5 Broken Cameras (2011) Poster

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How, and when, will it end?
Red-12525 September 2013
5 Broken Cameras (2011) is a Palestinian documentary film directed by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi. The movie is narrated by Emad Burnat, who films life and strife in his village in the occupied West Bank.

Living in an occupied territory will always be frustrating and, at times, humiliating. However, the major issue that the film follows is the building of huge Israeli "settlements" in the occupied territory. (The "settlements" look like large, fortress-like, apartment complexes.)

Although we have all seen footage of Palestinians throwing rocks, and Israeli soldiers responding with teargas and rubber bullets, Burnat films less dramatic instances of nonviolent resistance by Palestinian villagers. As a participant-observer, Burnat is himself vulnerable. He was seriously injured in one skirmish. The title "Five Broken Cameras" refers to Burnat's own cameras, which were smashed during confrontations with Israeli soldiers. (Some of the cameras were purposely destroyed, while others were hit by rubber bullets.)

Whatever your position is about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it's useful to see a film that presents the Palestinian perspective. We saw this movie at Rochester's Little Theatre as part of the excellent Witness Palestine Film Series. It will work better on a large screen, but it's worth seeing on DVD if that's the only option available. Five Broken Cameras was nominated for an Oscar in 2012 as Best Foreign Film.
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A compelling perspective of the conflict.
tetrafunk21 October 2013
Naturally this movie will be a minefield to review without people bringing their personal, national, or religious beliefs into the equation. As can be seen in the handful of incredibly low ratings here, this is sadly already occurring.

This is the conflict viewed through the eyes of a Palestinian villager, warts and all and as such does not shy away from recording the trials and tribulations that the cameraman and his village (and subsequently country) are confronted with on a daily basis. The argument that this movie is one sided is somewhat valid, although how anybody could expect anything else is beyond me due to the method utilized in gaining the footage. There is no secret agenda, no propaganda, it is simply the conflict as viewed by somebody who is currently living it.

Regardless of your beliefs, sympathies or country of origin this movie is worth your time for the rare insight, at ground level, that it provides. Whether you agree with either sides position in the conflict is a different debate entirely and should not be included in any kind of review. All I can say is if you are unfamiliar with what is occurring or unaware entirely this film will give you food for thought.
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Must watch
srickal19 September 2013
Anyone who thinks that Israel is a democratic law-abiding country must watch this. Actually, first watch a WW2 movie depicting the horrors of the Nazis & then watch this.

This kind of honest simple reporting is sadly missing in Western media. I admire the bravery of this Palestinian man in getting his message across despite so many hardships.

Tell me why would the Israelis shoot at the unarmed Palestinians with live ammunition - particularly when they're on the Palestinian side of the fence?

Bravo Emad! You're getting your message out to the world!
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lives of occupied people
lee_eisenberg30 April 2013
Emad Burnat's documentary about the on-the-ground reality for the people inside the West Bank is a very disturbing portrait of life under military occupation. In fact, when Burnat got detained at the LA airport on his way to the Academy Awards, he noted that it is what the Palestinians go through on a daily basis. Indeed, the settlers and army do some absolutely evil things, such as burning an olive tree.

"5 Broken Cameras" (whose title refers to the different cameras that Burnat had to use after the army kept breaking them) is a documentary that everyone should see. It's a real look at what life is like for the Palestinians under Israeli occupation, a complete contrast to the nonstop depictions of Palestinians as terrorists.
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Damning Evidence of Ethnic Cleansing in Israel
p-stepien22 January 2014
A personal and intimate portrait of the progressing encroaching of Palestinian land by the Israeli state and their Zionist cavaliers, is filmed over a period of several years. Starting in 2005, camera after camera, "5 Broken Cameras" is frank in its portraying of the startling injustice that has beholden an entire populace.

A clear indictment of Israel as a country as well as the crazy people who claim right to the land based on biblical scripture, the olive farmer Emad Burnat films his side of the story. Naturally one can claim bias, but truly the ongoings captured on tape by the cameraman cannot be exonerated or justified, nor do any of the films detractors manage to concoct any compelling counterarguments instead of the non-sensical 'Cry Wolf' tactic. Night raids on a village in order to arrest random children? Claiming land by appropriation? Burning down orchards of peaceful farmers? Shooting at children throwing stones? Army allowing settlers to attack unarmed peaceful protesters? Banning people from building structures on their own land? Widerspread harassment techniques to stop people from protesting? Throwing people out of their own house at night because its now a "Closed Military Zone"? Shooting a captured and restrained man at point blank range in the leg? Total disregard to their own court rulings? A sniper shooting a 11 year old boy in the head? And the best Israeli apologists can come up with is... but but but... they threw rocks.

