Swimming (2000) Poster


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Better than expected
rbverhoef5 October 2003
'Swimming' is a little different than other movies in the genre. You expect certain things to happen but they don't. Frankie (Lauren Ambrose) and Nicola (Jennifer Dundas Lowe) live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and are best friends. Frankie is co-owner of a burger stand together with her brother Neil (Josh Pais). Nicola has a piercing stand next to the burger stand. A friend of them, Brad (James Villemaire) has a new girlfriend Josee (Joelle Carter) and she gets a job in the burger stand although Neil thinks she is the worst waitress he has ever seen.

Frankie and Josee become good friends and Nicola gets jealouse. May be Frankie and Josie are even attracted to each other. They are not sure and the watcher isn't sure either. Nicola says that Josee has an affair with Neil, who has a wife and two kids. Then Frankie meets Heath (Jamie Harrold) who lives in a van with his two dogs and is in love with her. Frankie isn't sure what she wants and feels.

The movie is good enough because the clichés are only used for a more interesting story. We see how uncertain Frankie is about her sexuality, how unsure she is. Lauren Ambrose gives a very fine performance. The rest of the cast is good too. I think the movie could have had a better ending but it was definitely not a bad one. Pretty good and a lot better than I expected it to be.
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Reminds me of Show Me Love and All Over Me.
pearlbeach18 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoilers, people. ***********************************

This was one of my favorite movies and it really reminded me of All Over Me, Show Me Love and even Boys Don't Cry. Frankie is obviously butch, she dresses butch has no makeup, but is willing to swing over to being heterosexual with Heath. All of the previous movies I mentioned are so close to this film, that it was nothing "new" just done before. Frankie and Nichola are so close, that Josee interrupts their tight friendship. I think Frankie is in love with Josee, but finds out Josee is very fickle and would do anything with anyone for fun, so Frankie out of loneliness chooses Heath and even considers putting on a dress, which is extremely difficult for her, so difficult that the night Heath is making dinner for her, she wanders off to the bar looking for Josee again. One of the more interesting youth oriented films out there.
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Realistic Coming-of-Age Flick
Wuchakk11 March 2014
Released in 2000, "Swimming" (as in 'sink or swim') is a slice-of-life coming-of-age indie flick centered around the life of Frankie, played by Lauren Ambrose, who co-owns a small Myrtle Beach restaurant/bar with her older brother, Neil. Frankie is about 18 or 19 and is trying to find her place, purpose and identity in the world. She could be pretty but has no sense of style or charisma. She just kind of innocently mopes around. Her best friend is sexy wild-child Nicola (Jennifer Dundas), who runs a body-piercing salon next to the restaurant.

When the ultra-sexy Josee (Joelle Carter) strolls into town it stirs up the curiosity of Frankie, the jealousy of Nicola and the lust of Neil and every other man, except Heath, a tie-dyed shirt salesman who lives in his van with his dogs. Heath is a grunge/stoner and only has eyes for Frankie.

"Swimming" is a quiet little indie film, but the story is strangely engrossing. If you're older than 25 it accurately brings to memory those fun-yet-dreadful 'coming-of-age' years (if you're younger than 25 you're STILL coming of age). The characters are all believable and it's almost as if you know them; consequently, you care about their lives and their story. Although this is a drama there's a few amusing moments.

The character of Josee is interesting. She's ravishing, confident and overflowing with charisma. She knows this and uses it to her advantage to get whatever she wants. For example, she entices the lifeguard so she can have a free place to stay by the beach and charms Neil for a waitress job even though he doesn't need anyone, not to mention she's a lousy worker. She also charms Frankie in more than one sense. Josee instinctively senses that Frankie is kind of lost and that she can 'wow' her with her star appeal. Frankie becomes somewhat star-struck and it negatively affects her relationship with Nicola.

