with. The first two Raimi films for me were great. The sequel still holding up today as one of the best superhero movies of all time. The first Amazing Spider-Man was a bit jarring for me. I walked out of the film not knowing what I thought about it. I enjoyed Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man but his Peter Parker didn't click with me. I also had some nit picky things about the film as a whole (Gwen instead of Mary Jane, lackluster villain). But watching the film a few more times I realized that I liked it.

I do research on films that I'm excited for. This film came out weeks earlier in the UK and Europe. And the reviews were mixed which was sinking my high hopes. I didn't like the fact that there were three villains (More on that later). But it seemed like they were choosing the right actors for parts and surrounding the film in talent. After much heart and headache reading people thoughts and reviews for me, I'm okay with saying I liked much of this second Spider-Man film.

Andrew Garfield is Spider-Man and it seems he's embraced the part much more this time than in the first film. His Spider-Man is having fun being the savior of the city. He's making the quips, the jokes and the all around energy of his Spider-Man feels directly out of the comic book. I am finally sold on his Peter Parker. Director Marc Webb finally lets the smart but dorky Parker shine in a few scenes that are hilarious and engaging.

I'm still not an Emma Stone fan but she is a good counter to Garfield's Parker. They have excellent chemistry. You can tell that these may be Webb's favorite scenes to shoot. When they are on screen this huge summer tent pole film because a small drama about two people with a unique love story.

The villains, there are three of them but not really. Let me explain. Rhino played basically as a cameo by Paul Giamatti is really only on screen to show Spider-Man in action at the beginning and end of the film. His main adversaries are Jamie Foxx's Electro who starts off as a man who is saved by Spider-Man. He then becomes a obsessed fan only to in perfect comic book fashion have a horrible accident that grants him superpowers. Foxx is okay, I wouldn't say he is awful. He has some good moments and contrary to what has been written I think he only has one cringe worthy line.

Dane DeHaan is one of if not my favorite actor working this moment. His method style works so well in many of the films he's in and here it's perfect. His Harry Osborn is less cartoon-y than James Franco's from previous films. He's creepy, spoiled, arrogant but dealt with a lot of adversity. His chemistry with Garfield feels genuine. It doesn't feel forced like it could have been. They are long time friends who have been distant but because of new circumstances are forced back together.

The action is fun, fast and so Spider-Man if that means anything. The way they use his spider sense was very cool. I want to see more of that. The small nods to the comic book are fantastic. There are nods here and there to the upcoming sinister six film which doesn't cloud the film. It's just there in the story that this is apart of a large story in the future. I was trying to count the nods to the comic books. The only issues I had with the film was Peter's search for what happen to his father was kind of just there to fill time. Also the great Sally Field as Aunt May got only a few scenes. She was great on screen but mostly wasted.

Because this film is dividing fans I think I've pinpointed the problem. I'm a fan of the comic books and this film feel like a few issues of the comic books aka a mini-series. There are multiple stories, with multiple villains and a lot going on. I'm okay with the finally product and eager to see the film again. For Garfield's performance, the chemistry with Stone and the action scenes this film is a fun ride for any fan of the neighborhood web shooter.
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"Let's go catch a spider."
estebangonzalez1025 April 2014
"Let's go catch a spider."

Marc Webb's first feature film, 500 Days of Summer, was a successful small indie romantic film with a lot of heart. He went from that to the huge production of the Spider-Man franchise which I thought didn't necessarily need a reboot so soon. However the film did work thanks to Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Peter Parker. His natural charisma and confidence translated really well to the character and his sense of humor makes him the perfect candidate to play Spier-Man. I began my review by mentioning that Webb directed 500 Days of Summer because for me the heart and soul of this film is the love story between Gwen and Peter. I can't think of any other superhero film with such a great love story and believable chemistry than this one. Garfield and Emma Stone are incredible together and I loved their scenes. Webb knows a thing or two about young romance and it is the film's strongest asset. The sequel is entertaining and has some great action scenes, but I could've watched this film for the romance alone. The flaws are actually the villains in this film. They don't crowd the film like the trailers led me to believe, but they really don't seem to menacing until we reach the final third act. For a film that runs at 140 minutes it went by really quick and that is always a good sign. Spider-Man 2 might not be as good as this year's Captain America, but it does have its solid moments and clever one-liners. At times the CGI took me out of the film as it looked more like a video game, but there were some interesting shots as we got to follow Spider-Man swing across the New York City landscape. The film works better as a romantic comedy than an actual superhero movie but that was fine with me because it was a really good one. It makes most other recent rom-coms look ridiculous and unbelievable.

