Berserk (TV Series 1997–1998) Poster


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Rest in peace Miura sensei
ataeby20 May 2021
Rest in peace Kentaro we lost a great mangaka who created the words greatest manga in human history.

Guts: He died doing what he wanted , no matter what, right? I Bet He Was Happy.
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Definition of Entertainment
bibleboyiam22 September 2003
Berserk is by far the best anime that I have ever seen. Nothing even comes close to capturing the interest of the viewer and holding it tightly throughout the ten hour duration of this masterpiece. Firstly, I must admit that it has its flaws, such as a few points of lazy animation, as in some of the battle scenes, as well as the somewhat disappointing ending, which leaves the viewer thirsting for more without the promise of any follow-up. Yet the fact of the matter is, and I speak for myself, that the positive aspects of Berserk outweigh the bad so drastically one cant help but overlook them in terms of the entire film. The frequent sub-par visuals mean nothing in comparison to the amazing plot depth and beautiful character development marbled throughout the film.

In summary, Berserk is a ten hour mini-series that consists of 25 20+ minute episodes detailing the life of a rogue swordsman named Guts. Guts, in short, is simply the most intriguing fictional character ever constructed. Guts, first of all, is one of the finest examples of an individual driven entirely by self preservation and improvement. Throughout the series Guts grows stronger and more deadly before our eyes, with each thrust of his massive sword. The personal relationships that he develops over time, especially with Griffith and Caska, are totally believable and honest. In particular, the love/hate relationship that Guts has with Caska sucks the viewer into their world and with each episode end leaves you literally thirsting for more. I can honestly say that I had never so anxiously awaited a release as I did with each progressing volume.

The score, other than being entirely redundant, creates an additional emotional appeal that quite literally leaves a mark in your mind. The opening theme song, although an acquired taste, becomes somewhat of a necessity to mark the beginning of each additional episode that will bring you deeper into the world of Guts and the Band of the Hawk. In no time at all you find yourself singing along with it as if it were a top forty tune. The climactic theme played every 3 episodes or so, is absolutely haunting, leading one to wonder how it came to be included in an anime.

Berserk is a definite must-see for all fans of anime. For those who dislike anime or are indifferent to it, the mediocre visuals may tarnish your opinion of it, yet the rock solid plot and character depth with leave you amazed.

Rating: Animation Quality: 7/10 Character Development: 10/10 Plot Line: 10/10 Overall Enjoyment: 12/10 (If that's at all possible)
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The greatest anime experience of all time....
demonichorde6911 February 2007
I wan't to start by saying that i cannot recommend Berserk enough. It was the single greatest anime experience of my life. I watched the entire series on my computer over a three day period during which I had school and extracurricular activities to attend. Although I did not have any extra time to spare during the days I stayed up all three nights watching episode after episode unable to break away from the most engrossing anime series created.

I am not going to spoil anything but will tell you that the series features some of the most interesting characters i have ever experienced. Although the animation is rarely top notch and the voice acting isn't always perfect i still found myself captivated by each and every second of the series. If you value plot and don't mind flagrant amounts of violence and some nudity this is definitely and anime series for you. If you have ever liked anime or enjoy more medieval types of live action films even you should give Berserk a try.

P.S. after watching the series you should definitely check out the forums or the manga, it will make you feel a lot better i promise.

Overall 10/10 for an incredible experience, despite some technical flaws. Watch Berserk as soon as you can, you will not regret it!
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Most powerful animation I've ever seen
poppunkandskajew6 May 2005
I am not by any means a huge anime fan, and have only finished a few series before this one (Bebop, Eva, Trigun, Hellsing). However, Berserk changed my entire attitude towards animation. Brilliantly written, insanely intriguing character development, and while some say the ending is too abrupt, I believe that it was one of the most powerful and poignant finishes to a series i've seen. Very few series actually leave the viewer wishing they could find a way to see the next season, and Berserk does so brilliantly. However, this is not for the faint of heart, I would definitely not advise this for children under 13, since it contains graphic everything. Can't find any faults except there is no season after this one, and would suggest it to anyone trying to discover new anime.
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Berserk is a true classic anime
Sabre_Wolf17 April 2013
This is a good anime if you want to get introduced to the Berserk franchise and I know for sure it was my introduction because while I prefer the manga, I still love the anime quite a bit.

