Criminal Minds (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

(2005– )

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Glad it's back!
Rob13318 April 2023
I really have to say I actually miss Criminal Minds more than I thought I would. I watched all 15 seasons and even watch the reruns when they're on. I'm glad that they're bringing it back to Paramount Plus later this year. It's a show that is a little darker than your average crime show on network tv. It follows the B. A. U. (Behavioral Analyst Unit) as they hunt the country's most dangerous serial killers and rapists by anticipating where and what they'll do next. Any show that lasts 15 seasons has to be pretty good. If you love crime shows and don't mind a darker and gruesome tone then give this show a try.
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Looks very promising
natehzick24 November 2022
(2 episodes in) This review is subject to change over the course of this season. As someone who just couldn't finish those final seasons of criminal minds since the quality took a bit of a downturn, trust me when I say this has been as good as the trailer hyped it up to be. Will it be anything special? That remains to be seen, but so far there is a solid foundation and it's a breath of fresh air for the BAU.

Something about this just seems fresh. The more realistic tone, the lighting, and the ACTING is great as always. This has a lot of promise, really hope it sticks the landing.

Solid 8 for now.
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One of the best crime shows!
Supermanfan-134 October 2022
Criminal Minds is about an elite squad of FBI profilers that investigate the country's most twisted cases and killers. They try to analyze how to get a step ahead of these killers to catch them before they kill more. This series was so good that it went 15 seasons. Not only the 15 seasons but even though it's only been off the air for a short time, people have missed it so much that they're bringing it back later this year with the same cast. The characters are all very well written and developed throughout the show. The writers also keep the shows fresh and that's not an easy job after 15 seasons. I'm looking forward to it returning later this year.
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Diving into minds of lunatics and psychopaths has never been more entertaining!
hippo_butt200010 April 2006
Truly a great series worthy of praise. Many may say that this is a 'rip-off' of CSI but I've watched CSI and it caught me on for a bit, but after a while it just seemed to closed. Where CSI guides you through the story and gives a picture perfect ending and how you're supposed to perceive it, Criminal Minds lets you explore and judge for yourself. It doesn't preach too much and the stories are engaging and suspenseful! Excellent writing and great performances from the stars. It may begin cliché, but if you stay long enough it is a rewarding and entertaining view, and I don't feel it's going to let down any time soon. Give it a chance, or just watch episode 7 'The Fox'. It shows the best writing and acting in the show so far, in my opinion. Diving into minds of lunatics and psychopaths has never been more entertaining! Fantastic!
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Not a fan anymore
hellebenzon-2636726 March 2017
I was a hardcore fan for 11 seasons. I've seen every episode, but this last season is absolutely the s'worst. I don't know if they got new writers, or the writers are just totally out of touch with the fanbase, but it has become ridiculous and soap-like. The Reid-line has taken forever, and it's really painful to watch. I think, I'll drop the show, and maybe pick it up again later, when they maybe get it back to it's former standards. But I fear, that this is it for Criminal Minds. With the downfall, I'm not sure it will survive for a 13th season.
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Good show...for a while.
geddzik13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good show. Lost most of its appeal when Hotch and Morgan left. Straus has got to be the dumbest and most annoying character and she's only in a dozen or so episodes but every one she's in, she's annoying. The best seasons are the ones with most of the original cast. When JJ left the first time it was bad so they brought her back. Same with Prentis. And the second time she leaves is another down hill where they started bringing in dumb characters to replace her. Only to bring her back when Hotch was forced off and by then it was too late, the show was already done for. Watch seasons 1-7 maybe 8, after that just give up.
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So far, so good.
felipeperez-2331324 November 2022
Off to a good start, but as I recall the Original started off great and was unlike any show on television at the time. Let's just hope that the writers maintain quality story lines and not too far fetched themes. With so much television on both television networks and streaming platforms it's hard to pick and choose which ones will turn out to be good quality shows and which will be trash and end after just one season. Seasoned shows like the Original Law and Order and CSI Las Vegas are decent but not as good as the Original's. But so far Criminal Minds Evolution seems to be just as good as the Original. Only time will tell.
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I Love This Show
profiler197011 January 2006
I have to say that this is my absolute favorite show on TV. I use to say that about CSI or other shows that touched a little on profiling. But I love psychology. And we have seen shows that we may have liked like the profiler that we know isn't correct. It doesn't happen that way. I will say that I enjoyed it.The only other show I truly miss is Fox's The Inside. That was a good one as well but nothing like this. I have bought at least ten books on profiling that discuss different types of psychopaths,how they were created and the different psychological issues that surrounds their behavior and fantasies. How because of their bad experience during childhood and after they have learned to profile and manipulate people,the disorganized crime scene compared to organized scene and mixed crime scene and what it tells you about the unsub. Learning their geographic profile. All these things are in this show to give us a pretty reasonable idea of what they do. How they are made. Why they exist and do what they do. I find it fascinating not only to watch psychopaths and their crimes but to some extent through their fiction, learn something about them. John Douglas says he saw John Gacy and looked him right in the eye when in fact he never did so I don't really take his word about what his job was like. But many others, like Robert Ressler describe this profession in a similar way as Criminal Minds. I hope it stays on. It is the coolest. Just to clarify, I like learning why they do it. I hate what they do and how it hurts people. I don't wan't people to think I enjoy entertainment for the sake of seeing people pain or horror. I think you will enjoy this show too. The actors have a great chemistry together already. Reid is my favorite. He makes you laugh when he really is meanting too. He give the crew the most character I think.
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It's very intriguing and just absolutely never boring. Every episode manages to capture me completely.
Imme-van-Gorp20 April 2021
Season One: 9.5/10

