"Supergirl" Fort Rozz (TV Episode 2018) Poster

(TV Series)


Brit Morgan: Leslie Willis, Livewire



  • Leslie Willis : You ready yet?

    Customer #3 : Yeah, I have a question. Do you have a gluten-free toast option?

    Leslie Willis : It's called "eat somewhere else." I'm gonna go on break, and when I get back, you better order something that doesn't make me want to punch you in the face.

  • Supergirl : Thanks for agreeing to join us.

    Gayle Marsh : Reign's going after people like me. I don't want to get killed by that psycho when I finally break out of this place.

    [to Leslie] 

    Gayle Marsh : Do you have a problem?

    Leslie Willis : 99, but you ain't one.

  • Leslie Willis : [taunting]  Nice tiara.

    Gayle Marsh : Why don't you zap it off me and I'll show you what I can do. It would be such a delicious pleasure to bring you to your knees and watch you writhe in pain.

    Leslie Willis : [laughing]  Do you always talk like that?

    Gayle Marsh : At least I don't sound like an illiterate mean girl.

    Leslie Willis : Okay, Regina George.

    [Psi scowls at her] 

    Supergirl : Hey, let's tone it down here, okay? We're all here for the same reason, right?

    [no answer from either of them] 

    Supergirl : I'll take that as a yes.

  • Leslie Willis : Now, I'm pretty sure that's not how jail cells work.

    Supergirl : Fort Rozz has been floating with limited power for so long, the cells must have opened.

    Brainiac-5 : Our scans are picking up signatures of various lifeforms loose on the ship.

    Winn Schott : Kara, please be careful.

  • Leslie Willis : So what's the deal with that beautiful girl? I mean, does everyone in the future look like that?

    Supergirl : She's... she's my ex-boyfriend's wife.

    Leslie Willis : [snickering]  Ooh. Snap. Wait, Cosplay's your ex-boyfriend? Well, that's some "Real Housewives" drama right there. So, do you hate her with every fiber of your being?

    Supergirl : It's not her fault. It's nobody's fault.

  • Supergirl : What, are you drinking on the job, Livewire? Or should I say "Roseanne"?

    Leslie Willis : How'd you find me?

    Supergirl : I've been keeping tabs on you ever since I let you go.

    Leslie Willis : Yeah, well, as you can see... I'm making an honest living now. So if you're looking to go a few rounds, come back after the breakfast rush.

  • Supergirl : I'm not here to fight you, I'm... I'm here because I need your help.

    Leslie Willis : My help? I loathe you!

    Supergirl : I know why you're working here. It's because of Reign. She's been killing criminals, so you decided to go straight. Smart.

    Leslie Willis : Yeah, well, some of those criminals were people I knew. Friends of mine.

    Supergirl : And they didn't deserve to die.

    Leslie Willis : No, they didn't.

    Supergirl : So help me get Reign.

    Leslie Willis : I saw you get bodyslammed by that GLOW reject on Christmas. It was all over the news. You think I'm up for a beatdown like that just because you said "pretty please"? Honey, you haven't been reading my psych evals correctly.

    Supergirl : I'm not asking you to fight her. I'm asking you to help me get intel on her. Which requires us to go to a place where I won't have my powers. So I need someone I know to... to have my back.

    [Leslie roars with laughter] 

    Supergirl : Are you finished?

    Leslie Willis : [still laughing]  Oh, my god.

    Supergirl : Look, she's gonna came after you sooner or later, so are you gonna help me or not?

  • Supergirl : FYI, not everyone here is on board with you coming along.

    Leslie Willis : Screw 'em.

    [seeing Mon-El] 

    Leslie Willis : Cosplay! I remember you. You tried to save my life.

    Mon-El : Yeah, I remember succeeding.

    Winn Schott : Hey... hey, Leslie, you remember me? I used to fix your computer at CatCo.

    Leslie Willis : No.

  • Leslie Willis : How much longer is this gonna be? Do we have to get plugged into some kind of space beds so we can sleep so we get there or something?

    Imra Ardeen : Actually, we're approaching now.

    Leslie Willis : For real?

    Imra Ardeen : It's a fast ship.

    Leslie Willis : So that's your Kryptonian Alcatraz?

  • Leslie Willis : [Supergirl struggles to open the door to Fort Rozz]  Promising start.

