Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death (Video 1991) Poster

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Witchcraft III The Kiss of Death: My name's not Billy Boy
Platypuschow9 February 2018
So far my binging the Witchcraft series isn't going well, the first two were embarassments and for this reason I went into part three expecting the worst.

After watching it I can say it's the best one so far! But it's still pretty dire.

We meet William from the first two movies, he's now grown up and fighting off memories of his origins. But when a rival Warlock appears on the scene who has set his eyes on Williams girlfriend he is forced to embrace his past.

Badly made from start to finish Witchcraft III is undoubtedly a mess but was welcome relief after the first two films.

Here is hoping it's all uphill from here.

The Good:

The kiss of death!

The Bad:

Poorly made

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Warlocks don't understand personal space
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The Kiss of Death: I wish.
BA_Harrison14 October 2017
You might think that a film this weak would be the kiss of death for any horror franchise, but not the Witchcraft series: despite Part III being yet another utterly unmemorable example of cheap and nasty straight to video crud, the films just kept on coming (there's sixteen of them to date!).

I might be a bit sketchy about the details of this one since I struggled to stay awake, but I seem to recall that son of a witch William (Charles Solomon Jr.) is now a defense attorney, trying to prevent the innocent from being sent to death row. When evil warlock Louis (Domonic Luciana) gets between William and his big-breasted girlfriend Charlotte (Lisa Toothman), the lawyer must use his supernatural powers to fight back.

As with the previous two Witchcraft films, the production values are very low, the acting is pitiful, and the plot is completely unremarkable. Director Rachel Feldman tries to keep punters happy with a spot of soft-core sex and some gratuitous nudity, but even that proves boring. Unless you happen to be a movie masochist like myself, you would probably be better off giving this one a miss.
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Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death
ryan-1007525 October 2019
Will Spanner (Charles Solomon Jr.) is now an attorney and not living a life as a warlock. But, another warlock named Louis (Domonic Luciana) steps into his life and is messing things up. He has committed murder using Spanner's car in hit and run and is after his girlfriend Charlotte (Lisa Toothman) as well. Guess he's going to have to get his warlock on and fight this guy.

Usually three strikes means your out, but not in this series. An endless parade of more sequels has followed. While I do believe Rachel Feldman may have been the most competent director so far in the series, you still gotta have something to work with. The film gets silly and nonsensical. Not to mention the effects while once again used sparingly (which is good) are pretty cheesy.
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Film firmly plants a kiss of death onto the viewer with its boredom.
bigpappa1--216 May 2000
A good warlock fights for the love of a woman against an evil warlock. The story is thinly disguised as a horror film, and not a very good one at that. Slightly better than the first two, but not by much. Most of the female cast members are terrific looking, and are frequently naked. 2 out of 10.
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pumaye23 May 2004
The third entry in the Witchcraft series is a mediocre attempt at softcore horror. sure, you have several nice looking (a couple of them even gorgeous, like Lisa Toothman) women that you may find naked a lot and possibly even involved in various sexual activities (like the usual shower scene), but the plot is feeble at most (you have a sort of male sorceror drinker of soul to keep his fiancee alive forever and the lead good character as the defender of Goodness and of the integrity of his lover) and the acting is always amateurish at best. Yes, probably the previous title in the series is worst, but you may certainly find several better softcore horror movies out there.
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Even duller than the last two, if that's possible
Leofwine_draca31 October 2016
THE KISS OF DEATH is the third in a series of incessantly-made straight-to-video horrors that together form the WITCHCRAFT series. The first two films in the franchise were below par and this is no different, a near-indistinguishable entry filled with the usual softcore fumblings and mild horror.

Once again male protagonist Charles Solomon Jr. returns to the series playing the good-hearted warlock just trying to get on with his life (and love life). Unfortunately for him a rival warlock has evil in his heart and is killing a series of women in order to give his love eternal life. The two men eventually come to blows but not before lots of characters have bedded each other and female nudity is thrown into the mix.

THE KISS OF DEATH makes for boring viewing and one that's devoid of interest. Solomon Jr.'s character couldn't get any less interesting and the lack of money means that there are few effects scenes or indeed life in the picture. In fact, it only really gets going at the climax which offers up some of the usual action nonsense. Many more films were to follow...
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Stay until the end!
raivan35423 March 2006
Sure, this is a standard, cheese ball, demon-lover story with a little tease, but the saving grace of this flick is lovely Lisa Toothman shines charms throughout, but saves the best for last. This is one of those actresses who incites one thought all the way through: Damn, I hope she has a nude scene! And she doesn't disappoint. What a joy to see this girl-next-door type flaunt her Big Naturals before the closing credits! Lisa deserved many more bad movies with award winning nude scenes. Her big scene is all the more satisfying because of the cat fight she has with her witch rival. Lisa, thank you for leaving us this legacy! I recommend fast forwarding to just the scenes with Lisa in them
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It is hard for most people to believe this is a good movie.
jacobjohntaylor119 August 2018
This is a great movie. It very scary. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. What are you people complaining about. Witchcraft II is better. But still this is a great movie.
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Run of the mill B-movie horror film
vasoxfan29 January 2000
Kind of your typical B-movie horror film sequel. Charles Solomon from Witchcraft II is stalked by an evil sorcerer who seduces women and then sucks out their life. Eventually the sorcerer turns to Solomon's girlfriend - who is very hot and probably the reason this film is worth seeing.
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So Bad We Can Laugh At It
Michael_Elliott8 October 2012
Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death (1991)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