Both subbed and dubbed versions are pretty good though I am neutral on the subbed/dubbed debate personally. But the English dub did pick good voice actors and what captured me on the dubbed version was Marc Diraison voice performance as Guts.

This is a great anime of the one of the longest and still good manga out there written and drawn by the great Kentaro Miura! The anime did his manga a decent amount of justice at least.
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What GoT could have been...
numenorsniper-6639625 January 2021
Game of Thrones could have learned some integrity and consistency from Berserk, rather than imploding.

Berserk is a 10/10. Watch it. NOW!
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Dark Fantasy done right. At least for anime.
I've seen reviews saying that the animation for Berserk isn't very good. I disagree; at times its high-detail is quite remarkable, and the action is very well done. I do admit that in spite of some of the otherwise amazing shots here and there, it does falter in some areas. However, the story and sheer sense of tragedy in the show is rarely seen in animation, Japanese or not.

Berserk is memorable, over the top at times, but always watchable. Its pacing is universally appealing and there's a good sense of tension and unpredictability. this is an anime that can be appreciated as a television show, not just an animation show.

Please give this 90s gem a watch.
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Thank you
superteamvann23 May 2021
Almost everything that could be said, already has been. I just wanted to say thank you Kentaro Muira for all that you brought to this world. Never before has a piece of fiction ever made me feel so many emotion at one time before. Thank you also for taking your time with the series and not rushing to finish. Even though it's possible Berserk might never have a true ending, you still managed to create one of the most amazing stories to ever exist.
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The best anime EVER in terms of story and emotions
paullhutchh23 November 2020
I was addicted to this series. It was literally so captivating. Loved watching every episode. The ending is really something that will get you thinking. I'll never forget this show.
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"It is true that humans are weak and die easily...But they just have to do everything in their power to survive..."
opadelirium12 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching Berserk for the second time in my life. This time it felt different than the first but one thing remained: Berserk made me feel strong emotions once again.

This is a very tricky anime to deal with. The story is excellent, the characters are excellent and the flow of the series is excellent. Kingdoms Chudor and Midland are fighting in a 100 years long war against each other. A war that is now fought only because it is a war, neither side can hardly remember why the war started. Guts is a young mercenary, who gathers attention with his phenomenal fighting skills with his huge sword. After a battle, he encounters a band of mercenaries who try to steal his gold he gained from his battle. It appears that the mercenary group had been fighting with the opposite side that Guts fought. Guts handles the attack, but when the leader of the mercenaries, Griffith challenges him, he loses. After resting, Guts wants a rematch with Griffith with following terms: If Guts wins, he can walk away and if Griffith wins, he can do whatever he wants with Guts. Ultimately Griffith wins - again - and forces Guts to join his group of mercenaries, The Band of the Hawk. That is where their journey together begins, Griffiths journey to world domination...

Of course, this is only the beginning of the whole story but it is futile to tell it any further here. Berserk has three main characters: Guts, Griffith and Casca, the female captain of The Band of the Hawk. And I have to say, that the chemistry between these three characters is one of the most interesting ones I have ever witnessed in any story. They have very different personalities that react with each other very unpredictably. Guts is a man who has learned to live his life through battles, he knows nothing else but the adrenaline and it's temptation in the battlefield. Griffith is a charismatic leader who aims for only one goal: his dream of becoming the king of the world. No. Matter. What. Casca is a women whose life changed when Griffith saved her when she was just a girl. She has followed Griffith ever since, becoming a strong warrior in the process.