A reviewer on IMDb wrongly deduced that Frankie is a butch lesbian and just doesn't realize it yet. This is an inaccurate interpretation and I'll tell you why (it's obvious): Josee realizes the power she has over Frankie and is indeed attempting to stir her love and desire, and not just on a friendship level. You see, Josee feeds off of desire, from both men and women, regardless of the nature of the desire. It's clear in the film that, out of curiosity, Frankie briefly (yet seriously) considers the idea of lesbianism, such is the alluring power of Josee. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Ultimately, however, she rejects it. Josee's spell over Frankie is broken once Frankie sees her true selfish, using and fickle nature. Frankie then re-focuses her romantic energy on heath and restores her friendship with party-girl Nicola, who had gotten into trouble with the law.***END SPOILER***

Josee's character is well portrayed in the laugh-out-loud scene where she's having sex with someone. The guy is passionately into it, but Josee is obviously quite bored by the experience (in her mind she's just paying her room & board). It's hilarious and so true-to-life.

I can see why some people give "Swimming" a mediocre grade because, as a realistic slice-of-life drama, it's often mundane like real-life, but this is part of its appeal IMHO.

Interestingly, although Frankie is portrayed in a very unattractive manner in the film, Lauren Ambrose is actually a beautiful redhead; google pictures of her and you'll see.

The film runs 90 minutes and was shot on the South Carolina coast in Myrtle Beach & Georgetown.

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Very Very Excellent!!
Vertigo-2712 July 2003
ANYONE that has ever been to Myrtle Beach, SC can relate to this movie more than the average viewer. There is something in the air almost that generates youth and nostalgia through you while visiting and when you leave you are never quite the same. In the opening reel you see young teenagers cruising the boulevard and haunting by-passers on the beach that make one realize in a single instant while there (a place where we all connect) just how many people we pass by never getting to know.

This film touches greatly on rich characters... Franky the main character is deep and forlorn. We are directly put into someones shoes through her of how it must be to actually "live" in a place we all wish we could stay. Instead of being the "vacationers" as in most movies we get to see a residents point of view. An exceptional character is also the girl who seemingly befriends Franky, coming in to town shaking her up and confusing her just when she thought she wanted a little bit of change. This girl is a true character she symbolizes most people and how they are clueless to most depth of life.. she can be described as those shallow "fly-by-night" people that we have all encountered that you wish and think might stay but in the end they never do. Franky's romantic involvement with new-age hippi Heath is right-on target and pulls the story to its closure.

The main point of the story is very much what I described near the beginning. In the movie Franky never swims, even being asked 5 or 6 times. Near the end she simply states that it would be weird if she leaves because she will not have the ocean to swim in, as it has always been in her own backyard. This is the eye-opening truth in all of our lives... we take for granted what others see. And just like her old friendship with Nicola that seemed tired when the new girl arrived... Franky got a taste of not dealing with Nicola but soon realized that you can't easily say goodbye to something you will always remember.

This movie is highly under-rated (as are alot of non-blockbusters these days). It is great to see a movie filmed in the South at one of the best and most popular beaches in the world. "Shag" (Another great movie) was also filmed in Myrtle Beach, however it is taken from the "visitors" point of view and we don't get to see and feel what it is like to be trapped in somewhere so wonderful and still want out.
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If you liked "Ruby in Paridise" or "Whatever" see this film.
jeansheridan14 July 2003
More coming of age films should be like this one. This is a character study and the screenplay doesn't follow a neat, easy plot. The actors look real (Joelle Carter is gorgeous, but realistically pretty, not glossy) and the dialog sounds like real conversations. Not much happens but the movie isn't that long. And of course Lauren Ambrose is terrific in a pre-SFU role. She still has that watchful quality, but she's not nearly as sarcastic as Claire.

The movie does look cheap unfortunately and sometimes the lighting and sound sucks. That's my only big complaint.
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Great Film, Not for those searching Hollywood ending
tracy-imdb25 April 2002
This was a great film. It's hard to explain even what the film is about, but I truly enjoyed it. We see the struggling of a young girl with beauty and love. The movie had many great moments and subtle surprises.

