One Good Cop (1991) Poster


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MPAA Rated R for violence, language and drug content

Sex & Nudity

  • Very mild. Artie and Rita are shown clothed in bed at the opening of the film, then later are trying to get intimate but are interrupted by the three girls who say good night to them. Some women wear revealing clothes on the street and in a nightclub (the nightclub scene also appears to show two women dancing with each other). Detective Stevie Diroma tells Artie how he cheated on his wife before her death but that she stayed with him anyway (something very risky in the AIDS era), while Artie says he couldn't cheat if he wanted to, since Rita has "cops' eyes"....

Violence & Gore

  • Many brawls and gun battles as standard police thriller fare. The drugged hostage taker shoots Steve Diroma to death when Diroma rescues the man's wife. A rat bites a detective. Artie shoots several dealers in self defense when captured by them. The dealer's apartment is burned when Beniamino tries to kill Artie by throwing a bottle of flamable brandy with a burning wad of brandy-soaked cotton at Artie, causing the apartment to burn. Artie then stabs Beniamino with his former country's police uniform's sword in self-defense (some may interpret this as "live by the sword/die by the sword"'s meaning).


  • Many uses of "f...", "d...", "Hell", "a....", "G....", "s...".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • The drug dealers snort cocaine, the hostage taker that killed Stevie was under the influence of "ice". Drinking in nightclubs and restaurants (Mai Tais by Artie when he's in a restaurant with Rita and beer when he's at home).

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • During questioning of his partner's killer, Artie explodes in anger at him. Artie's robbery of the drug dealers to get money to buy a house for his new family, Artie's kidnapping by the drug dealers who threaten to kill him and the armed battle between them and Artie. When Artie walks into his superior's office after surviving Beniamino's torture, it looks like Artie may lose his job and be arraigned on corruption charges.

See also

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