But this is only the surface. All of these characters become different in the viewers eyes with each passing moment. As the series evolves, Guts, Griffith, Casca and even all the other characters (Corcus, Pippin, Judeou etc.) change and reveal surprising elements of their inner self. It is very fascinating to watch how the love - hate relationship between Casca and Guts evolves and to what direction or how Griffith goes extreme making his actions very questionable and his motives difficult to analyse. It is interesting to watch the electricity between Guts and Griffith, how Griffith becomes dependable on Guts and how ultimately Guts pulls all the strings. Everything Guts does affects Griffith. Guts makes Griffiths ascending towards his dream possible and Guts has the power to ruin it all.

It is also very fascinating to see all the philosophical aspects of Berserk. Each person is what he/she is for a reason and these reasons define what these persons live for. Sometimes they don't know why they do what they do or why they live their lives. And in the times of desperation they question their motives and desires, not surely knowing what they want from life. The thoughts of these persons make you wonder your own existence as well and the meaning of your life. Does it have a meaning? Does it have to have? Or do we live here just because we live here? If a series can make me think these kind of questions, I believe it has achieved more value than just entertainment...

Yes, Berserk truly is very deep in a realistic way. The watcher becomes one with the characters as the series goes on. All the philosophical aspects combined with the ruthless violence and darkness makes Berserk truly an amazing series. But the thing that makes this series so unique is it's ending. All of you who have watched this series know from what I'm talking about. The original story of Berserk doesn't end where this anime ends (and I have not read the manga...Not yet) and since there will be no second season, this anime stands for it's own. The ending makes me mad. It makes me sad, shocked, petrified, horrified...In a good way. I can still remember when I watched berserk for the first time, I couldn't believe the ending, it was so shocking! NOBODY can end a series like this, this makes even Twin Peaks's ending look soft. It is actually heartbreaking to watch the last two episodes of Berserk, when you have jumped in to the worlds of these characters...Everything they ever made, everything they achieved becomes nothing, and the high hopes for the future (after difficult times) are crushed in a blink of an eye. Not a happy ending, not in a million years...

Every anime friend, you have to watch Berserk. It is deep, dark, violent and philosophical view to all sides of human nature and the motives to actions that lurk beneath. Berserk holds many different world views and personalities, but makes every action and decision understandable from the aspects of each character. Guts's violent nature, Cascas varying actions, Griffiths ascending towards his dream, they all are explained in a realistic way, trough different motives. I can even understand why Griffith chose to become Femto, no matter how heartless and cruel decision it was. Berserk is absolutely magnificent anime, that makes you wonder and question many things, even in real life.
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Medieval kingdoms, big swords, frenzied warriors, gore, nude, sex, intrigue, betrayal, demons, a quest for vengeance, and an ending that was screaming for a sequel
ThatAnimeSnob18 March 2013
1) The pilot episode. It ain't shitting around with a slow build up. It begins at a point in the future where the lead character is already somehow betrayed and mutilated by his best friend, and he is on a quest to kill the sucker. The very first episode tells you with a scene from the future how the world became a dark and morbid place, where the people live in fear and demons have crawled in powerful positions of authority, toying sadistically with innocents. It is an extremely powerful plot device to hook you for what is about to follow… or not. The second episode is actually the story told from the start, as we gradually see how the protagonist grows up in the battlefield, gets more powerful, wields bigger swords (I mean, REALLY bigger swords), how he makes allies, friends, lovers, and enemies. You already know how all that will have a bad outcome because of the pilot episode so you are easily interested to see how all that happened.

2) Gore, splatter, nude and sex. This almost goes without needing an explanation. Sex and violence always sell and this anime has buckets of it. Sounds like brain-dead superficial entertainment but unlike most shows Berserk is only using them as attraction and not as definition. Because to be honest, most heavy on action and/or nude series are usually nothing without these elements while Berserk works fine even without them. Plus, it uses a form of violence that is quite appealing to me; hand-to-hand and sword-to-sword battles between frenzied armored warriors. Using magic or lasers to do the same just doesn't look raw enough.