I would definitely recommend seeing it. However, if you are used to Hollywood wow endings, you probably won't like this movie. (I, myself, would have preferred a slightly more impactive ending.) But if you like independent movies, you will definitely love this film.
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On the beach
jotix10031 March 2005
Robert J. Siegel owes a great debt of gratitude to Lauren Ambrose, who makes a luminous appearance in "Swimming". Mr. Siegel contributed to the writing of the screen play with Liza Bazadona and Grace Woodward. The end result is amazing because the director and his team have accomplished a lot with what seemed to be a low budget. Which goes to show how some Hollywood productions would be better if they went for quality and artistic values, rather than millions of dollars invested in silly movies.

We are taken to Myrtle Beach during the busy summer season. There are all kinds of people coming to make the scene and to have fun. In the middle of the action we find the Wheeler siblings who are trying to make a go of their hamburger joint facing the beach. Their parents have moved to Arizona and have turned the restaurant operation to Neil and Frankie, who we first see feverishly working the rush lunch hour at the beach side restaurant.

Frankie is a girl who hasn't experienced much in life. In contrast, her best friend, Nicola, seems to know a lot for her young age. Frankie is the epitome of kindness. When the beautiful Josee comes looking for a summer waitress job, Neil decides to give her a break. Frankie feels an attraction to this newcomer because, perhaps, she embodies all what she would like to be and it's not.

Frankie dresses plainly and has no sense of style. Josee takes her under her wing, and Frankie repays her kindness by letting her share her room and bed. Josee seems to be hip to try anything that will give her a thrill; she is a callous young woman that seems to be using the new situation to her own advantage.

When Heath enters the restaurant asking for eight hamburgers without buns, Frankie is intrigued. She only finds out the meat is for the two dogs he keeps in his van. Heath is a tie dye artist who earns a living selling his "artistic" tee shirts to the summer tourists. Frankie sees in Heath the promise of love with this caring young man.

Lauren Ambrose is a revelation in her portrayal of Frankie. This young actress surprises us in that he projects such an intelligence and common sense for someone her age. Ms. Ambrose is what holds the film together as she makes us care for this girl.

Excellent ensemble playing by the rest of the cast, but worth a mention is Jennifer Dundas, as Nicola. Also Joelle Carter is the beautiful Josee. Jamie Harrold is good as Heath and Josh Pais plays Neil with conviction.

Let's hope Mr. Siegel will follow up this indie film with something he and his writing partners might do next.
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I would like my time refunded, please.
=G=26 September 2003
I think the best way to describe "Swimming" is to just call a spade a spade and say it's a waste of time. Yeah, I could pull an Ebert and pretend to climb into the psyches of the characters and type a bunch of subjective personal projection mumbo-jumdo but the fact is we don't know any more about them at the end of the film than we did in the beginning with a few minor exceptions. "Swimming" is a low budget lemon floating in that vast wasteland of lemonade called "broadcast". Pass on "Swimming". (C-)
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engaging story, excellent acting
Lynolipop10 December 2001
I really enjoyed this film. I found it a lovely and touching story about growing up and learning to feel comfortable in one's own skin and of how the people we love during the course of our lives touch us and change us. I thought the story was quite good and the acting and direction were excellent. I would definitely recommend
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A woman of substance and character
david_k19 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The main character in this picture runs a hamburger stand in Myrtle Beach, but she doesn't actually swim much. I think the title refers to her swimming in her baggy clothing, as this is yet another story about the tribulations of a hefty, less-than-attractive girl. Maybe the title refers to the way the girl is swimming through her young-adult life, as she owns half of the business and half of the house she lives in, but isn't making much of herself. You really wonder about her and this picture right until the end, but she shows some character.

The hamburger stand is on the beach, next to her best friend's nose piercing parlor. One summer a pretty new girl lands a waitress job at the burger joint and turns their lives upside down. The new girl tries without much success to bring the baggy girl out of herself, although she does go dancing a couple times, and later gets high with and even later beds a peddler of tie-dye tee shirts. The loss of Baggy's attention to the new girlfriend and boyfriend alienate the piercing-parlor lady. Her friend felt neglected, but she never really was, the baggy girl just wanted to branch out a little. Besides, the tongue piercer was mixed up with a crazy boyfriend with an imaginary buddy.

