Roulette (2012) Poster


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Are you kidding me?
notsgnivil22 November 2013
I have long enjoyed reading the reviews on IMDb, but never wrote one before. But after watching this movie and reading the reviews associated with it, I could not help myself. To start, anyone who says the acting in this film is anything more than decent is also probably wondering why Tara Reid hasn't yet won a Golden Globe. Either that or they drink more than the alcoholic in this film. There is a semi-interesting story line and I will hand it to the ending being good, but certainly not worth watching this boring movie. I can think of at least three occasions where I considered turning it off altogether. I love low-budget films and usually choose those over anything mainstream, but this movie is a disaster.
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Words of wisdom?
coursey69331 January 2019
Confucius say:

One who does not notice similar dates of unusually stellar reviews might find themselves disappointed in film choice.

I did not find this movie as objectionable as others, but it certainly has its issues. I will admit that I am a bit of a sucker for Russian Roulette movies. Those and time travel shows are my weakness. The acting is passable. It is not so bad that it jolts you out of the narrative. However, a few of the characters lack any sense of depth. The changing color palette did not bother me in the least. I am terrible at writing reviews!
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myloveincruz20 November 2013
"Hey! My friends and me made a movie, wanna see it?" If you are in the mood for a film school submission made with lunch money with acting/directing/editing that never lets you forget you are watching an attempt at making a movie then, this is for you.

Lots of lessons on what not to do. On the other hand, as far as film school shorts I have seen, it is pretty good. The writing was good and there were scenes that were done very well.

I was rooting for it to bring me under its spell but gave up after 16 torturous minutes, concluding that it was simply unwatchable.

Why all the stellar reviews? Could they be self serving or did I completely miss the point?
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Unwatchable bore
cekadah30 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I settled on this movie due to the glowing reviews here on IMDb! A Big Mistake!

Maybe I was expecting something that resembled a plot line, dialog, and acting .... there isn't one minute of this to be found in this movie! Honestly - the actors are sub regional theatre talent. The word 'talent' I'm using for lack of any other word.

Throughout the entire movie the acting and dialog is so bad it's not even funny! At least they could have thrown in some sharks to keep the interest up.

And the big twist at the end is just STUPID! Don't be fooled by the other reviews - this movie is a joke!
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Agonizing Suspense!
chookie_vampyr2 October 2013
I was lucky enough to be the first Australian to see this movie and I can easily say that it BLEW ME AWAY! (no pun intended ). Roulette is an extremely well written and very clever picture! Each individual story in the movie had twists and turns that I had not predicted. Then comes the end !!!!! There are few movies that I have seen that I am able to honestly say had me physically sitting on the edge of my seat, leaning forward, unblinking, completely engaged in the movie and Roulette achieved this. The cast and crew of this movie all put their best foot forward and created a movie that leaves you in an agonizing suspense. Brilliant.I have wasted so much time watching terrible Hollywood movies before that I wish to thank 'Roulette' for adding quality to 113 minutes of my life. It is THAT good!
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Yes, it's a great plot, not a bad script, but the acting sinks it
bob_meg4 October 2015
On the surface, "Roulette" sounds very intriguing: three people at the end of their ropes sit alone in a dark room playing Russian roulette, some half-heartedly, some with no fear of dying whatsoever. During the session, we flashback to what events got them to this room at this time in their lives. The flashbacks are even round-robined, which helps the film's pace.

Unfortunately this film has, what I believe to be, the worst cast assembled for an indie film in quite some time. I understand how limited the budget is for films such as this, but there are talented people available in even the smallest cities. The casting directors for this film had little to no experience and it shows. Of course, I ultimately blame the director, who should have either waited to find better actors, given better or more direction, or just pulled the plug.

Few of the actors cast in lead roles here had anything but background experience and that's painfully obvious as well, the worst case being Michelle Murad's Zoe whose line readings are either irritatingly dippy sing-song or shrill shrieking. NONE of the three protagonists are well cast and therefore range from unlikable to laughable. Ali Lukowski works her facial muscles so stridently in order to (I guess) relay her character's sexual repression that she makes Sunny an ideal caricature for SNL (Right to life Girl?).

All of it makes Roulette an extremely hard film to sit through and tolerate. In the end, if you're not careful, you might be the one who ends up pulling the trigger.
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Horrifically Bad
vegicat3 August 2016
I don't know who wrote that initial glowing review, but I blame them personally for the excruciatingly painful 17 minutes I suffered in watching this film. 17 minutes was as long as I could take the torture.

