Red Eye (TV Series 2024) Poster


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Good fun!
dalescotbates23 April 2024
There are a lot of negative reviews on here stating that the whole thing was ridiculous. Perhaps they should watch a documentary or something. Myself and the Mrs watched the whole thing in less than 24 hours and, to be honest, it was a damn sight more believable than a James Bond film or any of that superhero nonsense that they keep churing out nowadays. The acting was decent, the storys was well-written even if it did push some accuracy limits ehre and there. The pace was the best thing. Never a dull moment, which is what I want after a hard day at work. If they showed police and spy thrillers that reflected real life, I suspect they wouldn't pick up many viewers. This was entertaining and fun, which is what I was looking for.
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Far fetched but great
jon_anderson771 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Red Eye, the captivating ITV drama starring the talented Richard Armitage, is a masterclass in suspenseful storytelling and riveting performances. From its gripping plot twists to its impeccable character development, this series delivers an enthralling experience from start to finish.

Armitage shines in the lead role, effortlessly embodying the complexities of his character as a doctor seemingly framed for murder His portrayal of a man caught in a web of intrigue and deception is believable, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout But it's not just Armitage who steals the show. The supporting cast is also great for the most part. There's a few dodgy turns from the so called American cast members (probably Brits) One of the most impressive aspects of "Red Eye" is its storytelling. The series weaves a complex and multi-layered narrative, filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep viewers guessing until the final moments. Just when you think you have it all figured out, "Red Eye" throws another curveball, leaving you guessing with anticipation for what will happen next.

In addition to its thrilling plot, "Red Eye" also tackles important themes and issues, from the nature of trust and betrayal to the consequences of past actions. But rather than simply delivering heavy-handed moral lessons, the series explores these themes with subtlety and nuance, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions and engage with the material on a deeper level.

Overall, "Red Eye" is a must-watch for fans of gripping drama and compelling storytelling. With its stellar performances, atmospheric visuals, and thought-provoking themes, this series is sure to have people talking. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and prepare to be entertained by one of the most thrilling dramas to hit the small screen since.
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Far-fetched to the point of absurdity but really entertaining!
TruBilledWarturs22 April 2024
The tranche of reviews so far are far too critical and some don't seem to have even taken the time to watch it to the end.

This production is great. The cast is great. The acting is great and the pacing is great. There are very few superfluous subplots which is terrific.

Yes, it requires significant suspension of disbelief and procedurally this isn't how the real world really works but it's good pulpy fun and the story is about its characters.

Much preferred this take of 'hijinks on a plane' than last year's 'Hijack' which died a death halfway through and didn't deserve a second season (in my opinion).

Giving it an 8 instead of a 7 to offset its review bombing by those easily triggered or absurdly critical. Remember it's a only piece of fiction, not a political statement. Enjoyable from start to finish in my book!
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An enjoyable silly guilty pleasure
aelthric23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to say I did enjoy "Red Eye" as one of those "No-Brainer" switch off, wind down and watch tv shows, the only thing that ruined it for me was the contrived plotline about D. C. Hanna Lee being setup as a spy, how did the people who were setting her up know she would be the police officer assigned to accompany Dr. Nolan to Beijing?

Apparently her superior officer (And long time Friend) chose her so unless he was in on it how would those seeking set her up as a spy have the time to forge passports and arrange for a hand off of luggage at the airport in order to set her up, this was a sub plot that is absolutely absurd...

Why would someone seek to set up D. C. Hanna Lee in the first place given that she apparently had a mediocre career as a police detective according to the script?

As I said I did enjoy this as one of those silly no-brainer guilty pleasures but it requires miraculous feats of suspension of disbelief as a storyline...
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Slow Plane to China
Lejink7 May 2024
It seems, rather like buses, you wait and wait for one airplane-set drama to arrive and then two arrive at once. Earlier this year I watched the Idris Elba-starring "Hijack" series and here we are, up in the air again, for this fast-moving, if fantastically-plotted political thriller.

It starts with a bang as we see Richard Armitage's Dr Nolan character, out in China with a bunch of friends and colleagues to attend a medical conference, obviously under the influence of something, crash his speeding car in the nighttime rain, but somehow still manage to escape the scene and get on the return flight to London. Unknown to him, he's been inveigled into a major political incident which means that on arrival back in London he's forced to return to Beijing to go on trial it would appear for the murder of the pretty Chinese lady who picked him up at the evening reception there. His colleagues are also sent back with him, presumably as witnesses and he also has as company a WPC Hana Li, played by Jing Lusi, into whose custody he's placed, requiring them to be handcuffed together on board.

