The Last Legion (2007) Poster

Peter Mullan: Odoacer


  • Orestes : I've promised you nothing beyond what you were already given.

    Odoacer : You've grown so tall, Orestes. You forget on whose shoulders you stand.

  • [Romulus is brought in chains before Odoacer] 

    Odoacer : Is it for you that so many people have died? Such an innocent face.

    Wulfila : The blood of the Caesars runs in his veins.

    Odoacer : Lord Wulfila here thinks I should fear you. Is this true?

    Wulfila : He is the last of the bloodline! End it now! Old Rome will die, and we will rule!

    Odoacer : "We?" *We* rule? Take care, Wulfila. Sometimes your tongue runs ahead of your brain.

  • Odoacer : [draws his sword]  What do you say, boy? Should I be afraid of you?

    Romulus Augustus : Why is Caesar treated so?

    Odoacer : "Why is Caesar treated so?"

    [Odoacer seizes Romulus by the hair and holds up the sword so that his face is reflected in it] 

    Odoacer : Perhaps Wulfila's right. Perhaps I should end this here, right now. Can you see yourself? Can you see your face? What do you see? You see a boy... or do you see a Caesar?

    Romulus Augustus : I see...

    Odoacer : Tell me.

    Romulus Augustus : I see a Caesar. I *am* Caesar.


    Odoacer : Wrong answer.

See also

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