Poorly written, poorly directed, idiotically stilted dialogue recited by insanely talentless actors. It didn't help that it seems they worked hard to only cast annoying, over-acting actresses with screeching voices. Massively amateur, and not in a good way.

The plot is filled with every stereotypical relationship/scenario. Whiny women and angsty boy-men.

I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish with the weird coloring... half the shots are a weird monochrome pinkish-red, others are some drab sepia with random pops of colored objects. It reminded me of those really unappealing color-separated photos of food in old 1950s magazines.

Avoid this movie at all costs!
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Let's Be Honest; Dumpster Fires are More Entertaining
jm-vincent9 September 2022
What's wrong with this flick? Acting; writing; direction; everything you see and hear. What's right with this flick? After what feels like an eternity of pain for the viewer, it finally ends. What's wrong with the reviews? As I noted in my own previous reviews, there is a clustering of rave reviews which always means a pity party held by those involved in the travesty; in this case, the month of around November. Gang, if you're going to lie (or give into your delusions) then at least spread the wealth out over several months (and to some extent the guilty parties did this) to dampen suspicion. The bottom like: Listen to the negative reviews; you surely have something (ANYTHING) better to do with your precocious time. Maybe watch a dumpster fire if you can find one....
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A dark hidden gem
iamingozi25 December 2013
Roulette will surprise you if you give it the chance. Heavy plot, deep character development, and believable acting make for a movie that, although an indie, certainly is a marker of great things to come for all involved. The movie is actually all about character development as it deals specifically with 3 individuals coming to grips with themselves, realizing that every decision they make, and have made, leads them directly to where they are. Something many people do only when it is too late. There are a few moments that are drawn out that could have been just as effective had they been trimmed just a hair. But that is something easily forgiven. The story throughout seems to be pulled forward by flashbacks. This might seem confusing at times, but is suddenly pulled and bound together in a familiar yet dramatically memorable way. Not a date movie, but one to share on many different levels.
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Roulette - A Great Film!
jordanwoods8923 November 2013
Roulette is truly a great and very underrated film. It will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end and leave you in awe and have you thinking about it for days/weeks to come. I have not had a film captivate me and pull me in so much like this one did in a long, long time! The character's are all very well developed and it is interesting to see how all 3 character's lives intersected at a certain point and the results of what their interactions had on the overall story. This isn't really a fast paced film, it's more of a slow burning, deep thinking type of film, but anyone who admires a true piece of art will definitely find something to appreciate here. Erik Kristopher Myers is a great up and coming filmmaker and I can't wait to see what he does next.
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jtor42026 November 2013
I had never heard of this film. Not until I walked into a rental store did I see the cover and it's many awards and accolades. So, I took the chance and rented it. Not disappointed at all! The acting was a little off and the stars weren't- I knew none of the actors in this movie. That said, it was great. I really liked the idea of no bombs blowing up the planet, no sex-scenes too realistic but, some nudity was needed for the story to work. "Sunny" forced her struggling Christian role but, did o.k. overall. The others were well, like I said, not top-tier actors but, worked well together. The story line was unique and presented very well. Three suicidal people meet at one's house and play Russian Roulette with the intention to kill themselves...until it got too real. Flashbacks were used as part of the story so pay attention. Each person got to tell their story as to why they wanted to die. In the end, all was for naught. This was some kind of recurring incident. And to go any further would ruin the movie for those still wanting to see it. Great movie, good acting, great story and I liked it very much.
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GREAT Indie Film
msk028522 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I also attended the premier of "Roulette" on Tuesday, November 16.

Now - keep in mind that the film was still not entirely polished, and the audio mix was still incomplete. Regaurdless, the film itself - the acting, cinematography, and story were Grade A, top-notch.

The story is set around 3 main characters: Dean Jensen (Mike Baldwin), Richard Kessler (Will Haza), and Sunny Howard (Ali Lukowski). They meet at a support group for suicidal people who have dealt with some type of hardship in their life. The three of them end up at one of their houses, and begin a game of Roulette. As the game plays out, we begin to learn about Dean, Richard's, and Sunny's traumatic pasts. As the tension builds, the game of Roulette goes from a simple drinking game, to a game of Russian Roulette. As the game (and tension) builds, we soon discover that the three main character's pasts are all connected in one way or another.

