The Pumpkin Karver (2006) Poster

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Terrible Story, Characters, Direction and Acting
claudio_carvalho31 December 2011
In the Halloween in West Minister, the teenager Lynn Starks (Amy Weber) is attacked by a man wearing a pumpkin face mask in the basement of her house. Her younger brother Jonathan Starks (Michael Zara) is carving a pumpkin in his room and hears her sister crying for help. He uses the knife to protect his sister, stabbing the assaulter. When they take the mask off his face, they realize that the man is Lynn's boyfriend Alec (David J. Wright) playing a prank on Lynn.

One year later, the siblings are living in Carver, and they are invited to a Halloween party in the field. Lynn introduces her friend Tammy (Minka Kelly) to her brother, who is haunted by Alec, and Jonathan stays with Tammy. However, her former boyfriend Lance (David Austin) bullies Jonathan along the night. Meanwhile several youngsters are attacked by the Pumpkin Face that carves their faces.

"The Pumpkin Karver" is a film with terrible story, characters, direction and acting. The plot is unoriginal and full of clichés; there are several slashers very similar to "The Pumpkin Karver", but the conclusion is awful. The characters are stupid and non-charismatic and the two guys dressed in white are annoying and unbearable. The direction and the acting are bad, and Michael Zara is very weak in the lead role. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Pumpkin Karver, a Nova Face do Terror" ("Pumpkin Karver, the New Face of Terror")
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You'd probably have other things to do instead of seeing this
jpgonc18 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bloody hell! This is another flick straight to video and luckily, thrown up to the garbage bin soon thereafter.

Story: A useless, headless, stupid and moronic guy have the idea to mask himself of a Jack-o-Lantern armed with a rubber knife and decides to go on a prank upon his girlfriend. He does this so well that the girlfriend starts to feel threatened and screams like a mad cow for help. His brother comes to her aid and kills the idiot not knowing the error. One year later they go to a new town (Karver) to start a new life. He then start to have hallucinations and visions of his sister' boyfriend masked as a Halloween prick (It looks like Darth Maul, really). Then they go to a Halloween party and then something starts to kill all the stupid dumb teens that abound everywhere partying nonsenses.

Review: Pumpkin Karver brings boredom and clichés in every frame. Nothing new but to stack the shelves with low-budget flicks in hopes of cashing in on the holiday. The story is unoriginal, unmotivated and it's like a dull evening with uninteresting people. There's some twists in this that don't really make any sense and the real killings doesn't begin until an hour into the movie... And when the killings start you begin to watch strawberry jam all over you instead of thick blood. So, as you should know, cheap slasher films are always this: Low-budget ripoffs with no solid arguments, ideas and unsustainable story lines.

Advice: Feel free to see it and take your own judgment but if you're an experienced and avid horror fan you'll be much more than disappointed and then... then it'll be too late for you... time spent, money spent.
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The Worst "Movie" I Have Ever Seen
sadisticlopez21 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason i gave it a 3 was because it made for a fun night amongst friends dissecting this horrible waste.

The story is uninspired so is the directing, acting, writing, casting. Horrible film. The only good thing in it was the Jessica Alba look-alike and the old man. The film makes no logical sense. By the end you are so frustrated because the characters all go running around calling for "Jonathan" in the most obscure places like a silo, the woods, out-houses, and over all creepy places. The killings are quick and have no tie in with the "film." The people you want to see die don't die and the ones that don't deserve to die (the Jessica Alba look-alike) die. The Jonathan character spends the whole movie crying or worrying. This film is to be avoided. Yes, it is fun to watch REALLY bad movies and make fun of them, but this is so BAD that it really should be avoided for you may become violent at the stupidity being presented to you.
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I was an extra in this movie.
bdearingerbooyah25 October 2006
I agree with everyone else. This movie was extremely horrible. It was filmed about 4 years ago in my home town, palmdale, CA. If you look in the party scenes, i am the one dressed as the pimp in the purple costume. I have never been in a movie before so i was pretty psyched to see myself. This alone made the hour an a half worth it. I still wont recommend this movie to a lot of people. When i was in it the director told me it might not come out in the states, so when it did it was pretty exciting. If you are with your friends one night and you have nothing to do, and you are bored out of your mind, you should rent it. It makes for a good laugh and you can see how crappy the town i had to grow up in is.
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Truly terrible
superprincevince5 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but I cannot understand how anyone could possible enjoy watching this movie. Indeed, I am annoyed with myself for watching the whole of this terrible piece of trite. Okay, so the film starts off fine, for the first five minutes, and looks like it's going to be quite interesting... but then it descends into nonsensical rubbish!