The movie turns at the very end, when the piercing lady is jailed after an altercation with her boyfriend and his imaginary friend. Our baggy dresser stands up to everyone to get the money to go bail her out. To me this reveals character that she must have had all along, but never showed. The jailbird was supposed to be everyone's friend really, and part of their community, so it is appalling that no one else supported bailing her out. No one else did however, but Baggy showed true loyalty.
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heyanerd11 October 2009
I saw this a couple times when I was 19-20. I even love most films that "try to do something different". but this movie just seemed like incidences strung together to "make a movie".

there was half-drama. half-emotion. and it just reminded me of the only things I don't like about tropical areas. to me it seemed to epitomize depression, but unlike some dramatizations, a clear cut seed to a solution never was shown. There just happened to "be a transformation" in the character, as if that is a "film requisite" as opposed to it happening organically.

love Lauren Ambrose. just didn't really get this movie I might try again to watch it. doubt it will end up having any impact on me, similar to the first few times.
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An engaging movie with unique and appealing characters.
ABurke-130 November 2001
I loved the way this movie delved into relationships between people. Compared to some coming-of-age movies, where characters seem to fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat, I thought this movie did a great job of helping you reflect on what qualities attract us to other people. Also, I found the sometimes quirky characters appealing and realistic. Overall, it was an engaging story of an adolescent's girls search for identity.
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Just saw the movie and was really moved...
cottoncandymuffin-110 June 2007
I have insomnia and it's usually extremely hard for me to find something interesting to watch at night. Actually, it's quite difficult to find ANYTHING to watch once it gets late enough. Anyway, I rarely watch movies that are on the WE (women's entertainment) channel and around 4am, I was browsing stations and came across this movie. I had no idea of the title but I'd recognized Lauren Ambrose's character from one of my favorite shows, Six Feet Under. I always liked her character because I could somewhat related to her young journey to being discovered. This movie was similar to character's I have seen her play in the past and I went online directly after it was over to find out the title. As soon as I'm able to, I will be purchasing this movie because I was really moved by the simplicity and relativity I found while watching it. I give this a great rating and I suggest people at least of the age 17 should watch this but adults will also enjoy.

Much Love, Sami
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One-of-a-kind. Smart, funny, touching, unpretentious.
johnsaff5 December 2001
Movies churned out by Hollywood that pretend to explore the inner lives of characters often have them talking ad nauseam about their `feelings,' with a perspective on themselves that a good therapist rarely has. In Swimming, director Robert Siegel allows us to discover and experience the character and the film, rather than shoving it all down our throats.

With honesty and subtlety, Swimming captures a pivotal time in everybody's lives when we're caught between youth and adulthood. It's told from the point of view of a young woman, played to perfection by the amazing Lauren Ambrose, who, after her work in this film, is movie star material.

Swimming also eschews the usual cheesy sappiness and manages to be genuinely sweet, charming, and truly uplifting, not to mention funny. It's also great to see an indie film which is smart and sophisticated, without feeling it has to be `hip.'

If you're looking for a bubble gum teen film, then stay away from Swimming; but if you want to see a movie that respects your intelligence and will have you feeling better about life, this movie is for you.

Great production, strong script, beautiful cinematography, graceful direction, and every performance is terrific.
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Swimming on Reel 13
eplromeo820 November 2008
Right off the bat, SWIMMING, the latest indie to air on Reel 13, earns points with some of its casting. Lauren Ambrose is one of our finest young actors and even though she was particularly young when she made this film, she provides the film with the grounded anchor it so desperately needs. Her large, deep eyes convey layers upon layers of emotion and character detail. If not for Ambrose and, to some degree, talented nebbish actor Josh Pais in a strong supporting role, SWIMMING wouldn't come close to saying afloat.

