"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" Partings (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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This Wandering Day got to me.
grnhair200123 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That song! Such a fine nod to Tolkien, it had me in tears.

The mysteries continue. (For the record, I think Halbrand is just himself, and perhaps the ancestor of Theoden. I think the stranger is Gandalf, and I find the mysteries and guessing and picking out clues interesting.

I like the way they are developing Isildur as a whiny, entitled brat with no sense of community and an overwhelming and undeserved sense of himself. When what happens at the Gladden Fields happens (the idiot!), this is precisely the younger version who would grow up to make such a terrible mistake.

I think the Halbrand decision-making was given short shrift, my one complaint. Lovely visuals again.

And OMG, that song.
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Story develops slowly but not steadily.
moviesknight23 September 2022
Last episode really put up the steadiness of the show. But today it got slow again. I like the slow growing of charcaters til we get familar with all the happenings, but it shouod be steady too. The old stranger man is a bottle of hidden gems. Everytime he suprises you in ways you never think of. Oh, for sauron to born they have to make a sacrifice with that ancient knife. Kinda wild. Maybe the old man has to be the sacrifice. For men, we have to answer the call. We are not our ancestors. The things they did wrong doesnt mean we will too. Only if we hold true to overselves. Politics is always something which ruins ever good thing. Truth will set you free. The hidden agendas wont. The balrog fight should have been little bit longer. Durin is weak. But the elf really grows to his character. Orc lord is another interesting character. It is easy to side with the evil but is it worth it? Everything is about to rip apart and fall. We just have to wait and watch.
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Headed in the right direction.
alasdairboswell23 September 2022
After a underwhelming episode last week, this was a much needed return to form, and dare I say, easily the best episode of the series. It plunges you right into the story, and the pacing is very much improved over last week's. The hour flew by!

The characters finally get some much needed development, and some levity. Really thought everyone got a chance to shine, even Isildur, who I haven't particularly cared for in this show. The story is moved in directions I cannot wait to see continued next week.

The tone of the episode is preparing for war on all sides, and you really feel that. The exciting moments are well balanced with the regal and dialogue heavy scenes, but they don't go on for too long, which was very refreshing. Before you know it, you're onto a new scene.

Overall, it's fantastic from start to finish. Pacing is improved, characters are explored, and themes of deceit and staying true to you're oaths and friendships are explored.
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One of the best episodes yet!
julie-92623 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode. So many intriguing storylines weaved together. You can feel the momentum of the show moving towards an intersection of many key characters.

It is so fun to not know who Sauron is yet. He is a shape shifter and a deceiver, and there are many possible contenders.

Very interesting take on the power of Mithral and the reason the elves are wanting it. In Tolkien's mythology, Galadriel's ring of power is partially constructed of mithral - maybe the show runners are going to expand this idea to all the rings of power. This Idea makes me wonder if Sauron in disguise is already influencing the elves in some way.

I can't wait for next week's episode!
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My flame for Lord of the Rings has resparked
vincent_rommens23 September 2022
Just seeing the first 20 minutes of this episode, really brought me back to the time that Lord of the Rings was everything to me.

This show gets allot of hate because it tries to appeal to a new generation. If u look behind the short haired elves and beardless dwarfs.. it still upholds everything i held dear at the time i was young, watching the first movies.

The songs of the harfoots. The panoramic shots of the amazing landscapes. The cultural differences between the races where each upholds their own intersts to gain power. The imminent threat and hoplessnes growing while everything seams hopeless but light still shining in the dark...

I think Tolkien would be proud that a new generation gets to experience the legacy he created.

