Short Circuits (2006) Poster

Tjasa Zeleznik: Olga, Neza, Ajda



  • Mitja : [subtitled version]  Are you from the police or one of the staff here?... Well? Just turn me away from this tree for a bit. I'm sick of it.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Better?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Tell me if I'll ever walk again, that's what I want to know. If I'm lucky, someone comes around noon and moves me for five minutes. Better? I don't know. It's still the same window. What do you want?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Much better now, isn't it?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  I wouldn't know. I'm not the doctor, you are. Don't fuck with me, just tell me.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  But I truly don't know.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  So who does know? You all have frigging doctoral degrees, and you're all clueless.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  It's not my field. I'm a dermatologist.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Whose field is it then? Mine?

  • Ajda : [subtitled version]  Hi.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Ajda. Did you meet that lady downstairs with the poodle?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No. What's she like?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  I never really saw her much before either. But I always had to listen to her barking dog. It got hit by a car. They put it to sleep. Otherwise he'd have been a vegetable and not a dog. Like I'm a vegetable and not a person. A frigging dandelion... I don't know if I'm ready to go out.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  If we don't give it a try, we'll never know. We can always come back. You might like it.

  • Miha : [subtitled version]  Do you still sleep with the professor?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No.

    Miha : [subtitled version]  What about him?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I don't know.

  • Neza : [subtitled version]  Are you happy?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Of course. Aren't you?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I am and I'm not. You know how it is.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Wild. We're gonna have a son.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  What if it's a daughter?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I just said it like that. Hey, we're gonna have a kid!

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know if we can give it what it needs.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  I don't know if... where'd you get a line like that? Of course we can.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  What if we can't?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  I think we can.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know if we're ready. I'm scared.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  You have to decide. I'm not scared. You're going to give birth! Wild... But that gas station... That guy could have just smashed the door. What then?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Eat something.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Neza, I can see that you want this baby.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I'm just not sure.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Would you even tell me then?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Ludvik...

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Would you?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Of course I would. You know that I still wanted to study something.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  What would you study?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know. Whatever.

  • Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Life doesn't just end when you have a baby.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  No?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Does it?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  What do I know?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  We have grandmas and grandpas.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Since when are you such an optimist?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  What?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know, it's happening to me, but I'm also scared. Understand?

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Just think. There'll be three of us.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know...

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Cheers, to the little guy! Imagine it's champagne.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Cheers to the little girl.

    Ludvik : [subtitled version]  Let's go somewhere else, Ok?

  • Mitja : [subtitled version]  Mirjam!... Ajda, will you tell Mirjam that she can leave for two hours?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I think she already left.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Come closer so I can see you.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I brought you the nicest apples from the market. Friendly woman on the stall. Today is such a beautiful day. And they have chestnuts already... You don't feel like talking?... What?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  You have nice legs... You're lucky I can't move this with a mere look. Did you bring me a movie?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No. I brought you a book.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  A book?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Poetry. I decided that you wouldn't like the kinds of movies that I do, so...

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  And so you brought me poetry.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Yes.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Great.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Which is probably even worse.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Dermatologist. So what are your fingers running over all day? It's nice to feel hands, isn't it? You have a different nail polish today. The ivory color the other day wasn't bad either.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  A sense for details. Nice.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Believe me, if you stared at the same picture all day you'd notice things too. Right?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Yes, I would.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Hear that? Magpies. I listened to them every day and I never even heard them.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  They really are squawking. Do you think they court in the autumn? Probably not.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  What do I know. But I do wonder what a quadriplegic bird looks like.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  A bird is never quadriplegic. It probably dies sooner... Sorry.

  • Lenart : [subtitled version]  Do you remember me from yesterday?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Yes.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  I just came to tell you that my boy died.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  What?

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  My kid died. I came to tell you that.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  What kid?

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  My child was in the car yesterday. I told you. Well, and now that child is dead. They told me at the hospital that if he had come sooner he might have survived... Do you have children?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  No.

  • Mitja : [subtitled version]  Ajda... Would you like to ride with me?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  What?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  I'm wondering how you get around. Don't you have a boyfriend?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  You know that I don't.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  I think he would be jealous if he knew that you were visiting some quadriplegic.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  He wouldn't be.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  No?...

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Although if he knew how charming you are, then perhaps he would be.

  • Mitja : [subtitled version]  You look good, you know.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Thanks.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Thank you.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Why?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  You got done up for me, didn't you?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No, I didn't.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Why are you lying?... Ajda, take your clothes off.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  What?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Take your clothes off for me.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  I won't molest you or touch you. I promise. I won't masturbate to the image of you... Take your clothes off just for me, please.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No, Mitja.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Why not? Are you embarrassed?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No, I'd feel stupid.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Stupid?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Yes.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Ajda, my brains and my eyes are all that I have left, to see what goes on around me. I want to feel again.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  What if I only take the upper part off?

