"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" Whose Show Is This? (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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I liked the show more than most, but hated the end more than most as well
DunkelheitVZ15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course I am not obectively speaking, this is just my opinion. And I am not saying, the ending was bad or anything. It was just bad for me. It killed my suspension of disbelief and was just too much of a mess. Nothing like a good old 4th wall break like in Deadpool, but a complete reality switch, the ability to change reality, because She-Hulk is aware that she is in TV only? Jumping into other realities?

In the very end, I want a story, interesting characters, a fun and complex main character, a good villain and She-Hulk has done well in nearly all categories. The last episode though ruined the flow, the ending and overall a bad ending can ruin an entire show (think of Game of Thrones).

Some people might like the ending, I did not. Hopefully season 2 will be a lot better and avoid too much mind bending. And hopefully Disney will realize that we all grew up with the comics and so they should stay true to the source material. This also ruined Thor:Love and Thunder for me.
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A for Effort, D for Execution, C for Satisfaction
seige-hound14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So heavy spoilers in this review

So the big moment of this show is the absolute shattering of the fourth wall, with She-Hulk going into the "real" world to confront the writers and then Kevin Feige (not really, it's a robot who represents him) about the creative choices of the show.

Decent premise for an episode, for sure. It parallels similar moments in the She-Hulk comic series, which is cool. However, just because you lampshade the Deus Ex Machina, doesn't mean it's suddenly not a Deus Ex Machina. Entire plot threads that are pivotal to the show are simply dismissed outright. They justify this choice by making fun of the big climactic final episode that has become a cliche in MCU shows, and having a bunch of characters appear out of nowhere nonsensically.

But we need to remind both the audience of the show and the creators that just because you perform self-awareness, doesn't mean that the creative choices are 'good.' The climax is still rushed and unjustified, even if you say it is in the show. Doesn't fix the issue.

The show is still an MCU show. None of the issues are fixed. It's unfortunate, I wanted to like this show, I disagree with a lot of the more reactionary tenencies of a lot of MCU fans, but this show isn't good. It doesn't deserve an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes. There are only 2 episodes that I really liked. I just want good shows, please Disney! Also let your VFX workers unionize.
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Whose Show Is This?
lassegalsgaard31 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show's journey hasn't been an easy one. With a first trailer that didn't really hook audiences off the bat and some criticism for its early look, this had everything going against it. However, with the career behind Jessica Gao (which includes a Primetime Emmy Award for "Rick and Morty) there was reason for enthusiasm, and that enthusiasm has largely been met with a show that is so clear about what it is that it's impossible to not find it at least a little charming. And the charm carries over into this finale, that is admittedly a bit messier than earlier episodes, yet still fun.

At first, it feels right to mention that the opening was quite charming. A tribute to the old "Hulk" TV show, it felt like the perfect way of opening the closing chapter of this story. What follows, though, is a wild ride that combines everything that we've been following so far this season into a big climatic action sequence that... is not really shown. Instead, the writers decided to go with the idea of breaking the fourth wall completely and having She-Hulk talk to the writers of the show. In theory, this is a fun idea. However, as the execution of this episode showed, it's also a lazy plot device to make the fourth wall break the entire purpose of your final episode. The show's constant attempt at criticizing its own lazy writing is really lazy writing in itself. Did it lead to some fun moments? Absolutely. Seeing K. E. V. I. N. And its interaction with Jen was a big highlight of the show, but looking at it, it's unnecessary. In general, the entire final episode seems like a feat of circumstances going the way they have to for this sequence to be a thing. So while I appreciate the sequence, it does come at the expense of a satisfying finale that instead ends with the main characters having a "Fast & Furious"-style cookout. So, while closing the book on this show (possibly!), they took the show in a direction that it was probably always meant for, but maybe didn't need to go in.

"She-Hulk" is not finished, and "Whose Show Is This?" is the ending that the show was always going to have, but not what it needed. It's fun and the idea of it is hilarious, but the execution is a bit anticlimatic and the focus on the laziness only heightens the laziness of the focus itself.
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A strong contender for the worse episode of the worst TV show ever made
RogerBorg15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be clear, Tatiana Maslany is a great actress, but there's nothing that she can do to salvage this utterly vile character, this monster wearing a comically badly animated She-Hulk skinsuit.