  • Leslie Willis : [in Fort Rozz]  Space at its creepiest.

  • Leslie Willis : Holy hell.

    Gayle Marsh : I've seen worse.

    Supergirl : He must have been poisoned by the blue star.

    Leslie Willis : The lesser sex.

  • Leslie Willis : This place is like the Mall of America. You can wander around here for days and not find a thing.

    Gayle Marsh : Do you smell that?

    Supergirl : What?

    Imra Ardeen : I smell it.

    Tormock : [dropping down and fighting off Leslie]  You! You bear the sign of the House of El. How dare you show your face around here?

  • Gayle Marsh : Is this really necessary?

    Supergirl : Look, either we can't trust you or you lost control of your powers. Bottom line, you're unsafe.

    Gayle Marsh : So you dragged me all the way up to space for nothing.

    Leslie Willis : Maybe you shouldn't have been so loosey-goosey with your powers on poor Matilda over there.

    Supergirl : [rolling her eyes, she wanders over to Imra]  You sure you're okay?

    Imra Ardeen : Yeah.

    Supergirl : I know what it feels like when she gets in your head. If you need a minute or two...

    Imra Ardeen : I'm fine.

  • Gayle Marsh : It was an accident!

    Leslie Willis : Didn't look that way to me.

    Gayle Marsh : Do you want to try this thing on, see what it feels like to have your powers taken away?

    Leslie Willis : [conjuring a ball of electricity]  Get that thing near me and I'm gonna fry you.

    Supergirl : Hey! No one is getting fried, no one's getting hurt. We have a job to do.

  • Supergirl : We're looking for Jindah Kol Rozz. She has information we need.

    Tormock : You're a bunch of fools.

    Leslie Willis : She's not wrong.

    Tormock : Xitheria.

    Supergirl : Who's that?

    Tormock : The last one who ever went to try and find Jindah. Xitheria was a brutal criminal, but she had softened. She wanted Jindah to join us. We never did see her again, but we heard her screams. You wanna risk your life, you be my guest. Jindah is in the Dendara Corridor. Beyond the dark fog. Good luck.

  • Leslie Willis : I hate space.

    Gayle Marsh : We need to get out of here. Detach from this monstrosity of a prison and let's go back to Earth.

    Imra Ardeen : The docking port's jammed.

    Leslie Willis : So how long before we meet our fiery maker?

    Imra Ardeen : One hour, maybe two.

    Supergirl : So we have time. We still have a job to do. So let's find Jindah. Imra, you stay here and re-establish communications with the DEO. Psi will stay with you.

    Gayle Marsh : What use am I here?

    Supergirl : Too much could go wrong if you lose control of your powers out there, so find a way to be useful here.

    [handing Imra the key to Gayle's psychic dampener] 

    Supergirl : And if anyone attacks the ship, cut her loose.

  • Leslie Willis : So, this Reign character. We're getting information so we can kill her?

    Supergirl : No. Of course not. Priestess will have information that I could use to get through to her.

    Leslie Willis : What? Come on. You and your Pollyanna BS. You think you're gonna get through to Reign?

    Supergirl : I got through to you. There must be something good in you that I could trust to come with me.

    Leslie Willis : I came with you because there is a maniac on the loose and I wanna take her down. If you think I wouldn't fry you right now...

    Supergirl : So do it.

    Leslie Willis : [pause; she doesn't move]  All I'm saying is somebody as evil as Reign deserves to die.

    Supergirl : And anyone else who thinks otherwise is just a sucker?

    Leslie Willis : Now you're catching on.

  • Reign : You're different without your powers. Like a child, helpless and afraid.

    Supergirl : I'm not afraid of you. Even though we're enemies, there's still something that binds us.

    Reign : Save your speech, Supergirl.

    Supergirl : No. No, you have to hear me. There is something in you that sees what you're doing is wrong, that sees the pain you're causing and regrets it. You don't have to be my enemy. You want justice in the world, so do I. But we're not going to find it by attacking each other.

    Reign : And that's where you're wrong.

    [as she prepares to fire her heat vision, she's knocked backwards by an electrical discharge] 

    Livewire : Watch out.

    Reign : Coming to Supergirl's rescue?

    Livewire : I'm coming to take you down.

See also

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