  • Mitja : [subtitled version]  I'd like to touch you but I can't. I can't do anything anymore...

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Has anyone ever died because of you?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  What do you mean by that?

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Have you ever been in a situation as a doctor, where the patient died because of you?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No, I haven't.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Well I'm giving you the chance. I'd like to die because of you. I can't live like this anymore.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  But I can't do that. Maybe it sounds pathetic, but I went to study medicine because I wanted to help.

    Mitja : [subtitled version]  Then help me... I'll fall asleep, I won't...

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I don't want you to die.

  • Ajda : [subtitled version]  It smells good... I need to tell you something.

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  Just a second...

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  Matjaz, it won't stop dripping. It needs to be fixed. I told you yesterday to call.

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  I understood that you would.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I thought that you would.

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  Ok, but that's probably not what you wanted to tell me.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  No, it's not... I met someone and... Would you please stop fixing that drip, it won't stop, and come here and listen to me?

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  Yes? Some wine?

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. I met someone and I want to live with him. I can't be with you anymore. You know, that for a while now, between you and me... I didn't plan this or want it to happen. I've been with him for a while already.

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  I know.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  How long have you known?

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  Long.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  The whole time?

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  I don't know if the whole time. Long enough.

    Ajda : [subtitled version]  And?

    Matjaz : [subtitled version]  And, nothing... Nice... I mean that it's nice that you told me... Cheers.

  • Lenart : [subtitled version]  Yes?... Will you come in?... I wasn't expecting you.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I came to tell you that I'm sorry that things happened like they did.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Thank you.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  And if there's anything I can...

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  What, if you can?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  What would you do?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry... And... if there's any way I can help, if there's anything I can do.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Yeah, like what would you do?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I have no idea.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  And so you made up your mind and you showed up.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Yes. I wanted to ask if what you told me is true.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  If what is true?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Did that really happen.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  No, it didn't. I just came over to you and lied... You came here to find out if it's true?... Excuse me, but I need to go now.

  • Lenart : [subtitled version]  Now what?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I think we need to talk.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  You think?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Yes. The pump was closed. I couldn't open it for you. Anyone would have thought that you're a maniac, what else? You saw.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  No, not even a clue. But I saw some bitch who didn't want to open the door for me while my son was dying.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I would give everything in the world to turn back time and open that goddamn door.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Well then turn it back.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I can't, because it can't be done.

  • Neza : [subtitled version]  Now you know that I didn't know.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  You still could've opened the door. Despite your mood, despite your fears... Although you can't really blame someone for their fears... You wet your pants when someone really needed you... Do we feel any better now?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I don't know, probably not.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  You certainly do. But I do think it's nice that you showed up.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I wish you had never come, that you'd gone to some other station or that I never worked there. I needed to tell you.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  I have to go now.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Can I go with you for a bit longer?

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Look, whether I understand you or blame you or not, I still can't get my son back. So as far as I'm concerned, it's better to just stop here.

  • Bojan : [subtitled version]  I just want to say I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. Sometimes I just feel like talking to somebody, and then I lose the feeling for it.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  What feeling?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Who to talk to.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Who are you?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Remember, at the bus station...

    Olga : [subtitled version]  So?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Just take a few minutes, just to see for yourself, that I'm a normal guy. Is everything Ok?

    Olga : [subtitled version]  What do you want?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  I just want you to know that I don't want to harm you.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  You wanted to tell me that. Well, now you have.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  I'll never understand how you can run into to someone, say Hi to him, a few words, and then he acts like you've done something wrong to him.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  You don't just talk to people on the street.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  You just pass them by?

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Yes, you pass them by.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  You let them fall into a ditch?

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Yes, you let them. You think I fall into ditches? I don't fall anywhere.

  • Neza : [subtitled version]  You didn't have to come back that time. You told me something I didn't need to know. Since then...

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Do you know what you're saying?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  I do.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  Think about it. Is that the main problem here, that I came to tell you the truth?

    Neza : [subtitled version]  It is for me.

    Lenart : [subtitled version]  I sincerely apologize for coming to say to you that you are co-responsible for the death of my son. I am sorry.

    Neza : [subtitled version]  Don't you get it? If you hadn't come back and told me, everything would stay the same for you, but be entirely different for me.

  • Olga : [subtitled version]  Do you always drive the same route?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  No. All routes. By night, by day, all the time.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Doesn't really sound interesting.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  That depends. Sometimes it's boring, when it's late and nobody's on the bus. Otherwise you pretty much see everything that goes on.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  What do you see?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Everything.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Everything?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Who's got a test...

    Olga : [subtitled version]  You see that? What else?

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Do you ride the bus?

    Olga : [subtitled version]  No.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  Even if you did, you wouldn't know who's driving.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  It's a small town.

    Bojan : [subtitled version]  But not that small.

    Olga : [subtitled version]  Maybe somebody who always rides with you, now recognizes you. I wouldn't though. But it wouldn't really matter.

See also

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