Change is painfull because we all uphold Tolkien in a sacred place in our hearts, but its deffinitly not the monstrosity people made this show out to be!
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Things don't look good
omalola-1422330 September 2022
It've been 5 episodes till now and the show keeps on disappointing, now don't get me wrong it's not a terrible show, but it's not good as well, it's just watchable. There are some really good characters in terms of performance, dialogues and their part of the story is interesting such as lord Elrond the elve and Durin the dwarf, their relationship is worth watching, with Elrond being the best character in the show . Galadrial on the other hand has a really weird writing her purpose makes zero sense her dialogues are lame and the performance is... I won't say bad i don't know who can play a character with this bad writing in a way that will actually make it bearable. The Hobbits part is fine not great but not bad, we are still half the way through the season so i won't judge the story but things don't look promising.

I don't know why they didn't spent a bigger portion of that 1 billion dollars they have been talking about for years on writing, the visual effects can vary from really good to just fine, but nothing outstanding.

So yeah the lord of the rings is disappointing till this moment which is episode 5, maybe the next episodes will prove me wrong, but until then iam not happy with it.
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Now we are getting there
exandew23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very good build up and it shows we really are mocking forward.

Not a fan of the first few episodes but this one was great. Made me very curious about the next one!

Everything falling in place every group (orc, men, elves) getting deeper into storyline and getting ready for a absolute great set of episodes coming towards us.

I hope they will keep this going them the show will have No problems competing agains the rest like HOD (wich is great as well)

SPOILER: the way the men and the elf connected and grew in a friendly way was well executed just like de elf and dwarf friendship very kind but real in emotion.

All and all Nice job on this one!
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Frustrating episode
trbothrowaway27 September 2022
I hate myself for saying this, but the episode was... filler. With the exception of Elrond and Durin, nearly no significant story development occurs. For an 8-episode season, I expected more momentum by the end of the 5th episode.

The showrunners are building characters for a multi-season show, unfortunately at the expense of this fundamentally important first season. If we look at comparable other series of sprawling casts: Game of Thrones, Lost, Deadwood, and Friday Night Lights managed to balance world-building, and character development while simultaneously progressing the story.

Instead of story progression and captivating action we get character development, but I find it to be pretty underwhelming despite the grandiose score and melodramatic acting. Instead of telling us why we need to care about these characters through labored dialog, please show us! We hit a point of diminishing returns in episode 4, and episode 5 results in frustration.

I'm optimistic for this show. There are interesting characters in interesting situations. I just hope the writers can deliver on the opportunity.
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This Wandering Day - what a beautiful way to start the episode
dreamlife61324 September 2022
I have been loving Rings of Power since the first episode. I appreciate how much time is being spent on developing the characters --- not just the main characters but the supporting ones as well. My favorite characters so far are Nori, Arondir, Durin, The Stranger, Bronwyn, and Elrond.

Poppy's song "This Wandering Day" was really lovely and fits right in with other classic songs like Misty Mountains. In fact, this whole soundtrack is excellent. I have been a fan of Bear McCreary ever since his work on Battlestar Galactica and Black Sails and am so very impressed with what he has done with this soundtrack. I have been trying to not listen to the soundtrack beyond the point we're at in the season to avoid potential spoilers but I know after the season is out I will definitely be revisiting the soundtrack.
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The Great Impact
Ricardo-Meneghelli28 September 2022
After that episode I came to a conclusion: The Lord of the Rings (movies) was breaking through Middle-earth, crossing the Misty Mountains at amazing speed. The wisps of the night mist could be seen stirring as he advanced swiftly and relentlessly. In the opposite direction, on a collision course and equally fast, came the soap opera Days of our Lives. When the two shared the same point in space-time, Middle-earth shook. The Blue Mountains split, Anduin changed its course, and the Great Sea churned in agony. As a result of this confluence the series The Rings of Power emerged, which merged in a single work the wonderful scenarios and costumes of The Lord of the Rings, with the characters and plot of Days of our Lives.
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Episode 5: Partings
vsek29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin this review, I want to give a friendly wave to the people who give 10/10 stars for these episodes and barely review anything else: I hope you get paid enough for this!

As we are now 5 episodes in, barely any significant advances have been made in any of the storylines.