Season Two: 9.5/10

Season Three: 10/10

Season Four: 10/10

Themes: Crime, FBI, Serial Killers, Suspense, Drama, Behavioral Analysis, Psychology, Mystery & Friendship.

Top five characters: 1) Emily Prentiss, 2) Aaron Hotchner, 3) Dr. Spencer Reid, 4) Derek Morgan and 5) Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau.
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Criminally entertaining
Galina_movie_fan28 January 2012
The drama/mystery/thriller "Criminal Minds" is truly an amazing show. I started only watching it couple of months ago, and I can't believe that it took me so long to discover it. This is the show where each episode reminds me of my favorite book on the subject of finding the serial killers by trying to get inside their minds and to think the way they do, and equally terrific adaptation, Red Dragon by Thomas Harris/Manhunter by Michael Mann. Again and again the team of the brilliant profilers, fly from their headquarters in Quantico, VA to different locations all over the country to put their minds together and complete the profile of the mysterious unsub (unknown subject) and to prevent the next strike which would be deadly. This is a very difficult, demanding and exhausting job where the lives of innocent people are at stake and every minute, even second matters. This job takes its toll from every member of the team. Often they have to make very difficult choices and more than once they face the deadly danger not only to themselves but to those who are the closest to them.

Since I started watching the show, I am trying to catch up the seasons that I missed, so I watch the re-runs every time I have a chance getting the "crash course" of Criminal Minds. What amazes me that watching so many episodes in such short period of time only makes me wanting to see more. I don't recall a single mediocre episode. All of them share the intelligent writing, compelling story, inspired acting from the regular members of the cast (an elite team of FBI profilers - BAU analysts) and the guest stars. I like the music score and the choice of songs is very fitting for each occasion. I also like the famous quotes which one of the team members tells in the end of each episode, which sums up the story perfectly. More than once, I was moved deeply by the way the story was going and its resolution. What keeps me entrancing to the screen during each episode is the brain storm, the collective mind of the team putting the evidence, the small details together, analyzing them, searching for the right question to ask their super computer analyst Penelope Garcia; so she would perform her magic and come up with the one name - of the unsub who must be stopped before he attacks deadly again.

