Rising Dead (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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The only Horror is that the movie isn't a Comedy!
pawposytek26 March 2008
If somebody have seen a B movie then This a Z movie. The story makes this people look like the dumbest folks in the universe. They go for straws without any apparent reason when Zombies are after them. Hey I can barely walk but lets leave the only person with a gun and go for a straw, I know lets go to a graveyard. What the F***k are they hoping to find? There are only zombies everywhere. If they walked towards their goal they would be there in a couple of hours without anyone dying. The reasons they are splitting up every time are so crazy but obviously nobody would die if they didn't split up so they do it anyway. I know this is a movie but people aren't that stupid in real life in a movie or even a comedy, maybe in a parody but i don't know anything close to this story so it is obviously an original.If they at least had any reasons to risk their lives it would be a better story. Like the story is now it's like: Wait for me here I am just going out to get infected but don't worry I will infect you as son as I return..... They could at least be looking for something important or somebody, Why would a cripple straw away with a 6 years old to a graveyard without any means to defend themselves, of course they encounter a zombie. There are zombies everywhere. The people in this movie are so stupid that you literally want to beat them up. I feel really sorry for the actors because it must have been a real challenge to play somebody this stupid. I wouldn't be able to act this stupid with a straight face, Obviously it was the first time many of them were acting and the story didn't make the acting easier.

It is a Horror but you will however either laugh or cry because there is nothing scary about this movie. I believe this is the first Zombie movie ever where the Zombies are smarter then the people they are chasing, and that is a fact. They are like freaking Einstein compared to them...

This movie is so bad that you have to actually watch it because of that. This movie will make history and I don't think anybody will ever make something worst. I could write compliments for ever and after watching this movie you actually need to write something or you go crazy. I have no regrets what so ever knowing then what I know now I would watch it just because it is something you have never seen before and something that you will obviously never find again.....It's impossible to explain so you have to see it for yourself......
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"This curse will run through his blood like a horde of jackals."
Shattered_Wake4 April 2008
Synopsis: In a brief opening narration, we're told the story of what was thought to be a virus which has turned the world's population into the walking dead. There are, however, known shelters around the world which are keeping the healthy safe. It's the journey to rescue that's the problem. . . After a plane crashes in the middle of the tropics, a group of idiotic survivors (which includes the First Lady and her crippled son) must fight against some (rather tame) zombies to reach safety. . .

Review: I went into this low-budget, straight-to-video horror knowing nothing about it except the title. You can't be disappointed if you don't have expectations. . . right? That's what I thought. I don't think there was a single good thing about this film to be honest. Well, unless you love unintentional comedy and laughably bad everything. The script was horrendous, including some ridiculous narration (which sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom) and some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard in my life. The direction and editing were just insanely terrible. . . like a music video made by a group of retarded chimps. I kid you not when I tell you that in some of the black screenblanks, you can actually see 'Cousins Brothers' written from the original production slide. The acting reminded me of a production of a Porno Soap Opera put on by the residents at a local psych ward. There were more continuity errors than 'Plan 9 from Outer Space.' I don't mean to be so rough on it, but seriously. . . other than the laughs you'll get at the filmmakers' expense and the interesting and seldom-used setting, there's barely a single positive thing about it.

Zombie Action: Well, it's there. But the zombies barely do a damn thing. Most of it is the lead character pushing the undead around and hitting them with random things that he finds lying around. The effects are awful, mostly cheap CGI which mixes horribly with the poor editing. The makeup isn't bad, but it's nothing that can save the film.

Final Verdict: 2/10. It only gets that for the laughs and that one cute actress. Be grateful!

Recommended? No. Unless you're well equipped with a case of your favourite ale and a roomful of your favourite MST3k buddies.

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Funny, though stupid
zato-419 April 2008
This movie was really funny, i should have been completely wasted at the time, me and my friends were laughing hysterically throughout the dumb things that the people did. In fact that this movie is so bad, I could literally grab a bunch of my friends, a video camera, and some fake guns and make a better movie. And yes, I really wanted to beat the crap out of them for being so stupid.