Key problems: The plot (if I can call it that!) - just does not make any sense! And the so called twist at the end is so obvious that it can't even be called a twist! The characters - The lead character whines and moans, and just becomes plain irritating - why the girl falls for him I have absolutely no idea! Add to this a bunch of totally annoying 'friends' (especially the 'stoner' mates, who are horrific!) who are all cardboard cutout prats. The acting - Words can hardly express how awful they are... especially the lead guy who is so bad I wanted to stick pins in my eyes. The writing - whoever wrote this should look very hard at themselves - a lot of it makes no sense - for example the old man, what the hell is he talking about?!?!?

Overall: There is nothing for me to praise in this film, please stay away from it, this is one of the worst films ever made - I am amazed that it was ever put into production. Terrible!!!!
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Splendidly.... Stupid!
terrible23 December 2008
Nothing too over the top here, "The Pumpkin Karver" simply tries to deliver a lot more then it actually can. Robert Mann directs this strait to video ooompus that attempts to out smart it's target audience, but flattens out like a Halloween pumpkin on November 2nd. The cinematography is above average yet the acting is below crap, less the always sensational Terrence Evans as the creepy old guy. The plot is stupid and has far too many holes to be taken seriously, add the token slasher movie characters and what you are left with is a mushy mess of pumpkin guts with no real soul... Although many of the gore scenes are decent, several others are too amateurish to be taken any other way but laughable. The females are quite beautiful but unfortunately cannot act, or at least cannot deliver this ridiculous dialog with any real effect. I've certainly seen much worse but there are multitudes of better no- budget indie slasher flicks out there. Good for a free rental pick when you've seen all the other bottom shelf slasher films at least twice.
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Black juice runs through your soul.
lastliberal30 January 2009
This film was very hard to rate. For a low budget horror flick, it wasn't bad, but it could have been so much better.

First, it spent entirely too much time with the actors just acing stupid. Lots of hot girls running around, but the guys were just plain dumb. It wasted a lot of time that could have been spent on horror. After all, it is a Halloween slasher film.

The old man was one of the best parts of the film. Now, he was really creepy. Lance (David Austin) and his buds were just like Draco Malfoy and his crew. You just wanted them to get their due.

The pissing on the head bit was certainly original - and funny.

Less silliness and more slashing.
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words cannot describe
MelissaP51329 October 2006
There are no words that come to mind when trying to describe how horrible this movie is. I rented it ONLY because it was Halloween weekend and I was renting a bunch of horror movies. This movie in particular I had a free rental coupon for (thank goodness, I wouldn't be happy if I had paid $5.00 to rent this)I don't expect Oscar performances from horror movies even though I am a fan, but this movie had some bad acting! EVERY SINGLE actor/actress was horrific in their ability to be even the slightest bit convincing that he/she was scared, happy, funny, sad, terrified and even when these people were being killed their acting seemed to get worse. The story seemed like it would be alright to watch, but it was weak and boring. Save yourself time, don't bother with this movie.
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A Few Cool Particularities, But Still Bad
Kashmirgrey28 August 2007
"Low budget" is not a valid excuse for a lousy film. Some great films have been products of extremely low budgets. This is not one of them.

Quick plot summary: Halloween night, sister's boyfriend pretends he's a masked murderer. Sister doesn't get the joke and screams for help. Young brother arrives with blade in hand and viciously attacks assailant. Shoot forward one year, sister and brother are moving to a new town and attend a locals' Halloween party on a pumpkin farm. As the evening progresses, so does the body count.

The villain's mask in this film is above average in the grotesque category and was pretty effective. Amy Weber and Minka Kelly are gorgeous. A couple of interesting plot twists.

Now for the bad: 4000 plot holes! Albeit, the masked-serial murderer has been (pardon the pun) done to death, but this film had potential to be a decent Halloween flick. Unfortunately, it is all presented in a choppy, careless manner that not even its gratuitous (and extremely brief) bare breast scene could assist in saving.