On the ground, the WPC's younger half-sister, a budding reporter gets wind of the political high jinks and senses a breakthrough story, especially with her sis as the perfect inside-woman but MI5 are also on the case, under the watchful eye of Lesley Sharp's commander. The Magoffin in all this is a sensitive multi-billion pound contract with the Chinese for a new UK-based nuclear plant, which naturally attracts the interest of the CIA, whose own chief operative just happens to be romantically involved with Sharp. The scene is set then for a real rollercoaster of a plane journey as the body count mounts up, with no-one who they seem to be as Nolan and Li overcome their initial frostiness to put themselves in considerable danger as they try to get to the bottom of the mystery and save the country or at least the country's economy, in the process.

Far-fetched it may inevitably have been, but this production kept injecting enough cliff-hanging twists and turns into the pacy narrative to keep me interested all the way through. Solidly acted by old-hands Armitage and Sharp with strong support from the new-to-me Lusi as the remarkably resourceful Li, this was one flight where it was best to engage autopilot and just go along for the sometimes bumpy ride until you come back to earth at journey's end.
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Grab some beers, order a takeaway, disengage brain.
adamrhysdavies17 May 2024
Yes, it's mind-numbingly dumb. Yes, it's more cliche than a leprechaun's pint of Guinness. Yes, it's got more holes than a pair of socks from the 1970s, but if you're looking to veg out with a few beers and a slice of pizza (or two) after a hard week of grafting, it does the job very well.

If you're looking for something deep and meaningful, thought-provoking, or intellectually challenging, give this a miss. If you're after a bit of fluff with twists, turns, and hooks that your pet Labrador would be able to comprehend, dive in!

Disengage your brain, put your feet up, tuck in, and relax. Fast-food drama when you can't be arsed to think beyond the opening credits-just what I needed!
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Just enjoy it
victimbo25 April 2024
There are lots of mediocre or even "this is rubbish" reviews on here. They are absolutely ... well, pretty much correct. Far fetched, full of Routemaster moments, ludicrous, inaccurate. But worth watching, well watching. Do you watch Bond, Bourne or any other spy drama, you'll love it. Delicious, brilliant escapist fun. Yes, some bad acting, yes, plot holes the size of Texas, yes, lots of MI5, MI6, CIA, Nempnett Thubwell Parish Council jargon, mystery and intrigue. You want serious drama ... watch Wolf Hall. You want fun, escapist nonsense, watch this. You won't regret it., just enjoy. Great fun. Enjoy.
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Watched all episodes. Fun, too long and often very silly.
jamie-5081722 April 2024
Richard Armitage plays a doctor who's accused of commiting a murder in Beijing. He escapes back to the UK, but he's immediately extradited back to China at the airport. On the plane he is accompanied by a British police officer, played by Jing Lusi. During the flight, things start getting complicated.

The cast are universally good. The production values are decent.

For the script, there's a number of "suspend belief" moments. Lots of people have brought up the unlikely extradition of a British citizen from Heathrow to China with no lawyers or due process. But hey, it's a popcorn spy thriller. I didn't have a high expectation for realism. If you hate that, there's much worse to come in the series, believe me!

Regularly characters behave in dumb ways to let the plot progress (especially the bad guys). And there's plenty of unlikely coincidences to keep it moving.

Also, I know China is the new go-to propaganda boogieman, but jeez - this one is pretty relentless in it's xenophobia of mainland Chinese people. Clearly the writers haven't spent any time there.

However biggest problem for me was the pacing. The series spans 6 episodes, each 1 hour long. There's a lot of padding, and often it moves too slowly and takes itself much too seriously. Far better and more complicated stories have been told in a 1.5 to 2 hour movie. Had it been sharper, faster and less brooding, I think I would have enjoyed it more.

It's ok. Put it on in the background when you're doing something else and it's entertaining enough. Don't think about it too much though, and certainly don't think you're going to learn anything about the world!
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Quite compelling
nwmca3 May 2024
It would be easy to criticize this series - more holes in it than a Swiss cheese - but I'd rather stress the entertainment value. This is a fast-paced, well-acted, well-directed, great piece of entertainment with (at times) mesmerising screenplay and all the tension and panache of Alistair MacLean's heroes or James Bond's adventures.

Many movie-goers and TV drama afficionados will appreciate the quality behind this production and forgive just how believable the storyline is (or isn't!) - but it's dealing with potentially really worrying contemporary issues, and the aircraft scenes (in particular) are right up there with the best. The political machinations are pretty good too!