A firm believer that somewhere along the road only a one-state non-religious democratic solution can avert a brutal war. The Zionists must accept that their inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people will have to end in bloodshed - be it theirs or the genocide of the Palestinian people. Only peaceful reconciliation inspired by the greats like Nelson Mandela can counter this inevitable tragedy. Unfortunately "5 Broken Cameras" leaves little space for hope...

"5 Broken Cameras" has left me mad and riled at the international community in general, which allows an apartheid state committing daily acts of ethnic cleansing through the use of force, appropriation of land and unjust racial policies to be a member of the international community. Despite governing a state that makes South Africa's apartheid look weak and crippled, Israel has yet to have any sanctions hit against it. Even worse - USA persists in funding the same army that is brutally encroaching human rights on a daily basis.
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Injustice Israeli Style
thepepperlanders7 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
To those that say "there are two sides to this conflict". I say, that thinking reminds me of "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" The movie is quite disturbing. Children are hauled off in the middle of the night and arrested. A man is shot and killed in front of your own eyes during what appeared to be another non-violent protest. Jewish settlers are allowed to steal land by building a structure and claim land as their own. When Palestinians try to use the same law, the structure is torn down and violence is used against them. Essentially what you have is a modern army, with young soldiers that are allowed to shoot to kill and maim against unarmed yelling civilians. It starts with Palestinians protesting and "yelling loudly" at the Israeli soldiers. They yell at them to have a conscience but unfortunately the some soldiers don't have a conscience and start firing. The soldiers then fire tear gas canisters (maybe a 100 or so) and fire a few bullets into the smoke for good measure. Sometimes the Palestinians are lucky the soldiers only arrest someone for waving a sign or flag in the soldiers faces. The most disturbing moment is a sniper equipped with a modern scope killing an 11 year old deliberately. Maybe the kid was throwing a stone but does that merit the execution of someone in grade school? To some of you "Israel, love it or leave it" types that think it does, I say you people are nuts and evil. If the situation was reversed, you'd be screaming bloody murder to the high heavens. These Arabs deserve to live in peace like anyone else but that's not going to happen. Israel was not deeded to the Jews by God, it is just being stolen bit by bit by men using God as an excuse. It's the oldest story in the book. The English did it to the Irish, The Americans did it to the Indians, the Germans did it to the Jews, and now the Jews are doing it to the Arabs. It never ends and it's always in the name of some God. You'd think everybody would have that scam figured out by now. Anyhow if you want to see how it works ....here it is .....on film right in front of your lying eyes. There are "two sides?" Give me a break.
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thunderer4823 January 2013
It is rare to have something like this penetrate through the generally Zionist controlled media in the West. I am sure Zionists will try to label this film as "biased" and "one-sided," as usual in their intended distortion or paranoia. They might even start a campaign to lower its rating, as they normally do! But the facts and the images speak for themselves. Why is the world allowing the Israelis to get away with more land grabs and more injustice? The only reservation is that it does not explore fully the tragedy of what has been done to the Palestinians by Zionist colonization. This is not a special case. It is also similar to what happened in 1948 when almost 80% of Palestine was taken over, and the population in many cities and villages expelled and made into refugees. Hundreds of villages were ethnically cleansed, and several of them today have Israeli Jews living in the old houses owned by Palestinians (not having paid for them of course). It is almost like highway robbery. One film cannot do everything of course, but maybe it will encourages some people to dig more for the truth.
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Why there is no info about AWARDS ????? where is AWARD section here?
E-Magda5 March 2015
This document received so many Awards From Sundance festival to others, Can someone explain me why the hell every other movie on IMDb has Award section popping out immediately on a website but this movie NOT????

