Student Seduction (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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Cliché filled movie, that lacks both suspense and credibility.
Boba_Fett11384 April 2006
Is there anything that happens in this movie that is NOT predictable? I think not. Basically the movie is cliché after cliché and really nothing ever comes as a surprise. It makes the movie extremely predictable and because of that the movie is also seriously lacking in tension. So for a thriller it is not tense and unpredictable enough but also as a drama it's a failure. This is because the movie its story is highly unlikely. I mean, no way this could ever happen in real life, as in the same way as the events occur in this movie. So the movie has a real suspense and credibility problem.

But it truly are the clichés that killed the movie. It was cringing stuff at times. Everything is so formulaic in this movie. The predator is portrayed as a cool heartless, almost psychopath like sexual frustrated boy and the victim as a naive young woman, who acts like she didn't see any of this coming. Everything that happened in the movie was so obvious and all seemed to happen for a reason. Such as the sequence in which the 'predator' fixes the 'victims' broken car. That has got to be one of the oldest clichés out of the book. I knew what the movie tried to achieve after that point. I tried to look as if the teacher and the student were really growing toward each other trough the eyes of the other persons around them. It was so incredibly obvious and cheap that I almost wanted to stop watching the movie after that point. The movie is filled with moments like these.

The title might suggest that this is a cheap porn movie but this in fact is a sappy made for TV movie. Which means that everything is slowly happening and the movie spends halve its time on character development and unnecessary sub-plots to make the movie even more drama like.

I'll admit that Elizabeth Berkley is pretty good acting in this movie. She makes some of the clichés and events look even almost realistic at times. Her Hollywood career is as good as over after appearing in the Paul Verhoeven movie "Showgirls", so unfortunately she will probably only still appear in movies- and television series like this one. It's a waste of her talent and she surely deserves better. All of the other characters are a disappointment. Corey Sevier plays the cliché pretty 'untouchable' rich boy and the way the husband of the main character is portrayed is even worse. He looks more like a sexual frustrated predator than the true predator of the movie. He basically tries to have sex with his wife in every sequence. He wakes up, he wants sex. Before he goes to sleep, he wants sex. He gets home, he wants sex. It might be a realistic thing but I don't know, it just didn't feel right for a movie like this one and the story in general.

A cliché filled movie and I can't think of any reason why anyone should ever watch this movie. It's predictable and therefor also lacks in suspense and credibility. Not an 'horrible' movie and it certainly is a watchable one at times but all the weak and cliché elements in the movie also make this far from a recommendable one.

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Saddled with the misfortune of a terrible title, this somber flick is above average
triple826 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Say the words: lifetime movie and a lot of people roll their eyes. Say the name Elizabeth Berkely and many think "Showgirls". Worse, take a name like "student seduction" which has to be one of the worst movie titles I've ever heard-(and I've heard a lot), and the pieces don't sound as if they add up to a lot. Yet this movie, while not great, was decent enough for me to give it an above average rating and it really could have been a 7 or 8(I think) if some things that went on hadn't been so muddled. But I really did think this movie wasn't half bad.

Most know the plot-a female teacher gets accused of making sexual overtures toward one of her students even though it was the other way around. Nobody seems to believe her-even her attorney and husband at times seem doubtful. So of coarse the movie deals with the teacher's attempts to bring about the truth.

Typical lifetime? Maybe. All I know is the movie had some pluses, number one being the performance by Berkely herself. She was good. Very much so. She actually made me forget she was in a thing called Showgirls and no matter what the quality of a movie, if a performer is good, they should be given kudos. Berkely is not only good but excellent and I am glad she was cast in this role. It was really an interesting movie because it is thought provoking and more then a little scary. I did enjoy it.

Cheesy title or not, I would have given this a much higher rating but for a few things. While the movie was relatively well written and the performances extremely good, there was a lot of things that were frustrating. A lot goes on behind the scenes and the movie never ever really explains why so many become convinced the teacher is actually the guilty party. Id have liked to see WHY everyone thought she did it. It was very muddled the way it was done, and comes off as rather contrived because instead of seeing events unfold in a believable way, we see person after person, start looking at the teacher with suspicion. So of coarse a lot of the time is spent in frustration at all the people who seem to be obsessed with pinning it all on the teacher. Yet without being presented with clear reasons- (WHY did the cops look at her with suspicion almost from the beginning?) it almost becomes annoying rather then intriguing.

