Blue Submarine No. 6 (TV Mini Series 1998–2000) Poster


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Excellent starting point for a revolution.
federicopistono8 June 2006
Attention, there may be spoilers. Blue Submarine Number 6

Animation [8]/10

The style and the realisation are audacious. Before this 1998 GONZO story there were very few studios who actually got into the 3D GCI at this level. They tried, at least I can give them that. Blue Submarine n.6 is what I call an experiment. In fact, many things inside it resemble what will be the GONZO masterpiece Last Exile, both the characters (especially the female one) and the animation. The 3D is not a good technical achievement, but surely is a good start. The CGI does not fuse homogeneously with the drawings, and the designer noticed it. But then the director said it was OK, as people would get used to it.

In fact, after a while you DO get used to it, if you are not too picky, but the very fact that there are only 6 OVA makes the attempt utterly futile, because the animation becomes familiar when the anime is about to finish...

I do have to thank them in any case, because it is thanks to this anime that we have been blessed with Last Exile.

Sound [7] /10

The jazz songs during the naval combats are quite a catch, I would say they resemble something of Cowboy Bebop, even though they're not as appropriate as the Sunrise Inc. production's. The overall sound is not remarkable, though, it lacks of a theme that can be remembered through the episodes.

A part from the fighting scenes there is no evident music that adapts to the story, hence in the end it becomes monotone. And also let us not forget that there is no melodic/sentimental song that matches the final scenes of the series, something like Arcadia by Yoko Kanno. Well, this is not Escaflowne (sound [10] /10).

Story [7] /10

Blue Submarine Number 6 This story is something already seen a million times, the Earth has been gradually destroyed by the human exploitation of the natural resources, therefore the planet is now "rebelling" against the human species. Though there are some differences, the plot is very similar to others (Escaflowne, Last Exile, Nausicaa of the valley of the wind, just to name a few), here the one who takes the responsibility to destroy humans for their sins is a scientist that was working along with those who exploited the planet in the first place. In this case it makes much more sense, and the whole reason for the war seems to be somehow justified.

There are also some bad points about the story. The most interesting parts are the inner psychology of Zorndyke and the relationship between Tetsu Hayami and the pseudo mermaid.. What did they do? They relegated these two topics into micro-moments, that apparently are a marginal part of the story. The director wanted to concentrate on the battle and the animation, because while looking at the special I discovered that he was almost obsessed with making something new. The mix is not bad as a result, but if he had made a 13 episodes series with more in-depth storyline it would have had a much bigger effect, that is the reason I personally think the series was not a success.

Character [8] /10

As I described above, the only characters that needed attention were Zorndyke, the red-eyes mermaid and Hayani, with the exception of the giant experimental wale who saves them. I was really moved by the first scenes when the two (Hayani and the mermaid) met, where he saves her by bringing her back to the water. The use of lights and music was excellent, and I thought that it could have been the beginning of an evolution in terms of profundity of the characters. Unfortunately a was wrong, as the moments of poetical description of the protagonist's psychology and sentiments are very sporadic.

The mermaid looks strangely familiar... someone said Chobits? I'm sorry I did not hear you.

Value [7] /10

I find some problems in valuing the re-view ability of this anime. At first I would say that it's a straight 3 and let me explain the reason. As I mentioned before, there ARE interesting aspects, but they are not portrayed exhaustively in the series. Therefore you get that bad feeling that you're missing something, and you need to compensate the emptiness derived from the missing story with something else meaningful. That, on the other hand, could be considered a good point, as it will give you the will to, for example, write a review, or a story. Balancing it becomes a 7.

Enjoyment [8] /10

I have to admit that I somehow enjoyed the series even though its bad points that I previously mentioned. To be completely honest, I have this feeling of emptiness that needs to be filled with something that the anime did not achieve in giving me. There were too many good points to analyse, but I would say that it was worth watching in the end.