It's interesting that the producers made everyone plain humans (the Elves, the Numenorians) in an attempt to make them more relatable, yet I don't care about any of them. It makes everything very bland.

There is also a problem of scale to this show. We are being told, Galadriel is the commander of the northern armies, but all we got to see is 5 people who abandon her (and are gone to Valinor). Whole villages in the southlands are being abandoned but at the watchtower are only 50-100 people maybe. Numenor, the height of human civilization, has no army and only 5 ships to spare. Proclamations in the capital are heard by 200 people.

Where is the scale? It all feels so small! It clashes with the huge CGI aerial shots.

Even the costumes habe serious flaws. Under the armor you can see printed stretch undershirts that fold in places. What a joke.


The biggest flaw in this show (apart from the egregious lore inaccuracies and thinly veiled social justice placating to garner social media brownie points) is still Galadriel. This 5000 years old very noble elf , educated by the powerful Maia Melian. But in the show she is still his one-note Mary Sue character with vengeance on her mind, arrogant and entitled, not knowing how to behave in court in front of the descendants of Elronds brother. She lets herself be imprisoned by 2 guard and then overwhelms 4 guards when they try to put her on a boat. She wants Miriel to commit her forces to Galadriels task but gives no evidence of her case. The same with Halbrand. Apparently it's just enough that Galadriel says he is royalty without confirming anything.

The problem is that the writers think they're doing female empowerment a service by showcasing this character. When she rides a horse in slow motion or fights inexperienced beta males or steps on a boat - the music swells like something awesome is happening - but nothing is, really. It makes you cringe. I don't care about THIS Galadriel because the writers haven't give me a reason to. There is no depth to her character.

And why does Galadriel have to train 5 peple for 5 minutes? All this scene does is placate Galadriel AGAIN and let her show off the males. Oh look, a strong badass woman! Wooooow! Because the numenorian soldiers-to-be don't really learn anything other than Galadriel is better than them.

Is this really how they want us to see them getting ready for war? Where is the training arena? Do numenorian soldiers have to practise swordfighting in alleys between fish salesmen?

What's wrong with the mighty Numenor?

They are the descendants of people who fought orcs and were rewarded with a long lifespan and an island of their own! This knowledge is not passed on? Where are their army and their drill instructors? Elendil - a "petty lord" - is the only guy who gives the recruits some tips?

Why does Miriel have to ask for volunteers instead of just giving an order to her army?

This is all so badly constructed!


As with the last weeks, the Hobbit (yes they are Hobbits) story is still an empty void. The show is spinning its wheels for some inevitable cliffhanger that wants you to gape at. This week, we are getting a lovely rendition of a song by our female Frodo. A song worthy of a Disney movie for children.

The tribe of Hobbits show their horrible lack of ethics again by attributing food shortage to the tall man that Nori keeps around. I don't like them.

And I have to say, the CGI wolves look worse that the dog/pigs in the show "ANDOR".

Durin/Elrond storyline:

As far as character scenes go, the most fun that I can find I find here. But the good feeling doesn't last long when I see them portraying Gil-Galad (the high king) as a moron.

He knew about the tree (elvendom) rotting AND Galadriel suspected Sauron is back but didn't put 2 and 2 together??? Instead he sent her away because she might actually find Sauron?

And what about that crap with the Silmaril being struck by lightning and going into the mountain to create Mithril? That's not how this world works - it's totally made up. And why mentioning a Silmaril anyway? Only fans know that and they are rolling their eyes when you change everything.

Are you going to tell me that Gil-Galad knew for how many years that THE IMMORTALITY OF ELVES WOULD FADE if the don't get their hands on Mithril? And he didn't do anything? And how is Mithril then being distributed? As a suppository? As a lamp? A skin cream? Needless to say this is also not in Tolkien's stories. It's just an ore. Valuable, sure but even the Numenorians had it.