I also noticed how masterfully the creators make the references not only to the real life famous cases but to the earlier films and books. I recognized the references to Tom Harris's Dr. Hannibal's books (the horrifying parts of "Hannibal" made one of the darkest and devastating two-hours episode) and films, to "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer", to "Natural Born Killers". One memorable episode paid homage to both "Psycho" and "Sunset Boulevard". Often, the writers find the subjects for the episodes from the latest news. But no matter where they find the topics for the show, each episode comes out as gripping and absorbing from the first moment to the very end. To put it shortly -the must for the fans of the genre.
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Used to be a good series
candelach22 February 2016
Criminal Minds started out really well. A little bit of psychological and sociological background being introduced to the general public to get a grasp on criminal profiling. The episodes were entertaining, the characters relatable yet realistically flawed. However from season 6 on, this series just spiraled downward. The cases lost the grip they had had on the audience, became dull and left you cold. In an attempt to make up for unimaginative cases and the routine that had set it when watching the team profile, gore and violence was increased and to even it out cheesy background plots for the characters were added. Sometimes it's just better to quit while you're ahead.
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A Firm Fav!
glj-8436719 September 2018
I've watched every single episode and watched many more than once... If you are into Crime Drama and you are looking for something to get into, then start at series 1, episode 1 & you'll be hooked... I guarantee it!
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Enough is enough already
bogymel16 December 2015
So I've been watching this show ever since it's beginnings and all I can say is that I'm sick of it... 5 seasons would have been enough. But since I have a mild OCD that urges me to see things to an end, I can't stop watching.

Joke aside... this has become a painful to watch show. It has nothing interesting anymore, it just repeats the same formula over and over for the sake of ratings and/or money. Next to no story whatsoever, just episodes almost without any connection. Just pick an episode and watch, you're not missing anything. Writers out of ideas? Or perhaps due to lack of ideas, they're trying to turn some watchers into sources of inspiration?

But I digress...

The thing I find annoying is that although it has an interesting intrigue (actually 2 now) it isn't properly followed through, leaving the viewer wanting more, but all he/she gets is yet another stupid episode on a random subject.

I'm going to leave out all the abundant plot holes and bloopers because hey, it's a movie, it's fiction, it's not supposed to be perfect but what they're doing with the "story" is just ridiculous.

I really hope this show ends soon.
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Why did you have to destroy this great series?
Vaxi24 May 2020
This used to be great series. These days, terribly boring. Poor script, over acting. The new characters are boring. I don't even remember their names. Penelope Garcia has been made an annoying freak. Why are you trying to remake the chemistry of Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia to Garcia and this CSI geek? The new "beyond borders" agent talks only about his children. Why did this series have to be ruined? The last 5 seasons have been so forced. Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore were too big losses for the series. Good thing this ended, though 5 seasons too late. And in the end all the agents are smart like Reed. JJ is even a sharpshooter (she was an FBI liaison)
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Is it Just Me or....
farshidkarimi4 February 2017
I loved this series.

But, it started a nosedive crash into boredom and sloppiness with the introduction of new actors in place of Thomas Gibson and Matthew Gray Gubler.

The new characters are dull, drab, hamming their roles and do not fit with the group nicely.

The run-time of the episodes also dropped and they wander off into the personal lives of the characters.

Is it just me who feeling the show is going downhill or other fans too?

I hope they will come back to bring the show to its former status.
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Love the series but this new "Evolution" reboot has already...
talmonjr4 February 2023
Love the series but this new "Evolution" reboot has already used up way too many inappropriate F-bombs and MFs and Shi& words to the extreme! The writing is great; the cast is great; so whoever decided to put the viewing audience through the constant shock has forgotten "if it's not broke don't fix it" and also has not considered how difficult it can be to watch the new episodes under a new "Advisory Warning"! Thanks for nothing!

If I can give them any advice it would be to cut back in the blatant cuss word dropping and carry on with the successful recipe that has worked and that they've used now for so long!
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The best crime ,drama series of all time
letsiouspy21 December 2021
Criminal minds is amazing .every actor matches their characters ,the plot is amazing and the cases are truly making you not miss a look .recommended 100% for anyone who likes crime documentaries and generally murder mystery.
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Wheels up in 30
lilcreep-2178029 October 2021
Must have watched every episode 6x.

