"The Haunting of Hill House" Open Casket (TV Episode 2018) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Clever and genuine
anthonyjlangford22 June 2019
Congratulations to Mr. Flanagan on his superb achievement. To intricately weave multiple timelines is no easy feat. It's not merely linking one particular thread through from the past to the present. It's also unraveling the journey of all its characters and the overall story. Revealing it slowly to the audience. I don't think people grasp how difficult this is. Certainly not the low quality reviewers imdb seems to be getting these days. They sound off as though they can do better yet can't even spell.

The actors are all very good. Children and adult. My only criticism is that too many of the women look similiar. Long black hair with sharply defined features. I appreciate that they are supposed to be related and we do get to know them but even the funeral parlour's assistant looks similar. A slight criticism.

Mr. Flanagan has even directed these first two episodes. First class work. Based on his past achievements you wouldn't pick him for this type of genre but give people the opportunity and they can surprise you.

The show is fresh, though has some old school quality to it with a genuinely eerie vibe and there are some real scares in there. Fear is like art. Not every scare is going to work for everybody but there's plenty to go round.

Great to see Henry Thomas again too. Seems not long since he was Brad Pitt's younger brother in Legends of the Fall. Time flies by for us all.
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Very solid follow-up
Trey_Trebuchet19 September 2021
I've always thought the the second episode in just about any show isn't usually as strong as it's pilot. That not ALWAYS the case, but it's just something I've noticed ikr event years. This episode was very good though. Reaser's acting is seriously phenomenal and I can't believe people think this insist a lifeless, expressionless performance. I'd imagine people grieving generally look and act a bit lifeless anyway, right? I still don't stand by that though. She was great in this.

I also thought all of the scares were really well handled and built-up. I do think the CGI elements are the weakest part of the show so far, but that's a fairly mild complaint with such good acting, directing, and pacing. I'm loving this show so far.
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An episode which is an emotional rollercoaster
krrajesh26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If the first episode focused on Steve, this one makes Shirley more familiar to us. Her childhood memories and traumas are portrayed well and shows how it affected her mentally and even in choosing her profession.

The portrayal of Luke as a guy who cares for his sister was too emotional to watch. I started to love him from his point. Anyone remembered Jesse Pinkman ?

And finally, the last shot in which the lights flash twice: which alerts us this show is symbolic at some points as well.
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Not bad, but not as good as the first episode
8512224 November 2018
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Open Casket", the second episode "The Haunting of Hill House" was concentrating more on a backstories of the family, rather then anything else. Its a build up episode which does not move plot forward but rather shows us more about the characters themselves. It wasn't as scary as the first one, to say the least, yet it did its job by expanding the backstories of characters,

Overall, so far after two episodes i really enjoying this series so far. It has good directing, script, story and acting. Looking forward to see next episodes.
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isaharluiz18 October 2018
Elizabeth Reaser's acting was a force of nature here, she's such a good actress, Lulu's Wilson also great, but not in that way. I love how the children counterparts fits so well with the adults characters, we can see clearly that right at the beginning. I can't understand the hate with this episode. I think was stunning and powerful. The camera work and color grading still impressive, of course this deserves a emmy WINNING, not just a nomination. The written ins't completely perfect here, but the execution makes this perfect, and the edition too. Shirley's character for me, is the most interesting character of the show, just behind of Eleanor & Liv and is on par with Luke. I love this episode, because we all know Shirley's passion with the death, it all about stories, we are stories, and this is life, this is beauty, and our story after death, it's our legacy.
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Focus on Shirley and her past
snoozejonc19 October 2020
Shirley takes on a difficult job and reflects on the near and distance past.

I found this episode to be on par with the first. The focus on Shirley is good and reveals several experiences that seem to have defined her character and shaped some of her choices in life. Both Elizabeth Reaser and Lulu Wilson play the part well.

We are again drip-fed information from different points in time about characters, but it's still too early to tell what's really going on.

The horror factor is not quite as jumpy as previous, but it retains that sense of creeping dread that comes with most of the shot framing, camera movement and lighting. There are one or two horror movie cliches but it's not overdone. I think Mike Flanagan takes pleasure in creating enough tension to coil his audience up and then when the shock feels like it should come it actually doesn't. As it's early days I feel we are being softened up ready for some big scares later in the series.

For me the best bits are not connected to scares but the emotions relating to the things that happen. One sequence involving a transition from one scene to the next where someone is applying make-up to the same person is an excellent piece of visual storytelling.

Still intrigued.
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virajvadhane19 May 2020
This episode is full of fear, brings all horror vibes around, all characters well introduced, no theaters no big sounds but then also mobile phone is enough for you to get scared.
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Open Casket (2018)
nebohr20 August 2022
We think the children are quite charming. Not sure why an adult would go into such detail explaining to a child the preparation of a family member's corpse for the showing and burial, though. That was cringe.
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Charecter development...
sakethram777718 October 2018
Open Casket draws a direct line from Shirley's childhood to her chosen profession. Her relationship to death and grief is explained by traumas during her formative years. Overall slow\dull episode.
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ellardpineda13 August 2021
This follow up episode showed Shirley's life when dealing with death throughout the years. The sequencing was definitely great, and it didn't seem to be jumping around too much. This series is great so far! Can't wait for episode 3.
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I'll keep watching...
thedoctor2056 November 2018
I'll be honest here, the first episode was pretty good but nothing mind blowing. What kept me watching was the character of Steven. Michiel Huisman does a fantastic job and his character really fascinated me.

This episode focused on Shirley, who is nowhere near as interesting as Steven. Elizabeth Reaser's delivery is dull and lifeless. I found her character annoying for the most part. I just waited for the episode to finally end.