Writer/director Erik Kristopher Myers dose a really good job at connecting the three main characters pasts, and feeding the audience JUST enough about each character's back story during the film to keep you glued into the story, until the very end. With "Roulette", Erik provides a template for which all low-budget indie films should follow, and proved that with the right cast, crew, and dedication, you don't need millions of dollars to make a powerful film. And "powerful" is an understatement! This film will, no doubt, evoke many emotions from it's viewers. It's dark, rough, and pulls no punches - all for the BETTER, anyway.

This film is definitely the start of something BIG...
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One hell of a shocker, destined for greatness
mac_oasis23 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As story lines go, you probably presume you know how the game of Russian Roulette is played out on film after having seen the intensity portrayed by Christopher Walken in "The Deer Hunter", grimacing when pulling the trigger on the pistol held to his head.

Now think about the most horrific scene you've ever witnessed on film, one that sticks with you to this day like a roundhouse punch to the gut: was it the fire hydrant scene in "Irreversible", the clitoris scene in "Antichrist", or perhaps it was the crib scene in "Trainspotting"... Got it?

Now combine the films and add a twist or three.

Such is the case in "Roulette" where Erik Kristopher Myers and Company elevate film craft and the art of storytelling to a new dimension - albeit one with an unexpected, unsparing and nonpareil slap to the viewer's psyche in the film's penultimate scene; one produced deliberately to appear to seem as an achingly long panorama of earth shattering protracted gore, which in all reality is but a few ticks on the second hand of time in the film. Rarely if ever does one view in cinema a scene so horrific, yet brutally honest, that it remains absolutely necessary and indispensable to the film's essence.

Viewer reaction at the crux of the film is one of almost universal revulsion due to the scene's gruesome, gritty, brutal honesty, leaving the film goer longing for a satisfying coda, wherein this young auteur does not disappoint.

I say _BRAVO_ to filmmakers such as these for completely engaging the audience, and wish Erik Kristopher Myers "Roulette" it's actors and production team the accolades they deserve, bidding them good fortune and the bright future they deserve.
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masterful storytelling
SilverSurferLS41924 November 2013
I don't write reviews of films frequently, but this low budget indie film really kept me in suspense in a way that no other film has. I had difficulty at first understanding the coloring of the roulette game, but appreciated that detail as the film progressed. What really compelled me to write a review was the beautifully layered and twisted storytelling. Fully fleshed out multi-faceted characters played by several talented actors added to the charm of this film. The haunting score added to the emotional impact of a very unexpected finale. If you've started this film and have difficulty like I did with the first scene, stay with it. You won't regret getting tangled in this mind-bending plot.
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The ending blew my mind!
bmccreary1423 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing movie! The non-linear story line was absolutely amazing and was done in such a way that it was easy to follow and kept the audience guessing. The character development was excellent throughout the movie and each character's demise was extremely well thought out. The story is well planned and touches upon real problems people have to deal with. What made this movie one of my favorites was the twist and surprise at the end. The plot brought together three strangers and throughout the weaving of each of their tales, their paths intersected, ultimately leading to one of the biggest twists at the end of the movie. I can honestly say that for the last half an hour of that movie my mind was racing trying to piece together the story line before it was revealed in its entirety and my heart was racing from the suspense that is provided by the character's situations. After finishing the movie, I simply walked away in utter disbelief as to what happened and could not believe how exciting and intense the movie was.
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Must see. Gripping.
smkenno24 November 2013
This is one of the best movies I've seen this year. Well acted , great story and fantastic ending. I can't believe this is getting so low scores on IMDb. I usually watch only movies that get 6+ but I had run out of things to watch and gave this a go. Either something is wrong with IMDb stats or this was mostly viewed and reviewed by complete idiots. For people who enjoy gripping drama/thrillers (more drama I suppose) then you should give this a try. I bet if you start watching you won't be able to stop. Each scene gives a bit more of the puzzle and as the story unfolds you see tragic circumstances and incidents that intertwine to make a great movie.
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An excellent no budget indy film!
wkotansky24 November 2013
As an independent filmmaker, I've seen a number of films that were poorly written and poorly executed. ROULETTE is NOT one of those films! For having absolutely no budget, it was well written, well acted, well shot, and well directed. Director Erik Kristopher Myers had a very clear vision of what he wanted this film to look and feel like and it shows in the final product. The lead actors, Ali Lukowski, Will Haza, and Mike Baldwin, gave a fantastic performance. The people voting this at one star must not be familiar with indy films. I've seen indy films that had a seven figure budget and were terrible. I highly recommend adding this film to your personal collection.
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Review from the sneak-peak screening at the Charles
info-2016320 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was one the couple hundred people invited/arrived to the sneak preview of "Roulette" at the Charles theater in Baltimore on Nov. 17, 2010. And I would say overall if was well worth it.