Just addicted to it. Spencer with his wit is ao funny.

Love his dynamic with Kat.

Only thing i might remove is Spencer's mom.

JJ and Spencer's as well as the rest of the team is something special.
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Died a slow miserable casting death
bobcat-6077525 January 2021
Stated out as a 10 for me then.........When Thomas Gibson and Shahar Moore left it seemed the casting director just could not fill the void! Some of the people the got to take the place or add to the cast eere downright ridiculous! Jennifer Love Hewitt, really she fell flat in her role then it got even worse with Aisha Tyler. Both characters were unbelievable. If it wasn't for the original cast it would have flopped even sooner. I don't condone what Gibson did but couldn't they have found another way to punish him? Well this is just my opinion and I really miss watching every week!
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A good show which got way less than what it deserved
madhur-00724 September 2015
I do not need to go on about how the show is - you contributors with your excellent analysis have all shed light on various aspects of the show. The three main things which I like are 1) the way they deal with violence and gore 2) the way each team member has its own special talents and use them to piece a part of the big crime puzzle 3) The way they look out for each other and act as one cohesive unit. I don't know why this show has not received the media attention , limelight, reviews and attention it deserves. I mean there are no outtakes, no behind the scenes, bloopers, nothing (zilch). Maybe it is because of money problems that the show keeps running into time and again, as pointed out by other contributors. But the reason the show gets renewed season after season every year is a testament to its substance and the talent of its cast.

This show deserves more, even more than shows like Castle, Mentalist CSI and all that jazz.

Shout to all the cast members. God bless you guys.
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Thomas Gibson
deninerockett12 June 2017
Please, bring "Thomas Gibson" back. Criminal Minds is not worth watching. I only watch the old episodes over and over. I never get bored and I just love it. I tried watching the new episodes, but I'm just not feeling it. It's really boring. It doesn't have that "ZEST" that "Thomas Gibson" brought to the show. Please, make criminal minds great, wonderful and worth watching again. Bring back "THOMAS Gibson." There's no character out there that can play his part. Face facts people, he was made for that part. This vote is for "Thomas Gibson".
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Seasons 1-7 are really good. Season 8 started a decline that it never recovers from.
rcpotatosoup-4076422 November 2019
Either way - watch the whole show. It's still good TV. Seasons 1-7 are incredibly good, with interesting cases and heartfelt character driven episodes. The problem came with actors having contract issues or getting kicked off the show entirely. The writing is still really solid but it gets too messy in the later seasons.
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One of my favourite shows of all time!
TheLittleSongbird27 May 2010
I love series like this, and Criminal Minds is just so interesting and absorbing. It is very dark and somewhat grim often, but I like that side, it does make the show compelling. I will admit it was a show that started off good, but then got better and better. I love how it is filmed as well, the camera work is innovative, and the locations are always lovely and evocative to watch. The music is very fitting, the main theme is chilling to an extent and the music choices in each episode are appropriate and effective a vast majority of the time. The writing is always intelligent, witty and thought-provoking and the episode ideas are brilliant with moments that are chilling and moving. And of course the characters are wonderful, especially stone-faced Jason Gideon, Spencer and Hotch(as well as Rossi and Prentiss), and they are brought to life brilliantly by a sterling cast, both lead and supporting. Overall, I just love this show, it is true that some episodes are better than others(then again it is like that with most shows), whenever it is on I always watch it. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Good but Grim
Wiedinger-283-95384311 April 2021
It is a good show but just a bit grim for me. The criminal minds here are too disturbing for me on a regular basis. My real life is disturbing enough.
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hapkidoba12 June 2019
Ever since they let Thomas Gibson go the writing has significantly gone down. Wish he could have articulated and set a standard with out anger. He unfortunately, was correct. The writers left to own devices are not producing story lines that captures anyone's attention
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