To be simplistic about it, SWIMMING is mostly dull and meandering. Ambrose plays Franky, a plain, shy young woman, who is stuck in a rut and is dying to escape the resort town of Myrtle Beach, SC where she grew up. The film follows one particular summer when two different wanderers enter her life – the knockout blonde waitress Josee (Joelle Carter) and a stoner, tie-dye shirt salesman Heath (Jamie Harrold). She is drawn to both of them, both spiritually and sexually, as they appeal to her sense of adventure – the kind of excitement she lacks in her life. The problem, however, is that both characters are written two-dimensionally and despite being pleasing to the eye, aren't appealing enough to the audience for us to support Ambrose pursuing either relationship. One can't help but hope for her to escape into a different movie.

From a stylistic point of view, SWIMMING isn't without merit. It's a very quiet, deliberate film, which is often nice, but it could have used the occasional injection of energy. Overall, I thought the editing was strong. Director Robert Siegel made the bold choice of cutting out of many scenes a beat or two early than you'd expect. This was never jarring, but instead, was effective and efficient. More often than not, directors linger in scenes past where they need to. Siegel shows you what he needs to and then moves on. I also thought that he handled Franky's sexual confusion with tact and restraint. Frequently, relationships between attractive lesbians in films can feel exploitive – formulated for shock value or titillation instead for truth of plot and character. SWIMMING thankfully avoided that pitfall.

I want to be clear and point out that I didn't hate SWIMMING. However, it failed to capture my imagination in any way that left a lingering impact on me. In spite of Ambrose's presence, the film truthfully just wasn't very interesting. I found myself indifferent to the conflicts within the film and to the plights of the various characters. While I see that the director's intentions were to provide a slice-of-life, coming-of-age type tale that avoided melodrama and high concept storytelling, that doesn't relieve him of his duty to make us care.

(For more information on this or any other Reel 13 film, check out their website at www.reel13.org)
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tbux 5010 November 2001
Great performance by Lauren Ambrose.Loved the film, a different kind of coming of age story.Robert Siegel has brought a gentle sensitivity to what could have been just another genre film, very poetic and gentle.
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Captures a difficult moment with grace and insight
gspeakout28 November 2001
It's a rare film that touches on coming of age and the important lessons about learning whom to trust with such restraint and respect for the characters. Lauren Ambrose is eloquent even when she's silent. I'll use it in my work with girls and young women
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If you like Lauren Ambrose in Six Feet Under, you'll love her in Swimming.
gones20 December 2001
I just recently caught Swimming at a preview screening, dragged by my girlfriend and what a surprise! This thoughtful, understated film quietly brings you into the lives of its characters with the honesty and sincerity of true acceptance. Lauren Ambrose is simply amazing as Frankie,a Myrtle Beach townie, whose life goes through some real turns during one summer. What's so good about the film is that it's like real life. None of the ususual movie Dramatics. Yet in the end, you can totally feel the experience of Frankie's change and that's what makes Swimming so satisfying in this day of special effects laiden Hollywood spectacles. Gentle, charming and really moving Swimming is a subtle gem.
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A smart, lovingly rendered, savy little film that really comes to life.
jackstanton31111 January 2002
Swimming is an intelligent and moving film which treats familiar subject matter in an unfamiliar way. The story of a local beach townie's rites of passage is told with meaning, charm and dimension. It is emotionally rich enough for both men and women to identify with the lead character, Frankie, wonderfully played by Lauren Ambrose, who will surely emerge as a major star. The role is an extremely difficult one, to which Lauren brings depth and emotional nuance. A good deal of credit for her performance belongs to the understated direction and very well thought out screenplay. The film is moving, charming, funny at times but mostly a fulfilling view of life that one rarely encounters in contemporary cinema. It takes its time to tell its story and in the end leaves the audience, certainly myself, feeling uplifted and satisfied. If Swimming gets to your vicinity, make a point of seeing it. It's worth the trip to the theater.
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A good little film!
jbfichera21 November 2001
Swimming is a pretty good film. It is not well known, and will probably never be huge, but it should not be over looked. Robert Siegel delivers a pretty well directed film, with excellent performances from "the up and coming" Lauren Ambrose, Jennifer Dundas Lowe and Joelle Carter. If you have the chance to see this film, I highly recommend it. It is enjoyable and an easy watch. Give it a shot.
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Better than that!
publicparks20 September 2003
I suppose this is a coming of age movie, and that it therefore ought to show some maturation in its principal subject. But, heck, "Swimming" does.