Why is Bronwyn (the only one who keeps herself clean with nice clothes) the leader of the villages now? Where are the actual leaders?

Then they copycat themselves. Last episode, there was a scene in Numenor were volunteers put their arms up. The same thing here. Why? Don't know. I guess writing is pretty hard. And how will they fight? They have no weapons or food! They are cornered with their backs to the wall. Wouldn't it be better to flee somewhere else?

It's all so unconvincing.


No immersion thanks to mundane elves, modern hairstyles and thinly veiled current political issues. There's misandry galore here and girls (who got Middle Earth covered) are just hampered by incompetent or evil man folk.

They try to be Game of Thrones by having scheming characters lleft and right but it just doesn't fit the world. Gil-Galad is unlikeable! Imagine that!

And lest we forget - why are cows producing black thick stuff instead of milk because some orcs let slaves dig a trench they call a tunnel?

I don't know what this show is supposed to be: it's neither gritty nor witty enough to be in the same league as Game of Thrones. It's also too boring for mouth breathers and children.

Favorite clumsy line:

"When i talk his ears close up."
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So far the best episode
schmiedeckelukas23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, after watching the first 4 episodes I have to say that I didn't find the series particularly bad, but not good either, it was simply all right. Among other things, this was so because although I am watching a Lord of the Rings series. I was not really in Middle-earth. Unfortunately, the series lacks the music that made me feel at home when I watched Lord of the Rings...

Nevertheless, after I have watched every episode, I must say this one doesn't really has anything that bothers me. I find the Dialogue as well as the character interactions in general to be the best so far. Especially Elronds dialogue in this Episode. For the first time I find myself intrigued into the story, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode.

Still I am giving it a 9/10 because I believe as I said the series lacks the music that defines Lord of the Rings. Maybe also because of something else, but as of now I can't think of anything else.

This was my first review, so I hope you can somehow understand my thoughts.
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The LOTR took three volumes!!
samtzu-224 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We're on episode five and people are moaning about it being "too slow!!" Come on!! It's a 50 episode series!! Give them time.... it's not a race, it's an epic!!

Now, having said that, I liked this episode. Galadrial kinda' admitted she may have been a bit hasty to Haldir; Elrond outed himself to Durin; Nofi almost gives The Stranger a hand; and Isildur get's to shovel manure .... it's all moving forward just like a real story... which it is.

Unlike. "House of the Dragon", I feel like I'm being drawn into this one, which is all I want from a story. There is plenty of Tolkien material to be drawn from here, so let's give it a genuine chance.
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High-budget content: episode 5
kuarinofu23 September 2022
Again, as I've mentioned, the virtually static storytelling tempo continues. I guess it's fine for a series, but we're 3 episodes short of the season's end, so once again, as I've mentioned, this is going nowhere but to an "intriguing" cliffhanger.

The entire season seems to be aimed at introducing the characters. Too bad that 90% of the characters are either dull or annoying. Since the story has many branches, not all of them have been sufficiently developed in this episode.

In this episode, the writers keep introducing pointless conflicts and twists that don't add anything to the story but just make the characters constantly change their minds and feel inconsistent. Perhaps it would be easier to perceive even Galadriel's stubbornness if she spoke and acted like an elf rather than an actor in an elf costume. But this is not the case since the dialogue is so unnatural and modernized.

All in all, I went around in circles again, spending an hour watching the characters overcome made-up difficulties and constantly changing their minds. Already you can see that no characters are well-written, and most likely, there is no concrete vision of what they should become at the end since there is no clear understanding of the story's beginning and end.

So it is quite understandable why history is stagnating because it simply has nowhere to go. We don't know what to expect from the characters as they always act differently and change their attitudes at the last moment. That is, we know who they are supposed to become in many years and their future merits, except that what is happening now has nothing to do with the established personalities in the universe.