Over all I give it 2 out of 10, the 2 points because of how stupid it was funny. If any of you laugh at the dumbest things while getting high you would like this movie. If you want to just sit down and have a good time, you will most likely be smart and turn it off within the first 10 seconds.
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Garden variety zombies
Leofwine_draca13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
RISING DEAD is a garden variety example of the usual mundane indie zombie movie. A bunch of undesirables hide out in an old barn while a few badly-acting zombies shuffle around outside. It's shot in a weird limited frame style which makes it look extremely cheap and all but unwatchable, and the acting is out of this world.
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This Movie is Absolutely Horrible!
desertwind7523 May 2016
This is the worst movie I have ever seen! Sure, the story would have been good, had any of them been able to ACT! The one with the least talent is the lead character, that Blake guy. Unfortunately he also narrated, so his lifeless, bland, monotone voice goes on and on. It looked like it had been filmed at home, by amateurs, to be put on YouTube as a joke. They also added some kind of annoying filter to it when they edited it that made it look like it was almost in slow motion, which looked really crappy. I don't know how it ever got on a DVD collection of movies, but it did. I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to watch this thing, and if it wasn't for my boyfriend leaving it play, I would have shut it off! Don't watch this thing without a puke bucket!
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Without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen.
debtchhh1 July 2013
First things first, it pains me to this day that I actually shelled out 16 € for this abomination when I idly browsed the rows of newly released films at my local store. The cover looked like it was made well enough and I had my paycheck cashed in hours earlier. I took it with me to my friends as we wanted to make a movie night that day.

This movie is just an all-around catastrophe. Grainy picture, sounds as if recorded in a bathroom or empty hallway, green-screen effects of a supposed shotgun blast to the head where you can actually SEE that guy pulling a green mask over his head. Sadly, it's not even /comically/ bad, especially if you bought it at the price of a AAA-Title.

I've seen 3 or 4 Uwe Boll flicks - they are like The Lord of the Rings compared to this Z-movie.
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This has to be a joke
manfriend13 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
No adult with a 7th grade education could write such poor dialogue. If the screenplay had been a middle school writing assignment it wouldn't pass muster. The echo effect during the narration was very annoying. Whoever edited this craptastic piece of cinema and thought that was a good idea should be beaten in the public square. I can't see how the producers could have recouped the $1500.00 it cost to make this abomination. Blake Cousins' "acting" lacked any range of emotion. There was no change in his mood whether he was taking a smoke break, chopping up zombies, having his hand radically amputated, or stopping for a tasty snack. And didn't that fallout shelter seem to be the stock room of an auto parts store? They wasted an afternoon making this bomb and I wasted an hour and a half watching it. Thank god for BitTorrent. It wouldn't be worth the dollar at Blockbuster. For a small fee I'd be happy to proofread their next disaster and remove redundancies and replace ignorant phrases with some subtle wit.
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Worst Zombie film ever
bcansevgisi29 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the film, we are informed that a war broke out and the use of biological weapons caused an epidemic which made the dead to rise. A special forces agent (one of the Cousins Brothers)is escorting America's important figures to a kind of a fallout shelter by plane. Unfortunately, the plane crashes down just a few miles before it reaches its destination. There are several survivors: Our hero, the first lady, her crippled son and her little daughter and two other women...Sounds fun, ha? Well, it is neither fun nor entertaining and it is certainly not scary. Here are some reasons why you should avoid this title: - The script is a disaster. Here are a couple of examples: Throughout the film, we witness that the crippled son can outrun both zombies and other people. There are some scenes where he is actually running! Near the end, our hero is bitten from his left hand and amputates it. A few scenes later, when he is suiting up to fix the radioactive leakage, he has his both hands back again.... - The echo in the narration was really irritating and the lines were so bad. - The dialogs were very stupid and were probably written by a 3-year-old. - The acting was horrible (The first five people you see and round up from any location could have done much better) - The ending was horrible... There is definitely nothing good about the film and I don't have enough space to write about the rest. I tried to summarize it, the best I can.
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Zombie Time
nabil-kokash20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Zombie movies are great fun. One would guess when I bought this movie in a very good condition for less than $2 it is going to be low budget. Yes the acting & the script are quite poor, but you cannot take this movie seriously & compare it to the well made Zombie movies out there.

I saw the funny side of the things, Blake used two different guns during the first part of the movie. One of the two girls while they were escaping had glasses on then they realized later, she started the movie without them, so she took them off afterwards. Then Blake had two similar black jackets. One torn from the upper right shoulder, & one was ok, used intermittently during the latter part of the movie, in the shelter. My favorite part is the moving hand that can grab & see where it's going. The grainy look of the movie was intended because there were scenes which were good. The killing and gore is plentiful. Especially when Blake took two heads off at the same time.

Overall, there is a funny side for this movie. I don't know if they were intended or not but I had a good laugh picking out the mistakes.