Federico Pistono Sept 25, 2005.
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Stunning exciting 3-D animation set in the waterlogged future
mark-25223 June 2001
Usually known as BLUE SUBMARINE 6, this Japanese animation has both action and brains! It's set in the near future when the world is being held to ransom by a rogue scientist, Zorndyke. He is melting the icecaps and has genetically created an underwater race to conquer Earth. Humanity's last hope is the Blue Submarine fleet and their brave crews taking on Zorndyke's living whale/submarines. The story progresses obliquely with many flashbacks filling the viewer in on the motives of both the crew and their quarry, Zorndyke. All the characters are rendered in the traditional 2-dimensional anime style but all the hardware (the submarines, the surface crab/tanks) are all 3-D animation, bringing a gritty realism to the action scenes. The subs, the explosions, the sea are all beautifully realised. The craft and creature designs are imaginative but still based on reality. I'd recommend this to someone who wants to see something unique and unusual, exciting and demanding.
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The great Anime
charlesskywalk6 May 2003
I seen Blue Submarine No.6 and I enjoy it. The story of it is about in the near future, the oceans have risen, causing all land at sea level to be flooded. With the expansion of the oceans, humanity has found a new enemy in Zorndyke. A war has erupted between the surface dwellers and the sea dwellers, and mankind is placing all of its hope in the new vessel Blue Submarine No.6 and her crew. It a great Anime so anyone may enjoy it like me so. I hope a new DVD of Blue Submarine No.6 will come out soon and it will anyway I love ever things about it so I give it a 10 out of 10.
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A great sci-fi submarine adventure!
moonbus694 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Submarines and sci-fi don't often come together, but when they do (as in Disney's '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' classic movie, or TV series like 'SeaQuest' or 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea') it is usually a good mix of story and action. In this, 'Blue Submarine No. 6' delivered in top form.

I don't want to give up too much here, but this story takes place in a not too distant future where a scientist has made havoc with modern civilization through the creatures he has made (shades of H. G. Wells' 'Island of Doctor Moureau'). The 'Blue Fleet', a ragtag group of hi-tech submarines and their commanders, is constantly on guard for the next attack on coastal cities and ports. Later, they go for an all out mission to stop the evil scientist before the planet's environmental balance is destroyed.

The animation is a mix of hand drawn and computer graphics that works rather well. The music soundtrack amps up key action scenes, and the story is both very entertaining and thought provoking. I have only seen the edited Toonami Movie version (115 minutes, English dubbed), but from the first viewing I was hooked on this excellent Anime film! Anyone who likes Anime, sci-fi story lines, and especially cool submarines should definitely check out 'Blue Submarine No. 6'.
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Big Expectations, but No Cigar...
Akira-Tetsuo7 May 2001
Although visually beautiful and stunning, the characters were too basic, and you really just didn't care about them. Also, the underworld creatures were a tad silly. Now, I know this isn't the creator's fault, but when the main character was smoking a cigarette, they made it a toothpick on Toonami, and smoke was still coming out of it!

Just don't bother with this film.
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not bad
kyle_wright_hinton14 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Today i learned the anatomy of a manshark, also the mental age of one.... 6. Speaking of 6 year old I don't understand why that one little girl is telepathically leading a fleet of nuclear submarines. The music was aight and reminded me of cowboy bebop however it seemed very old of place during navel combat so I don't know if that is a plus or a minus. Im gonna be really honest and say that you would like this movie if you enjoyed end of evangelion as you get about the same level of explanations. I don't really know what happened during the film plot wise but I really wanted to fu*k that cute freaky fish girl.

Overall 7.8/10 because of too much water
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It may not appeal to all but its a very good anime.
templast29 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand the comment that was posted above, the film definitely will not appeal to everyone. It does have a very calm subtle theme that has to be closely followed. A lot of people don't enjoy it because they want fast paced action. This film does have it but also has a lot of storyline too. I have to admit that when I first saw it a few years ago I was a little unsure myself, especially as I was trying to watch it with non-anime lovers in the room - which kind of spoiled it.

But I have watched it a few times since then and personally I like the storyline because the world has been flooded due to the Polar Ice caps melting and 10 billion people have died (its set in the future lets not forget). You may have read the main points on the sale sites: Zorndyke is a scientist who hates the modern world and so created a new race of sea dwelling creatures and people to attack the humans on the land.

But as the story progresses Hayami (the main male character) helps Mutio which is a aquatic girl made by Zorndyke. She then starts to change the opinions of others in her race and so on and so forth, and so by the end many of the creatures are not wanting to attack humans.