"5 Broken Cameras won the World Cinema Directing Award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. it won the 2013 International Emmy Award.The film also received the Special Broadcaster IDFA Audience Award and the Special Jury Award at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam in 2011. In addition, the film won the Golden Apricot at the 2012 Yerevan International Film Festival, for Best Documentary Film, the Van Leer Group Foundation Award for Best Israeli Documentary at the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2012, and the Busan Cinephile Award at the 17th Busan International Film Festival in 2012. 5 Broken Cameras was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 85th Academy Awards Nominated for Best Documentary Feature in the 85th Academy Awards, and for the Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Documentary of 2012...
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Cameras and Gatekeepers
dromasca20 February 2013
Two of the five documentary films competing for the Academy Awards ('Oscars') that will be distributed a few days from now deal with the conflict between Jews and Arabs, between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land. 'The Gatekeepers' was distributed commercially and is on screens for several weeks here in Israel, while '5 Broken Cameras' was presented on cable TV a couple of months ago, and this week it was broadcast again, including an almost prime time spot scheduled for tonight on the most popular mainstream commercial channel. This is a good thing, and for the Israeli audiences both movies are highly relevant, as they show different aspects and different perspective of the conflict. There are many differences of course in styles, approaches, characters but the reality is the same, a complex reality with many pieces of puzzle and the more you know, the better.

The concept and the story of the making of '5 Broken Cameras' is pretty unusual. Israeli film-maker Guy Davidi met in 2005 Emad Burat, a Palestinian inhabitant of the village of Bil'in. This place is well known in the area because the wall of separation between Israel and the Palestinian territories passes in the neighborhood, separating inhabitants from their fields and orchards, and this led to several lawsuits and permanent protests and confrontations with the army some of which turned violent, which were also widely covered by the Israeli and international press and TV. Emad received in 2005 a first camera from Davidi, a camera which covered not only the incidents around the construction of the wall, but also the life of the inhabitants and of the family, the permanent tension between occupation, protests and the need to run normal lives. Since then he is filming until today, actually if I am not mistaken being a cameraman became his profession. In time five cameras broke, most of them during the various incidents, and the cameras themselves became together with the material that was filmed part of the testimony.

At no moment does the film make the claim that it is impartial. It would be an impossible claim to make as the five cameras are hold by a person directly involved in the conflict, the commentary is made by the same person, and what we see and hear is a part of the close and harsh reality the author and his family lives in. Eventually both '5 Broken Cameras' and 'The Gatekeepers' despite their differences share the same problem. Their contents are highly relevant for the Israeli audiences, and the Israelis should watch them in order to understand the consequences of the occupation, the suffering of the other side, the dangers of the status-quo and of the lack of progress in the peace process. However, this is not the whole picture, this is one piece of a complex puzzle, of a long history, complicated present and uncertain future. Of course, there is that much one film (or two films) can show, and reflecting one aspect of the reality is important. The film should be taken for what it is, and the piece of reality that this film is showing should not be confused with the whole reality, such as part of the truth does not equal the whole truth.
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my view of this film
sweetcakes-818-99862115 October 2013
I watched this documentary and had a total change in my view and support of Israel. To see soldiers shooting peaceful demonstrators (kids were also shot at) and also to see then shoot gas at them was horrible. The soldiers always shot at the unarmed and fenced in peaceful protesters. They killed innocent protesters for no reason. The also burned olive trees that the farmers living there had harvested for hundreds of years. Horrible. I will never support Israel again. They are not nice people and we in the US need to pressure our political legislators to also stop sending our countries needed funds to them so they can continue to kill innocents. If Israel is so smart, let them make money and fund their armies themselves.
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Shocking if not quite mind-blowing
racinGSRstyle31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this movie knowing only that it was going to be about dissidents protesting or fighting back against Israeli people and military. What it is really about is that Israel basically claimed land for itself and built a barrier around that land, when a local village traditionally considered the same land their own and the villagers lived off the land by foraging for food on the trees. The villagers start protesting every Friday, and the narrator starts filming it and other local events involving Israelis.

So with that in mind, at first I felt like the movie is biased and leading. At one point early on the narrator says "Gibreel's first words were a joyous event" or something like that, and then the next thing shown is his son Gibreel saying "wall" (referring to the Israeli-built barrier around the narrator's village) while walking outside near the wall...except in the same scene the son is speaking several other words...i felt like that is leading the viewer when that was almost definitely not when Gibreel spoke his first words.

But then the thoughts of bias give way to the shocking events that take place during the film. If you know about the stuff that goes on over there involving Israel and the occupied territories, it isn't surprising per se...Israel is so hated over there...but seeing several people shot, and at least one killed on camera is pretty intense.