Amy Weber and Minka Kelly are gorgeous, though.
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Ruined by Bad Directing
Uriah4318 May 2021
This movie begins with a teenager by the name of "Jonathan Starks" (Michael Zara) sitting at the dining room table on Halloween night carving a pumpkin. Also at home with him is his older sister "Lynn Starks" (Amy Weber) who is waiting for her boyfriend "Alec" (David J. Wright). Upon getting there he essentially acts like a jerk and is told by Lynn to come back later. Sometime later, a man wearing a pumpkin mask, sneaks into the house and attacks Lynn with a knife. Jonathan hears her screams and kills the intruder with the knife he was using to make a jack-o-lantern. However, it's only after stabbing him multiple times that both Lynn and Jonathan realize that the intruder was Alec playing a prank. The scene then shifts to one year later with Jonathan having undergone counseling and now moving with his sister to another town to start a new life. Upon arriving they are greeted by several people including one older man named "Ben Wicket" (Terrence Evans) who appears to have some emotional issues of his own. Likewise, another young man by the name of "Lance" (David Austin) also quickly develops a disliking to Jonathan due to his former girlfriend, "Tammy" (Minka Kelly) showing a romantic interest in him-and trouble soon starts not long afterward. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started off pretty well and showed some good potential. Unfortunately, the director (Robert Mann) seemed to lose control after the first 30 minutes or so and the plot went seriously off the rails after that. Along with that, I didn't especially care for the acting on the part of Michael Zara who seemed totally inadequate for the task at hand. On the other hand, I thought both Amy Webber and Minka Kelly performed reasonably well as did Charity Shea (as "Rachel") to a lesser degree. Even so, it wasn't enough to overcome the flaws just mentioned and I have rated this film accordingly. Below average.
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Slick, with little payoff.
TrickTaylor13 September 2007
The Pumpkin Carver is yet another one of the recent attempts to apply the tried and true slasher formula. And as so many do, this movie fails to deliver. The plot is plain stupid as are most of the stock characters. You have the fragile hero (whiney is more like it), the drugged out party dudes (annoying as hell), and the token asshole jock type. These are the party-people, and yes, they are destined to get killed.

The movie would have us believe that some evil pumpkin carver is killing kids at a Halloween a pumpkin patch! Actually, the movie can't find a plausible reason why this thing is killing kids. The premise is very confused and ultimately hurts the movie. The ending is plain awful....I still don't know what really happened.

The kills were low budget all the way, which is unfortunate given the polished look of the film in general. Really not an ounce of clever to be found here. And as one reviewer has pointed out, no nudity despite saying otherwise on the box.

One bright spot was Minka Kelly, a pouty lipped poor man's Jessica Alba. She was stunning and I anticipate seeing a lot more of her. Overall, I say avoid the Pumpkin Carver.
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Not the terrible movie most have labeled it as..
justiceforall27216 May 2019
This movie is not as bad as most are saying. For a B slasher on a low budget it has a good story, decent acting and fun characters. Is it Oscar worthy? Of course not...and was not meant to be. Sure there are a few parts I think could have been done better, but all in all a fun Halloween horror flick. And trust me, you will be reminded of the holiday throughout the film. All the slasher elements are here my friends. Hot chicks, idiot guys, nerdy dudes, crazy old man, cool punk band, drinking games, a little romance, and of course a masked killer. Oh, and there are literately hundreds of pumpkins everywhere. It should get all viewers into the Halloween spirit as it does me. More than worth your time. (:
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A creative "B" horror flick
hiimken15 November 2006
I saw this movie in the theater on it's opening night (a preview). I've got to say, it has a very creative plot twist right out of the gate which I think sets it aside from most of the low budget, predictable horror flicks. There are a lot of fun, weird kill scenes (my favorite killing is the guy who gets it at the pumpkin patch). Okay, so we're not seeing any big movie stars running around in this movie, but you can't gage a horror movie on it's star power. It's a low budget hack and slasher but it's right up there with all the other low budget hack and slashers. I believe this movie has the potential to become one of those popular, underground horror flicks. A nice rental...
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Pathetic main character and horrible ending
P_Kohler0612 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The entirety of this movie should be burned. Whoever had the audacity to write and direct this should be drawn and quartered. It's just one more to add to a LONG list of horror movies that utterly lack any redeeming qualities. The plot was filled with holes and it was utterly routine and lacking in any variety. It had the oh so typical elements "stupid college aged kids" "The creepy Old Guy" a pathetic main character that was that was either supposed to be haunted or crazy (nothing in the movie pointed directly at either)This movie deserves the worst possible rating that a movie could get. Even with a low budget they could have at least not made it as dry as it was. I sat through this movie just wishing it would get over.
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The Pumpkin Karver
Scarecrow-8827 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Jonathan(Michael)is tormented by the tragic death at his hands, when he accidentally murdered his sister's boyfriend, thinking he was protecting her from a real killer during a really stupid prank gone awry. Lynn(Amy Weber) decides it might be best if they packed up and headed for a Halloween party in the boonies..the country farm plantation town of Carver for some much needed fun away from the horror of the past. Jonathan is receiving frightening supernatural threats from the person he killed and several teenagers are dying at the hands of a psycho in a warped pumpkin mask with a carving blade. Is the killer actually Lynn's dead boyfriend, who might've received a passage from hell to torment Jonathan? Could the killer actually be nutty, belligerent farmer Ben(Terrence Evans)who owns the plantation and has the unique ability to carve pumpkins skillfully?