3) Interesting characters. The main three characters are interesting, even if there wasn't a ton of violence and gore in the show. You gradually see them revealing all their inner thoughts to you, their pasts, their goals, their desires and hopes. You see them getting beaten, learning from their mistakes, maturing, being broken by betrayal and coming out more crazy than what they already were. Plus, the aforementioned violence is used to bring out their weak side and hidden thoughts.

4) Political power struggles. The show is not centered on a team of warriors, strolling a generic kingdom and doing stand-alone missions. The world they live in has affected them and is affected back by them, all part of Griffith's goal to leave his mark on the world by getting his own kingdom. Along the way many aristocrats get annoyed by his continual successes and fearing their own agendas to be stolen by him continually try to assassinate him. And he reacts by plotting his own assassinations. All of which happen in secrecy, while the kingdom is at war with its neighbors. So it is not a story about a few brave warriors protecting their good homeland by invading monsters; it is a simple war of political agendas between local kings for whom gets to have all the lands for himself. And not only that; it is also about the internal double crossing the aristocrats do to one another every time one wants to steal the glory from the other.

5) Atheistic take on humanity. Although religion is a topic hardly mentioned directly in anime, over here it is openly trampled as nothing more than a false ideal to hide one's dark desires. It is extremely interesting how the show uses ideals and hopes as means for clergy and ambitious leaders to control their underlings. This was never done before so openly. It even goes as far as claiming how all the demons in the show are in reality people willing to sacrifice everything in order to fulfill their desires, even if it means losing their humanity and killing everyone they love. I really liked how monsters are not treated as generic incarnations of evil or plain misguided mortals; they are shown to be the pure form of ambition liberated by the constraints of morality, emotions and ideals.

6) Psychological symbolisms and imagery. Many parts of the show, usually those involving demons, are full of WTF sceneries, all of which have to do with basic carnal desires and fears. Unlike most shows with demonic dimensions, which are nothing but generic depictions of torture of the damned, here all the monsters and their Eclipse world are directly attributed to their personalities having been given in completely to their desires. The characters are not scared of getting crazy because of them. Heck, they are mostly terrified of becoming like that as well. Not because it is bad or wrong, but because it feels inappropriate for any human being to end up like that. Which is again very interesting as a concept.

Cliffhanger ending. This is a part most hate about the show, as it ends in the most exciting and agonizing way possible. But in reality, that is also a plus of the show as it is almost demanding from you to read the manga just to see what happens next.

The animators had lots of sloppy moments inserted in the show and most of them have to do with lack of animation and repeated footage and not with bad drawings. The drawings are in fact great. The music score is amongst the most blood boiling pieces of grudge rock and orchestrated epic music even made and easily tops even the animation part of the show. The characters have really appropriate voice actors with no stupid pitches in voice. Even the sound effects were successful, as simple as they may have been.

Bottom line, Berserk is fine dark fantasy material, with great action and story and characters. The manga version is of course continuing the story far more than where the anime stops and features far more gore and sex scenes.
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Best anime of all time
mtfvtycks28 November 2023
"Berserk (1997): A Timeless Masterpiece Defining Anime Excellence"

In the vast landscape of anime, where diverse genres and styles flourish, few titles manage to achieve the revered status of being considered the best of all time. Among these, Berserk (1997) stands as a crowning jewel, an enduring masterpiece that has etched its place in the hearts of fans and critics alike. This animated series, adapted from Kentaro Miura's manga of the same name, possesses a rare alchemy of storytelling prowess, character depth, and atmospheric brilliance that collectively elevate it to a league of its own.

At the core of Berserk's allure is its narrative tapestry, intricately woven with threads of darkness, betrayal, and redemption. The story follows Guts, a lone mercenary with a tragic past, as he navigates a medieval-inspired world plagued by demonic entities known as Apostles. What sets Berserk apart is its unflinching commitment to exploring the human condition in all its complexities. Themes of friendship, love, and the struggle for purpose are seamlessly intertwined with a narrative that doesn't shy away from the brutality of reality.