I'd rather not pick sides on what is right or wrong in the actions that take place, because although the narrator claims they are non-violent there are many instances of rocks being thrown at people and especially cars...so many rocks are thrown at the cars at the same time in one moment that you can really see how much the Israelis are hated by a lot of the local people...and who knows what isn't shown in the movie.

Instead I'll just say that this is a very interesting documentary and if you are interested in that area of the world, or if you just enjoy seeing a part of the world you don't normally get a glimpse of, I highly recommend checking this documentary out.
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The Israeli occupation
haimat_mustafa22 January 2013
The film shows the Israeli occupation through the eyes of a small village and its people from 2005 to 2010. It's a very honest film that depicts the struggle the Palestinians live through every day being treated like animals and sometimes worse by the young Israeli soldiers who daily harasses them. The film is necessary to show the people behind the statistics. The families that try to survive in occupied territories. It's difficult not to wonder if the Nazis in Germany treated the Jews during the early thirties worse or better than the Palestinians are treated by the Israeli military. This is a very important film that I recommend to everybody that wishes to see how daily life is like on occupied territories in Palestine.
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Sympathy Compromised by Doubt (SPOILERS)
critic-at-large15 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I love documentaries. I love them because they show a face of truth that we too often don't see.

Or do they?

Recently I saw a documentary film I loved. I loved it so much I applauded at the end. I loved the film and I loved the subjects of the film.

A few days later I read that one of the film's subjects was suing the filmmaker for giving a false idea about him in her film. The article described some scenes that had made the subject angry, and explained how they gave a wrong impression, which was why the subject was suing. Having just seen the film, I had to agree; it had given me a wrong impression.

I tell this because 5 Broken Cameras, while it is a heart-breaking and harrowing look at the oppression of Palestinians by the Israeli army, left me with questions about it's veracity as a documentary. One question, for example, is where did the last three cameras come from? We are never told. Another is, when and how did the filmmaker stop being a farmer, as he tells us he is at the beginning, and start being a reporter, as he identifies himself to the Israeli soldiers? Reporters are people who get paid to cover stories. Is he or is he not a reporter? If he is, who does he work for?

Another problem I had with this movie was the discrepancy between being told that the Bil'in demonstrators are nonviolent and later seeing them throw rocks at an Israeli army truck. Granted, the truck was extremely armored and the throwing of rocks was as David throwing rocks at Goliath. I have no argument with the extreme imbalance of power between the two sides. But, having grown up with the voice of Martin Luther King enjoining American demonstrators to behave peacefully regardless of the behavior of their oppressors, I cannot agree that the demonstrators shown were behaving non-violently.

Am I biased? I hope not. I did not go to this film in order to object to it. On the contrary, I went to be informed by it. As I said earlier, I love documentaries. I love them because they show a face of truth that we too often don't see.

Or do they?
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Yet another one-sided perspective
dlcohen-580-93717712 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I won't take up any more of your time than necessary. Just another PLO/PA movie showing an anti-Israeli viewpoint while avoiding any criticism of the PLO/PA and its lack of any effort at even trying to get along with the Government of Israel and its Jews. First, one should acknowledge that Arabs in Israel proper have more rights than in any Arab-Muslim land/country or in the so-called West Bank or Gaza Strip. Next, as expected, all the blame is Israel's, none to the PLO/PA or Hamas. In doing so, the film fails to note that Israel has, on several occasions since 1948, offered the Arabs their own state. Yet, the PLO/PA and Hamas charters continue to require Israel's destruction and genocide of its Jews, Christians, and those of any non-Muslim faith. The usual pre-arranged photos and film scenes, always prejudicial to Israel and the Jews. We still await any effort by the PLO/PA to fulfill its many obligations under treaties they signed, although Hamas has never signed anything in writing. Still schools, streets, camps, sports venues, teams, etc., named after so-called martyrs/murderers, despite international calls to stop doing so. Still teaching virulent antisemitism, anti-infidelism, and racism to children and youth and in all forms of media. I'm so tired of their lack of action, their constant and perpetual lying, conspiracy theories, false declarations of history and facts on the ground. Enough is enough - this film belongs in the garbage. There you have it. Bet you can guess my heritage which I am so proud of with good reason.
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I loved this Documentary
doom-ca24 April 2013
Five Broken Cameras is one of those pleasant surprises that you encounter as a movie buff. A homegrown low budget documentary that has you wondering right from the start. The title in and of itself had me curious, and helped pull me in - is this guy some camera shop mechanic or what? Who entitles their documentary after broken cameras? Fortunately, that mystery is solved instantaneously when you find out the film maker's journey through a Palestinian's point of view about the erecting of Israeli wall. It's an eye opening experience to see the progression of the film maker, both in his journey to see the building of the wall either diminished or stopped and his experience as a film maker in capturing the whole experience of the Palestinian domestic way of life. As a North American we are often removed from the complexities of the mid east and most of us are too busy living our own lives to really get a taste of events there. We see it on CNN or read about events in the papers, but it is rare to see such a gem of a documentary that really provides a domestic, gritty look at daily existence on the west bank. If you are a documentary lover, you will enjoy this movie, even if you are not - and just curious about Palestinian life - it's worth a look. I hope you enjoy the documentary - I know I did.