Now to be perfectly truthful, my main issue with the whole evening was the wait for the film to start. Due to technical issues at the screening, the film was delayed from airing by about two hours. However this is par for the course when it comes to indy screenings. (I've experienced this personally with 5 out of the 7 screenings of my own last indy short having some kind of technical issue.) I bring up this point because I believe the way the film ended up being shown that night caused some minor issues.

The film does have a lot going for it. It looks great and this is no small feat for independent film. You could really tell by the quality the time, hard work, and effort that was put into the behind scenes. If anyone is interested I believe there is a video on youtube about the making of Roulette called I think Luck of the Draw. We were given a sneak peak at a two-minute preview of that as well that was also enjoyable. I am not sure what they shot the movie on but images look great. This film has been in production since 2008 and crew deserves a ton of props for the work they did.

As for acting it is hard to get any real talent to do films without a big Hollywood budget. This time however Roulette has pulled off getting some high end performances. I personally really liked the supporting cast namely Jan-David Soutar as Sunny's boyfriend and Michelle Murad made up a good supporting cast. As for the three lead characters I thought Mike Baldwin was good and Ali Lukowski was also very good at points.

The story which by the way is always most important part of any film is right up my alley. It is very dark and extremely dark toward the end. It has a good twist ending and director/writer Erik Myers manages to do the twist in the right way, which will make most audience enjoy it. There are couple lines that I could live without but overall it is tight script that was directed well. I would of done the very end a little different myself but that is personal choice.

The story basic is this; three random people whom all have had some kind of hardship in their lives leave a group meeting for people considering suicide. They go back to the ones house and start a Roulette style drinking game. That game leads to a real game of Roulette, where we began to learn more about the three main characters though what appears to be flash backs. Though these well-placed flashbacks you begin to discover who these people really are and what has brought them to this point. Also you learn that all three of their lives are intertwined which leads to the above mentioned twist ending.

Since I am in the biz myself I did notice a couple small things that as said above I believe is due to the way the film was shown. Some of the audio mix seemed off in volume and there are a couple of spots where white/color balance seems off as well. Now being an editor myself I would have suggest a couple different cuts here and there too, but nothing of the above mention issues are enough to take the regular viewer out of the movie.

Overall I am rating this movie 9 out 10 and if you are fan of indies this movie should be on you list to see in 2010. I also expect this film to do very well in the festival market. I am so glad to see a fellow Towson alumni out there doing there best in this industry.

I am by far not a professional reviewer, and I believe this to be only my 3 or 4th review on IMDb. So please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes on my end.
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The tension in the movie kept building and building and then near the end it was a strong release of tension. This movie will certainly put you on the edge of your seat.
marshallever29 July 2013
I had the opportunity to see this film in the theater as part of the movie's premiere. The movie certainly keeps you engaged as you learn about each of the characters and how they got to where they are. The script was well written and really gave you an understanding of the characters, to the point where you could empathize with them or hate them. The tension in the movie kept building and building and then near the end it was a strong release of tension. This movie will certainly put you on the edge of your seat.

Acting: While the actors are not well known, they all did an excellent job portraying their characters. I ended up not caring that they were not big name actors, but what they did was at the big name level.

Directing: The director obviously took a lot of time and effort in the direction and development of the actors to get great performances out of them.

Production quality: the soundtrack was well done and helped keep you in the movie. The quality was very good with good coloring and lighting. Sound quality was very good and seemed to be mastered professionally.

After the premiere the cast/crew and director were available for questions and discussion. There was a lot of interaction from the crowd as they were really excited by the film. The cast/crew were very professional and discussed what it took to make the movie and how they felt about their acting.

When we were told about the budget (very very low), we were surprised as it had the quality of a mid range budget film (which I would have expected to be in the $1M-5M range.