Berkely however, is so good, and the premise so interesting it does make you want to watch till the end. I think 6 is the perfect rating. This isn't great but it is an interesting, well acted television movie that maybe at least worth a look if the subject matter interests you or if you are a fan of Berkely or television movies.
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A Pass for Teacher
wes-connors21 November 2013
Pretty chemistry teacher Elizabeth Berkley (as Christie Dawson) offers to tutor handsome student Corey Sevier (as Joshua "Josh" Gaines) after school. Used to having his way with women, Mr. Sevier makes sexual advances, which Ms. Berkley refuses. Persistence leads to accusations... This is a very predictable story, but refreshing in that it does not follow the path you are initially expecting; this makes the title "Student Seduction" highly misleading. Credit should be given to director Peter Svatek and a fine cast, for keeping performances appropriate. In particular, Berkley is attractive without being seductive. Sevier and Sarah Allen (as Jenna) do well as the students. Unfortunately, we are treated to obvious plot plants throughout. You will be able to spot future "witnesses" easily, along with the behavior which could prove to be the perpetrator's undoing.

**** Student Seduction (5/5/03) Peter Svatek ~ Elizabeth Berkley, Corey Sevier, Rick Roberts, Sarah Allen
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I feel dirty for watching this.
Roguex9992 August 2004
Oh boy, where to begin...

First off, it's a Lifetime Network movie, so you should know exactly what you're getting into when you turn to that channel. That being said, I never really sat through one of these long-winded diatribes before. You know right off the bat what's going to happen, and nothing comes as a surprise.

Elizabeth Berkley stars as the new teacher at some generic high school. Being young and attractive, she warrants the wrong kind of attention form some of her male students (and I think one of the girl students, too, but lesbianism is handled with graceful subtlety on Lifetime). After she begins tutoring one of her students, Josh, he becomes obsessed with her.

One thing leads to another, and Josh thinks they have something more than a teacher-student relationship. He forces a kiss on her in the hallway, then flips out and attacks her at home, ripping her shirt but nothing else.

Somehow, Josh's Dad and his lawyers are able to spin it as if it was the hot, young teacher was to blame for the whole thing. Then, the rest of the movie deals with her struggle to maintain her innocence.

You know what is going to happen. You know how it is going to end. Every single character looks plucked straight from the Big Book of Clichés; young, headstrong teacher, her doubting husband, her incompetent lawyer telling her to plead guilty, only one student who believes in her, the slimy cops and lawyers who are seemingly out to ruin one woman's life so some rich kid won't have to spend a month in juvenile hall. It is all so terribly predictable, and everyone acting in the film seems to know it, also.

I still don't get a few things, though. How on earth could those lawyers spin the facts to make Berkley seem like the predator? Wouldn't one tough (but effective) interrogation of Josh show what really happened? The characters seem to perpetuate on a different level where rational thinking and deductive logic make as much sense as looking for WMDs in Iraq (heh).

Now you understand my summary line. It is boring, stupid, pointless. I'm pretty sure these movies will serve as a backfire and hurt the reputation of women in the sense that they will always be viewed as the victim, and never the one who (gasp) is really guilty. Thank God I had three beers before sitting down in front of this one.
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No, really..
kari-osterhagen8 July 2011
This should have been a 15 minute movie. I gave it an extra star because the movie did not actually cause me physical pain.

What school on the planet would allow a student to behave the way Josh did, and get away with it? Furthermore, why was the principal so creepy? Her facial expression and tone of voice were disturbing.

Where did those police detectives get their training?

Why did Josh sound like a serial killer throughout the whole movie? Is there something wrong with his voice?

How did he know where his Chem teacher lived? And how did he get in?

This story stunk,in my opinion. I didn't even want to waste my time watching the end. I came here and read about it instead. I can see I didn't miss out on anything.
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Vacuous in every regard
caa8219 March 2008
There are a couple of prior comments here which opine about this flick's abundance of clichés throughout -- and I agree completely, both with regard to the characters AND the dialog.

I'd read about Elizabeth Berkly's awful performance in the equally-awful "Showgirls," which I've never seen - and her performance here, while not awful, is barely up to the standards of Lifetime's worse fare. There was not a hint of depth to her character, but then there probably shouldn't have been. If so, it would have placed the film completely out-of-balance, since there wasn't a hint of depth or charisma - not a trace - in any one character, performer, or portrayal.