Take care Seebs
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An emotional, real and powerful documentary
tghazal6 July 2013
This is a well-made documentary that allows you to experience the life of Palestinian villagers under the unjust Israeli occupation. It is very sad to see such a proud and resilient people suffer on their own land due to a ruthless and greedy occupation.

What touched me the most about this film was the bravery of these unarmed Palestinians--every man, every woman and every child--who stand up day after day to the illegal confiscation of their farm land,their olive trees, and to the soldiers who support usurping settlers and shoot live and rubber ammunition at unarmed protesters. The Israeli army also regularly terrorizes and punishes the whole village, down to arresting children.

By the way, all this is against international law. Nobody with any mercy in his/her heart could support such oppression.
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Implications of Documentaries like 5 Broken Cameras
ahua198012 February 2012
In much of American culture, there is an invisible cultural pressure to be part of trends. These examples can be seen by the long lines whenever any new Apple product is released, by the people who run out to buy the latest designer clothing that is solely offered by Target, and by the what is means to be seen with Apple's white ear buds. Although there is a place and value for being part of the mainstream culture, each person carries with them a unique perspective into this world. And in the noise of all the marketing campaigns that try to target the greater population to adopt the next best product or service, it is becoming more difficult to be influenced by perspectives that are not mainstream but at the same time important in helping people see what it means to be human, in its challenges and struggles of life. Emad Burnat possesses a passion in capturing his Palestinian community in battling to retain their village land. His documentary 5 Broken Cameras brings about a view of his life that is rarely ever made conscious in the mainstream lives of the western world. One that gives us a glimpse of what it means to be part of the modern history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Although many people have heard about the long withstanding history of Israeli-Palistenian conflict over the West Bank, the documentary brings about a quality of humanity to the conflict through a first person perspective of using non-violence protest strategies to prevent Israeli developer's from building onto the land of their village of Bil'in. Through six years worth of film, Emad is able to show a personable and affective-filled battle of many people in his village that risk their lives in protecting the land of their people. An important aspect that may often be lost to viewers of documentaries is that many of them are acting as a voice to those who have no voice. People of the western world are well-educated compared to the rest of the world and it is important that people learn to use their education and power to improve the lives of others. I have to admit that it is difficult in a world that constantly promotes the improvement of the individual and need to achieve individual success. There is an important significance that documentaries bring to the world. They pave a way for helping those with no voice gain attention and obtain a voice that is necessary. Emad has used his five broken cameras to give a voice to the village people of Bil'in and is helping people understand that not everyone in this world has stability even in the basic needs of food and shelter. Being able to see even this one perspective, is likely to help people realize that there are more important issues at hand in the world other than obtaining the latest gadget or wearing the latest fashion trend. It is therefore critical that people understand the power they possess living in the western world and how they can use it to give a voice to those who need help and do not have a voice.
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Powerful and complex
neilahunter9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This extraordinary documentary depicts a village's struggle against an ever-encroaching Israeli settlement, and the security barrier which deprives them of half their land. Briskly told, it contains visceral images of clashes between demonstrators and the Israeli army - the film- maker has really got in there, and often from behind and among the tear-gas wielding Israeli soldiers. Not just tear-gas; one casually shocking moment witnesses a Palestinian prisoner being shot in the leg by his Israeli captor, with other soldiers standing by his side. Another memorable episode, which Kafka might have appreciated, has the film-maker wakened by soldiers. His home has been declared to be within a Closed Military Zone, and therefore he has to stop filming.