Frankly I was worried for the actors in catching something in the dirty place they were filming & perhaps getting scratched from the rusty metal around them, which will make them needing tetanus shots.
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Guilty pleasure of the highest order
slayrrr66630 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"The Rising Dead" is a much more exciting and enjoyable film than it should've been.


Following a vicious plague on Earth, John Blake, (Black Cousins) Gaberial, (Gabe Hernandez) Catherine, (Catherine Louise) and Treasure, (Treasure O'Keefe) crash-land in a small desolate valley and seek out shelter. Knowing that the dead are coming up from their graves, they try to increase their chances for survival by staying out of sight of the zombies. Despite their best efforts, the massive numbers of the undead are too much and slowly whittle down their numbers, leaving only him as the last survivor of the attacks and he eventually runs into Ariel, (RoseAnne Okumura) who has also survived several encounters with the undead as well. Forced with the real threat of being the last two alive, they try to figure a way of getting away from the creatures and save themselves from being turned into the undead.

The Good News: This was a lot better than expected for a low-budget zombie effort. One of the best features about it is the rather impressive action scenes. Admittedly, most of the movie is reserved for action scenes, where they encounter the zombies, but it's still rather fun to watch it all play-out, and we get some nice sequences out of it. One of the best is the initial confrontation within the safe-house, as the zombies come out of practically everywhere and attack, with some fun defensive tactics used to protect themselves and a couple of innovative brawling moments with the creatures to keep it moving. Other sequences, as the attack in the hut, with the encounter with the disembodied hand, or the one in the storage shack that results in several members of the crew meeting a demise, are rather well-done and quite exciting. The best part of the action, though, is the big chase scene through the destroyed bunker. This is an extended series of mini-chases and encounters, while the actual location of the place is what manages to make it work all on it's own. Put out as a series of labyrinths and corridors, twisting back-and-forth on each other in a dizzying layout, it makes for a never-ending series of tunnels that work into creating an effective setting for a zombie encounter. Even better, then, that it manages to contain a ton of action anyway, with it being a never-ending deal that entertains highly. This is a great series of scenes that score here nicely. This one also has some good stuff to come from the look of the zombies. With there being a sort of cross between the recently-reanimated variety and the dead-for-centuries style, it's quite nice and offers up something innovative for fans of the style, making them look rather gruesome and incredibly rotting. Their look is rather great, making them into something to be feared nicely. The last plus here is the gore, which is quite messy and manages to be quite impressive. There's ton of vicious-looking bites, a wicked decapitation, some limbs ripped off, a sword impaled in the mouth, some nice-looking skin ripped off the bones and tons of bullet-wounds, among others, which is great and makes for some entertaining kills. These here are what make the film enjoyable.

The Bad News: There wasn't too much really wrong with this one. The biggest issue is the fact that the film appears to have almost no plot at all. It seems to pretty much follow a never-ending pattern of surviving an attack then go to another one despite it not making any sense why they come together. That's what makes the film feel awfully disjointed, in that it really doesn't have any sort of logical flow to it, and it seems to go along into pretty much everything except what a film would logically be about, as it seems to just be one random scene after another that is only marginally connected together by the narration, and it suffers for this. The only other factor for this one is the rather obvious low-budget on display. It doesn't really make any attempts to hide it, but the film does come across as being not-so-hidden about it. From the gore effects to the overall look from it's setting and action, there's not much about it that can be hidden by that. It's also not something too many are going to be concerned about, but it can be for some and should be noted. These are what's wrong with the film.

The Final Verdict: A really fun, if somewhat mildly flawed low-budget zombie effort that does make it worthwhile at times. Really only recommended for fans of the low-budget apocalyptic zombie fare, though other zombie fans should enjoy it, while those who are turned off by the budget issue should look elsewhere.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
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A Horrorible Delight
woody_houston_area1 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, you may think by reading the previous comments, this is a terribly made 'Zombieflick', but it's actually rather delightful. The characters (I Think),did their parts quite well, and brought the whole point of the plot home quite well.It may not be a 'Rob Zombie' or 'George A. Romero' classic but it held it's own as far as the Horror genre goes. Part of the set, an old fall-out shelter, was well done, which I imagined as quite a bit of work, if it was built for this movie, and if not, a great addition in discovery for the movie. Well worth adding to your collection if you are a Zombie fanatic. After all,we are all Zombie's at one time or another. We just don't eat brains. I give this a 6 of 10.
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