The principal's handling of Liz's initial complaint after her tutee had kissed her in the hall was laughable. Her husband's initial reaction and advice were likewise (Forrest Gump, attacking Jenny's boyfriend in his car provided a more realistic, intelligent action, and, hell, he was mentally-challenged).

The smarmy, unctuous lawyer (excuse the redundancy) father of the lying student actually performed something probably worthy of praise in his performance: he was both laughable and thoroughly annoying at the same time, no mean feat. Her attorney was more of an insensitive nerd, also not unknown in the profession.

Finally (and frankly, I rather enjoyed this part), the police were such a collection of insensitive oafs, that you'd rather depend upon Barney Fife, without Andy, to handle all law enforcement and investigation in your community. I know that most real-like cops fall a bit short of the sharpness, intelligence and empathy of the level displayed by most characters on the "Law and Order" series', and the like -- but dolts of this level seem to be a staple on "Lifetime."

Finally, I found a kind of "story within a story" fascination with Josh's concoction of his being the "victim" of his teacher. This scripted performance within the story was even worse than his overall performance in the main story. This was something of an achievement, like going from "F" to "F-minus."

This whole lame situation should have been resolved - in real life - in about 15 minutes, following a realistic meeting between teacher and school authorities, with husband involved. But then that would have precluded the contrived drama following, and left an hour's blank film in the camera.

But the writer(s) here, proved with their ending, they could do even worse. When the situation was finally "resolved" and "righted," this was accomplished in all of about 45 seconds, with no indication of what measures might have been forthcoming in any "real world" context for the perpetrator and his parents, or whether they might have been able to find some sort of path toward redemption.

This one's a 2* presentation; the second "*" because it does have some mild "fascination."
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I thought I would like it!!
doycesub5 April 2016
I started out fine it until the Elizabeth Berkley character got arrested for being attacked by a student. I wanted to fast forward through the rest of it after that. My wife left the room because of the stupidity. The child would have been questioned more deeply that he was. As a former investigator with the State's child services, I can say that would not have happened the way this movie writers claim it would have happened.A more investigative questioning would have been performed. The police in this are as dumb as a box of hammers. Also, when she reported the assault, the attacker would have been arrested immediately. She was at the hospital for crying out loud.If I could rate it "S" for stupid movie I would have.I'm sitting here typing this stuff while the movie is on hoping it will end and thinking about fast forwarding it to the end and watching something else. I am watching Lifetime movie club on Amazon by the way.
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This is what I think
inbar8212 January 2008
Sarah Ellen did a fantastic job. She is an awesome actress and did this rule well, although it's not her best performance. Elizabeth Berkley, as good as always (SHE KEEPS ON IMPROVING!) and Rick Roberts, not so sure about his acting more like the director's choices that were bad. The movie story line was obvious, yet interesting. The "strong emotional" sense were fast and could have been given more time. The movie failed to get to high dramatic points and focused on the less interesting events. Over all I think this movie was OK, it wasn't bad yet wasn't great. It could have been much better but I admire Elizbeth Berkley's and Sarah Ellen's fantastic job.
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Keef647 June 2007
Anyone giving this movie a good review obviously must have had something to do with its creation. This movie is a painful suckfest. The acting is stiff, the stock generic soundtrack is laughable, the direction is bland and strangest of all, the teacher really isn't all that attractive (making the student's blatant advances all the more awkward). The creative minds behind this trash should disband and spread out to prevent further displays of such concentrated craptitude. I'm certain that some starving kids in Africa could have used the money squandered on this project. Hell, the funds would have also seen a more enlightened purpose fueling a crack-addict; at least someone would be getting some entertainment out of it. For the sole reason that it didn't give me a terminal illness, I'll give this film a two.
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Definitely TV movie ending fell flat
byrnes-8595511 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie with ones of 90s after school special or just 90s movie. This does happen where students fall for teachers and become obsessed. I wish they did something better with the ending. Like be in court and see the kid and family lied and the boy gets locked up. People even now a days here teacher and kid raed one but they lie happens often. Yes their really are teachers who prey on kids. It's the worst when a teacher does it bc we trust teachers and trust they have good intentions but nope. But this ending wasn't an ending it showed a kid standing up for her but never once did more than that or showed what happened to him. And if he got away with it I'd be livid. It wasn't a bad movie but not the best. Mediocre.
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made for t v rubbish!
mm-3910 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Student Seduction tries to spice up the teacher/sex angle for a Springer style splash. There is some eye candy for both sides, and a soap opera style fix. Regrettably Student Seduction become another formulated made for T V trying to hit on the female audience play book movie . There is a disturbed student crashes the perfect life of Elizabeth Berkley with an obsession that kills. Rich parents and all the other cliché of t v movies/soap opera story lines. Well acted and directed. My wife was glued to Student Seduction, but I passively watched while on the computer. Student Seduction fails and I give this an F! I give it a three, but my wife says its okay. Watch it with your wife once, but only once. 3 stars.
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This is such a good/spine chilling movie
whiskey_gurl_1931 January 2005
I'm only seventeen years old and i was flipping threw the channels on a Monday night at like 12:30 am and started to watch a movie called Student Seduction. This movie is really really good i would recommend it to anyone who is in for a good drama/thriller. I didn't see the whole movie only from the part where her car broke down, and I really like the movie. I have seen a lot of movies where teachers try to "touch" their students, but I haven't seen a good movie about student teacher relationships and i have to say that this movie shocked me and scared me a little bit because if how manipulative people can be and how a nice gesture can turn sour. This movie is awesome!!! everyone who sees this should go rent it!!!!
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The Chem Teacher vs. the Horn Dog
lavatch31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Christie Dawson is the kind of enthusiastic chemistry teacher who places in the classroom a quote like "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it." But her idealism would appear to be unwelcome in with a school administration that is working at cross purposes with her.