After a short flashback where we see what happened with Peter's parents, the camera follows Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) swinging across NYC as he tries to stop a Russian mob criminal, Aleksei Sytsevich (Paul Giamatti), who has stolen something from OsCorp. In the midst of all the action he receives a call from his girlfriend, Gwen (Emma Stone), who is reminding him that he's going to be late for their graduation. Somehow Spider-Man manages to take care of business and arrives in the nick of time to receive his degree as Peter Parker. His Aunt May (Sally Field) is the only family he has left, but she's there for him like she's always been. Peter however has been having visions of Gwen's father reminding him of the promise he made to not date his daughter in order to keep her out of danger. Apparently it has been a conflict they've dealt with over the last few months and Gwen decides it's time for the two to break up. Gwen continues to work at OsCorp which is now managed by Norman's son, Harry (Dane DeHaan), after his passing. Harry seems to suffer from the same degenerative disease of his father and wants to continue researching for a cure in OsCorp. Peter is glad to see his childhood friend back, but when he realizes what he's up to things get complicated. When an employee from OsCorp suffers a freak accident he becomes Electro (Jamie Foxx), a dangerous foe for Spider-Man and the city.

The Amazing Spider-Man has some flaws but it still entertains thanks to the great chemistry between Stone and Garfield. They are perfect together. DeHaan is also great as Harry and he does look like a believable threat for Spider-Man. I had a problem with Foxx's clumsy performance as Max but once he becomes Electro he does look menacing. I didn't care too much about the villains or the action set pieces despite the fact that they were well crafted. The inner struggles that Peter Parker faces with his family drama and relationship with Gwen is at the heart of this film. The final act is more than just a gigantic action face-off, there is actually a lot of emotional elements at stake and that is what lifted this movie as it finished on a high note. There was a very emotional scene scene near the end of the film that left the entire theater in silence. The best thing about this sequel is that it was much more emotionally involving than the original and it banks its strength from Andrew Garfield's charismatic and spot on performance as Peter Parker.
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Better, bigger, more ambitious and emotionally heavier
santi-reis18 April 2014
As the story unfolds, and all conspiracies behind Oscorp unwind, the life of our lovable web-swinger gets more adrenaline full and also more complicated. There is a bit of a sense of DeJa Vu, specially when Peter Parker is trying to balance his personal life and his super hero life. But the aspect in which this movie really shines (like his ancestor) is in the characters, however this time the emotional weight is much more present,and the scale of both the drama and action is much bigger. Andrew and Emma were just as great as in the previous movie, and the chemistry between them is fantastic. Jaime Fox also nailed it as Electro, even thou the character itself was not the best written character, but his performance was so great that i was able to overcome the writing. Dane DeHann was equally great as the Green Goblin, at first i didn't like the idea of Harry being the Green Goblin instead of Norman Osborn, but it was a good choice and it matched perfectly with the plot and tone of the movie.(Also Dane has a knack for playing psychopaths) As to be expected there are plenty CGI scenes but it really didn't bother me because the action sequences were done in a very creative way. The Score, composed by Hans Zimmer,is amazing and somewhat contemporary, so it fits the themes of each character and moment. Overall the movie was much more intense and heavier than the first installment, as our main character deals not only with supernatural challenges but also emotional dilemmas.
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IanCandido9 August 2014
This film is getting too much hate by some people and too much love by others (including me), and it seems to be only based on the mental image each group has of spider-man and movie scripts in general.

Those who love the soup opera aspects of Peter Park, hated, they missed the character grow, the motives of the villains (arguable) and complained for having too many story lines. On the other hand those who love comic spidey, loved, for all the stupid puns, the charisma and the of course the action. But the main complain is about the script, but understanding as a comic adaptation, it makes sense, the several sub-plots going on between each fight,the preface and Peter Parker/Spider-Man parallels objectives, it makes just like a regular comic (weekly or monthly) and less like a regular movie.

But What can I say, I was expecting to see the real (mental image, again) Spider-Man on screen, the costume is really (a lot of emphasis here) beautiful, Andrew Garfield really is in the character, Emma Stone makes an active love interest, Dane DeHaan makes a 'realistic' Green Goblin and Paul Giamatti goes a over-the-top, more related to an usual Spider-Man Villain. The only big flaw is Jamie Foxx getting the spotlight just because Django, the character is lost in the movie, half-way between fun villain and real threat, shame because he is the main villain.