Guts himself is a tour de force of character development. From the brooding and seemingly invincible swordsman introduced in the Black Swordsman arc to the vulnerable and haunted individual revealed in the Golden Age arc, Guts undergoes a transformation that is both profound and gut-wrenching. This evolution isn't just a testament to the skillful adaptation but also a triumph of character writing that transcends the boundaries of the medium. The audience is compelled to invest emotionally in Guts' journey, forging a rare connection that lingers long after the final episode concludes.

Animation, often a critical aspect of any anime's success, is executed with a meticulous touch in Berserk. While the visual style may not conform to contemporary standards, the series' dark and gritty aesthetic perfectly complements the narrative's tone. The fluidity of action sequences and the deliberate pacing of key moments contribute to an immersive experience that captivates the viewer. Each frame feels purposeful, enhancing the overall storytelling rather than merely serving as visual embellishments.

A hauntingly beautiful score further elevates the atmosphere of Berserk. Composed by Susumu Hirasawa, the soundtrack weaves a sonic tapestry that mirrors the series' emotional depth. From melancholic melodies underscoring moments of introspection to adrenaline-pumping beats heightening the intensity of battle scenes, the music becomes an integral part of the viewing experience. Hirasawa's work in Berserk is nothing short of a symphony that echoes the very soul of the narrative.

Berserk's influence extends beyond its immediate impact, shaping the trajectory of anime storytelling. It defies traditional genre categorizations, seamlessly blending elements of dark fantasy, horror, and psychological drama. The series' willingness to explore the darker aspects of humanity without compromise has set a benchmark for narrative courage in the anime landscape. Many subsequent anime owe a debt to Berserk's willingness to push boundaries and challenge conventions.

What further cements Berserk's status as the best anime of all time is its ability to resonate with a global audience. Despite originating from a manga that began serialization in the early '90s, the themes explored remain universally relevant. The struggles of the human psyche, the pursuit of identity, and the inexorable march of destiny are themes that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries, resonating with viewers across generations.

In conclusion, Berserk (1997) isn't just an anime; it's a paragon of storytelling excellence. Its narrative depth, character development, and atmospheric brilliance set a standard that few anime have managed to surpass. Guts' journey, brought to life through meticulous animation and a haunting soundtrack, stands as a testament to the enduring power of the medium. In the grand tapestry of anime history, Berserk occupies a singular position, eternally engraved as the best anime of all time.
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Not an anime fan, yet I highly enjoyed this.
Jozinek23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Berserk is, to say the least, phenomenal. I love the dark fantasy setting, the artwork is AMAZING, seriously, there are shots of beautiful paintings of medieval architecture, beautiful landscapes, barren wastelands etc. Not to mention the visceral detail (e.g. The plethora of bloodshed and dismemberment) which adds to the violent dark fantasy theme of this show.

The relationships between the characters, particularly the ones between Guts, Griffith, and Casca are interesting and well-developed, as they become closer to each other and also become more open. Guts is a badass main character, going from a young mercenary owned by a highly skilled mercenary leader (Griffith) to a mature and almost undefeatable warrior owned by demons. Berserk actually starts off by showing us how Guts is after all his years in the Band of the Hawk, then transitions to a younger, less experienced Guts, so you see this amazing contrast at the start of the show. You also learn more about Guts' past, as well as Casca's and Griffith's, which helps you understand how they ended up being the way that they are throughout most of the show. Themes of morality and aspiration are also well explored.