Thus, by episode 5 of the first season, the writers themselves have written out all the characters from the universe, making them more modern and completely different from expectations. If before, you would have thought that their way to the characters we know would be interesting, and we would understand why they became as we know them now so many years later. After this episode, given the pace and the approaching end of the season, I am fully convinced that the whole series is driven by completely different heroes, having nothing to do with the universe or Tolkien, who just put on fancy suits to do an amateur acting routine on expensive sets.

The problem is that the creators don't want to tell me a story to interest me, to intrigue me. They want me to watch it. They want me to spend time watching content. All the effort is invested in the process, not the substance. It's a beautiful empty shell, but what's the point?
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God Finally Finally
souravvxyz23 September 2022
Let me start with the overview this is by far the best episode and it clearly gave Lord Of The Rings Vibes that we all been missing The episode is amazing and eye pleasing Infact what I loved the most is the screenplay it is 10x better than last few episodes and now we clearly know where this show is heading Although there are few problems to address too like they are revealing too little and we want to know more about the Mysterious man and what is he doing I know just to make multi season show the story's pace is little slow.

Overall I would say this what we always wanted and I cant wait for seven more days.
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A bit of storytelling, a bit of characterization
4liReza28 October 2022
In the fifth episode of the "Rings of Power" series, the creators go into each of their storylines, and yet, it still seems that the plot is barely progressing. This means there isn't enough development in the storylines to make each episode worthwhile. But why is that? What is the problem with the series?! It seems hard to say; Because the creators of the series, trying to achieve a false sense of greatness, have forgotten that they need great characters and stories to shape their story. Thus, in the episode "Partings" the scenario is not of wandering power rings, but of lost ground.

The "Rings of Power" series, as a beautiful canvas that wanders everywhere in Middle-earth without a specific purpose, does not have a single story. Therefore, with such an image, the best moment in the episode "The Great Wave" had nothing to do with the story, that is, the focus on the traditional ritual of the dwarves of Moria. From this point of view, the best moments of the fifth episode or "Partings" are also a wandering montage of Harfoot's journey, showing maps and legendary flashbacks about the creation of elves.

The fifth installment of the Rings of Power series is at least built around a fairly consistent set of themes, themes that fit well with the show's largely straightforward moral worldview. And at the same time, they can balance between the eternal themes of Tolkien's works and contemporary issues. At its core, the episode "Partings" argues that Circles of Power is about the importance of political altruism, about the need for disparate groups to trust each other and work together for the greater good. It's a very simple idea, but it's also a heavy and interesting one.

It's a theme that runs consistently throughout the episode, from Arundir's decision to stay with the humans to Elrond's loyalty to Doreen. This also fits well with the larger political themes at the heart of The Lord of the Rings.

In his writings, Tolkien always considers humans to be the weakest race. Not by force, but by will and according to morality. Rings of Power keeps this concept, but expands it to other races to fuel the fire of further conflict.

However, this newfound thematic consistency would be more impressive if it served a greater sense of movement for the series' story. Now, it's easy to see how the various narrative threads fit together thematically, but are largely unrelated in terms of common purpose. With episode five coming right from the halfway point of last season, the Rings of Power series has been strangely stuck in place. In conclusion, this series works best when it paints a picture of an open world, but it should let the characters explore it. All those who wander may not be lost, but all those who remain do not know where they stand.
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Great Episode! Heading towards right direction
kasram6723 September 2022
I can't believe the hate people have towards this show.

Be realistic, and stop comparing it to HOD.

I didn't like the first episode but since then the show keeps getting better and I am sure we are going to have a great season after all. Now I care about the characters and can't wait to see what will happen to them.

Cinematography 10 Music 10 Acting 9 Writing 9 Directing 9.