Worth it.
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For a lot of people difficult to understand- binge it
kasukata23 April 2024
A lot of people who review this find it boring , absurd. A lot of people give 5 stars to marvel, superheroes- to me it is real cinema , not far fetched, I am not influenced by tick tok , social media. . So vey watchable. The flow is great, brutal action , good deciet, suspense. Not the best for Richard Armitage, great actor- other actor's a bit ordinary If people could only understand British Drama, layers of deceit, a plot vs superheroes with senseless bang bang. Don't get swayed by just reviews, try and find out the age of the reviewer , we will know what to watch. Influencers, ha ha, bad review on imdb, usually good to watch.
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Like a film but in six pacey episodes
shirleyatsegment23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this and decided to binge watch it. There are a number of gaping holes in the story and it has its implausable elements but this is drama not real life so I was happy to suspend belief.

I think I counted ten deaths, six of them of completely innocent souls so this is certainly action packed. I felt the people who would turn out to be untrustworthy were fairly obvious but not being certain was enough to keep me engaged. I liked the final table-turning moment in the garden courtyard. Satisfying.

Firstly I want to mention how mesmerising was Lesley Sharp as the head of a branch of the UK secret service. I think I have under-rated her before. Additionally I have enjoyed watching Richard Armitage since he was Robin Hood. Great to follow the stories of people aged over 50.

The things that don't stack up include: No back story for Matt. He's a very handsome, fit, well-educated and well heeled medic and yet there's no mention of wife, girlfriend, ex. These men with no strings just don't exist. Ask any single woman aged 50+.

Hana is selected for the mission to accompany Matt just hours before the flight is to set off - so how do the baddies put together a suitcase with passports from different nations in her name together in time?

Can you really take a dog on a plane out of the UK on your lap? I've never seen this happen.

I've been a journalist so have issues with the sister Jess and her approach to getting a job on a paper but, again, it is just a thriller for our entertainment and it certainly did entertain me.

I felt some other passengers on the plane would have chosen a spokesperson and demanded more from the crew given people were dying all around them. Drinks were being liberally served and only one man was getting drunk and belligerant.

No one was getting tired (Matt had already flown 11 hours, had hours of questionning and a search and then back on the plane with a nasty wound to his side and he could still function at a very high level!)

So I am joining in with the quibbles over some silliness and I very nearly didn't watch owing to fearing for the dog - justified concerns as it turns out - but nevertheless I just loved it.
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It's not Hijack, but it's okay.
adeysmith22 April 2024
I've given this one a 6, because although some of the acting is questionable, it is watchable, and I found myself wanting to watch the next episode at the end of the previous one. I won't launch into an in-depth review of every character and their storylines, it's not that type of show. I watched Hijack with Idris Elda recently, and although that was pretty highly rated, I found that to be a bit average too. Anyway, Red Eye isn't bad by any stretch, it's just the usual formula, nothing unique, but I ended up watching all 6 eps over 2 days and it kept me entertained enough.

The aircraft they showed in the external shots, could in no way have been the aircraft used in the interior shots, and I don't just mean the cabin and the galley; of course that would have been filmed in a studio. The aircraft was a B777-200, and the flight deck rest area on that type of aircraft is behind the flight deck, and above the first few rows of passengers. The cabin crew bunks are also above passengers, but at the back of the aircraft. Either way, they're not downstairs or below passengers, and in no way are the rest areas as big as we were led to believe in the show. I mean, it didn't spoil anything for me, but I rolled my eyes during those scenes.

Will it win a Bafta? No. Is it Christopher Nolan? No. Do I love Lesley Sharp? Yes. Is it a weekend watch? Yes.
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What a shambles
nak8821 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From start to finish it was just awful. A man accused of killing someone in China is immediately flown back along with some work colleagues. Along the way left to walk through the airport uncuffed with 2 useless police officers and obviously escapes for a short period.

He's then allowed to get hammered on the return flight, while talking to his colleagues/witnesses. Someone from China's military somehow manages to poison his inflight meal, which gives another passenger a heart attack who he tries to save with CPR and a defib, after a load of double gin and tonics.

One of the strangest and nonsensical first episodes I've seen.
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Cliche but enjoyable
LazyDaisee-3688228 April 2024
Not the same star power as Hijack but I enjoyed it at least as much. The show is significantly different to the film so don't worry about repetition.

Its pacey although it often involves the main characters running in circles avoiding the most obvious conclusions and decisions.