Yet the law is not merely a tool of oppression; with the help of Israeli activists, the village successfully appeals to the Israeli Supreme Court to have the fence moved, so that the villagers may regain access to some of their land (even if the settlers have burned the olive trees on it). The film is co-directed by an Israeli, and it's claim to greatness lies in its often implicit depiction of the inextricable entwinement of Palestinian and Israeli lives. When the film-maker, in an accident that a fictional film would reject as overly symbolic, crashes into the wall, it is a Tel Aviv hospital that likely saves his life (although, not cheaply).

The film also focuses on the youngest of the film-maker's four sons. And we are left wondering: what happens to a child who has witnessed what he has witnessed?
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A Finely Crafted Film
oldie-681-3827099 May 2013
Rarely has a film so thoughtfully threaded a path through a conflict. The story begins with the families involved and the disparity in power is portrayed. Quickly one perches alongside the cameraman as he captures subtle moments that embody the villagers connection to their land. The cast members are woven into the story where unquestioned armed power, meets determined, non-violent resistance. The inner struggle of each member of the cast is nuanced and reveals by turn, as they step out and find voice to speak for just, and fair treatment. There are moments too, of unexpected beauty, respite for the injuries that seem never to cease. The film is to render a story, out-of-time in character. May you find it worth viewing, I have recommended it to the artists in my community.
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More than 12 Years Slaves...
tuco734 March 2014
I think every one should watch this documentary. This is by far a more deserving effort, than the movie on slavery. It involved the life of its brave director and his close relatives, it should deserve more success, widespread diffusion and acknowledgement than the celebrated and triumphant 12 Years Slave. Only problem this is not a healed wound we can now look back with detached feelings and condemn it as we have done with the American slavery. This is happening right now. This is about Israeli becoming violent masters over the poor and helpless Palestinians in a small village which the extremists in power have decided to turn into a new Jewish settlement area. The story is just incredible and it is a real punch in your stomach. It is unbelievable that the once prosecuted are now the worst prosecutors. And the whole world just seems to turn his head away. All Israeli cultivated and reasonable people should watch it, because one day no one will be able to say: we didn't know... A must see.
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Power and Innocence
bassammaelborno24 February 2013
Retributive Justice...Oh How Sweet It Is !!

Today, Sunday, February 24, 2013, the Oscars will be hosting this first ever Oscar nominated Palestinian documentary, whose content, we all know full well, will never be shared with the estimated one billion worldwide viewing audience, nor will it ever be permitted to win.

Nevertheless, it just happens to fall on the Jewish Holiday of Purim, which commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in ancient Persia, in the wake of a plot by Haman. It is a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther. Understandably, this day of deliverance has become a day of Jewish feasting and rejoicing. It is celebrated by the giving of mutual gifts of food and drink, the offering of charity to the poor, the consumption of a celebratory meal, and in addition to the prayers and the grace after the meals, there is often a public recitation of the Scroll of Esther. Other customs include the drinking of wine, the wearing of masks and costumes, as well as the exuberant display of celebrations in public. Like Hanukkah, Purim has more of a 'national' (Israel) than a 'religious' (Judaic) character, and its status as a holiday is on a lesser stature than those days ordained by the Torah. Accordingly, business transactions (including the Oscars), and even manual labor are allowed on Purim.

As early as the 5th century, there was a custom to "BURN AN EFFIGY" of Haman on Purim.

However, the first religious ceremony ordained in the celebration of Purim, is the reading of the Book of Esther (Megillah) in Synagogues. The Megillah is read with a scintillation (a traditional chant) differing from that used in the customary reading of the Torah. When Haman's name is read out during the public chanting of the Megillah in the Synagogues, which by the way occurs 54 times, the congregation engages in boisterous noise-making to "BLOT OUT THE NAME".

Over time, a custom developed of writing the name of Haman on two smooth stones, thereafter knocking them together until the name was blotted out. Others write the name of Haman on the soles of their shoes, and then at the mention of the name, loudly and repeatedly stomp their feet as a sign of contempt. Most though, employ the use a loud and noisy ratchet, called a ra'ashan, or in Yiddish a grager. Although some rabbis have protested against these uproarious excesses (raucous stomping and deafening ratcheting), considering them to be a disturbance of public worship, nevertheless, these two customs in particular, have continued to be universally carried out in almost all Synagogues on Purim.

Just a thought ?!

