Where the #$&% Is Santa? (Video 2008) Poster

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MPAA Rated R for pervasive language, crude and sexual content

Sex & Nudity

  • Multiple pervasive sexual remarks. A side plot involves a bet between two characters on who can "get the most pussy". A character's butt is shown frequently and he is 'raped' by a dead reindeer penis in one scene. two shots of topless women, in the 'Santa's Naughty Helpers' photo gallery in the special features. A man is shoved into a Christmas present box nude, but it is censored. A man poops out a reindeer eyeball.

Violence & Gore

  • Characters perform various stunts throughout the movie. Some pro skaters are shown wiping out and being visibly injured. Some blood is seen in a scene where a character gets a tattoo. Uncooked body parts of reindeer meat are shown including penises, eyeballs, and other entrails.


  • 58 usages of the 'F' word. Numerous other instances of other profanities including the 'S' and 'a' words.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Instances of smoking and drinking are shown throughout the movie, Some characters are shown obviously intoxicated in a bar, a character is shown drinking heavily before getting a tattoo, Characters are shown building a 'Christmas tree' out of empty beer cans. The guy they found to play Santa is described as "some random drunk from a Finnish bar."

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Characters perform various stunts and pranks that could be considered frightening and intense including: A character being 'raped' by a dead reindeer penis, Characters drinking 'shots' of hot candle wax, Characters being chased around by fireworks, A character eating, then later pooping out an entire reindeer eyeball, A character is shown crying and screaming while getting a tattoo that looks to be extremely painful.

See also

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