After 3 hours of content, now that this is finally, mercifully over, I cannot think of a single example of Jen doing or saying anything nice or helpful, or even showing the slightest concern or interest towards any other person, except when:

1) She's paid to do it.

2) She's forced to do it.

3) She's thirsty in one way or another

Not one single example. Not the slightest consideration shown to her notional best friend, who exists only to flatter and serve her like some sassy Stepin Fetchit. Jennifer Walters, as written here, is a self obsessed narcissistic monster, incapable of displaying or even comprehending the most basic, miminal human decency.

And this episode ends her character arc on the exact same trajectory that it began: utterly flat.

The plot is an absolute mess too. Granted, it starts with a decent retro sequence, but all this does is highlight that the Bill Bixby / Lou Ferrigno Hulk was actually a more enjoyable show than this in every way.

After that, it's back to everything that we've come to expect. Meaningless pseudo-legalbabble; Ginger Gonzaga shrieking in a register audible only to bats; the villain turning out to be the audience; men - all men - being useless or ruthless or camp or supine simps; the writing staff literally self inserting them into their self insert character's story about themselves; an extended 4th wall break that makes the ending of Blazing Saddles feel like an exercise in credibility and restraint; execrable CGI and off-screen action; and as always - as always - no consequences for Jen.

In an episode that's all about accountability, we do actually start with Jen experiencing brief, minor inconvenience. But fret not, She/Her-Hulk fan (you must exist, surely?), by the end we're back exactly where we started: the bad man is taken away - no real reason given - and Jen is completely forgiven because... no real reason given.

It's quite astonishing. There's no rehabilitation, no reparation, no recognition of wrongness. Jen breaks the terms of her parole in exactly the same way that Emil does. Results: he gets 10 years of solitary confinement, Jen gets handed back everything she lost. Why? The show doesn't tell us, because the writers don't even understand the problem.

Jen is their self-insert, and so she can do everything that she wants, all the time, endlessly, without any consequences, even while loudly demanding - and getting - consequences for everyone around her.

Is this deliberate satire? Are we supposed to notice it, or ignore it? I'm genuinely unclear. I hope it's deliberate, because the alternative explanation is that either the writers lack the slightest shred of reflection and awareness, or they believe their audience does.

Well, it's done. It's over, it's finally over. We got to the end, and what did we learn? That the writers went ahead and did every single horrible thing that we predicted that they'd do to this beloved character.
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By the end, you realize that the filmmakers really had no idea what to do with the concept and the character...
Darwinskid24 October 2022
Contrary to what fellow commentator terrylarosa says in their review, a lot of people who approached this series didn't want to dislike it and were looking to be entertained. The problem isn't that they are allergic to having fun it's that the content they are seeing they honestly feel is incompetently put together and, on the whole, does neither its titular character nor the larger continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe any justice and often comes across as pretty disrespectful. The series had a rocky start, and it didn't seem to find its footing till the eighth episode (which is not a good thing and something to settle on if you're in showbusiness), and lo and behold the majority of its season finale reverts back to the directionless trajectory it had been set on since the premiere. The humor just isn't balanced well and some of the gags sort of work individually but on the whole do not feel like they warrant the audience's respect, let alone patience.

I really wanted to like this series in its entirety, alas only a small percentage of it I found to be working, the remaining not as much to not at all.

How does one find it difficult to figure out how to adapt a character like She-Hulk into live-action? Based on the discussions on such YouTube channels like Midnight's Edge none of this should be rocket science.
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This is Marvel's "Firefly Funhouse"
onikage-4932414 October 2022
So as not to go into any spoilers, I'll just say it was incredibly impressive what this episode both DID and was ALLOWED to do. The Series has been self-aware from the beginning. They knew the show was going to be review bombed by a certain demographic and they intentionally trolled that demo in the show, which continued the cycle of backlash ofcourse.