Marc Webb got me, I'm gonna be the first in line for: The Amazing Spider-Man 3, Venom-Carnage, Sinister Six, maybe Spider-Woman (not confirmed yet), or any other release of a fun comic adaptation.
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Giacomo_De_Bello21 October 2014
Lets give a disclaimer here: I am a comic book nerd-geek and Spider-Man is one of my favorite fictional characters ever, so maybe I am inclined to be fully absorbed by this movie very easily, yet this doesn't take away from my film nerd-fan side that genuinely thought very highly of this film from a simple filmaking point of view. As storytelling goes I was very-pleasantly surprised to find a really strong grip: it never commits the Spider-Man 3 mistake of being over-crowded and maintains a brilliant balance on all the characters flowing naturally with a story that feels perfectly fine despite the pressure it had from Sony. It never tries to be over intricate but manages to pull of multiple inter-twining story lines in a magnificent way. Never does it leave loose ends and that is something I hadn't seen in a comic-book movie for a couple of years. Furthermore it isn't a banal plot, there of course are some clichéd moments but as much as they don't get me in 90% of movies they got me here (credit to director/actors for making those few feel very spontaneous), it has valid originality and keeps a core fidelity to the source material that deserves high praise. Just as good is the way in which this sequel builds on its predecessor tying up loose ends, proceeding with minor story lines of the first movie and adding great parts in it. As a director Webb proves to be amazing. The action scenes are complexly put together, with visual brilliance and continuity in them. Great improvement from the first movie. They really were breathtaking, nail-biting sequences that found me on the edge of my seat continuously. Another visual aspect that is stunning is the swinging sequences of Spider-Man: this is what I always wanted to see but never fully experienced with the other Spider-Man movies; the shots there were fantastic. Yet what I most admire Webb for is the talent he has for character development and coherence, we have seen this in his previous two movies and here it is firing once again in all cylinders. There just isn't one character in whom I did not believe, I never spotted the stereotypical comic-book person in here. Everybody had there chance to shine. Sure a couple of characters have minor short-comings and I understand if somebody doesn't believe in Electro's personality, but I found that it walked the line between movie acceptability and comic-book campyness in the perfect dose. To this I also have to give credit to the soundtrack which blew me totally away when Electro is introduced to the public: that was some serious use of music and sounds for storytelling, brilliant, intelligent! Adding to this is a really powerful score from Hans Zimmer, one of the better ones I have heard from him and generally in recent years. Our introduction to Harry Osborn/Green Goblin was positive on the character part (indeed there was no need for him to be green goblin in this one but I honestly did not mind him), yet from an acting point of view I think Dane Dehaan overacted in some scenes, nevertheless he was good enough. There have been many criticisms of this movie in regards to messy tone, unoriginality and rushed villains and as much as I see where people are coming from and I would indeed have appreciated a more untraditional villain(s) introduction and story I just never thought of that during the movie: there are many movies in which I simply cannot be taken in because of originality issues, but for some reason this one felt to me so fluent I never had any problems with this and actually felt it kept a consistent tone throughout. Yet I must address the fact that watching it twice I could feel the studio putting too much of its hand in the movie: they were way to manipulative of this and I think that by leaving Marc Webb just some more creative power this movie could have been enormously better. The CGI wasn't always seamless but great in many moments and anyways it never bothered me because the story was always the driving force behind it and what I was most interested in: this also speaks to the fact that the action was used to propel the plot so it never felt out of place, that is something really hard to pull off. There is lots of humor in the film and I can safely say that it actually is very funny and very faithful to who Spider-Man is and how he acts and to expand on this the humor fits both the tone of the movie and the storytelling, speaking again to the fact that, just like the action, it is used appropriately for the character development or the story, it is never gratuitous. I was excepting more fan service, but I can't really fault the movie for not satisfying my unsatisfiable thirst for it, that was nevertheless kept at bay. "The Amazing Spiderman 2" truly was a comic book movie. It took the best aspects of the two world and combined them in what I always figured in my head when I read Spider-Man comics. Yet, I have been holding back this for all my review and here it is: what truly is the best part of the movie, the most riveting element, the thing that Webb does best in a really majestical way, the driving force behind this film, the main reason and thing that kept me most absorbed in the drama and what gives it honest emotional depth is the relationship between Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker. honestly do not know how Webb is so amazingly good with romance and character interaction but what we have here (and in the previous movie) is something really special.
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Seriously underrated
lincolnpjones22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand the hatred this movie gets. Let me start out by saying that I'm not really a Spiderman fan. My experience of Spidey came from the awesome PS1 Spiderman games, the 1994 Spiderman animated series and the Raimi movies. With that being said, Rise of Electro is one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. I'd put it up there with Winter Soldier, the First Avenger, Blade and even the Raimi Spider-Man films.

