There's Something in the Pilliga (2014) Poster

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something in the snooze
jjsirman22 January 2016
Another handy cam film like Blair Witch and The Tunnel. Movie drags on for 80 minutes and nothing really happens. Just driving around for most of the movie. Terribly written with boring dialogue which is saved by the decent acting of the leads. It is Nicely shot showing the Outback of Australia i give it that, but the over using the camera in the car when it wasn't really needed made me dislike this film more. I don't think this movie had any real story line just a lot of bogon talking and terrible directing and edited like a student film. 60 minutes of nothing with 20 minutes of something. Im amazed this movie was made for $84,000 or even funded at all.
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I was rooting for the creature...
tmccull521 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The main characters in this movie, the ones that we're supposed to be rooting for, are unlikeable, to say the least. Jay is the cocky, bad boy party type. Dylan is his snivelling toady sidekick. Liz and Tammie are two local girls that Jay and Dylan pick up in a bar. How any woman, however drunk or high, could find either of these guys attractive would be a mystery for the ages, but they end up going off with our dynamic duo in Jay's tricked out pick-up truck.

Our dauntless quartet takes off for an adventure, and end up at a friend of Jay's rural home. This is where we get our first hint at the creature, as there are drawings of a large, biped on the wall of the living room. Jay's friend isn't home, and so Jay and Dylan go to look for him. They leave Liz and Tammie behind at the truck, and take Jay's dog, Wolfie. They also leave Dylan's video camera with the girls, who film some half-arsed "see what you mates are missing" footage.

Jay and Dylan return after several hours, and not only did they NOT find Jay's friend, they somehow lose Wolfie. Thereafter follows more character development which renders our lead characters all the more unlikeable. Jay is an a**hole. Dylan is a coward. Liz is beyond obnoxious, and Tammie is a gibbering wreck. Liz, fed up with Jay, decides that she is going to walk out of the national park that our intrepid quartet went into. She has no water, no food, and not even a good idea where she is going, but she is bound and determined to hoof it out of there. Jay, Tammie, and Dylan continue on to try and find the missing Wolfie.

Eventually, they find Liz on the road, and Tammie convinces her to rejoin the group, which Liz does, reluctantly. They drive a bit further, and Jay suddenly thinks that he knows where Wolfie is. He stops the truck, and leaps out, taking the keys and a large hunting knife with him. The others remain with the truck, calling for Jay to come back. Night falls, and something approaches the truck, causing Dylan, Tammie, and Liz to flee in mortal terror. Tammie disappears, apparently taken by the something in the Pilliga. It would seem that when she's frightened, Liz could outrun Usain Bolt, as she easily outdistances Dylan several times. They dash this way and that, and find one another again. Along the way, they find several more victims of the creature, all of whom were in the same bar, on the same night, that Jay and Dylan picked up Liz and Tammie. The Aussie Bigfoot really must have had issues with the patrons of this particular bar.

Liz and Dylan find a woman hiding in the brush, and you guessed it, they recognize her from the bar. She tells Liz and Dylan that the creature knew that Jay would be out there, as Jay and his missing friend from the house had regularly gone hunting for this beast. The beast then shows up and grabs the girl. Liz and Dylan flee in Stark terror, and Liz once again outruns Dylan like the Roadrunner outpacing Wile E. Coyote in a Looney Tunes cartoon.

Dylan finds Wolfie chained to a tree, and promptly leaves the dog there. He hears Liz calling in the distance and goes off to find her. Now, Dylan has the only light, but can't manage to find his own backside with both hands and an anatomy chart. Liz, in the other hand, can apparently see quite well in the abject darkness of the forest, and has been dashing pell mell, this way, then that. She comes running out of the dark towards Dylan, telling run back the way that he just came from, because the monster is chasing after her. Liz trips and falls into a pit, and please with Dylan to help her. Dylan then sees the glowing red eyes of the best, and promptly flees, leaving the pleading Liz behind.

Stumbling about in the dark, Dylan finds a fence line and follows it to a sheep ranch. He please for help, but the rancher drives him off by shooting at him. Dylan runs and runs through the night, and shortly after sunrise, he finds a paved road. He looks this way and that, and is then struck from behind by the monster. Dylan falls to the ground and drops his camera. You can see Dylan being dragged away, and while he is being carted off, you can hear Liz calling out his name in the background. A car drives by only a moment or two after Dylan is attacked and taken. They find his camera on the ground and pick it up.