William Spanner (Charles Solomon) has put the events from the previous film behind him and he's now trying to make it as a lawyer. All is well until an evil warlock named Louis (Domonic Luciana) turns up and wants to turn Willy's girlfriend (Lisa Toothman) into his sex slave. Don't you just hate it when horny warlocks show up? This third film in the series is the third one in a row that couldn't even score a two-star rating from me but as bad as this thing is, at the same time I couldn't help but get a few kicks out of it. This film has quite a few bad moments in it but thankfully they get a few laughs so this almost enters the "so bad it's worth watching" category. One hilarious thing involves William defending a young black boy accused of raping and murdering his neighbor. The early scenes of William trying to get him to talk about what really happened are just downright hilarious and especially a sequence where the boy breaks down into his mother's arms. This is followed by several scenes taking place in a bar where William and Louis become friends by doing a wide range of things but it usually ends up with Louis giving women the "kiss of death" mentioned in the title. The incredibly bad special effects involved with these "kisses of death" could almost kill the viewer. Also, the final showdown for the rest of humanity has our two warlocks wrestling around on the ground in one of the most unrealistic fight scenes that you'll ever witness. For what it's worth, Solomon is actually better than what you'd typically see in a film like this and I also enjoyed Luciana as the bad guy. Toothman finally takes her clothes off towards the end of the picture and we also get Leana Hall playing the evil warlock's woman and yes boys, she gets naked too. WITCHCRAFT III certainly isn't going to win any awards but there are enough laughs here for bad movie fans.
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Another entertaining entry
rivertam2625 February 2020
So at this point I've seen three of this endless series and I have to say I've enjoyed each one. Yes they are cheesy and cliched but there also quite entertaining and surprisingly creative. For the first two films its had the sexy girls going on. For this one they up the ante with some smoking dudes as a warlock feeds on women's energies and feeds them to his eternal lover. He targets a young woman whose got more to him that can be seen. Its wacky and weird with a touch of homoeroticism. It doesn't aim high but it succeeds at being marginally entertaining.
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I like 'em sexy, and Lisa is
lor_16 June 2023
My review was written in April 1991 after watching the movie on Academy video cassette.

Third entry in the popular home video "Witchcraft" series scores high in sexiness but low in the supernatural realm. It should appeal to fans of erotic thrillers.

Charles Solomon, whose acting is unconvincing throughout, toplines as the son of a warlock who denies his ancestry (and inherited powers) until he has to do battle with a vampire bad guy (Domonic Luciano).

Luciano, who preys on Solomon and his girlfriend (Lisa Toothman), periodically kills women with a kiss of death that literally ucks the life out of them.

Luciano's own girlfriend is platinum blonde Luana Hall, who gets an energy transfusion every time her beau puts the fatal smooch on someone, Plot comes unglued when Luciano offs the femme prosecutor who's been giving Solomon a hard time.

Pic climaxes when Luciano dumps Hall and makes Toothman his new thrall. Using inherited witchcraft, and a little help from witch doctor William L. Baker, Solomon puts Luciano out of commission.

Real find here is heroine Toothman. After small film roles and Playboy Channel appearances, she proves to be vulnerable as well as voluptuous in a leading role. Luciano also makes a smooth villain.

Action scenes, particularly the anticlimactic final reel fights, are awkwardly staged with chintzy special effects.
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Demonic male model attacks
Dr. Gore18 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers

I bought this video for two bucks. I'm not going to mix words. "Witchcraft III" stinks. It's boring, pointless, stupid, etc. Please feel free to add your own negative adjective. Whatever word you choose, you'll be pretty close to the mark in describing this one.

I was hoping "Witchcraft III" was going to be a typical softcore horror flick. Maybe even a little better than typical. Well, it was pretty typical. Typical bad movie. Some Demonic male model attacks women by giving them the Kiss of Death and sucking some cheap special effects out of them. There's a little sex and nudity near the end but it was too late to save the movie. It got the Kiss of Death and landed in my garbage can.

If you want a good softcore flick with some witchcraft thrown in, check out "Sorceress" with Julie Strain. You can't go wrong.
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"It's Over, Baby! It's Over!"...
azathothpwiggins2 June 2021
WITCHCRAFT III: THE KISS OF DEATH opens in a bar / club, or it could be a coal mine, since it's really too dark to see much. Thankfully, in addition to the murkiness, everyone is dressed in black! In no time, a woman is killed via the titular lip-lock by a mysterious man, who we soon learn is named Louis.

Louis goes on to meet Will Spanner (Charles Solomon Jr.) from part 2, who is now a defense attorney. Will's fashion designer wife, Charlotte (Lisa Toothman) doesn't understand his bizarre behavior, lately. Apparently, she missed part two of this series! Of course, it doesn't help that Will's last name was "Adams" then! Either that, or Charlotte's too busy outfitting models for her latest curtain / comforter concoctions.

The murders continue until the final confrontation sends Will and Louis hurtling through Charlotte's fall collection!

Part 3 has far less story and more nudity than its predecessors. This is when the seemingly endless sequels began turning away from any semblance of horror, and increasingly into the silly, soft core cheeeze arena...
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* out of 4.
brandonsites198129 May 2002
The classic struggle between good and evil for the love of a woman. Sometimes sexy, mostly dull though. Film has a good enough premise, but the treatment is botched. Bad acting & effects, shoestring budget and inept direction are its main faults. Unrated; Sexual Situations, Violence, Adult Themes, Nudity, and Profanity.
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