However, this is something ORIGINAL at least that Marvel has finally done.

Lastly, I'm sorry if you don't get the Firefly Funhouse reference but it really is applicable if you've seen it. Basically, something that has been seen as overly controlled by one main person and forced into bad decisions actually allowed themselves to be ridiculed and had their flaws pointed out.
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What was going on?
Kingslaay16 October 2022
It felt like the train went off the tracks for this finale. No one was behind the wheel. There is some appeal when the fourth wall is broken BUT it needs to be done right and land well. When it doesn't, you come across as not taking your own show seriously and wasting the viewers time who hoped for some actual content. We KNOW you are all actors, you don't need to remind us. Jennifer and the writers also couldn't help themselves from passing comments throughout their whole show that cast most men in an unfavourable light. Matt Murdoch is the only strong male character that is treated with respect. There is an impression made that she has it tougher than men because of her gender. But she was entitled to choose her own ending and story because 'it's her show'. But it was fine for Daredevil and The Avengers to stick to the script they were given? Equality and logic clearly work when it only suits you I guess...

I had hoped for nice content but they tried too hard to be different.
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Awful waste of time
liamirvine-7715913 October 2022
What were they thinking?

This was the most pointless, unfunny, unnecessary episode of the entire MCU.

Breaking the 4th wall has been done so well in other franchises and shows but this was just ridiculous. Did we really need her to jump out of the menu and go to speak to K. E. V. I. N?

All this build up for Jen to go and change it to what she wants? The writers should be ashamed of themselves as this is pitiful.

I'm running out of ways to describe how awful this episode was. Every character has been misused, the star deserves better than being a pretentious, cocky whinge bag. If this is supposed to be a role model to young girls then they have given the world someone who exudes arrogance and is not someone I would hold as a role model.
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Funny ending to a funny show
adlerlior8 November 2022
Great show representig what it is like to face "human" difficulties in superhero skin The last episode went on a detour, but all in all it was really fun to watch.

Something different to what MCU did everywhere else. Light, funny, but faces real world and not just superhero stuff.

Great perspective of being a woman in a male dominated field, and generally a single woman in the world.

Comments made at her, questions she is asked that no one would ever ask a man. And how she deals with it as a person and not as a superhero, it was super interesting to watch.

Unlike some other Marvel character behaviour that would not stand in the test of time, I think this one is a winner and is totally underrated.
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Underwhelming finale
rooosterrory13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I found this finale to be pretty underwhelming, I was expecting a huge big finale battle scene to conclude the show, but instead, she-hulk broke the fourth wall by going into marvel studios and completely ruining the finale, but still, up until then, I did love the twists and turns the episode took as it went on, but when she-hulk went to marvel, the episode just turned awful, and worse, we didn't even get to see a big court battle scene, the writers completely ruined the episode, marvel is about the big blockbuster special effects, not rushed endings that make especially finale's underwhelming, so this episode was just really underwhelming, violence up writers.
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Just.... WHY?!?!
klingbeil-0299014 October 2022
This was by far the worst episode of the season. A scatterbrained mess of leftover ideas that had no purpose throughout the season, but they all wanted to mug some screen time at the end so let's purposely make it a catastrophic train wreck and blow the last remaining bit of the budget. It was like a coma patient pulling their own plug and every neuron fired off at once, followed by them defecating all over themselves and the bed.

Why did jen go to max security prison? Busting some TVs and a wall where NO ONE was actually hurt? Stupid writers, stupid story, stupid show. The worst part, is that this series could have actually been GOOD if they had competent people behind the wheel. I actually feel bad for tatiana, she's a good actress and it's not her fault the writers are morons that never once picked up a real she-hulk comic even after getting the job.
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No one talks to Kevin!!!!
theoneandonlymarvellad13 October 2022
Hahaha wonderful, loved it, really interesting and different end to a Marvel show! Taking breaking the third wall to another level.

Lots of things going on in this episode but I think the best eps of the season had to be the pilot and episode 8 with Daredevil.