Ps. I haven't read the books so I can't comment on that, but I have to say I read all Harry Potter's book and when the movies came out I hated them. However after few years I was grateful for the movies. I'm sure these hater would come back in few years and will be a fan of the show.
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The story is starting to come together
bluejays-8804529 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While the Rings of Power is a very slow show, so slow you begin to grow gray hairs while watching it, it is finally beginning to come together. The southlander and numenor plotlines are converging, the harfoot story is (very painfully) moving along, and we are getting some nice character development of Durin (one of the most enjoyable characters thus far), Halbrand, some of the southlanders (their conflicting motivations), and Definitely-Not-Gandalf.

The show continues to be absolutely gorgeous with excellent costuming, amazing shots of basically everything, and a strong musical score complementing powerful visuals.

Downsides are Galadriel who continues to be an overly arrogant rage-bot, the painfully slow story, and a continual lack of motivation to care about what's going on. I personally do not mind the dialogue I think it's fine I just wish there was less 'talking' and more 'doing'.
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A steady ship is better than an erratic one
ha77y73ad9724 October 2022
So much of Tolkien's original work is slow building and tiny details that will certainly pay off in the end but i can see where the general viewer may lose interest in the story. By the end of this episode we truly get to the point of where the story of this series will get to.

One of the most important things that this series had to deliver on was the cinematography and the CGI since the budget have been revealed to be close to 1 billion by the end surpassing every record for a series ever eclipsing house of the dragon. There has been moments where the costume designers have fallen short in compression to out HBO friends this is where the series has come into its own. The sun lite isle of Numenor and the harbor that most of this story is based around is just epic.

Then leading to the story with the Uruk Adar having the presence of Joseph Mawle behind the character is the best tread that should always be pulled in this series. The subtle creepiness of his character and the hopefulness of the elves along with the doubtful humans in the story really balance so well.

We know where this next episode is going to lead and i cannot wait to watch this!
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Shallow beauty
thomasop23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The visuals are spectacularly grand and the imagery delivers a fantasy world true to what one can imagine, Tolkien would've produced.

But this is where shows shallowness already begins. The square-jawed, corporate haircut elves break the illusion as soon as they are in frame. All of the Harfoot scenes seem to come from a different series all together (a straight to dvd one). And as soon as some characters open their mouth (here's looking at you galadriel) youre distracted by their clumsy acting.

Real shallow becomes the whole, once you look at the writing. Characters make decisions and possess knowledge just to move the plot, even if it makes no logical sence. They act so out of character sometimes that it irks you out of the illusion.

How do the elves know the dwarves found mithril? How do they think it to be the answer to their problem whilst ignoring Galadriels warnings about Sauron?

Why does 'wise' Galadriel pledge Halbrands kingship to her cause behind his back even though he never shows any sign that he would be ok with that?

Why do the Harfoots sing about not leaving anyone behind but want to take someones wheels in the very next episode?

Why does Galadriel fabricate the story that her fellowship abandoned her cause because she was starting to look like the evil she was chasing, and not that they were tired of chasing a treath they thought wasn't real?

It (and again, her acting) makes her seem like a lying, pouty child. Trying to get her way.

All in their way do all these plotholes, irks and inconsistencies show that the beauty is only skin deep. And that The Rings of Power only looks good at first glance but falls apart rapidly once you look beyond.
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Be prepared because we are ready to fight in Middle Earth!!!
Morganv2prime24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well I really liked the previous four episodes, the show is visually stunning and the basic elements of a journey that will last 50 episodes are set.

But 5 was outstanding, it was like saying "ok now we have all the elements in place and we are going to a very specific place, you are not lost anymore"

Galadriel is shining in this one, she is a hero, powerful but having tragic elements in here past. Not very conviced at the beginning but she totally got me in this one. Halbrand also is quite a character and all the Numenor arc line seems way more satisfactory now. My second favourite part is the quest for mithril by Elrond and his relationship with Durin. Funny, but very relevant for the future of their races. I also really liked to see how the frienship develops in this one.

The stranger after this one maybe change a bit my theory and this man could be more like a dark character. I was thinking him to be a blue wizard but now I have my doubts. Room for improvement for Harfoots journey, I want more relevance from them. Also I liked Arondir and Bronwyn arc, it is important as they are in front line now, but I expect more from them too.