There is also something about the relationship between Mutio and Hayami that is quite sweet on her part. The fact that she can't talk makes it different also.

The only thing that I don't like much is the way that somehow Hayami is relied upon to do everything and is some sort of Guru when it comes to solving world peace, plus his attitude is a bit stereotypical and has been done many times before (the strong silent type), but then again it does match the part well.

The story also ends nicely just showing them stopping the conflict, but I think it would be nice to see what the future of the planet would be, but thats not a bad point really.

Overall I really liked this title and I agree its perhaps for the slightly older anime fan but is a good film non-the-less. The effects are good and well pulled off and the subtleties of the characters and the storyline are quite nice too.

Its a shame that people right a few bad reviews because it puts other people off, but if you really like anime its a definite purchase. I hope you can watch and agree.
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Do you think you play god?
DoubtfulHenry27 May 2009
The world as we know it, is no more. Tides have risen and drown the cities of mankind. The amphibious creations of a mad scientist, Professor Zorndyke (also the cause of the earth's condition) now inhabit the earth and lay siege on what's left of the human species. The only remaining military force must launch a daring strike to cripple the evil doctors forces.

Blue Sub 6 is one of my favorite animes of all time. The story is told expertly. All the characters feel real, and are developed exceptionally well. Even the "villains" get the same attention to detail. The seemingly mad, crazy and otherwise evil doctor who is the cause of everything is much more than just a "bad guy." You get to see what really led him to do what he did, and the ending dialogue between him and the protagonist is moving.

The animation is a mixed bag. The CG hasn't stood the test of time very well, and that's the only place i can doc it any points. All other animation is superb. The music is also a bit sketchy at times but for the most part it immerses the viewer into the world of Blue Sub 6.

I highly recommend this if you enjoy classics like Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing, and Dragon Ball Z.

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Blue Sub 6 is visually stunning but weak everywhere else
bahamutwing7 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Blue submarine 6 the OVA is based off the 1960's manga of the same title. I think it's fair to point out that Kevin Costner and his wreck of a movie should no longer be associated with this film.

Just by watching the trailers you can tell how visually stunning this title really is. I enjoyed the battles, although at times cryptic, and I found the overall character design to be in good taste. Sadly the plot takes a nose dive, which is worse than it starting out as garbage. Below are spoilers and a basic over view of the so many cons in this piece.

The plot begins with your typical mad scientist, changing the world by melting polar ice caps and looking to create a magnetic shift. By doing so he will end all human life on earth. At the same time he created a race of mutants as perceivable successors to earth. The story opens up with the recruitment of a court marshaled sailor named Hayami.Up till this point things work and even start to suck you in. However from there it get's kinda pointless. Hayami never really shows any drive for any goal throughout the series. He is constantly questioning himself and everyone's motives. However for some reason, everyone believes great things from him. ( I did not)

Arguably the piece that is intended to link everything together, Zorndyke's explanation for mass genocide, leaves the viewer lacking any real answers. What I got out of it was this: " I didn't like the world, so I said no." " These are my children, talk to them to understand one another." So what this man has created is a whole other group of sentient beings who are irresponsible and more likely to cause harm to the earth than good. Although some of his 'children' seem to understand it's clearly seen that most of them share a human/sheep mindset. Zorndyke claims that he isn't playing God, however his intentions contradict just that. He created a new race of creatures, reshaped the face of the earth, and tried to wipe the old animals away.