Andrew Garfield does a pretty good performance as Spidey, balancing emotion with excellent comedic timing. Emma Stone is wonderful as Gwen Stacy. Jamie Foxx is an excellent and quite sympathetic villain, even if he is pushed to the sidelines a little by Harry Osborn. The movie actually makes you care for all the characters, even Harry Osborn. And I'd be lying if I said Gwen's death didn't knock me on my ass, because of how shockingly gruesome it is for a PG-13 movie and because I would've thought they'd let her live.

I really liked what they did with the source material, updating concepts like The Rhino and Electro without taking out too much. Plus, I genuinely feel that this movie pulls off the 'hero rises from the ashes' storyline much better than Dark Knight Rises.

Is it perfect? No. But is it a good superhero movie? Hell yeah, it is.
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OK, let's talk about HOPE.. Warning: Spoilers
.... and, to be fair, this was not my idea but the screenwriter's, since the last few minutes of the film reveal that this was a topic very much on his mind when he penned this script.

OK OK, I get that the transition from comic book (graphic novel) to feature film is not easy, but art never is, really. And it has been done successfully. Look at Superman 2 with Chris Reeves. Look at Spiderman 2 with Toby MaGuire. More recently look at Superman Returns (flawed but still brilliant in parts) and even more recently than that, Captain America 2.

What do all these films have in common? Humanity. Hope. Decency. That difficult blending of superpowers with those same quirks and oddities which make us human.

What they lack -- every film above-named lacks -- is brutality for its own sake, gratuitous violence directed against the star (and, by analogy, the viewing audience) just to make them feel the pain.

Yet, astonishingly, this trend is becoming the "new normal" in superhero films and no one seems to care, the fans just keep lapping it up. MAN OF STEEL was an abomination, as if the intent was to see how many office buildings you can bang to bits with Superman's head. Ditto Thor 2, ditto The Wolverine (borders on torture porn, that one); and finally, this "re-imagining" of Spidey where everything that can possibly go wrong in his day ... does go wrong. Including saving his gf.

Is this entertainment?

Seriously. C'mon folks, wake up and smell the stupid before all superhero films end up like this.
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A Hero without Principles
tinulthin10 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has technical merits. However, these merits are impossible to enjoy in a film drowned from beginning to end in the sickening narcissism of both its purported hero and supposedly tragic villains.

I give you The Amazing Spider-Man: a hero with no principles and no goals. He sometimes cares about a girl and sometimes wants to know what happened to his parents, but day-to-day he really only cares about doing what he wants to do--which happens to be helping people, it seems, because it gives them "hope." And what luck! He gives them this just by being himself. Not by being a better person. Not by sacrificing anything else in his life for the greater good. Just by being strong and smart and doing exactly what he feels like doing because that's how he feels. And look: by being himself, other people want to be like him. What a wonderful message for a self-obsessed age. And watching the box office dollars roll in, it would seem that this is just what everyone wants to hear.

Ah, but lovable doe-eyed Petey gives up Gwen for the greater good, right? No he doesn't. He gives her up because he can't face the guilt of having contributed to her father's death--his guilt, and his unquestioned inability to give up being a famous public figure, lead to his need to break up (And his principled stand on this issue is so strong that he will renege on it whenever he feels randy). We never see Peter torn between helping people and helping himself. We see him torn between two paths to self-gratification: the adulation of public heroism (and public vilification, which is a kind of adulation) and the love of a single woman. What about Aunt May? No, not her--she's just in the way of Spidey laundry.

This is the major problem with the reboot: The overshadowing death isn't Uncle Ben's. It's Captain Stacy's. And Captain Stacy didn't die because Peter was self-absorbed. Captain Stacy died because Peter existed. So the standard for Peter being a good person or bad person has nothing to do with his character--it has only to do with his presence. During an over-the-top car chase in the first act, rather than stop a massive truck from smashing through a set of cars (which Sam Raimi has shown us he could have done, assuming equivalence between a truck and a train), Spidey ducks out of the way only to come back after the carnage. This is a hero who says, "I'm here for you--until it's inconvenient for me, then you're on your own."