I may have missed a thing or two, but those are the main points in the movie. I managed to bear sitting through it once, but I would not recommend it, nor would I watch it again.
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Yowie... oops I mean Yowzers.
markmitton-880543 September 2018
Blair Witch meets Bigfoot (oh i mean Yowie) and much like blair witch, has some jump scares and a wtf moment, mostly generic as you would expect from this type of film, film doesnt close off some story which leaves you wondering about a few people no doubt to try and force a second movie, which would probably be just as bad.

If you want a cringy horror/comedy type movie then probably look on redtube, gotta be better than this.
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nogodnomasters9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
StarsI'VE SEEN IT TOO February 8, 2016 - Published on "There's Something in the Pilliga" and "Half Human" are the same film. This is a found footage film taken in the Outback supposedly a Big Foot type of film. Dylan (Paul Denham) is the ride along filming Jay (Brendan Byrne) a self proclaimed redneck with a think Aussie accent mate. The accent was thick enough to make me look for an English subtitles option. Nope. None available. These two guys pick up two floozies at a bar on New Years Eve and drive into the woods....and we never see the creature. We hear screaming, have a lot of ground cam, running cam, shoe hurling chunks cam, and people dragged on the ground cam. At one point the women try to act sexy for the cam showing cleavage and simulating sex. The lack of a decent ending killed the feature.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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daniel-9333021 June 2018
Horrible movie, complete waste of time. Wish I could give it negative stars. How does crap like this even get made?
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Aussie comedy/horror indie
Leofwine_draca30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE PILLIGA is an indie comedy/horror flick from Australia which has a little of the trademark Aussie charm and humour to get by. It's a found footage-style effort that features a number of dumb characters who come into contact with a Yowie, an Australian-style Bigfoot creature of legend. This can just about be classed as an 'Ozploitation' movie, although as with many indies it's very rough around the edges and slow at times. The fact that the monster is never seen is a bit of a disappointment, but perhaps for the best. Expect a lot of character interaction, jokes, arguments, titillation, and the usual genre tropes.
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There's Something In The Pilliga
a_baron31 October 2022
This Australian offering is half found footage and all turkey. A couple of Outback larrikins pick up a couple of gals no self-respecting young man would take home to meet mother, then weird things happen, like starting with a murder.

One reviewer likened it to "The Blair Witch Project". Be serious! If you're wondering what the Pilliga is, it's technically a national park, although not the kind of national park most people would want to visit, especially with a couple of kids in tow.

That being said, even a horror film has to be set somewhere, but if you can figure this one out, please inform the world. The only reason it doesn't get 1 point is because it is an obviously amateur, ultra-low budget effort.
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Folklore and exploitation collide
toxiemite10 December 2014
So many filmmakers have me eating my words lately. I've been vocal about my distaste for the found-footage genre and yet over the last couple of years there have been some wonderful little films that have impressed the heck out of me... THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE PILLIGA is one of them. We follow two guys (Dylan & Jay) as they drive through a remote area in the northern regions of New South Wales. Dylan is a cameraman filming his mate Jay, who is a colorful, bumpkin trucker and they meet two drunk girls who agree to a late night new years eve adventure in the bush. Their escapade finds them venturing into the Pilliga National Park where things take a sinister turn and a local legend comes out to play. Director Dane Millerd has crafted his film with blood, sweat, tears and a hell of a lot of precision. While it presents itself as "found footage" the film actually evolves throughout its course and you become so enamored with the characters, particularly Jay, that you forget about the format. Each of the players deliver convincing and sincere performances and none more mesmeric than Brendan Byrne who plays Jay. This guy terrified me. At first I thought him to be more of a caricature of the Aussie "bloke" but as the film played out I kept having flashbacks to folks I've met in rural Australia over the years... and it's fair to say that this is no caricature. He might not be a villain in this story but his outback Aussie-redneck-tendencies make him one scary mother who could've easily been the love child of Mick Taylor and Chopper Read. The film's style, pacing and payoffs are all strong and Millerd effectively strings the first half of the story along at a meandering pace, allowing us to get comfortable with these characters so that when they are thrown into their hellish night of horror we are right there beside them. He also provides a believable reason for these people to venture out into the bush and avoids all of the contrived and clichéd tropes of the genre. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE PILLIGA is a strong, formidable and welcome genre-film that toys with exploitation and unearths a folklore that has been screaming to be told. Wherever you watch this fantastic new film, do it right... IE a dark space with maximum volume and total engagement!!
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A fun, trashy, worthwhile romp but not a scary one
j-nickturner7 April 2020
This is more of a character driven, found footage creature-feature. Pretty entertaining and accomplishes nearly everything it set out to do. Except for scare... Which is kind of the point of a horror movie.