The major conflict of the film is the word of Ms. Dawson against that against Josh Gaines about an assault that occurred on school grounds. The feckless principal, Helen Davis, inexplicably sides with Josh. Ms. Dawson is only left with circumstantial evidence to prove that she is not guilty.

Ms. Dawson was not assisted either with a lackluster attorney, who never considered deposing Josh and let him incriminate himself. The film started to go downhill when Ms. Dawson unexpectedly decided to accept a plea bargain. This was the teacher who lived by the motto "to shake things up a little bit." It was uncharacteristic of her to back down.

The closing scenes of the film were disappointing in that everything seemed rushed. Jenna Hobson decides to testify against Josh after Ms. Dawson has accepted her plea deal. The dénouement of a very pregnant Ms. Dawson teaching her regular chem class with Jenna sitting in the classroom when she should have graduated and been attending college.

This was a sloppy ending to a generally dynamic film that included an excellent lead performer in Elizabeth Berkley as Ms. Dawson.
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Publicity Spin
bkoganbing6 February 2010
Student Seduction finds Saved By The Bell Alumni Elizabeth Berkley on the other side of the desk and attracting the attention of young and hunky Corey Sevier. Speaking for myself I can truthfully say that no teachers save one ever did anything for me hormonally back when I was a student. That was a Ms. Diaz who was a music teacher in Junior High School. Even as a young gay kid, I could see what she was doing to the rest of the class. She was the only teacher I had who in any way could have been played by Elizabeth Berkley.

Corey being the hotty he is, is also used to having his own way with women whether they agree or not. The fact that he comes from rich parents reinforces that belief. He's flunking chemistry which is what Berkley teaches and to keep his GPA up she agrees to tutor, but believe no more.

So when he attempts a rape and gets no for an answer it's damaging to his ego. When Berkley goes out of channels and reports the crime to the police, the cops who are keeping in mind the cases of Pamela Smart and Mary Kay LeTourneau just don't believe here. Sevier's parents have the wherewithal to get a good publicity spin on this for their boy.

Student Seduction which is a misnomer of a title if there ever was one is trash all the way. After the beating that Berkley took for Showgirls this TV film was not an upward career move.
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Great story with many twists and turns
bppihl1 May 2004
I saw "Student Seduction" on Lifetime this evening for the first time, and I enjoyed it very much. I felt Elizabeth Berkeley was great as the chemistry teacher, and Corey Sevier did a nice job as Josh. I tried to put myself in the teacher's position, and think how I would react to such false allegations that the student was in fact guilty of performing. This would not be easy, especially for a first-year teacher dealing with a wealthy student. I was pleased when other students came forward in the teacher's defense, because she did not deserve to be assaulted by someone whom she was trying to help succeed but who misinterpreted her intentions.

This is a story that could take place in real life. I think it sends a message to teachers and school faculty to be careful in your interactions with your students, and avoid being alone with them whenever possible. Also, stand up for your rights! Do this no matter what profession you are in, and have supporting evidence and sources. Great movie!
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Woe is I.
rmax30482312 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It fills in a familiar template at LMN. Elizabeth Berkley is a friendly and happily married chemistry teacher at a fancy high school. She loves her job and her students, bringing the class small presents and volunteering to tutor students like handsome Corey Sevier who are lagging behind.