The long and short of it is that this Spider-Man is in no way heroic. Superheroes are heroic because, while they could decide that they are unconcerned with our struggles, they still feel a moral obligation to help the average Joe. This Spider-Man seems to feel obliged to help only because, as someone superior to everyone else, the world's problems must naturally fall on his shoulders. Not because someone died due to his inaction--because he's exceptional. And helping inferior people is what exceptional people do. Sometimes. When they're not busy dealing with exceptional-person stuff. Like obsessing about parents who unjustly abandoned them while feeling no responsibility whatsoever for the uncle they themselves abandoned.

Add to this a pair of villains who go from being apparently well-meaning if somewhat imbalanced individuals to homicidal maniacs due to a single rejection episode, and you have a two-hour cesspool of poorly justified destructive self-obsession.

Electro could have been a tragic Frankenstein villain. Instead, because a group of random people roots for Spider-Man over him in his first public appearance, he decides everyone should die. Yup--that's his motivation. You don't love me because I'm me? Well, I'll kill you all. Thank you, Columbine.

Harry's the same. After a five-minute meeting in which Spider-Man refuses give him his blood--which he truly believes, based on a single night's research on a single computer file, is the only thing that can save him from a horrible death that won't happen for another 40 years--Harry decides that Spider-Man needs to die right now. And everyone who dies in the process of saving his own old-age skin is perfectly okay. This despite Harry having been Peter's best friend only 48 hours before--though not because they have a long history together, but because they talked for a few hours and remembered how they were friends eight years ago. And it's not like either of them developed any other close relationships over their entire time in high school and college. (Let that be the only mention I will make of this film's preposterous set of causes and effects--and its Attack-of-the-Clones-inspired need to intellectually dictate emotional importance rather than meaningfully display it.)

The original Spider-Man had a single moment of narcissism. Count 'em: one. Only once did Peter Parker step up for glory, himself, and his own objectives, and he immediately paid for it with the death of one of the only three people he loved. This new Peter Parker steps up for himself every day as a part of his playground vision of a hero, and not a single screenwriter or billion-dollar audience member seems to care. This Spider-Man says the world should glorify you for being you, and if that doesn't happen, it's the world that needs to change, not you. And that is what truly terrifies me.
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I had a friend once. It didn't work out.
nogodnomasters8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Every super hero needs a super villain. This episode introduces us to Electro (Jamie Foxx) and the Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan). If that wasn't enough Peter (Andrew Garfield) must deal with his on again/off again relationship with Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) and he discovers the truth about his father (Campbell Scott) and Oscorp.

I love these modern superhero blockbuster updates...except for maybe that "Green Hornet" thing. What the heck was that about?

I will also say I disapprove of the character send off, but I'll get over it. The film contains drama and heart as well as good action scenes. If anything Spiderman was able to take care of his foes a little too easy.

The film sets up for a crazy action sequel. Break out the popcorn.
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Best version of Spiderman till date...
Nebzyl3 August 2014
The original trilogy seemed incomplete but now, that incompleteness is completed by this new one. I love the background story of Spiderman shown in this movie, at least it has got one unlike the original. The story of how Peter Parker ended up with his Uncle and Aunt, the story of why "Peter Parker" is the only one who could be Spiderman and no-one else. It all feels complete now. A satisfactory plot for a superhero movie.

Talking about the performances, I like the new Peter Parker, humorous and entertainer. I've started to feel the original 'Peter Parker' was actually boring. Really good job by the actors here. And with that SuperVillian : 'Electro', the movie becomes one of the best SuperHero movies. Visual effects are quite good and the movie is perfectly entertaining. For me, this is the best version of Spiderman movie till now. I don't care what the critics have to say, this movie is a good one.
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Too much, too unbalanced and a waste of talent
MartinOnMovies25 April 2014
I can't say I went in to the theater with high hopes. I did enjoy the first installment of this unnecessary reboot, almost anything seemed like a step up from "Spiderman 3", and Garfield felt way more natural than Maguire, and Emma Stone is always welcome. But after seeing the first trailer I thought it seemed like a total mess, and I wasn't convinced by Electro one bit. Unfortunately I was spot on, I hoped to at least get an enjoyable time at the cinema with my friends, but ended up feeling quite uncomfortable and laughing throughout most of the film.

Garfield and Stone has their chemistry and does their best with the incredibly thin script and cheesy one-liners, but their potential quite beautiful scenes together gets lost in the over-full and messy plot. I can't buy an emotional scene that is interrupted by heavy dub-step and a blue electric guy.