This movie is definitely worth watching, you may watch it more than one time. I will definitely watch movies produced by this crew and wish them the best of luck and success.

note: I had no part in this movie other than watching it as a premiere. You can look me up on IMDb or Facebook and see I am not part of the credits. Anyways the cast/crew did a great job on this movie and it is a lot more interesting than most Hollywood movies - get over the 3D crap or sharks in a tornado - that stuff sucks. You can call my review fake or say I am the shameless producer, I'll take credit for this film and add it to my IMDb. It is a well done independent film and I appreciated the level of effort the cast and crew put into it.
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Perfection, A true work of art
cfeigelis-146-23594028 August 2013
Roulette: A Film by Erik Kristopher Myers, covers the story of Dean, Richard, and Sunny. Three people from three very different backgrounds who have come together for a deadly game of Russian Roulette and one last session of group therapy.

This is one of those rare films that come along every couple of years. It's haunting, thrilling, and thought provoking. With controversial subject matters that go into the darkest emotions a human can have. You are put in a room with three people who have no reason to live. You won't understand why they are there and you won't stop saying "put down the gun, put down the gun." You'll be gripping the arm rests of your chair up until the final moments of the film. Award winning performances, directing, and writing, are joined with an attention to detail and passion that shows what an art film making really is. You will not regret watching this, and you won't be the same person after it ends.
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I recommend watching "Roulette"
seanskeens32112 December 2013
Roulette was a fantastic example of a successful micro-budget Indie Film. The overall story was crafted almost flawlessly in the respect that it payed great attention to detail. The story had such complexity to it that makes it well worth the watch. It was bold and edgy in just what it would show and yet never overdid itself. The performances were, at times, very strong and convincing. The shot composition overall was nice and made ease to understanding the action. Some of the ADR gave a slight weakness to some of the actions, but that never deterred me from the storyline. There is no such thing as a perfect film, and it can be very hard to accomplish what the crew did, and I believe they did an excellent job. To wrap things all up, I would definitely recommend this film.
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Spectacular! A testament to what good indie filmmaking can and should be.
militiaman11-131 July 2013
Roulette is an amazing piece of work from beginning to end. From the dramatic opening scene to the intensity and build-up of the final sequence, this film speaks volumes of what independent filmmaking can and should be, and sets a threshold for all other indie filmmakers. Sticking to the essentials of good story lines, quality acting, professional camera work, and masterful writing, writer and director Erik Kristopher Myers has produced a splendid work of art that is sure to be viewed and appreciated by the masses. This film is not for the faint of heart, but for those who appreciate quality craftsmanship and attention to detail when it comes to making a film. Recommended to all, but not a family piece. I will not go into detail because you should watch this for yourself!
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A true thriller, the standard to which all indie films should be judged
cbrr16 June 2013
Roulette- A movie review Paul R. Sieber

I love movies. At the theater, at home… Horror, comedy, thriller, action, all kinds.

Like many folks I love the theater experience, but I have a home theater too, so I kinda get it at home, with cheaper popcorn, and the ability to pause the flick while I go to the bathroom.

When I like a film, I see it more than once, each time, I look at it with a little bit of a different perspective… focusing on the music, sound, lighting, cinematography, acting, directing… maybe I can be a little critical, but if I like a film, I want to break it down into its parts and see what made it tick.

So, along came a locally made indie film called ROULETTE. As with most lower budget indie films, I went into it not knowing exactly what to expect. Filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers boasted that he was trying to make a film on a tiny budget that would look like a 2 million dollar film.

That's a heck of a boast.

Now,I've been fortunate to see this film several times now, at a theater, on a screen at a festival, and on my big screen in my man-cave… and it seems to hold up every time. In fact, it actually seemed to get better.

The film begins with our three principal actors in a support group meeting. Actors Mike Baldwin, Ali Lukowski and Will Haza begin to take us with them on an incredible journey of self-reflection as we enter a "suicide room" with them, where the three proceed to flash back on their lives leading up to the support meeting, while playing a drunken game of Russian roulette.

So we start off the film with a bizarre premise, that delves into the humanity and horrors of their lives, eventually converging to a climactic confrontation that shows why the three of them are ultimately connected. I called it a journey, and that's really what the actors deliver here. With award winning performances by both Haza and Lukowski (and it is criminal that there also wasn't one for Baldwin), and surrounded by an amazingly talented supporting cast, you are drawn into their world, and become a part of their lives. At times I hated them, and at times I felt great pity for them, but that is how they were trying to portray the characters, and I believed every moment of their screen time as those three troubled souls.