This season has reminded me of the Sensational She Hulk comic run by John Byrne, it matched the humour of those comics, if you've never read them you must check them out as soon as possible.

Tim Roth has been great throughout this season too..... Although Abomination seems to now have a strange fins for ears thing going on...but I'll let that slide.

Here's hoping for Season 2!! Make Mine Marvel! Nuff Said!!
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Well, they knew what they were writing
voidgun13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So from the beginning, they knew what kind of reaction this show would get, as the finalie makes it clear the show was intentionally scripted to bait "haters" and "trolls". For its intended purpose, it certainly fits the bill. Therefore the score is pretty justified. Can't deny that despite the idea, it was competently constructed, and trying to end the show with a big 4th wall break instead of the usual action fanfare was... different. Didn't lend itself very well to any ideas the show had in the first place but they tried.

It goes without saying that the show props itself in a way that insists on wanting more praise than ot deserves while telling us just to love it for what it is, but I'm not a fan of being told episode after episode who I am if I don't. It knew I wouldn't though so who cares? That's what this show wanted.

In the end, it did its job. It entertained. And now I can move on to a show or a movie that actually appriciates its entire audience, not just the demographic it wanted.
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Best part of this episode is the throwback 70s opening credits
gareth-7544214 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Way to go Disney, finish as you started, weak and pointless.

The ending of episode 8 almost promised an exciting action packed season finale with episode 9, yes it was weak, She-Hulk is arrested for smashing a big screen TV, but then true to form with this show it was nothing more than smoke and mirrors as episode 9 flops about like a fish out of water then ends flatter than a failed souffle.

The title for this episode is "who's show is this?", something that the jen walters character has asked at least once in a previous episode , the answer is quite simple, no one really knows, with little character or story development beyond the "sex in the city" style writing this show could just have easily been a showcase for The Abomination or Wong.

Throughout the entire 9 episode season nothing was generated by this show except the introduction of Daredevil and in this episodes credits scene, the Hulks son Skarr, which in itself at this time makes little sense as Skarr is from another planet, ( at least in the comics) so presumably the cameo is set after the supposedly World War Hulk movie that has been rumoured, which is nothing more than a pointless spoiler for a future movie of the Hulk.

While the cameos in this show have been the only real talking point it beggars belief that Disney would use the She-Hulk character so poorly and as nothing more than a mere tool to aggravate viewers, no storyline was created to further the characters inclusion into the wider MCU other than being a very poor attorney.

Having Jen Walters /She-Hulk able to step out of the "show" and interact with the real world makes for distracting viewing, imagine watching a blockbuster Disney/Marvel movie in the cinema then during a frenzied action scene She-Hulk calls "time-out" then steps out of the scene to ask the Director why he/she decided to do "that" scene, it destroys any excitement or entertainment that's been developed so far, turning to the camera and "breaking the 4th wall" by talking to the audience is one thing but in this show it lacks the comedic effect that Ryan Reynolds creates in the Deadpool movies.

All In all, whether you like this show or hate it or simply find it tiresome and pointless it is quite simply nothing more than a missed opportunity by Disney.

The She-Hulk character was the perfect choice to introduce lesser known or more obscure heroes & villains to a wider audience through the use of Jen Walters as a legal attorney and She-Hulk as the reluctant hero with well placed comedic moments that would have entertained their paying Disney + customers, instead Disney choose to do a lacklustre unfunny farce that will only be memorable for how bad it actually is.
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Are you serious?
maarten_kos14 October 2022
Are the writers thinking this is a joke? Well it's not funny. What an absolute bad finale to an allready bad series that potentionally could have ended descent.

But not in this way.

Throughout the finale I was in constant aw thinking what the hell is going on. The returning of some characters added totally nothing.

The storyline that started a couple episodes ago is just thrown in to the garbage can. Why did I invest my time into this?

I really hope She Hulk does not return into the MCU because this way she has nothing to add. We don't even know how strong she really is, since she didnt have a proper fight.