Very satisfied at this point, chapter 4 was my lowest rated and generated some doubts but this one got me totally onboard again.
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Starting to collapse
cbrwenzel25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the plotlines are really starting to collapse.

The people that feared ROP might change lore, oh boy are you in for a treat. This episode adds a completely nonsensical retcon about mithril to artificially add to the stakes of the Elrond/Durin storyline.

The harfoots went from: "nobody gets left behind" to, "let's put this family at the back of the line so they may die" and finally "let's sabotage their wheels so they wil certainly die".

Bronwyn - the only human in the southlands with a functioning washing machine - is now suddenly the leader of Ostirith. Eventhough people hated her before.. now she's rallying the people. How? And why don't they just run from the orcs? It's all just so nonsensical.

I haven't even mentioned the worst storyline, the boredome of Numenor. A kingdom of more than 2 million where sending a host of a few hundred warriors leads to a terrorist attack. The terrorist is caught and saved by Isildur who decides not to tell everyone it was pharazon's son. For reasons??

And all of this happens at a snails pace. Yeesh.
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epic; true LOTR atmosphere & feeling
provoko-6784723 September 2022
The script & dialogue was much better in this episode, it'll probably be the highest rated thus far.

The visuals are stunning (including an explosions) and so is the music.

Finally we get a hobbit type song and it's so good. I'm very happy to see more Harfoots.

We get more dwarves & elves in this episode.

More fighting, magic, artifacts, lore, and random forging of weapons.

It's still a mystery who is Sauron, who the meteor man is, and what the mystery blade is.

Another mystery: We're introduced to trio who say nothing, and inspecting the meteor man's impact crater, why, idk, it lasts for a brief scene.
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Show with time was going to get more intense.
cjmejiab23 September 2022
I understand the complaints of the users to the first, second or even third episode. But if even after the fifth you continue to watch the series and come to complain here, yours is no longer disgust for a 'bad production', but simple sabotaging of the series' ranking. I had great faith that this episode was going to continue from start and take off to finally start the knot at the beginning. The series started slowly, almost 4 introductory chapters and without action but they were extremely necessary to contextualize the scenery, the plot and the direction of the argumentative arc of each character. I really liked in this episode how the personality traits are more marked and a small appetizer of the abilities that each character has.
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Fascination For Days
JoshuaMercott24 September 2022
A compelling follow-up to what came before in the "Rings of Power" series, episode 5 took on new life as it exposed lingering secrets and explored elusive mysteries.

Great work on direction by Wayne Che Yip, and superb screenplay by Justin Doble. I have covered more details in previous reviews, so I shall keep it crisp this time round. Outstanding work all round by the VFX, hair-makeup, costume, music, cinematography, and editing crews, not to forget production design, set decoration, and stunts.

The stranger, played by Daniel Weyman, was noteworthy. Nori Brandyfoot, played by Markella Kavenagh, was great. Poppy Proudfellow, played by Megan Richards, was amazing. Adar (non-canonical character), played by Joseph Mawle, was good. Bronwyn (non-canonical character), played by Nazanin Boniadi, was also good. Arondir (non-canonical character), played by Ismael Cruz Cordova, was great.

Rowan (non-canonical character), played by Ian Blackburn, was amazing. Waldreg (non-canonical character), played by Geoff Morrell, was riveting. Isildur, played by Maxim Baldry, was interesting. Elendil (Capt.), played by Lloyd Owen, was great. Pharazôn, played by Trystan Gravelle, was quite good. Queen Regent Míriel, played by Cynthia Addai-Robinson, was enthralling.

Galadirel, played by Morfydd Clark, was splendid. Halbrand (non-canonical character), played by Charlie Vickers, was great. Kemen (non-canonical character), played by Leon Wadham, was intriguing. Eärien (non-canonical character), played by Ema Horvath, was good.