Oh Jamie Foxx, how did you go from Django to this? Before he goes all CGI-Electro he tries to play the nerdy unseen scientist (with a worse comb-over than Christian Bale's 'Hustle'-look). As Electro it's hard to say how much is his fault, and what can be blamed on the rest, I'd go with the rest. You don't sympathize with him nor do you believe how fast he becomes this super-villain.

Everything that Dane DeHaan did so well in "Chronicle" just feels unnatural and (maybe not misplaced, but wrong) here. And his character development is way too rushed and quite unnecessary for this film, it just becomes another sub-plot standing in the way of what really matters.

Sally Field does good work as Aunt May, but leaves no lasting mark. Paul Giamatti's Russian criminal is just in the way and only gives a couple of dreadful and laughable scenes. And then there's the mad German scientist named Kafka and I rest my case.

The action and visuals isn't bad, but still doesn't make up for the low "trying to be Marvel"-comedy and horrific soundtrack, a soundtrack that almost itself destroys the film throughout the exhausting 142 minutes. And sometimes it feels like the movie is taking us as an audience to be stupid, with pointers to what is going to happen. I would like to say that you might enjoy it if you just try and see it for what it is, but it's hard, but hopefully possible! It had an interesting start, with a glimpse inside the past and Peter's parents, but it's left underdeveloped, as is almost everything else, to make room for all its action and villains.

It's amazing how the difference between two big-budget superhero-movies can be so huge, if you put this against "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", a great and, opposed to this one, original film.

Oh how I wish that Marc Webb could have continued with a "(500) Days of Summer"-esque movie instead, he could keep the sub-plots starring Garfield, Stone and DeHaan, and it could very well be a great film, and probably not such a waste of talent.
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Better than I thought it would have been
ray-steven8918 April 2014
Just finished watching this movie,Holy Craaap. It's one of the best superhero movie I have seen in a long time, the story, the acting, the chemistry, the action was damn awesome. The only complained I had with this movie was that sometimes it felt a little bit long but after a while I forgot it was really long. The 3D was really good comparing to other 3D superhero movies. I can't wait for all the fans and movie fans of movie watch this. The villains are good in this movie, the green goblin was a little bit creepy than I thought it would have been, Electro looked really cool with his electric power, Rhino was there for about 2 minutes which was at the end. I thought they should never have shown the rhino at the poster or trailer at all,instead they could surprise us spider man fighting rhino at the end. Overall solid film recommend everyone to watch it
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Amazing but....
mukesh_hit12313 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVED the first installment of this series (more than the second) and most beautiful part about the two parts is the love story. It was a SHOCK that they had to kill the character of Gwen Stacy specially when it is Emma Stone playing it. It left me in a sad sad feeling.

Another thing I could not digest was how EASILY Peter Parker moved on from her after her death (I Know the inspiration came from her own speech, but if it were myself, I could never move on). I was expecting to be shown as the spiderman officially retired, for the next installment to have even more vicious villain forcing him to return. (Kinda like The Dark Knight Rises)

I mean leaving all this aside, I LOVED it!
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I think it's seven
JKamagie5 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not too bad & not too good ,that's what can I say for this movie. This movie has a nice story line,and I think I just like the visual effect. I don't like Sad Ending, actually it's not Sad Ending it just not Happy Ending. I think people like this movie because this is a sequel, so the people like this movie because they like the previously movie. And maybe the people or "The Watchers" like this movie because they curious about the new character. And what I want to know is, where is The Electro? well he just defeated from the battle with Spider Man and after that he's gone. So... yeah this film is Not too Bad and Not too Good.
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Good, but could be better
ferreiranazli21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The special effects at the battles with Electro was impressive. As a comic book fan, those scenes were fantastic to me! Also as a fan, Gwen's death match my expectations: It's was sad, impacting and totally alike the comics. It is a mark at Spiderman history, what makes a shame that the 3° movie was cancelled. The villans are very poorly constructed, specially Harry Osborn, that was so well constructed at the previous trilogy. It's was kinda desappointing. Electro's motivation was also weak, maybe the movie tries to introduce to many characters at once.
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"Hey, I think I know that guy!"
classicsoncall10 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I knew there was a reason for all those TV commercials for the U.S. Post Office featuring Spider-Man and Stan Lee; Spidey goes absolutely postal in this Andrew Garfield sequel. The action is high flying and if it weren't over the top, I think fans wouldn't be as impressed. Not having followed Spidey very much in the comics however, I didn't quite get the idea that he was somehow invulnerable like Superman considering the pasting he took from Electro (Jamie Foxx) and Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan). I'm aware of the proportional spider strength so to speak, but seeing Spider-Man crash into buildings and pavement the way he did made it a wonder he kept coming back for more.