The lead actress is mostly likable except for some unnecessary jibes at the beginning however that helps the character move from icy and rude to someone we can cheer for by the end. I'm more familiar with Richard Armitage and felt his character was a bit too 'conservative stiff'.

Yes there are some OTT moments but nothing absurd and overall a reasonable wet weekend binge :)
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Great viewing but!
lavender-5716124 April 2024
Great viewing, but so technically inept and full of choreography mistakes it is Pythonesque in parts. Several characters are hopelessly miscast, and anyone who flies regularly will be in stitches over the aircraft protocols etc. The 'secret squirrel' relationships are hilarious too, both personal and international.

I'd love to score it more highly as the series is very watchable, but the failings are so obvious that they cost at least one star. Don't be put off though; suspend common-sense and just allow yourself to be entertained. We binge-watched and I think that's the best way to enjoy the confusion!
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Delicioso thriller
figueroafernando25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Highly recommended. It catches you from the first of the 6 episodes because practically the entire series takes place on the flight back to Beijing with which specialist Matthew Nolan and all his medical colleagues - arrested - are forced to return to investigate the murder of Shen Zhao, the daughter of a general and party minister in China; The medical staff attended a series of conferences on Endarterectomy on behalf of World Pacific Medicine, but Nolan suffered a car accident while going to the airport; Only arriving in London and forcibly returning with the others, he realizes that he is accused even though he has never gone out with the girl or been in the car during the crash. Little by little, Director General Delaney begins to follow the case because the ministry in China and Mi6 are involved and officer Hana Li is in charge of escorting Nolan. The thriller becomes interesting because from the beginning of episode one in mid-flight, a passenger who accidentally eats the dish that was intended for Nolan dies of poisoning, then another passenger's dog dies, and later as the episodes progress, his colleague Steven Hurst dies. And then the lover. While all this is happening, the number of deaths on flight 357 is on the news because first officer Hanna and then her sister Jess Li investigate following the video that went viral at the airport where Nolan scandalized to gain media support publications. . When contacted, George Chapman, the head of World Pacific Medicine, is murdered in his home when visited by journalist Jess Li, but before, in a call to the plane, he informs Nolan that the Chinese want something that was given to him by the deceased Shen. Zhao. It will not be until the last chapter, I repeat, because the miniseries is well organized, that the lover of the general director Delaney, Mike Maxwell murdered the young Chinese woman to snatch the nano-SIM card that was buried in Nolan in the wounds that he always he took. The plot is due to Operation Blindside, which is classified and through which Mi6 used doctors, that is, Nolan, as involuntary messengers to transport confidential information from China through that nano memory.
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The standout series of 2024, so far.
Sleepin_Dragon2 May 2024
As it stands, an average rating of 6.9, on what planet is Red Eye a 6.9, this is a 9 at the very least,

Of course it's a little far fetched at times, but if it's excitement and entertainment that you're after, this truly has a touch of everything.

It's the first time I've watched four back to back episodes of something for some time, it's honestly that good.

Think And then there were none meets Hijack, there is so much got mystery lovers, thriller fans, even people who enjoy action movies. One of those shows that proves a TV series can beat a blockbuster movie any day.

The acting is first class, superb from Richard Armitage, Jing Lusi, Dan Li and Lesley Sharpe, by truly the whole cast are on point.

There aren't enough superlatives I can throw at it, don't expect to take it too seriously, but do expect to be drawn into an epic mystery, one with unexpected political tones.

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Really good fun, but utter tosh
I watched this show because I needed some good 'switch off' from a hard time. Goodness me, what a load of utter rubbish. Nothing about this show is believable. Guns on a plane, multiple murders on a plane, full mobile phone use on a plane, access to every part of the plane, including the luggage compartment with very unrealistic ease. Cheesy story line, with an implausible plot. Every single 'good guy/bad guy cliche that has ever been done before.

And yet, it met my need like a cheap holiday book. It was like laying on a hot sandy beach, laughing at the nonsense and yet lapping up every single ridiculous minute.
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Good fast paced thriller
esmesaunter-4760025 April 2024
I don't know how people can review this based on having seen just one episode as you have to sit through all six for it all to make sense and come together. I throughly enjoyed it but then I am a bit of a sucker for "who done its" and I thought the actors all played their parts well. Thought that the lead actor looked a lot like Gerard Butler but perhaps that was just me. Read in the papers that some people in the airport where they were filming thought it was for real in the first episode was amusing. It was fast paced and the action was ongoing and a lot better than some of the rubbish I have seen pass for entertainment. I certainly thought it was a fun ride and the plot kept your guessing until the end.
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Inaccurate in almost every aspect
paul-rose7-246-6182321 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes of this given Richard Armitsge is ghe star in it, little did I know he would have to carry the whole cast! Firstly, I would hope that our Government wouldn't trust anything the Chinese Givernment and Police told them, and certainly wouldn't return the suspect and other witnesses on the first flight out without due process. It's obvious from the first thirty minutes that it's a trumped up charge.