The problem is that Sevier has more on his mind than just ionic bonding. He begins to put moves on her that she firmly rejects. Sevier is a persistent kid, though, and used to getting his way with girls. Accordingly he winds up assaulting her when she's home alone. She goes to the police.

Need we spell the rest out? Hell itself is visited upon the victim. The good-looking and charming Sevier claims that SHE accosted HIM and invited her to her home and encouraged his advances. The police believe him, not her. They Mirandize her, cuff her, and force her to do the perp walk down the school's hallways. She's suspended from her job.

Not only do the police not believe her. Her principal has doubts too. Her LAWYER's belief in her innocence is limited in its depth. Her husband is wary, lacking in understanding, and offers ineffective support.

Throughout the ordeal, Elizabeth Berkley is staunch and resolute, even as her social world collapses around her. Even as she's referred to repeatedly as a "sexual predator" along the lines of some other famous teachers who couldn't keep their hands off their students.

First off, I don't want to hear of any more boys being named Corey. Or any girls named Jillian or Gillian either. I'm sick of it. Then, too, let us drop the use of the word "predator." Let's reserve it for lions and tigers. Not bears, though, because bears are omnivores like humans. While it's true that bears love to catch and eat salmon, given half a chance, they're too fond of blackberries to be predators.

Second, we see Corey Sevier's family "doing PR" against Berkley. They give their story to the press, hire great lawyers, and appear on a TV show like Oprah. Berkley, who is now pregnant to add to the general sense of distress, nurses her grievances in private. Well, this is pretty hypocritical. The movie condemns people for watching a talk show on which guests discuss their travails, while at the same time this very movie is nothing more than a dramatization of such a tale.

Third, there's nothing wrong with gossip per se. It's a valuable tool of social control and it contributes the community's shared data base. It only becomes destructive when its course is changed or when there is too much of it. In that sense it's like water. We need it. But we need it a glass at a time, or a bath tub at a time. We don't need a flood of it.

Right now, in my opinion, there is far too much of it, a raging torrent of it. It sloshes out of our television every day. It fills the magazine racks at supermarket check out counters. Will Jenny Dump Brad? Angie's Dirty Little Secret! It has bled into our political process. Some years ago, Admiral Bobby Inman, a decent and thoughtful man, was offered appointment to a high office in the executive branch but turned it down because he felt the confirmation process had become undignified -- and it has. A nominee for an appointment might be a fan of the San Francisco 49ers. Well, we all know that San Francisco is a hot bed of inversion. Okay. Tell us, General, have you ever had a homosexual experience? The whole culture is crippled by its tabloid sensibility. The end of our civilization may be at hand.

So why did I bother watching this passion play? I wanted to see if I might be wrong.
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bt698nhj25 March 2018
Asinine plot, extremely abbreviated conclusion. Ridiculous need to suspend disbelief of absurd things. All involved should be ashamed.
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A Crappy Movie, With Valid Points
dcarroll7429 March 2021
I wasn't impressed with either acting or direction, and inclusion of music which had no bearing on the movie wasn't a help. Typical of American Z movies, using "modern" music to make the movie valid.

However, the storyline, weak as it was, was valid. The story had been told before, and will be told again. It works on many levels mainly because, it tells truths, whether we like it or not.

People, young and old, have been accused of crimes they did not commit. Sex crimes are regarded as the worst, and rightly so. The mere hint of accusation, has ruined lives. Exoneration has not returned those lives. Shame on us who accept the lies, and don't embrace the victims of these lies.
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better than I expected, but not great
JamieWJackson23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I give this one 6/10; it kept me interested and was pretty good, but could have been better in some ways.

One thing I've seen in some of the other reviews here is that some viewers were confused over how the perception of Christie's guilt developed. *** SPOILER BEGIN *** I think that was explained to a fair degree by the list of things cited to Christie by the principal. A bit too close in the pool one time, a little too friendly when the car was fixed another time, that sort of thing. Those types of "little things" can add up. Now, you might object that it didn't seem realistic to you, but the concept is viable; all that's required is a teacher who is too naive and then a PR blitz by influential people, like the boy's family. Then people can start remembering those "little things" which they might have brushed aside before. *** END OF SPOILER *** It could happen. How well that possibility was depicted here can be debated, but it is possible.