Peter Parker fans also get their fill here with the angst in his relationship with Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). Garfield displays a whole lot more emotion in this follow up to ASM1, but hey, there were a whole bunch of college football players crying this week during the NFL draft picks so it goes with the times. Half way through the movie my mind wandered back to the comic book story of Gwen Stacy's death, so I began to wonder if that's what would happen here. The finale will absolutely crush anyone who's not expecting it.

As usual, it was great to see Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee (along with Steve Ditko) cameo once again in a Marvel flick. He was present at the high school graduation early in the picture, and is the guy who says "That's amaaaaazing" in the commercial.
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Good but not great
tinovalkki3 June 2014
Once again a good example about movie that critics don't like, but I enjoy to watch. Of course this isn't greatest movie of history, but as a comic book filming it is very entertaining. Spider-Man's leaps between skyscrapers are beautiful to watch especially in 3D experience is like sitting on a roller coaster. Andrew Garfield is great as a Spider-Man, Emma Stone succeed well as Spider-Man's girl friend despite the tragical end. Sally Field is always great actress. Only Jamie Foxx don't convince in his role as a nerd. Luckily he act nerd only half of the film and the rest of the movie he is digitally enhanced Electro. Story is entertaining and pretentious comic book adaption and that is the way it should been watch. Albeit the dialogue is quite childish at time to time it doesn't bother too much. Lots of popcorn and enough of soda is all you need to enjoy this movie. If you want to say something bad about the movie you could say it has been inflate to so big that it will be a hard to surpass on next movie. Movies massive budget (200 million dollars) is hard to cross over. On the other hand if movie makes enough profit as theatrical release couple of more millions should not be any infeasible to approve.
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Impressive spectacle but overstuffed and empty
TheLittleSongbird30 July 2014
Both Amazing Spider-Man films get a lot of hate, and while for me they weren't as bad as all that(if anything personally they were moderately enjoyable films) I do agree with a lot of the criticisms for both. Some say the sequel is better, personally the first while being very over-familiar and unevenly paced and with a severely underdeveloped villain the first was a little better but still fell far short. There are good things about the sequel. Once again it is very stylishly made and the special effects are better this time round, while the action sequences provide some thrills. The chemistry between Peter and Gwen is still sweet, Peter at the grave is actually quite moving and the closest the film ever gets to having any emotional impact and some of the acting is good. Andrew Garfield's performance is much better here, he doesn't ever quite capture Spider-Man's vulnerability but he is much less smug and tones down the quirkiness. Emma Stone is a charming and very likable Gwen, Sally Field gives seasoned support as Aunt May although she doesn't have much to do and Dane DeHaan does a great job showing Harry Osborn's slow descent into fear and loneliness. However, Jamie Foxx despite looking really cool doesn't do anything with Electro and looks lost and Paul Giamatti is completely wasted and gives a rare bad performance. The script and the way the characters are written don't help, the script is very thinly sketched and tries to balance comedy and pathos and does so awkwardly, to the extent the comedy feels overly-broad and out of place and the pathos apart from one part is non-existent literally. And the film does suffer from too many characters and most of them with little development, with the two leads the most interesting characters. There are two too many villains(the same problem that Spider-Man 3 had) and none of them developed very well, Osborn/Green Goblin just about musters due to DeHaan but his development still feels rushed and some of his actions out of the blue, the villain also deserved a much better resurrection which was cheaply done. Like Lizard in the first film Electro is very one-dimensional with no motivation, or shall we say no obvious one, and Rhino feels like a just-there-for-the-sake-of-it character. The story doesn't suffer from being over-familiar like the first Amazing Spider-Man but it does suffer from a very sprawling structure and a lot of it feels over-stuffed and plodding. The music has its moments and does fit better than James Horner's for the first Amazing Spider Man but it does lack pace and one of those pleasant-to-listen-to-but-easily-forgettable scores, three composers are credited and the score sometimes sounds like that is the case. All in all, moderately enjoyable and visually impressive, and Garfield is much more at ease here, but it does suffer from trying to do too much and feels empty and emotionally-lacking. 5/10 Bethany
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A Enjoyable Film
wileyb957116 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS!!! DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE FILM! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!! I have Never really critiqued film before but I have seen really nothing but terrible reviews for this movie and I thought that I would do it a Solid and give it a good review. Yes it does have its flaws and a lot of them, you can't just focus on its flaws because if you watch a movie for the flaws, then what is the point of watching that certain movie? Because I could not tell you that answer.