This was a not funny joke.
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Perfect ending
trevorcarpenter-2821414 October 2022
Whether you liked the show or not, in my opinion this ending perfectly tied in all the little pieces of the rest of the episodes. The fourth wall breaks, the frequent callouts to the "normal rules" of the MCU, etc get even more Meta here.

I personally really enjoyed the show but could understand why others were tired of it. But the people who were out there really bashing it online without watching, and who gave up part way through, you missed out! Because you, unfortunately, became the plot line of the show and I promise that this finale was made for you.

Honestly the 10/10 is partially just that I'm impressed Marvel filmed this all fully self-aware of how it would be received by fans, enough to turn the tables in the end. Very entertaining.
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Mind blowing but a lil rushed
vangardezephaniah13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The She-Hulk series itself is definitely a fun watch but it also struggles having a set tone in my opinion. This episode was an example of that. It was reallyyy crazy having Jennifer break the 4th Wall to the extreme that she did because no other MCU main title had done this before (at least to this extent), so it's definitely really cool, unique, and creative in that regard. My only issue is it also came off a little blunt/bland especially with rushed last minute characters showing up who we didn't get to know that much in depth or you do know them but not much is said about what they were doing. The ending itself also just sort of happened. The humor was great but I wish it was expanded a bit more like how the Loki series left us with a scary cliff hanger. Idk I just wish there something more to chew on interconnectivity story wise. All in all though I can't wait for Season 2!
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isaacsundaralingam15 October 2022
This is the TV Series equivalent of what they tried to do with YouTube rewind 2019...

"Oh you don't like Marvel endings anymore? Well, here's us taking the laziest way to address it because we're so smart"

This episode is the pinacle of what's wrong with Marvel's endings despite them trying to be all snarky and smug about "addressing" it... that it's always the laziest "out" they could think of and still convince themselves and their die-hard audiences that it's some innovative work of storytelling. Way to end what already was a painfully cringey and uninspired mess.

For those that loved this ending and thought it was smart... please, and I don't mean this insultingly, go watch a little more than everything Marvel.
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Brilliant! I loved it!
wtqhcsvmn16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't help but wonder if the people complaining about this ending are the same ones who also complain about how All Marvel Stories End The Same. It was amazing. After all the fourth wall breaks throughout the show, after all the times she has talked about controlling her story, of COURSE she's going to literally break the fourth wall and take control of her story! All she wanted for herself was for people to be help accountable for their actions, which happens so rarely in superhero stories and it felt so fresh and new while also being satisfying on such a human level. No, you can't just smash people into doing the right thing, but sometimes, just sometimes, you can figure it out. Also, the chemistry between Jen and Matt is INSANE.
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Surprisingly Satisfying Finale
paulosantos-0302213 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen such a creative way of ending a tv show like this episode. I really like how She-Hulk was free to reorganize the whole ending of the plot and we've seen the whole essence of what She-Hulk represents.

I believe that this episode could have been longer, I generally felt that it was way too short and a lot of information was promptly thrown at the audience. It just gave me the impression that everything was too mudy and "rushy".

I really loved how the protagonist was able of - even artificially - shape-shift the whole plot, wich gave me a great perspective of what characters like She-Hulk and Deadpool are capable of doing. It was surely bold of them to throw this at us, and I understand that some might find it too funky, but despite the technicalities it was very fun to watch.

It was a decent finale for a not so decent show in general.
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She Hulk writers need to be fired
niallh-6609216 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ye....this may be the worst finale I've seen for a series since Game of Thrones. It may also be the worst show released by Marvel. I genuinely didn't think it had the potential to get any worse, but it did. After an entire season of painful reminders that the writers do not have the ability to create a tv show, let alone an MCU series, we're finally done....and what happened?

Instead of resolving any story they had been setting up She Hulk decided to break the fourth wall. She broke through the Disney+ menu screen (very cringe self advertising there), broke into Marvel headquarters, met the actual writers (cant miss the self insert chance!), beat up some underpaid Disney employees, met a robot named KEVIN in charge of the entire MCU, forced him to magically fix all her problems instead of doing anything herself, made awkward jokes about their lack of budget and "smashing" Daredevil, and then skips any remaining interesting resolution to anything to watch her have dinner with her family and magic in Daredevil for another hook up .... All I can say is I am so glad this mess is finally over.