This show, despite its pluses, does of course have its negatives. For starters, the animation isn't great. For example, sometimes there are just still frames with the characters' mouths moving up and down to resemble talking, other times when there's combat, you see a still frame of Guts swinging his sword and sometimes afterwards a very brief death animation for the victim but considering the time and budget constraints that the studio had, it makes sense that they'd have to take shortcuts. Another negative I have is that after more than two decades of the final episode, there is no second season. I've heard of a continuation in the story that was made in 2016-2017, but from what I've heard it's disappointing, particularly due to the art and animation, which is a huge shame, since if the same studio had continued the story using the new manga material that had been released for Berserk since the late 90's, using the same art-style but better quality animation to create a continuation of Guts' riveting tale, I would've watched it in a heartbeat and Berserk fans would've loved it. What a missed opportunity, but ah well, I guess 25 episodes will have to do for now, I might read the manga too.
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"Bold and the beautiful" placed in a medieval-anime setting
ruggamuffdivin15 April 2007
OK, time to kill some of the hype here. I'm not doing this solely for the purpose of sabotaging the high ranking, but i think people should have a look at the other side of the coin before potentially going out and buying this series and end up disappointed. I will never understand what it is that makes people so satisfied about berserk, since it gives you next to nothing to work with, but i can live with that. I'm sure there must be others like me out there who would like to be warned before plunging into hours of nonsense.

I gave up on it almost from the start, but kept it going by saying to myself that next episode, it was surely gonna take off! No chance. There are occasional bursts of action here and there, but i think the main reason that they are good is because the rest of the series is for about 90% inactivity - imagine one long tea party of pocket philosophies, completely irrational and sometimes bizarrely rejective behavior(even by Japanese standards), not even hints or traces of some underlying mythologies throughout the story, and just no reason to like the characters at all. The animation isn't something to write home about either, except in very few places. Most episodes are boring all the way through, the characters just drag on and on, talking nonsense with no purpose in life. I cant believe i kept on buying into the argument that "The series really gets better and better the further you get into it". Its just not true.

There also exists a lot of hype about the turn of events berserk takes towards the end (dont worry i wont reveal anything). That was indeed also what kept my curiosity going from the start and eventually got me all the way through. Actually, there isn't really anything you could spoil about the whole series besides telling in details about this, thats the amount of story that we're dealing with here. So if you, like me, have been told great tales about it, i suggest that you kill that thought right away. Its NOT worth watching 20+ episodes for.

And oh has taken me about a ½ year to watch this to the end! I just crammed the last 5 eps, and I'm so glad its finally out of my life. What a complete waste of time, its been much more fun to write this review even

I've given this a 2 out of 10 because it has its few good moments - mostly its due to nice battle scenes, even though they are scarce. Besides that, its a real pain. Go watch your granny knitting stockings instead, there's a good chance you might get more exited
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Bloody anime, with a complex plot, I want more
siderite21 September 2005
The animation for this series is not so good. Others have said it, as well as the fact that it doesn't really matter. In the end it's the story that gets you hooked, with pretty well defined characters and interesting plot twists.

I especially liked how you can definitely find a character to identify with, even if it is not the main character. You start understanding why some things happened a few episodes before and why some of the things will happened next. Unfortunately the story ends with a HUGE twist, without any hope of continuation, which leaves you wanting.

I have watched a few anime series start to end these days, including Hellsing, Tsukihime, Elfen Lied, but I liked Berserk a lot more than any of them. Unfortunately I don't have the patience to read the comics, so I guess this is where the story ends for me. I wish they would do more episodes.

Again, I noticed this series described as horror. There is no horror within, except maybe the last episode, but it is moving something inside for sure. Watch it.
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An excellent anime series
Rectangular_businessman5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To this date, this remains as the best adaptation of the Berserk manga, which is one of the best dark fantasy stories out there.