You can do this movie a solid with the Chemistry between Gwen and Peter, which I think is a ton better than Tobey Maguire and Kristen Dunst's Chemistry, In all honesty I never really cared for the original trilogy, Well the second one is good. Third is atrocious. But anyway.

The acting is halfway decent in this film, Dialogue is terrible at points but I can forgive that. Because of the such fun time I had in the theaters.

Downs of The Film: 1.) Jamie Foxx's characters dialog was complete Ass. 2.) Harry is not the goblin or shouldn't be the goblin but they waste potential with Chris Coopers acting capability with that one scene. 3.) They Kill Gwen. Look I knew that they were gonna kill her because I frequently read the comics and read the particular comic at which I was not disappointed in. But when they put it into film it sucked terribly I wanted to punch the screen. One it happened on a bridge not in the clock tower. PS: if you have seen the trailer it does spoil you by literally showing you that Gwen Is dead! I'm pretty sure that Aunt May didn't fall down the clock tower. 4.) They use Paul for literally 6 to 7 minutes through this film. Which I don't Get, why not just put him in the Sequel or introduce him in the "Sinister Six" Film that will be released when the 3rd installment was supposed to come out. 5.) No ending credits scene. With all of marvels films there's either a scene thats after the credits, such as, The Avengers, X-men franchise. There isn't a ending scene on this film or there was originally one at which they cut out. I would have rather gotten nothing than the X-men Days of Future Past Scene (Great Flick) Ups of the Film: 1.) Great popcorn fun. 2.) The Humor Works in my book. 3.) I thought this was the best roll Andrew Garfield has ever taken. its a great movie all and all. 4.) The ending Scene I thought was okay, it had moments, but in terms of a fight scene you really didn't get much as a viewer. 5.) Hans Zimmer's score of the film was magnificent. 6.) It made me leave the theater with a smile on my face and I am ready for the next two sequels.
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Too much villains
peewee_catindig1 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
To start it of, the movie had too much villains that we're shown. The main villain Electro had poor motives to actually be an antagonist. Villains like the famous Green Goblin was also shown though lacks screen time; and lastly Rhino, it really did disappoint me when they actually showed Rhino in the trailer knowing that he will actually be one of the villains but then again he was only shown in the last part with actually no action time. Other notable characters were introduce like Felicia Hardy, Alistair Smythe. One good thing to say about the movie though is that the fight scenes were really well thought of. Spider-Man was pretty amazing in terms of it.
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Better action
Movi3DO15 December 2021
My wish for you is to become hope. People need that.

The second Amazing Spider-Man movie, and it was pretty amazing for me. Electro is probably the best Spider-Man villain, not in terms of characterization, but in terms of coolness and power. That last fight scene was so dope with the electricity that made all the music. Blue is a great color for Electro. He is also very powerful, and he definitely could have done more than in the movie.

Andrew Garfield again brought charisma to the our favorite local superhero. And just like in the first, Peter and Gwen had such amazing charm and chemistry, only because of the actors.

My problem is although they revealed more about Peter's parents, it kinda led to nothing. I was quite disappointed in that. Then, Harry Osborn was pretty boring and just rushed.

Overall, it was just slightly better than the other Spider-Man (of course not even close to Spider-Man 2) because of a cooler villain. 7.5/10.
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Brings out the true Comic-book Spiderman feel
x-m1326 August 2014
A very entertaining and gripping mix between "funny comic book superhero" portrayal and heartwarming, serious emotions. This is by far the best Spiderman movie of the five.

Right from the start you begin to realize how in this movie the action scenes are not executed in a dead-serious end of the world manner like the previous spider-man movies, which made me feel more connected to this movie than the others. This is how spider-man should have always been portrayed, unlike superman or batman. Andrew Garfield delivers the role in a very balanced and well done manner yet again. He had the chance to dive deeper into the role in this movie compared to the previous one. The chemistry between him and Emma stone on screen is one of the best aspects of this movie.

Another thing I enjoyed about this movie were the villains, which surprisingly everyone seemed to dislike. The characters in the movie weren't too much in any way, certainly not as much as in the previous Spiderman 3.

Even tho the movie didn't feel like it was something completely new, and doesn't seem to pull off something unexpected or revolutionary (In regards to film making, not Spiderman story-wise) I still felt like it was one of the most engaging and entertaining movies I have seen in a long time
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