Thankfully though, it's well worth a watch and I was enjoying myself the whole time. The strength of this one is the redneck cast of Aussie townies. There are plenty of genuinely hilarious bits of dialogue and some pretty funny sequences.

The ending is fine. Sort of clever, but still not all that satisfying. Definitely above average though.

Give it a watch if you like found footage and want to see a group of characters that you don't usually get to see in a movie like this.
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A lot of fun!
joshgregory19 January 2016
There's Something In The Pilliga (TSITP) is a standout among found footage films. Minimal budget and many non-actors have helped convey a mood and theme that is desolate, dark and downright creepy. Imperfection is undoubtedly a gift in this case whether it be through the cinematography or in fact the acting - it simply works. It's also not hard to follow. Two guys meet two girls at a pub in outback Australia on New Year's Eve and talk them into a drive to see their friend in the woods. They arrive only to find the friend is missing. The fact it is also based on a true story is also downright creepy. Australia is a dangerous place and not very forgiving when you're out in the outback. It is no different this time either. When the four people try to find the missing friend they are stalked by a Bigfoot and one by one taken out. The fact you barely see the creature also works. Less is more in this case. On the whole it's easily in front of other found footage and Bigfoot films for many reasons. Leoni Leaver and Brendan Byrne's acting, the cinematography, the locations, the score has the story. It doesn't rely on the monster too much and uses the outback as a scary character. The outback is arguably to scariest character of them all! Easily a four star film, highly recommend it to any horror or found footage fan who likes suspense and subtle scares. If you didn't like it I'd say you need to watch it again because the more you do the better it gets as you learn more details. (TSITP) is real hidden Aussie gem!
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Christopherremy4 June 2018
Simply put, if you want something to freak you out, check this out.
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Great Aussie Horror
ladymidath6 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched There's Something In The Pillaga on Prime Video which actually does have some great horror movies. Being curious I watched in and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. This film is a found footage one and even though that genre is kind of being done to death, this was a better attempt than most these days. The story involves Jay (Brendan Byrne) and his mate and cameraman Dylan (Paul Denham) as they travel around with Jay's dog. They both pick up a couple of intoxicated girls and then things take a turn for the worse. Filled with tension and quite a few good scares this film does not hesitate but jumps right in. All the actors in this do an excellent job and the they filmmakers are careful to keep the jump scare to a minimum. All up, this is a welcome addition to Aussie films but if I had one complaint, it would be that it went just a tad too long. Instead of finishing it on a really terrifying note, the filmmaker kept it going and to me, it started losing suspense. But that is just a small complaint considering the film's overall fine acting and camera work. I would definitely watch it again.
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Not worth your time.
jonchromik31 August 2019
I love found footage genre films. But this piece of tripe is God Awful! All I can say if you are thinking of watching this predictable garbage is JUST DON'T!
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Craig and Annie are the best.
jamesquinn-978-86067126 March 2020
By far the best performance i have seen by Annie D and Craig.
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What Did I Just Watch?
Robg199317 July 2021
This movie is by far utter garbage. No story behind the actual reports of the Pilliga Yowie. What the "Yowie" had 5 minutes and was deemed a man eater/killer. Why in the hell do people make movies like this?

There is literally no point to this crap.... do yourself a favour and don't watch it. How writers and film makers think these movies are a good idea is beyond me....
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A heck of a lot better than I expected!!
pcarlson-0683718 March 2015
I'm usually not a big fan of the "lost camera" or "found footage" movies so I was a little hesitant with this movie to start with.

From the very start this movie grabs you. The main character "Jay" is a very relatable character. If you have ever been to small country towns in Australia, this is truly how they talk and act. With a very typical big 4WD ute and 3 days growth. The first half of the film does a very good job of building character.

The movie builds well up to the point where things start to get "hairy". The movie has trouble keeping pace and I found there was a bit too much pointing at the ground but I guess if you're scared you're not worried about camera work.

As a whole I really enjoyed the movie and would have no problem recommending it to friends or family. If you grew up around Boggabri, Gunnedah or Coona this is a MUST see!! Big thumbs up to Dane on a great Aussie flick!!
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jessicafischerqueen12 October 2018
If you like your Yowies and outback mysteries you are going to like this movie. It is spooky, atmospheric and full of dread and best of all is THE PILLAGA. 9/10 for m.
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