The somber atmosphere and art style captured my attention from the very first episode, and I wish the rest of the manga had been adapted in this format, but I guess the plot would have been seen way too explicit for television. (Believe it or not, this anime actually covers the most tamed part of the source material: It's only at the very final episodes where the series becomes as just as brutal as the original comics)

While I highly recommend this series, keep in mind the plot often deals with some disturbing issues like child abuse and rape, and also I must warn you the plot ends in one big cliffhanger (Which manages to be shocking even taking in consideration that the very fist episode foreshadows the tragic conclusion taking place after the 25th episode)

"Berserk" is definately not a happy ride, but is a definately a must-see for anime fans.
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Extremely Powerful
RedrumNeddy1 February 2021
A couple hours went by since i finished this Anime, and I am still in shock. Berserk is, without a doubt in my mind, one of the most gripping and powerful pieces of entertainment you will ever watch. The animation, even though it is very old, holds up beautifully and fits the overall theme perfectly. I really like the main-ish song that has become somewhat of a meme and i heard it long before I even thought about watching the Anime. Guts is a wonderful protagonist who doesnt have a super complex backstory, nor does he display some unimaginable intellect. Instead, he is a lost soul searching for the meaning of his life, his only companion being an extremely oversized sword. However, there is something magic about him, something so likeable and the sheer amount of raw emotions that are bottled up in this character, and his thoughts, are undescribable. He is the embodiment of a powerful but emotional man struggling with destiny.

I CANNOT recommend this enough. Please do yourself a favor and watch Berserk. Read the manga afterwards if you liked it, because there is more to the universe than this. I will probably do the same, but i will need to watch some puppy videos for a couple days first.
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One of the greatest anime of all time.
nicholastsichlis20 December 2023
Before watching this show, I was expecting an awesome medieval dark fantasy story filled with sick battles and horses. And for the most part it is, until episode 23. Because after that, this gets very dark and twisted, very quickly. Adapting the Golden Age arc from arguably (not) the greatest manga of all time, written by Kentaro Miura. This is a massive world filled to the brim with likeable characters and epic scenes. Guts is my favorite character from any animanga. This is one of the greatest stories us humans have created as a species. This is the single greatest revenge story of all time. Right now, I'm talking about mostly the manga, but it goes for the anime as well.
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This MasterPiece needs a remaster
aminaruto-9427910 March 2021
I hope some godlike studio remembers berserk and make a remaster for it
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Gory, action-packed anime
Tweekums20 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This series follows Guts; a mercenary who wields a huge sword. Normally he doesn't work with others but after meeting the enigmatic Griffith he joins his mercenary group; the Band of the Hawk. They fight alongside each other and the Hawks have more and more success in battle. This makes Griffith one of the king's favourites which upsets the aristocracy who believe he is getting above himself. Over the course of the series the group fight numerous battles and much blood is spilt. We also learn more about Guts and Griffith's pasts. Obviously it isn't all fighting; there is an element of romance involving Casca; the second in command of the Hawks.

If you like your anime packed with lots of bloody violence then this is the series for you. Guts might not be a jolly protagonist but the way he swings his huge sword means he is entertaining. The other main characters are entertaining; especially Griffith and Casca. The numerous battles and skirmishes are all exciting even though they aren't all fully animated. Occasionally things do get a little disturbing; most notably when a group of enemies try to rape Casca and towards the end of the series when the band find themselves in a demonic landscape; these scenes mean it isn't really a suitable series for younger viewers. The story, which is actually shown in flashback is gripping and at no point did I feel bored or feel that the story was dragging and at the end I just sat stunned; to say it is shocking is an understatement… to figure out just who survived I may have to watch the opening episode again!

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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mahmus18 May 2020
I love the atmosphere in this show. Every scene feels like I'm right there. I can almost smell the setting.

The music is amazing (the opening is one of my new favorites) and the visuals are great, despite its more limited animation.

I'm really pleasantly surprised by its slow pace. It really takes its time to develop the characters and spend time with them.

Those last three episodes are absolutely insane.

It's so good.
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Great anime Warning: Spoilers
"Berserk" is simply one of the best action anime series ever made.

It had all the fun and excitement of series such as "Lodoss", though it was done from a much grittier perspective.

It's interesting to notice how the original "Berserk" anime only a had a few fantasy elements, having a "realistic" (but effective) approach of this story, which combined very well elements from epic and horror stories, resulting in something unique (At least for television) It had plenty of action, interesting characters and a fascinating background, that gave the story an incredibly appeal. The animation was reasonable well made, despite having some obvious limitations, the overall result was still pretty effective. The designs of the characters and sceneries were excellent, with many details and more mature aesthetic that gave this an "edgier" approach than other fantasy anime series with a more light-hearted tone.