The kind of cheap slasher horror crap you expect with added moronic premise of a possible fiend from hell manifesting himself through Jonathan. The characters are the annoying boozer types you's too bad not enough them meet their doom. Cheap horror effects do not help matters. Amy Weber provides some much needed eye candy, quite well built in her tight jeans and smallish shirt. Minka Kelly as Jonathan's love interest Tammy provides a worthy heroine to root for. Not much to recommend about this one, except the setting provides old farm houses, steel sheds & silos for the killer to roam and hide. Unusual for this type of slasher nudity to speak of. Not as many death sequences either, and most of those are unsuccessfully lame or off-camera. Terrence Evans is quite over-the-top as farmer Ben, always ranting and raving like a loony regarding everyone's lack of the ability to carve..not to mention the jargon he spits about Jonathan's evil taking over. There are actually kids in this film named Bonedaddy and if that doesn't inform you what kind of movie awaits nothing will.
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Take it or leave it
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki5 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After accidentally killing her sister's idiot boyfriend on Hallowe'en, the brother and sister relocate to a small town to start over. A drunken hick rambling about killers and ghosts doesn't make them feel welcome. Nor do more drunken idiot teenagers playing the obligatory Hallowe'en pranks. The brother is still haunted by visions of the dead boyfriend, to the point where he even visualises being repeatedly attacked by him/ it. Even a budding romance with a gorgeous little girl can't assuage the images and voices of the dead guy seeking revenge. When their new friends start turning up dead, their faces carved like pumpkins, who's responsible? Is the dead boyfriend really still alive, or did he come back from the dead? Is it the girl's brother, slowly going insane, who killed him? Or is it the town drunk? I don't know, and I don't think the filmmakers did either, as it's never explained, and the ending makes absolutely no sense.

Needless to say, the plot is rather unfocused, and the nominal leading lady (gorgeous Minka Kelly) is heartlessly, cruelly, and stupidly killed off nearly 15 minutes before the ending of the movie.

It's atmospheric and moves along at a good pace, but it's also clichéd and somewhat predictable, and the unsatisfying, nonsensical ending is the film's biggest detriment.
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Eyes were not meant to view this.
last_cheese8 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"The Pumpkin Karver" is a terrible film. It's that simple. It's trying to be a slasher, but offers very little slashing. It's dumb, not scary, and most importantly, not entertaining.

The plot is so thin, it was probably written on a Kleenex, or a napkin. It doesn't make sense, somehow, the guy, who is obviously murdered in the first 10 minutes, is the killer. The plot: on one Halloween, Johnathan and his sister, Lynn or something, are carving pumpkins, when Lynn's boyfriend tries to scare her. Bad scare scene later, and he's dead, the result of John's carving. One year later, they're going to a costume party (not in costume, wtf?) when they meet a creepy old guy with pumpkins. Several lame, and obviously fake party scenes later, and people are coming up dead. More bad party scenes, scenes of the killer failing to kill, bad gore scenes, and the killer turns out to be... The old man, or the guy he killed in the beginning, who knows, who cares? Yup, the plot is bad. Yes, the acting is incredibly lame, and the gore, once again, bad. I could make better gore effects in my basement, in 10 minutes. Oh, and if you're expecting gore, keep looking. There is, maybe, 3 gore scenes in the entire movie. Sure there are more killings, but with barely any gore. So you're going to have to sit through many, many, many bad party scenes.