I also find it hard to believe that most of our security services are as diverse as illustrated , certainly from what I've seen.

I took offence, as I'm sure many other viewers did, at the racist remark casually thrown into the script when the DC accused the suspect of "white privilege" ! I'm sure if one of the white cast had made a similar remark to one of the Chinese, asian or black actors it would cause outrage, and racism isn't a one way street!

Also,, the underlying motive of the UK Government not wishing to lose China building our future nuclear powerplants is a nonesense as that comtract along with a proposed telecommunications contract was thrown out due to mistrust of the Chinese Government.

Overall a good idea poorly executed.
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Fastpaced thriller
mgumsley22 April 2024
I don't usually review a Series when I have only seen one episode but I have seen some silly comments from other viewers, which prompted me to add more favourable ones.

A thriller of this type does require the viewer to suspend disbelief, and this one is no different. Richard Armitage is most at home in this genre, and I did wonder how he would fare in the more claustrophobic atmosphere of a plane, but so far he has managed a chase through an airport and dealt with a cardiac arrest, so I see my misgivings were misplaced.

The rest of the cast provides good support, particularly Lesley Sharp. The series' pace ensures that the viewer is engaged at all times, and production values, cinematography and story are all quite interesting.

I am looking forward to the rest of this high octane thriller.
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DaneliusUK8 May 2024
Well, what can I say? I indulged in a marathon session, watching all six episodes back-to-back, and I was utterly captivated from start to finish. This fast-paced action thriller delivers an intriguing plot that keeps you hooked throughout. The storyline moves swiftly, filled with riveting moments that leave you eager for more. The cast is exceptional, each actor bringing depth and authenticity to their characters. As the series unfolds, you find yourself becoming increasingly fond of the characters, invested in their journeys, and eagerly anticipating what will happen next.

If you're a film junkie like myself then you'll appreciate the time and effort that Peter A. Dowling and everyone else put in to make this happen.

I enjoyed it. Not my place to say where it could have been improved. It is what it is.

Thank you.
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Childish Garbage!
jimj4025 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this show is certainly consistent: the acting would embarrass a village Am-Dram Society with a regiment of uniformly wooden players who simply recite the lines with no discernible attempt to add even an iota of conviction to the words, the writing is juvenile, and the storyline is cobbled together from a whole list of dreary wannabe "thrillers". Every cliché in the book is trotted out here, presumably because the writers have not even an ounce of originality in their veins; the plot, such as it is, involves a series of ever more unbelievable twists with the usual interdepartmental wrangles that we're so often invited to believe occupy the time of the British "Security Services. To add insult to injury, we're apparently supposed to be amazed at the all too obvious hiding place that the nano SIM which the killer(s) are seeking has been concealed in.

If you want your intelligence to be insulted and your patience stretched beyond breaking point, then you've certainly come to the right place.
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sherifnagui9 May 2024
A lot of reviews here keep saying so many aspects of this show are far fetched. Frankly the only thing unbelievable here is Jess Li's bangs :)

Jokes aside, it has a nice combo of action, politics, drama and thrills despite the various plot holes. If you watch it with the sole goal of being entertained, you won't be disappointed.

Giving this a 7/10 because the finale felt a bit rushed trying to close too many loose ends without providing enough closure in some instances (hospital scene for example). Doesn't seem like its second season material but certainly not the last red eye I'm going to experience.
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Ibruprofen must be mighty powerful
cathyannemoore-6619622 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The title of my review refers to a guy who is stabbed, staples himself together with hotel stapler, gets punched in the would on numerous occasions, has his dressing ripped off, stitches himself together again then has a police woman rooting around in the wound with her fingers. All the while just popping ibruprofen. Maybe the multiple double gin and tonics he as a prisoner was allowed to drink helped too.

So if we ignore it's far fetched. And can bear to watch a Shih Tzu being fatally poisoned. (You can see that coming a mile off in the plot if you want to close your eyes. ). Red Eye is addictive viewing. By the way I did not know dogs can travel in the cabin in the UK - but hey this plot does not let minor detail get in the way of a good story. I might be sound negative but actually I binge watched all 6 episodes and really enjoyed it.
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