Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV Series 1995–1996) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Most of the nudity is not detailed. However, later releases saw a "Director's Cut" version of certain episodes. This version added nipples to certain nude characters. Genitalia were still left not shown.
  • A teen girl is in love with an older man (her guardian) and sometimes makes subtle sexual advances to him, which he always declines.
  • Sexuality is a common theme in the show, especially the sexuality that is being developed by teenagers. It is explored in a psychological way though, and it not meant to sexualise any of the characters.
  • An adult woman jokes about being attracted to a teen boy.
  • Characters are sometimes shown bathing or getting dressed, but any nudity is obscured by clothing, water or other such objects.
  • One of the main male characters has an uncomfortably close relationship with a teen girl. Some viewers may interpret as sexual in nature.
  • In the Netflix version, Rei's nipple is shown briefly.
  • In the intro female characters naked outlines can be seen. No nipple is shown but the out line of their genitalia is seen.
  • A boy accidentally looks up a girls skirt before she slaps him. As revenge he pushes his pants down (his butt is briefly seen) before she slaps him again.
  • Some scenes where a female character is getting dressed shows the ring around their nipple.
  • A naked boy stands still in the bathroom and blushes while looking at a female character's underwear. His bare buttocks are briefly seen. After running out of the shower, he's seen by a female character with only a beer (and a small can of toothpicks) to censor his naughty bits. Played for laughs.
  • A naked boy blushes in the hot springs after hearing the girls at the other side. His butt is slightly seen. A penguin gives a confused look at his naughty bits, implying he has an erection which he quickly hides. The girls are seen from behind, but only one of them shows a bit of her butt. The other girl asks about a scar on her chest, with the scene almost showing her boobs.
  • An offscreen sex scene where we hear a woman moaning in pleasure. We see the man and woman before and after they do the deed (a couple of brief shoulder-up shots and their hands locking).
  • Three characters (one boy, two girls) walk naked into their robots shortly due to an experiment. No body details are shown.
  • A sort of aquarium containing naked girls is seen momentarily, nudity is not detailed or sexual. There is some more nudity of a similar nature in the series.
  • A girl floats naked in a tube shortly, mostly censored by metal rods.
  • A timid boy accidentally falls on a towel-clad girl, and his hand ends up on one of her breasts (brief) while she is nude (we only see arms and legs shortly). She then stands up and dresses herself, so we see her back shortly.
  • A man forcefully kisses and gropes a woman in an elevator in a short scene.
  • A boy is implied to have a morning wood, and gets discovered by a girl. The scene is played for comedy.
  • The outline of female character's bodies can be seen during the intro, however while they are seemingly lacking clothing no actual nudity is shown.

Violence & Gore

  • The majority of violence in the show is between cybernetic machines. In many fight scenes involving these mechs a red liquid that is clearly meant to resemble blood can be seen. There are also aliens called angels which will often spray a large amount of red, blood-like liquid when killed.
  • A character's body is shown hanging, but it is not very detailed. This is shown multiple times throughout the show.
  • A man is shot, but the screen cuts to black before we can see the bullet hit him.
  • A character is decapitated, but it is seen from very far away so it lacks a lot of detail.
  • The Eva's and Angels seem to have blood, guts and organs just like a human, we see them being ripped apart and destroyed with lots of blood and some gore multiple times throughout the second half of the series
  • Most of the early episodes are less bloody, but the later ones can get pretty graphic.
  • We see battles between the protagonist Evas and antagonist Angels (both biological beings), with blood spraying frequently.
  • An Eva is shot through the face with an Angel's weapon, spraying massive amounts of "blood".
  • An Angel's face is destroyed by a punch from a Eva, briefly splattering blood everywhere. Blood is then shown on the surroundings.
  • "Blood" gushes out and rains down after an orb-shaped Angel is killed. An essentially dead Angel is also eaten by a Eva (mostly offscreen), we briefly see it tearing out a fleshy chunk.
  • The metal limbs of Evas are occasionally ripped off, with blood spraying out.
  • Due to their synchronization, the early teenage Eva pilots feel pain from all the battle violence, including burns, losing body parts, etc. There a few instances of them being injured afterwards from unexpectedly bad runs.
  • A few dead people have some blood splatter surrounding them from a gunshot wound or two. Conventional human violence is fairly rare.


  • Occasional uses of 'bastard', 'damn', 'goddamn', and 'hell' in the subtitles. 'Bitch' is used more rarely. There is a single F-bomb.
  • The dub has around the same amount of profanity, though with the occasionally added use of "shit". Asuka, a main character, will often say "scheiße", the German equivalent to it, also in one episode she says "Dummkopf" which means 'idiot'/'dumbhead' in English.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • 4 or 5 instances of casual beer drinking from a female character, as her house is cluttered with beer cans. We see her drink heavily a couple of times later on. It is implied she is an alcoholic. This is mostly played for laughs though.
  • Very occasional smoking scenes.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The show overall is very psychologically dense and surreal. It starts off normal yet bizarre, but it becomes more and more confusing as it progresses, with some episodes having very long abstract sequences, and dealing with heavy themes such as family abuse, suicide, mental illness (trauma, depression, anxiety), religious imagery/symbolism and existentialism.
  • Some scene involve flashing images.
  • The final episodes can be extremely emotional
  • We briefly see part of EVA Unit 01's head with none of the metal restraints, it is quite disturbing to look at as it has human teeth. The EVA units themselves when going berserk are frightening, as they make strange noises and have human teeth that are almost permanently smiling (in a similar vain to the xenomorphs from the Alien series)
  • One of the character's mind gets attacked, and goes insane, leading for them to go into a coma. It can be very intense and hard to watch.
  • The series becomes unpleasant and/or disturbing in the later episodes, and it contains intense violence.
  • Grotesque imagery is shown infrequently, with most of it being in the final episodes.
  • The last few episodes could be mentally distressing.
  • Characters can be dysfunctional/disturbed and some go through mental trauma in a handful of episodes.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman briefly chokes a young girl, but then regretting her decision, commits suicide by jumping off a ledge. The act is not seen, but plenty of blood and a crime scene outline of her body are seen.
  • Asuka's traumatic childhood caused her to develop an aggressive personality to her peers, as well as to herself. She later goes insane as a result of an angel attacking her mind.
  • An Eva attacks another Eva, bloodily crushing it's head and tearing out it's internal organs and eating them. We see the intestines fly out, as well as the crushed brain matter and eyeball of the Eva.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • An angel attacks Asuka's mind, causing her to re-life her traumatic childhood and go insane.
  • A protagonist has recurring mental breakdowns and there are a couple of implied suicide attempts.
  • A small child is briefly strangled to death near the end of the series, after she gleefully taunts the attacker.

See also

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