Just skip this movie, if you're unfortunate enough to have seen it, I'm sorry.
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Terrible but by no means the worst teen slasher I have seen.
poolandrews9 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Pumpkin Karver starts one Halloween night as Lynn Starks (associate producer Amy Weber) prepares for a party, her younger brother Jonathan (Michael Zara) carves spooky faces in Pumpkins because, well, that's what he likes to do I suppose. Lynn's annoying jerk of a boyfriend Alec (David J. Wright) decides to play a Halloween prank on her & attacks her with a fake knife, Lynn is scared & calls out for help & Jonathan comes running with a very real knife of his own & stabs Alec to death. Jump forward One Year Later & Lyn & Jonathan are moving to the small town of Carver in order to forget the terrible events of a year ago, once there the first thing they do is prepare for another Halloween party with some local teens but that tragic events of a year ago still haunt Jonathan & when someone in a mask similar to what Alec wore starts killing people no-one is safe but who is it? Is it Jonathan? Is it the crazy old man? Is it the ghost of Alec? Who know's...

Co-written & directed by Robert Mann this is your typical teen slasher that happens to be set around Halloween so comparisons to John Carpenter's seminal classical Halloween (1978) may arise but the two films are very different in terms of style & tone, while nowhere near the worst teen slasher I have seen that's by no means any sort of recommendation as The Pumpkin Karver is still a pretty damned bad 90 odd minutes. The script has some silly theme about Pumpkin carvers (the whole town is called Carver & the guy who founded it is a top Pumpkin carver himself) running through it, seriously the way some of these character's go on you would think it's an Olympic sport! The plot here is fairly basic with some sort of prank going horribly wrong & someone ending up dead or seriously injured & then on the anniversary of the accident teens start getting killed off, it's very familiar teen slasher territory to be honest & The Pumpkin Karver adds nothing to the mix. The body count isn't particularly high, the murders are forgettable & the character's are all horror film clichés although the girls do look very nice I have to say. I would say that the biggest problem with The Pumpkin Karver is the confusing narrative, the ending is supposed to be a twist but it's poorly done & you never quite know whether it's going for a supernatural angle or an unstoppable undead killer one, the whole body switching twist revealed at the end could have been used more effectively that's for sure.

There's not even more gore to compensate for the lame & predictable story, a woman has her face cut with a knife, a guy is impaled on a huge drill, a guy is decapitated while taking a leak & ends up urinating on his own severed head (don't ask) & there's a bit of blood splatter but overall The Pumpkin Karver is pretty tame. There's zero nudity as well & I can't believe the makers killed off the best looking girl in the whole film so early, just another reason to dislike it I suppose. Generally speaking the film is competent & reasonably well made for what it is but there very little tension, hardly any build-up to the kills & scares are limited to people suddenly walking into shot & scaring various people who weren't expecting them. The whole film looks too bright & being set in a small desert town there's no Hollween late autumn feeling or atmosphere. The killer mask which looks like a rotten Pumpkin face is sort of cool & there's a amusing little Men in Black (1997) parody at the start but their hardly worth the effort of seeing the film for.

With a supposed budget of about $1,000,000 it's competent as I said but bring nothing new to the slasher genre & doesn't particularly make a good job of ripping-off other better films. Apparently filmed in Lancaster in California. The acting is alright, as I said the girls her are very hot looking so that helps but not enough in the end.

The Pumpkin Karver is a basic teen slasher film that can't decide if it wants a rational explanation to the twist ending or a supernatural one & in the end just feels like a mess. The fact there's hardly any kills doesn't help either.
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Badly acted, written, and directed. . . useless after the first ten minutes. (See This Slasher #12)
Shattered_Wake27 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After a Halloween prank goes fatally wrong, disturbed youth Jonathan (Michael Zara) is haunted by the visions of a terrifying murderer in a pumpkin mask. To take his mind off things, his sister Lynn (Amy Weber) invites him along to an all-night Halloween kegger at a pumpkin patch. There, partygoers are killed off one by one in the same viciously brutal way: their faces are carved into Jack-O-Lanterns. Who is behind these murders, and can they be stopped before it's too late for them all?