I will say one thing however and that is if Zorndyke actually had a point, and Hayami actually had character, or at least a reason to think that he could change the world, than I would have given this series a 7 easy.
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I loved this movie
knightf34 February 2009
I saw this movie also on Toon Tsunami on The Cartoon Network. I loved it. I've always wanted to see it again but haven't had the chance ._. but if you get the chance to watch it know that its one of the most well made plot lines ever in a Japanese anime movie. I hate admitting I have no clue what it was about and to be honest I didn't know what it was about then :D But I LOVED it. I just wish I could see it again so I could remember why hahaha. I hope you enjoy this movie if you get to see it, and please, someone, write complaint letters about this ridiculous ten lines of text in order to submit something because it's a royal pain in the rear and I'm so tired of having to write this extra fluff just to get a short and sweet comment on an amazing movie you'll love. I guarantee it.
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An animated Waterworld with some furry ridiculousness added in.
sadrec121 June 2005
My father got this for me from the library when I was beginning to gain an interest in anime. At first, my attitude was "cool, it sounds interesting." Then I started watching it, and most of the excitement wore thin. There's not a lot of bad here, but there isn't a lot of good, either. The whole the Earth-is-Flooded business has been done before, and what we got was "Fishtar". Still, this was anime, so it ought to be good, right? Not necessarily. The characterization was almost non-existent. Hayami is a stoic greeny drug addict, but we barely have any clue why. Huang is a cute sonar expert and I think she would make a great little sister, but we barely know anything about her. The captain's characterization is limited to him looking longingly at a picture of his family. If you want to find out anything about the characters, get it on DVD and read the character bios, but skip the behind the scenes thing on the Playstation game thing (I hope I'm not the only one who's wanted to strangle that squeaky bobble-head girl.) The story is a bit of a mess. Basically the villain thinks, "Humans are destroying the world, so if I destroy the world, maybe they'll learn." yeeahh... Hayami's hopeless buddy-buddy ideas are irritating (I could almost hear the chorus to Kansas's "The Preacher" during his confrontation with Verg, who's reverb/octave dub is hellishly annoying. I couldn't tell if he was male or female.) Then, of course, there are the Muteo. You know it isn't an anime until there are half-naked cat-women, right? But these half-naked cat-women are special. They can swim and hum the theme from Dream Theater's "Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper"! I felt like going "Ditdit doo doodoo ditdit doo doodoo ditdit doo doodoo doo ditdoo ditdoo!" In conclusion, if all you want is half-naked anthropomorphic women and homages to the greatest rock song since Supper's Ready from your anime, you're in the right place. If you want something more though, turn to Miyazaki and Cowboy Bebop.
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Blue Submarine 6 - or 'The Island of Dr.Moreau' at global scale
MarcusMetzler29 July 2002
The story of 'Blue Submarine 6' is in fact the idea from H.G.Wells novel 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' taken to a much larger scale, global that is. Both style and quality are very good and the computer animated scenes fit perfectly into the film, even though the series is quit short the characters are logical and not 'flat', one will find problems looking for 'black and white' thinking in this film. But most astonishing is the effect this film leaves compared to 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and the earlier 'real actor' movies from 1933, 1977, 1996 - whereas one could easily drop of the ideas H.G.Wells might had with this novel if viewed on just a 'small ocean island' that no one knows it is hard to deny those same ideas when transfered on a global scale. So I would recommend this series as it offers both - good entertainment and some deep thoughts.

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An undiscovered gem for most
cpuuk31 March 2005
As long as you get the 3x disc Special Edition (not the cut for TV version) you should expect a good evenings entertainment.

It's a cracking good SF eco\ action story that manages to make it's point and stay entertaining at the same time. Once the action starts in episode 1 it's a roller-coaster ride to the very end. And you'll find your emotions and view point change more than once as more of the story is revealed.

The characters are stock in their (anime) attitudes, but the animation brings them to life. And it's the animation that takes the biscuit, with stunning 3D effects that they are only now beginning to match- it was ahead of it's time for sure.

As to why it's stays so undiscovered remains a mystery, every reviewer of note has given this anime a well deserved A, yet it stays in R1 land! Anyway, lets continue to keep it our little secret ;-)
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How can anyone judge this series based on the edited version?
ryanbigman1 July 2003
Blue Submarine is excellent! Of course, if you watch the edited version of the cartoon network then you're out of luck. Keep in mind that this is an OVA series so no one should be dissapointed. Most series today are only 26 episodes long! Again this OVA was great; it reminded me of Cowboy Bebop, that being the characters, elements, and, more importantly, the music. The music was great, it added so much! I really recommend it to anyone and it's great for any collection.
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Might be time for a remake
laniparker5 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gonzo animation has a tendency to create work that is either extraordinarily good or horrifyingly bad. Between Speed Grapher, Last Exile, Kiddy Grade, Burst Angel, Welcome to the N.H.K. and Witchblade, Gonzo is responsible for a fair few of my favorite anime and I lament the scaling back they have had to do in recent years due to financial trouble. They also brought us the 4 episode OVA Blue Submarine no. 6.