I find it nearly impossible to tell you anything about She Hulk as a character, because in reality they never bothered to give her one. She is constantly talking about hooking up with men, drinking or evil men to the point where I dont feel like she has a personality to show. It almost feels like the writers wanted a way to be able to make a Marvel character say things they believed, which is fine in itself but not when you forget to give them any other character traits. She just become the writers collectively in a She Hulk skin suit. I dont know any of her hobbies or past times or how she ever spends time outside of work besides drinking and trying to hook up with guys, and in all honesty it makes the show and the character quite shallow and depressing. Which is a sentence I never thought I'd say about a Marvel superhero, but then again, I never thought I'd see a Marvel show like this before.

At the end of the day I dont particularly care about this character now and I think thats a genuine shame. This show reached a new low with their distaste of men, and the lack of understanding of how to use a fourth wall break impaired the show far more than it added. It has all the hallmarks of a writing team that either lacked the experience or needed a lot more supervision to produce a decent result. Unfortunately thats not what happened. If you haven't watched any of the show yet, Id recommend to give this one a miss. Its really not worth your time.
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No walls left standing
jplevac-6550814 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
She-Hulk breaks/smashes down the fourth wall in EPIC fashion in this one. What a wild ride this season as been and this finale is certainly one of the best in MCU history. Don't listen to all the haters and enjoy this totally enjoyable dramedy. I had many laugh-out-loud moments overs the past few weeks watching this. Counting the days until season 2. That reveal at the end opens up so many possibilities. The MCU future looks very bright indeed. Hopefully most of the haters will have moved on to their next fixation by the time the second season airs, we don't need all that senseless negative. Nothing to see here, move along.
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A creative and well rounded finale
CoopaSoopa13 October 2022
She hulk has been a hit or miss show for me and for many people, most episodes were just fun 30-35 min flicks that id'e tune into with my friend every Thursday night (mainly to keep on track with the ever expanding mcu) , but I must say the finale was great.

One of Jennifer's main attributes throughout the show has been her constant and surprisingly unexplained breakthroughs of the fourth wall. While the finale didn't fully explain it, it added a lot more depth and reasoning to the constant occurrence in the most confusing and creatively entertaining way possible which you'll have to see for yourself.

I was entertained from the start, and I love how marvel went about with structuring the final showdown of most main characters, and while I would've wished for a longer fight, the rest of the episodes teasing and WTF moments really payed back for missing conflict, and I can appreciate what the writers did with the story.

Overall it's an extremely chaotic episode and I would recommend watching it!

I give it between a 7-8 out of 10.
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Maybe Marvel is being written by AI...
magnusdetmig13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What an absolute train wreck of an ending. Not only breaking the fourth wall, but blowing it into oblivion! Worst ending of a show to date. However, maybe there's a true story here! Maybe all new marvels are being written by the AI K. E. V. I. N and that's why they suck! Like seriously! Imagine an AI who watched all marvel and now just spits plots out. Just enter a hero, a villain and the amount of diversity. Boom you got yourself the new marvel show. I really hoped for more, since the episode last week was actually not dreadful to watch. Oh well, please don't make a second season. Oh, and what the actual f!ck's up with hulks son 🤣🤣 Ugly ass motherf!cker.
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Just painful
mablakeyack13 October 2022
These writers think they are funny but they simply are not funny. The 4th wall breaking got old instantly and this episode is a perfect example of everything wrong. Honestly, I watched to the end just for a friend but even he who is a big Marvel guy has about reached his limit. Fire these writers and do justice for She-hulk. While your at it fire Kevin too. He clearly has lost touch with the franchise and new blood that isn't only focused solely on stupid social justice need to save Marvel. This entire season was dependent on cameos when a good writer(s) wouldn't need one. This show should've never left the cutting room. In the future I will try and avoid not only these writers but directors because any director with integrity would have never done this show.
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