Just in time for the Halloween season, I received a copy of the much-hated The Pumpkin Karver (2006). Like many modern indie horrors, the plot seemed rather interesting or, at least, entertaining. Unfortunately, from what I heard of the execution, I wasn't looking forward to it too much. So, with my expectations set to the 0 notch, I went ahead with the film. Sadly, even with my expectations all the way down, I was still disappointed. In the positives (yeah, there are a couple), you won't have to think for 90 minutes and we all need a little time off from our brains occasionally. Also, the background story was made fairly cool with the surprising opening scene. But, the opening scene is about where it ends being cool, and the remaining 80 or so minutes had my emotions ranging from annoyed & frustrated to just plain embarrassed for the cast & crew. The acting is absolutely atrocious and some of the worst I've seen in a while. I don't think I've ever seen a cast of actors with worse timing than this film's. The gore, though plentiful, is about as believable as the actors. And it's all brought together by Mann's amateurish writing & direction. Overall, if you're looking for a good way to spend about seven minutes, watch the opening of this film. Then, turn it off, and put on one of the other dozens of superior films that this film tries to be like. There's not enough entertainment to make it fun, quality to make it good, or creativity to make it special. Pass!

Obligatory Slasher Elements:

  • Violence/Gore: While it's definitely there, it's not very good. I liked the opening attack and thought it was a good start, but it went downhill from there. There's a good bit of gore, but it's terribly done. Also, the fact that there are only two kills in the first forty minutes really hinders any chance of killing boredom.

  • Sex/Nudity: You get a couple of pumpkin-painted asses and a brief, clothed (unfortunately) sex scene, but that's all.

  • Cool Killer(s): I like the mask, but that's it. The killer isn't scary, or interesting, or entertaining. Just. . . boring and stupid, really.

  • Scares/Suspense: Really, none at all. They made a sad attempt at a few jump scares, but they're extremely ineffective.

  • Mystery: As you barely see the killer, I suppose that could be counted as mystery. . . unfortunately, the 'secret' is pretty obvious about twelve minutes into the film.

  • Awkward Dance Scene: There's a pretty embarrassing 'grind' between a Charlie's Angel and Austin Powers. Seriously.

  • - -

Final verdict: 2.5/10. Do not see this slasher!

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Ruined By Goofy Dudes
saint_brett5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really not in the mood to watch this tonight, as obviously it's not Halloween, and it's revolting watching most Halloween-themed movies try and fail with all their releases.

2007's 'Trick 'r Treat' was decent but decay like 'Double, Double Toil, and Trouble,' 'Cemetery of Terror,' 'Scarecrow Slayer,' 'Dark Harvest 2: The Maize' and 'The Messenger' are revolting; this movie 'Pumpkin Karver' is no exception.

How do you fail to make a good movie based around the fall season when you have the advantage of Halloween itself to accommodate? Half the work's done for you with the settings. No Halloween movie should fail. I'm looking at you, 'Cobweb.' There aren't that many good Christmas movies, either.

I almost opted for 'Kaw' tonight, but that movie should stand trial on all charges.

A near-perfect 10/10 Victoria's Secret Angel is babysitting her 18-year-old brother on Halloween night when a band member from Mudvayne, Ryan Martinie, pops up on the scene with his devil horns drunk and disorderly.

As if this Lynn chick would go out with that punk rocker.

The start of the movie has the Halloween setting down pat, but where's the iconic music to make it memorable? What, Mr. Sandman, at the very beginning? It's already been used. No credit, movie.

A cloaked figure enters Lynn's house uninvited, and is that Pumpkin Karver? Is he really going to mess up that body of art? A comedy of errors takes place, resulting in one death. What just happened is what you'd call an A-grade mishap, people.

The Mudvayne member dons a cheap dollar store mask and is armed with a prop knife, and the 18-year-old Fruit Loop views it as breaking and entering and stabs him cold, even though it's just a prank. Whoops.

Jump to the future, and the brother and sister skip town for a fresh start elsewhere.

They nearly mow down a Sydney Olympics 2000 pumpkin thrower gold medalist in their haste to get to a "killer party" of all things. Yeah, after you've just murdered someone, you want to rush straight to a "killer party." We're then introduced to six annoying victims in the movie.