I wonder if during the Oscars, the Zionists of Hollywood plan to conduct an 'L.A. Festival of Burning', wherein all copies of the "Un-Israeli" film '5 Broken Cameras' will be incinerated, not unlike that conducted by the Nazis in May of 1933, during which upwards of 25,000 volumes of "Un-German" books (predominantly Jewish) were burned ?!

Or worse yet, publicly humiliate themselves during the announcement of the film's nomination for an Oscar award, by stomping their feet and twirling permitted Ra'ashans, in a feeble attempt to 'Blot It Out'?!

After all, just the other day, they did attempt to prevent the film-maker Emad Burnat, together with his wife and 8 year old son, from attending, by way of harassment and intimidation at the hands of Immigration Officials at L.A.X.

Perhaps, it was because a 'Film' or even a 'Broken Camera' in the hands of a Palestinian now constitutes a potential 'Terrorist Threat' ?!
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Powerful, but tragically incomplete
jacob-perlson25 February 2013
5 Broken Cameras is dangerously one-sided. It provides an important perspective to understanding the Arab-Israeli conflict, but it epically fails to balance it. This isn't to say the film should have attempted to defend Israel's policy of building settlements, but the power of the film is undoubtedly lessened by it's damaging blindness. The portrayal of the IDF soldiers is inaccurate and incomplete. Israeli soldiers cannot and do not fire their weapons unless there is a clear and imminent threat to their lives. They take no joy in breaking up protests. The portrayal of the Hassidic Jews is offensive and frankly anti-Semitic. Was there really no footage where they weren't threatening to sue the cameraman? Come on...

I genuinely hope the audience of this film makes an effort to seek the complicated truth. That would be a step toward peace. Watching this film alone is not... quite the opposite.
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how this can't win Oscar?
kadinhou24 July 2013
this documentary was a true and honest eyes to what really happening in the occupied territories by the Zions in Palestine, the events show how the people of the small village Bil'in suffered by the army of the Zions that burned and killed and brook the laws, not humans laws, not world's laws, but them own laws. it has a very real touching scenes witch can make a one shed the tears without he knows, when I watched those scenes and slices from lives of real people I seen those Zions as really they are, not what their press and media whas trying to show us every day in every movie we see. this documentary make me live with El-Phil and Emad and Adeeb and Dabaa for ninety minutes and I wished to live with them some more.

I've some many documentaries and movies,an Oscar winning ones. they can't be as good, honest, realistic and lively as this.

I'm really wondering and questioning why this can't win an Oscar?!
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a PERSONAL story of a man and his village protesting a wall
torvum11 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film about the personal story of man named Emad and his experience protesting in Bil'in, a small village in the West Bank. Because the film is a personal story, it does not give a wider political context, a lot of history, or an overview of any kind, which is bound to put off some viewers, especially pro-Israeli ones. Personally, I don't fault the movie-maker for that choice. I think the film would have suffered from it.

Because of the lack of context, a politically sharp-eyed, skeptical and unsettled viewer (unsettled on the Israel-Palestine conflict) like myself need to take some of the film with a grain of salt. That being said, some of the footage is undeniable: arresting children in night- time raids, shooting unarmed men dead, etc. Regardless of your position on the struggle, this kind of footage should make you angry.

I think the film is definitely worth watching, not because it's an "unbiased" (whatever that means) view of a political struggle, but precisely because it is biased. The viewer gets to feel what it's like to protest in Bil'in, what it's like to have a family involved in the conflict, to have your friends or family arrested, beaten, or killed. Even if you completely disagree with Palestine's position, I think any human should be able to identify with Emad, his village, and their side of the story. This is the most important point because it draws out the viewers humanity, which is exactly what's needed if this conflict is to be ended peacefully.
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Apartheid is alive and well in Isreal
JuddyBentley13 February 2013
I was hunting around for some documentaries and stumbled on this film. I don't like to watch this type of film because it really makes me sad to see the hypocrites in this world! It's so ironic that the Zionists are the new Hitler and have basically created an Apartheid state in that region. See this film also reminded me of the Western expansion of the USA and how American Indians and Mexicans were slaughtered, tricked, and forced to give up their land! I hate to see any group of people be bullied by a big faceless government. Those ugly apartments and walls, is exactly what the Germans did when they called Jews vermin and basically caged them in and slowly exterminated them. I don't see much difference in this situation and it's shameful to know it is happening as a human being in 2013!
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