The first time I saw this OVA, I was 8 and not yet old enough to judge the technical and artistic merits of the series. Now, that I am an adult the myriad of missteps it takes have become apparent.

The biggest fault is the sound editing. This is more of a problem in the English dub as all of the sound effects are muted, causing the mediocre voice acting to fall completely flat. However the absence of a truly engaging score outside of tonally inappropriate jazz selection for the fight scenes in both the original Japanese and English dub makes for an almost sleep inducing experience. The jazz sections are especially enigmatic as they don't create a parodic or comedic tone, just cheapen what drama there is.

Then there is the wasted potential with the flooded world premise. This could be used to create an endless horizon and massive void under the surface, but instead everything feels minuscule and claustrophobic. Outside passing comments about the current death toll, we never get a real sense of the scope of this world. It just comes off as a collection of hastily pasted together set pieces.

And as for character development, what character development? Many characters are only present long enough for tacked on plot developments and associations and don't even amount to basic stereotypes. Then there is the jaw-droppingly ridiculous name Zorndyke. Maybe it would have worked if he was one of the fish people, but as the Dr. Moreau of the story it is just distracting.

The OVA isn't without its positives, though. The development of the understanding between the mer lady and the protagonist is a good idea and is at times executed quite well. As irritating as the shark antagonist is, the last scene actually gave him significant development and I found myself being able to sympathize with his position if only slightly.

The great untapped potential of this OVA is why I think it is probably time for a remake with an overhauled plot, a remake that goes for more subtlety and characterizes the world these characters live in better. Both live action film and animation have come a long way in the 16 years since and could do a fantastic job updating this story.
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Watch it maybe
gjhgabter10 March 2019
Haven't seen this, but all I'll say is, MASTERPIECE.
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Island of Dr. Moreau meets Waterworld & Hunt for Red October.
frankblack-7996118 January 2021
There was a fair amount of buzz around this when it first was released. It is a visually entertaining movie. Just couldn't get into this one. Some parts were interesting and I didn't have any issues with losing interest. But, as a whole it's just a mishmash of stories I've either read or seen before so there want anything particularly noteworthy. I found the conversations between the humans and mutants to be more interesting than the action. Unfortunately, these interactions were few. 5 out of 10 for me as I didn't really like it of dislike it.
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Its got fish and explosions and (plot?)
Phrazr14 December 2014
There was the weird seen with the fish ccat and the man cat and the shark with a foot long peener. But over all it was a great shocking revelation of the affects of post modernism capitalism on an ever endangered fragile Eco aquatic ecosystem, and the drastic measure we would take to protect or destroy it also fish tits. Over all the cgi is okay at best and not at all used for nudity which disappoints. I don't know what happens in the plot but i know that Antarctica sure gets the shaft in the end. If you are triggered by hoards of furries, as i am, i highly recommend you watch this as it is one of few animes without any anthropomorphic furries in the entire 28 episode series. 10/10 more naked fish then than Shamoo's strip club
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Not as it seems...
gwennie-119 March 2002
Because of the up to date computer graphics in the series, a person would think that this anime is nothing more than just eye candy. This is where people are wrong. Like everyone else, there are different opinions of this anime, and personally, I think it's one of the betters.

It starts off quite hazy, but what story doesn't? In fact, I don't think it's that hazy at all. What's there to know? You already see that the world is under water. Anyway, it starts off hazy, and eventually adds to it through the next three episodes. However, the less hazy it because, the more philosophical and symbolic everything becomes.

Even if this was very short, and there wasn't much character development for most of the characters, one has to remember that it basically focuses only on Hayami, and to be truthful, he goes through a huge change, and has immense character development.

If you're a person who enjoys intellectual entertainment, then I would recommend this.
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seadood9030 November 2010
One of the most amazingg things I've everr seen on TV. It defines human nature, and a possible future of existence

if the boundaries of science and military naval action was the only thing left.

EMotional, and hits you in the heart through all 4 episodes Every time.

I saw this on cartoon network when I was 7, and I was so vulnerable then it took time to really figure out what I was watching, but now I fully understand the depth of a world being torn apart, and any nature of any sort is connected.

I don't think there will be a deeper story than this one has ever.
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