The guy dressed as Hulk proves why you cheer for the killer in this movie.

The 18-year-old Fruit Loop is attacked by a dream, then meets French painter Tammy, who's cute in an 8/10 sort of way and kind of resembles Jessica Alba when the contrast is angled right. But if she scrunches her face up again, like at the 18:17 minute mark, then she drops back to an automatic 1/10.

If you think the Hulk kid is annoying, wait until you meet the two Greek mythologists. They're pinned on my wish list to be first killed. Either them or Hulk, I'm not picky.

Everyone in this is a comedian, overplaying their hand in the comedy stakes, but I'm sitting here like a prisoner in a Chinese holding cell being forced to watch communist army stand-up.

Let me go check what everyone else has rated this movie on IMDb. Hang on. 3/10 overall. But some brave souls have given it a 10/10.

The three girls dressed as Charlie's Angels drop the intelligence levels of this movie's meter, which is fading fast anyway due to all the other actors theatrics.

The only attraction keeping this movie together is Lynn, played by Amy Weber. I've seen her in something else before, but I can't recall where.

The pick of the Charlie's Angels chicks is killed first. Come on, why her? And by a chisel? How's that even possible? You can't stab someone with a chisel. That's the choice of weapon by our killer? It was rather sensual of her before her death to lick that seatbelt the way she did. Bit arousing. But why write out one of the more favorable characters first and not those other annoying pests?

Take this scene, for instance. The worst thing they could have done was put the Greek mythologists clowns together with the Hulk twit in one scene.

The reason why this movie fails is because of scenes like this one around the 36-minute mark. And this affects my rating in the negative bracket. It's all immature behavior, and I'm not laughing. Did anybody else? I guess the people who rated this 10/10 did.

Hopefully, around the 40-minute mark, there can be some redemption and a few points scaled back when this Hulk character gets what's coming to him. You only have to listen to the woeful lines he's delivering before he dies to confirm your hatred of him. He's like the Oscar of 2018's 'Halloween' with his rosy cheeks. Why do they cast horrible actors like this?

Wait a minute, 48 minutes in, and where's the Pumpkin Karver killer?

The 18-year-old Fruit Loop keeps fantasizing dark thoughts through projection, and how come that hot Lynn from the beginning of the movie is hardly in it? She's the star attraction being underutilized.

The more these other people display their acting skills, the more my negative rating accumulates. That five-point surplus for killing Hulk has been all chewed up and dwindled away.

Now the foul language seeps in with every second word, a vulgar curse lashing. What did thingo say in 'Seven?' "It's very impressive to see a man feeding off his emotions." Or, in this case, women.

It takes around an hour to kill off one of the annoying Greek mythologists. Thanks for nothing, movie. He was in it for three-quarters of the movie. More than enough time to ruin everything.

What's any characters purpose in this movie? They're just walking around aimlessly with no cause or reason. Is there really even a point to this movie?

The Pumkin Karver finally decides to make a cameo at the end of his own movie when it's nearly all over. He goes after the Jessica Alba lookalike, Tammy. I'm surprised she's killed off.

The big movie reveal at the end is that the 2000 Sydney Olympics pumpkin thrower is really the Pumpkin Karver. He possesses only a third of the Emperor's electricity hands. Somehow, the Mudvayne guy shows up even though he died at the beginning and is killed a second time.

I don't think this movie knows what it's doing.

Um, Mudvayne returns again a third time somehow, but I kind of checked out a while back and lost interest. So, I don't even care.

The chick I was cheering for, Lynn, made it 99% of the way, but Mudvayne kills her apparently even though he has died three times already. I can't recall what else I've seen that actress in. Her face is so familiar. Was it 'Cry Wolf?' "Urban Legend?" That'll drive me crazy. I've seen her face before from somewhere.

My final rating is shallow, and that's largely thanks to 95% of the male actors in this movie.

Even the 18-year-old brother in this and his facial expression reminded me of my other cat's sad eyes.

The movie cleverly deployed a fair bit of eye candy, which glues some of it together, but it becomes unstuck at times due to the immature behavior of said males.

Oh, and yeah, only one of the Greek mythologists was killed when beheaded. What happened to the other one?