Frankie starts out almost devoid of self-confidence, hiding her body in baggy clothes and her self behind her older brother and his bossiness, letting her friends boss her too, unless one of them asks her to assert herself, become conspicuous, risk rejection.

Thanks to new relationships, with a girl who, despite having some good and loving impulses, is using her attractiveness to manipulate both Frankie and her older brother, and with a somewhat goofy guy who is not at all manipulative, Frankie finds the grit to stand up to her brother and to both her old girlfriend and her new one -- to assert herself and to act to change her world. She even finds the courage to cut her old friend a lot of slack.

The setting of the story and the secondary characters are almost too gritty and "realistic," but all the actors -- and especially Lauren Ambrose -- perform well and even a weird Marine (Anthony Ruivivar, now playing in "Third Watch" on TV) is almost believable.

I enjoyed this movie a lot! I must add that I am grateful to Sundance for showing this film on TV.
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Fantastic and touching coming-of-age.
michaelRokeefe19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up, friendship and coming-of-age in South Carolina was not meant to be easy for Frankie Wheeler (Lauren Ambrose). And how can she get into a teenage romance, when she has such a low self esteem and no pride in her physical appearance. Frankie does enjoy her friendship with Nicola (Jennifer Dundas Lowe), but when some newcomers show up in town, her deep bond with Nicola is marred with jealousy.

Miss Ambrose was quickly in my heart and my mind. The whole atmosphere impressed me enough to overlook some of the lack of acting. In total, the characters and relationships made me wish for a longer run time.

The cast also features Joelle Carter, Joshua Harto, James Villemaire and Jamie Harrold.
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Reasonating slice of life of a teenager
jordondave-280856 April 2023
(2000) Swimming DRAMA

Co-produced, co-written and directed by Robert J. Siegel, that has teenager, Frankie Wheeler (Lauren Ambrose) running a small diner alongside with her brother, Neil Wheeler (Josh Pais) located at Myrtle Beach expressing her grievances as a narrator to the viewing public. And although, they both inherited the diner from their parents, the brother appears to heap much of the rewards as he also has a family he needs to support. And although, Frankie already has a friend named Nicola(Jennifer Dundas), she also happens to connect with the help, Frankie's brother had employed as the new waitress, her name is Josee (Joelle Carter). Resonating slice of life of a teen Frankie played wonderfully by Lauren Ambrose.
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george.schmidt17 September 2002
SWIMMING (2002) ***1/2 Lauren Ambrose, Joelle Carter, Jennifer Dundas, Jamie Harrold, Joshua Harto, Josh Pais, Joe Roseto, Anthony Ruivivar, Sharon Scruggs. Wonderful low budget, indie sleeper gem about a young woman (Ambrose in a lovely performance whose expressive face is a marvel to behold) facing a future of boredom while working in her family's resort community hamburger joint in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina finds her life in sudden change when comely stranger (Carter) comes aboard as a waitress shaking things up for the better (and not so). Smart, funny and captivating in capturing what it feels like to be a girl becoming a woman and the awkwardness of it all. (Dir: Robert J. Siegel)
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I never forgot this movie
comradeh3 December 2001
I have never seen a low budget movie as well shot. How did they manage the crowd scenes? The directing is perfect; so the acting; the script adds it own vision to the "comming of age theme."Also the theme of a souless girl entering the lives of all the troubled characters who endow her with thier own longings. I never forgot it. Comradeh
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