Sadoc Burrows (non-canonical character), played by Lenny Henry, was quite good. Malva, played by Thusitha Jayasundera, was great. Elrond, played by Robert Aramayo, was memorable. Prince Durin IV, played by Owain Arthur, was outstanding. High King Gil-galad, played by Benjamin Walker, was good. Celebrimbor, played by Charles Edwards, was also good. Valandil (non-canonical character), played by Alex Tarrant, was great.

All other cast and crew did great work in "Rings Of Power" episode 5 'Partings', now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

I liked that tiny detail about the stranger - whom I believe is Gandalf - pushing a Harfoot cart and then ages later, that same Gandalf will be riding into the Shire on his own horse-drawn cart. That, my friends, is what they call a tribute. *sigh* It's the little things... Gandalf himself remains unconfirmed as a character, but I started to see signs of him potentially being Saruman (!) instead. This episode played plenty of "Two Towers" tunes for me not to care about that possibility.

Some intriguing reveals also took place around the white-robed mystics, particularly the one several fans thought was young Sauron. It turned out, the lead mystic was a woman, and so were her companions, a warrior and an aide. The Dweller, played by Bridie Sisson, was captivating in the role. She created yet another ominous thread of mystery for the show going forward. Some interesting sequences around Adar and the orcs added to the wonder in this episode.

Poppy Proudfellow's rendition of 'The Wandering Day' song brought back some good old Tolkien vibes. My playlist has the song on loop now. Bear McCreary never ceases to impress. "Not all those who wander are lost."

The previous episode already hinted at a Helm's Deep style battle to come, and this epi delivered a small portion of that promise. I am not yet certain if the coming battle will be on a scale lesser or grander than the face-off in Peter Jackson's "The Two Towers". The tower in question was Ostirith - located in the eastern foothills of the Ephel Dúath. After Sauron will be done using it, much later in the fictional timeline, the place will become Cirith Ungol - near Minas Morgul, and a not-so-friendly neighbourhood spider named Shelob.

I liked how they captured Mithril's very own origin story. But this was not in keeping with what J. R. R. Tolkien envisioned for the legendary ore. In fact, Mithril was a Númenorean staple more than anything strictly Dwarven-implemented. Graceful though the rewrite was, and visually captivating, I did not appreciate the heavy-handed deviation for numerous reasons.

They connected the originally non-existent "Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir" (Tolkien had no such tale) with the "light of the lost Silmaril", which to hear Gil-galad (of all Elves) say it was a thing yet to be found. In truth, the "Rings of Power" timeline will have already seen all three Silmarils in mindful existence. The foreshadowing of the much-awaited Balrog was the best part of this almost anti-Tolkien take on his rich and intricate histories of Middle-Earth, and beyond.

Amazon managed to fit it altogether into their ongoing narrative, so I can't really complain. All in all, episode 5 of "Rings Of Power" was impressive and regaling. It captured even more nuances of the characters (canonical and otherwise) and locations that fans have come to admire about this franchise, and the show itself.

The unthinkable use of that broken sword (rather, tool) of Sauron - the one Theo kept hidden for a while - the very sword being revealed to have played a sorcerous part in enslaving the Southlands folk to the Dark Lord's will... Galadriel in full battle armour... Isildur and Elendil on their way to unwittingly fulfill their parts in the One-Ring-legacy... The Elves and Dwarves getting closer to creating a major inter-racial milestone, with Mithril possibly creating a strong bridge and bond between their people... Númenorean ships (those design masterpieces) going to Middle-Earth to address the threat in the Southlands - someone is going to jump out of one of those ships in classic Aragorn style, I can feel it...

These, and sundry notable themes and throwbacks, enriched and enlivened the fifth episode in the "Rings of Power" Amazon series. And I am now sat looking at the weekend as if they are weekdays. Next Friday is taking longer to arrive than the Harfoots to their new home.
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