As for those supporting actors, not one gave me a performance that I could not believe, and they seemed as important to the audience as they were to the main stars… casting in this film was very well done. Stand out amongst the supporting cast would be Jan-David Soutar as Lukowski's boyfriend, such a natural presence on screen, so I expect we will see a lot more of him in the future along with Haza, Lukowski and Baldwin. Well, we SHOULD see more of them… the acting in this film was nothing short of remarkable.

After watching it the first time, I knew there had to be more to this film than just great acting. The story itself moves at a slow pace, and pulls you along with it kicking and screaming. Most filmmakers would not have made a film like that, But Myers managed to craft the film in such a way, that at no time do you become distracted by the pacing, in fact, it helps to make all the events seem more real and believable.

Lighting seemed to play an important role in the film as well. Myers and his team played with color, giving each of the principal characters their own color tone throughout the film, and as their stories intertwined, these colors muted together, culminating in the stark reds of the "suicide room" scenes. This was a subtle effect, probably one most audience members would not even notice, but it helped to draw you more into the story, and its eventually finish. It was this type of attention to detail, and an engaging screenplay, that makes a film like Roulette stand up to repeated viewings.

With a moody score by composer Dan Schepleng, we are drawn even deeper into the dark waters of our three stars… No, this isn't a happy movie. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be a powerful film, and there is where it succeeds. Now, many folks will talk about the "controversial" final scene with one of the main characters. It's harsh, brutal and difficult to watch, but like master filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock did in the infamous PSYCHO shower scene, I'm betting most audience members are actually "SEEING" more than is actually being shown. To actually have the audience members imaginations take over at this point is unheard of, but Myers pulls it off.

This is what indie films could be. At what cost? It took Myers several years to see this project through… plagued with production issues, and trying to perfect even the tiniest detail… in the future one could hope that Myers could get the budget he deserves, so he could bring it to the screen quicker… not with less quality, but frankly, I'd like to see more of what he has in his twisted mind.

So, did he make a 2 million dollar film on a small budget? No. More like 3. Will I watch it again? Most likely. On a scale of Small popcorn to Large popcorn with extra butter:

I give it a Large popcorn with extra butter.
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Best movie I saw this year...
brian-921-91630329 July 2013
Without a doubt, "Roulette" is one of the finest movies I have seen this year. The direction and acting are superb and the overall production is simply filled with quality. For an indie film, this movie has all of the earmarks of a much greater studio project; the lighting, audio and music are superb. First of all, the script, written by Erik Kristopher Myers is riveting. It is seamless in its rendering and accounts for every action and event occurring in the film. Secondly, the primary three actors deliver impeccable performances that are real, painful and memorable. Clearly, they have a good handle on their craft, but the direction that Erik Kristopher Myers provided them makes for a perfect complement of performance to purpose. The artistic delivery of "Roulette" is equally laudable. The photography is compelling, the audio is beyond industry standard and the editing is flawless. It is not surprising that Myers worked several years in post production on this project and every painful hour is obvious in the final product. At times, "Roulette" is not an easy film to watch. It's themes are challenging and its performances are haunting and sometimes painful, but it is without a doubt, one of the finest movies you will see this year.
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A job well done but not for the faint of heart.
lmgregory279 December 2013
I rated Roulette a 10 out of 10 because I think it was truly well done: from the script to the acting. Though it is not without its flaws, I feel that detailing them here would do a great disservice to the film itself and to potential viewers, as they are not of the sort that really detract from one's immersion into the story being told.

In addition, I don't rate or judge any other movie on the basis of the flaws I can spot afterward or even during the movie, but rather on how well it kept me entertained (and by entertained I also mean story immersion, was it thought provoking, etc., as well as the fluffier things the word would normally invoke). So why should I do anything different for Roulette? I think indie movies are often viewed through a harsher lens than those Hollywood produces, which is rather backwards in my opinion.

Though not my preferred type of movie, I still found Roulette to be a gripping and interesting tale. As I mention in the summary, it is not for the faint of heart and I would recommend having a stiff drink on hand during the viewing. I certainly felt the need for one about halfway through the movie and by the end was very glad I had, in fact, poured myself one.
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