I probably wasn't paying attention, as I have the attention span of a moth.
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If you want to kill yourself, watch this movie.
Wcisneros28 May 2010
I was at home innocently watching TV and saw this come on and thought I'd give it a try. Well like going to the zoo and having the monkey's throw their excrement on you, it was too late. It was like a horrible car crash with bodies covered on the ground that you just gotta watch to see how much more horrid this could possibly get. Did they get people on the side of the road with "will work/act for food?" What exactly was the point? Genre says horror/comedy. Hmm, I was neither scared and I laughed at the wrong times. I'm guessing the budget could have fed a family of four for a week and the creative genius behind the script of this blob of monkey spunk is now washing cars or working secretly as a gardener so the few people who were forced to watch don't try to off him to prevent any more creative outbursts. I don't know what the people at the network were thinking, but they probably just had hundreds of titles up on a wall and threw a dart which hit Pumpkin Karver. And like a lanced boil this movie oozes pus and rancidity at every contrived turn. So in conclusion, if you decide that you want to end your life you are probably going to hell (and if you've read this far you most certainly are). Just watch this movie over and over, and you my friend will know what hell will be like.
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Just keep taking pictures
nogodnomasters13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jonathan (Michael Zara) has nothing better to do on Halloween night than carve pumpkins. Alec (David J. Wright) is Lyn's (Amy Weber) douche-bag boyfriend who puts on a mask and scares Lyn. Jonathan, believing she is actually being attacked kills her boyfriend. A year later they go to a Halloween party out in a field with a bunch of Lyn's friends, none of which we get to know other than by their 2006 costumes.

Jonathan is having flash backs and sees weird things associated with Alec in his pumpkin mask. There is an old creepy pumpkin carver (Terrence Evans) who mentions other carvers. Jonathan gets kicked around by a steroid pumped ex-boyfriend of a girl, who his sister is attempting to fix him up with (nice going sis).

The characters have some colorful moments, but they are far from funny. The lack of character build up and suspects turns this who-dun-it slasher film into a lame 2 star attempt.

F-bomb, near sex, no nudity in spite of what the rating box tells you.
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Great flick
meskan20 November 2006
I watched the Pumpkin Karver last night when a friend recommended it to me. I thought it was really good, much better then most of this seasons horror releases. My friends and I have been watching almost all of the seasonal horror flicks for 12 years since we got out of college. The 12 of us all liked this movie, especially the clarity of the photography and the story line. Much more than I expected from a low budget film. With the massive amount of this years releases our team has not yet viewed all of the new films yet but so far this film is a top favorite. I highly recommend it. I will report back when we finish with the other films we watch. Scott
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Fun Halloween Film
mocking_birdman26 October 2006
I recently rented The Pumpkin Karver and although it wasn't the scariest movie I ever saw I thought it was a lot of fun and got me in the Halloween mood. The one thing I really liked was that there was some sort of story, and for a horror film, that's rare. It was basically a "who done it" campy horror film. I thought the acting was good and for a low-budget indi the film, it looked great. The special effects were also good. Overall, I thought the director did a good job of mixing the campy humor with the horror elements and keeping the flow of the film. I don't think the producers of the film were going for a slasher film and that's fine with me because I'm not really into a film with just blood and guts, even though this film has its share of that. It was basically a fun Halloween film with some funny gags, hot chicks, and a few gory scenes. It was well worth the rental and I would recommend this film to anyone who wants to get in the Halloween spirit of things. But if you're expecting the next Saw or Hostal, and non-stop blood flowing on the screen, this film is not for you.
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BandSAboutMovies24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You think you didn't get along with your siblings? Jonathan and his sister Lynn have a major issue: he was pranked by her boyfriend Alex, who was dressed like a slasher and accidentally killed him. And not that Halloween is here, it. Turns out that that man is back from the grave in a new and much more horrible way. I mean, the dude makes people walk backward into drills and pumpkin carves out their faces, so there's that.

This movie was shot over two years and there wasn't much time to get everything that was in the script shot. But director and co-writer Robert Mann (whose co-writer was Sheldon Silverstein, not The Giving Tree author but the producer of The Erotic Adventures of Robinson Crusoe) did everything from voiceover work to making the props and parts of the Halloween costumes to get it done.

For metal dudes, this movie is worth watching because Nergal from Behemoth shows up.
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