To improve this movie, a few things could have been made clearer to the audience, and some of the supporting characters could have been more multidimensional. I do think Berkley did well and disagree with those who characterized her performance here as lacking depth. I thought she reacted very credibly to each development and I empathized with her, even though the character's naiveté in getting into the whole mess in the first place was annoying. Hey, nobody's perfect.
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Loved Elizabeth Berkley in Show Girls
dmackiepi-8005418 March 2021
While watching this movie I can't forget Naomi Malone in Show Girls. This has to be Elizabeth Berkley's worst movie she ever made. I bet she would give anything to retract that horrible 2 hour movie. She only made $100K for her part in the movie. Now her dancing was really good, but her acting was horrible. She has an incredible body and looked the part of a Las Vegas stripper. Now for this movie I hate when they made the Police or Detectives look like stupid idiots and couldn't investigate a petty theft. LMN movies love 💘to have women turn into super heros. All men in these movies are no good evil mongers only out for themselves. Expensive cars, homes, great jobs, Expensive trips are all so easy for these Super woman. They call their children " Sweetie, dear, and I love 💘 you every 5 mins. Then there is a physical confrontion the women always pick up an object and hit the bad guy over the head with it knocking him out. LMN movies are always the same and end the same. Goodness always Win over evil. I would just like to see one LMN movie with a realistically ending.

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A good movie with incomplete script
faisal_moviemetrics6 January 2019
I would have rate this movie 10/10 if the climax was good. This is a short movie with a length of 1 hour and 24 minutes and the script has well developed from beginning to end. The only problem with the movie is the climax scene which disappoints a viewer who is been thrilled from beginning to last part of movie. I am giving 6/10 and you can watch if you really want to pass some time.
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Typical convoluted story
burgerman9314 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was bored on YouTube one night and saw that this movie was free to stream. Figured that Elizabeth Berkeley would be a fun screen presence (I enjoyed her on SBTB). It was an okay premise, but the ending flatlined. The young kid is totally to blame for the unwanted advances, yet the teacher made some critical errors. No teacher should hang out with a student alone outside of a school setting (when they went for burgers), and the fact that the teacher returned to the school building after she reported the kiss and home intrusion was barbaric.

The he said/she said or student/adult testimony was a constant theme. She went to the hospital after being assaulted, and yet no mention of that was brought up again. Moreover, the fact that the kid initiated a phone conversation would have been favorable to the teacher (just get the phone record for the trial). Plus the investigators interviewed most of the student body, so it's logical that at least one or two students would have mentioned Josh's aggressive behavior.

Overall a dull movie, with wasted potential and poor writing.
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Loved it
ditzyemily29 March 2004
I recently saw Student Seduction on LifeTime for women ..

i thought it was a great movie i loved the story line and i thought it was very interesting to see jessie from save by the bell all grown up .. i love the ending and how everything came together .. i gave this movie a 10 out of 10 and id defently watch this movie again if it was on I really encourage u and ne one else to see this powerful movie it leaves u with a great feeling when its over
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It could have been better!
togglin_sweetie_pi14 May 2003
"Student Seduction" was an inadequate portrayal of a teacher caught in the fantasies of a student. The acting of the two main characters, Christie Dawson (Elizabeth Berkley) and Josh Gaines (Corey Sevier), was very well done, and I applaud their effort. However, the film was almost unbelievable.

What I didn't like was the long sex scenes. There were a couple key scenes that were cut short and leaving you wondering what just happened and confused because the actions weren't fully explained. Instead of elaborating these short, key scenes, the editors chose to keep the ridiculously long sex scenes with no purpose. I understand the entertainment value, but come on! If you need a sex scene that much, that you have to have important scenes cut short, then you need to re-evaluate the entire premise of the movie!

All in all, I applaud the two main actors, but I am criticizing everything else.
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Please help me with a name of a song
budsinmylife15 November 2009
Can you people please help me out? I really need to know what the name of the song is that was played at the beginning of this movie, the song took place when she was sitting in the bed grading her classmates paper work and then her and her husband starts to make love and once that starts out so does the song. So if anyone knows what the name of that song is please help me I really need to know. I loved that song so much it touched me; and also to let you all know I have also seen this movie five times. Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network are the two main things I watch. I am also really into true stories. But please if anyone knows the name help me out. (I also got to watch this movie yesterday night once again- still no luck of guessing the name of that song)
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