"Berserk" kept a good level from the very beginning of the story, until the end of it. In fact, the ending left me wanting to see more about this story (Specially considering that this anime doesn't cover all the plot from the original comics) Now that some new "Berserk" movies are being made, it was nice experience for me to re-watch this series, and I'm glad to say that this survived the test of time.

I just hope that someday all the whole great story done by Kentaro Miura get adapted into an animated format, considering how good it is it. But I'm sure that this will remain as the best adaptation.
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Remains my favorite anime
Mandein17 March 2019
I wish anime had more Seinen series like this. It's unfortunate that nothing else has really come along like Berserk or that its sequel series was so poorly done.
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A unique experience, but one I'm not sure I enjoyed
gethelred12 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This series is not overly long, and before I get into the content I would like to say that I have not read the manga, so what I will discuss here will only be concerning the anime itself.

The author is plainly a talented storyteller, with an ability to create reasons for combat and danger that parallel literature at its finest. The protagonist, Guts, is a mercenary warrior of the Conan bent, who thrives in combat via the use of his immense sword, which is as large as he is. The first episode serves as an introduction to the character somewhat; it plays out like a pilot episode to an action show, with the plot itself really kicking in over the next five episodes, which take us back to the events which lead into the present. This is a narrative weakness, because the show goes from extremely dark, with supernatural elements, to a daylight ridden but still bloody martial world.

That being said, the remainder of the anime is concerned with the events that, I assume, lead in to the events of the first episode. Guts is subdued by a mercenary gang leader, Griffith, and is forced to join his group via a life debt. Guts and Griffith form a bond that is part romantic and part friendship, while Guts has a antagonistic relationship that blossoms into a romantic one with Griffith's second in command, Casca, with a long development period.

All of the characters that are part of the main cast are extremely well developed; Griffith is a leader in all ways, exceptional and ambitious, but distant and dismissive, but all too fragile in the end. Casca is touchy about her femininity, and is protective over Griffith to the point of injury. Guts is the main character, and is probably the most enigmatic lead I have seen in a long time.

However, the end of the anime, drawn out over the last four episodes, is an exercise both in jumping the shark, and in theatre of cruelty imagery. I will not spoil it by describing the events of the piece, but I have a fairly strong stomach, and I can honestly say that I will not be delving further into this series due to how this anime ends.

Theatre of cruelty, for those who don't know, is a theatrical convention where the art is intended to alienate the audience, by any means necessary; sound, visuals, concepts. This anime demonstrated that capacity in spades, the finale replete with lovecraftian imagery mixed with demonic iconography to create a masterpiece of pain, jealousy and brutal utter torment that is harrowing to view.

That said, I really thought it went too far. There are some things that should be left unsaid, and some acts too cruel to depict.

None the less, this anime is very good for the most part; it plays out like a game of thrones intrigue, mixed with battles that channel tales of King Arthur in terms of deeds. If the ending was not so brutal, so vile, then this would be a well characterized but middling production; that it is makes for something that is thought inducing, horrifying, and utterly unforgettable, and not necessarily for the right reasons.
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Grittith just ruins everything for me
erikmsandreid14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, you've been told your whole life that you are a king, and then your friend gets a girl, who you like, and then you get captured, and you then decide to become a literal demon.

The illogical and emotion response of this "character" and his motivations has given me so much whiplash, that I still haven't fully gotten over it, several years later.

Calling it "jumping the shark" doesn't do it justice: He slaughters all his friends in cold blood, in painful and sadistic ways, because he's lonely and doesn't feel important. This wasn't setup in the slightest, and he goes from 1 to a million in a matter of a few scenes.

He was a fully flushed out character before his "fall", and his demonic design is cool and badass. But the transition between the two, is honestly laughable.
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