The acting from the children is pretty bad and unbearable at times. I'm mainly interested in the flashbacks because of Henry Thomas and Carla Gugino, not for the kids. I'm hesitant to watch the future episodes because of this.

However, I'll stick it out because several of my friends say it's great, but so far I'm not too anticipated to finish it. The acting from all of the adults (except for Reaser) is really strong and the cinematography is gorgeous. That's what'll keep me binging but this episode didn't exactly help.

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So scary that people vomit???
klwatson-488-17220019 October 2018
After reading the reviews, I was really looking forward to seeing this series. Two episodes in and I'm still waiting for the horror.
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Terrifying!! Horrifying!!
banzai021222 October 2018
The Haunting of Hill House is the very best horror show since the works 8f Alfred Hitchcock! Michael Flannigan is a master of sheer terror in his own rite!
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Nellie? You're Squeezing Too Tight!
wandernn1-81-6832743 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode deals with the suicide of youngest sister Nell.

+1 Star for the way Shirley insists on dealing with Nell's body and funeral details personally.

The flashbacks to young Shirley and Young Nell with the poor kittens they found.

+1 Star for the flashback scene where Shirley is putting on makeup on LIve Nell and then cutting between Shirley putting morgue makeup on Dead Nell.

+1 Star for the 2 lights flashing on the forever house at the end.

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Open Casket
bobcobb30128 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Given the limitations of TV these days, even on Netflix, I don't expect to be scared, but so far I get the notion that I will either enjoy this show based on the story or I won't, and the horror aspect will have little impact on me.

Right now it seems like kind of a rip-off of the movie and mini-series It, but I'll probably finish all 10 episodes.
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jke_up27 October 2018
This episode was slow. The writing is bad in this episode, how can a character be so weird & stupid? I know this is only two episodes in, but the focus on the Shirley character really isnt done well, and the requirement on the actor is too high, and even if the acting was spot on (which it isnt) it still would have been a slow episode in which the main character makes f-ed up decisions. Dialogue could have been better as well.

This episodes loses the viewer, breaks immersion.
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sayantanmukherjee-8500430 August 2019
The episode focuses on the character development. Not on the story development. But after the first episode, you want to know about the story. So the episode will appear boring. Story did not progress at all from the previous episode.
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Apparently we have to grind this episode out to get to the better ones.
nlytnd_128 February 2022
As with some shows you have to tough it out for a couple episodes or so before it gets good. Let's hope that's the case with this show. This was a painfully boring episode. They use this episode to establish and build some storyline with the characters, but there really aren't any hooks in this episode to keep us interested. They have a handful of sort a jump scare moments, but we're not really invested in any of them, especially when they're moments from the past. Hope they'll tone down the excessive flashbacks going forward.... I'm assuming they're just using them for the time being to build a foundation for the characters and then they'll mostly focus on the present.
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This episode made me think to stop watching the whole show
thelovingpirlo-9108624 October 2023
Only 4 points for anything that's not related to shearly .. But don't make my mistake guys if you keep watching you'll be happy starting from ep.2

Shearly is no doubt the worst character that I couldn't even find anything attractive about.

A fragile girl who likes to blame everyone and force her decisions on them .. I don't know if I should blame both actresses or not but all I know is one fact that anything related to shearly isn't attractive at all.

It makes me wonder that i really like each and every character in the show except shearly even if we still don't really alot of things about them

Every one of them could grab my attention except shearly made me wait so bad for her on-screen time to end.
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Dead kittens not ok
jerrys-1897327 June 2019
A child watches kittens die ?!!!!

That sick. Skip after that scenes
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Dead kitten ruined it
irishtim-0209916 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first episode. It was pretty good. Not amazing, but good. A solid foundation for the rest.

Honestly, this episode started out alright, and I was having a pretty good time.

Then there's the part where the kitten dies, and Shirley does a eulogy. A bit morbid that they showed a dead kitten for such a long time, but ok, it's part of the scene.

Then there's an awful moment where she sees its throat moving, and she gets excited because she thinks it's alive. Now I'm sitting there thinking, damn maybe they're going to be really dark and have the parents still bury it because they don't believe her or something like that.

Then a bug crawls out of the kitten's mouth. It's a traumatizing moment for the character.

But also for me. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that image. It was just sick. Awful. I didn't need to see it and I wish I hadn't. I will never watch the rest of this show. Frankly, I feel betrayed.

I am not a prude. I have watched Hereditary 8 times. That movie has some horrifying imagery in it. But here's the difference: it was necessary. Really, I think it was essential to the plot. The ways in which events play out (no spoilers) are in keeping with the mythology on which the story is based. So there's a reason for it.

This was too much. I felt physically ill. And knowing that they had a young actress involved makes me sick. If I at 23 feel genuinely traumatized by a fictional portrayal of the scene I have just described, how must she feel, having been in it? I hope for her sake she wasn't blindsided nearly as much as I was.

That scene was wholly unnecessary. I know they were trying to set up her relationship with death, but this was tactless and just awful.

Netflix, you screwed me over on this one. Thanks for that.
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Shirley is the weakest character
XoKeepMeUpAllNightoX18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is my least favorite to have to make it through. Shirley has absolutely no redeeming qualities or likability. All she does is whine and have over-the-top tantrums/emotional freak outs.

In grief, she chooses to be hateful and selfish. Not to deviate from this episode, but the fact that she has the audacity to judge for the LITTLEST things in everyone, despite her having a one-night stand/affair.

I never have one moment where I like Shirley on my screen. I haven't seen anything else Elizabeth Reaser has been in, so I will sum this up to the character being written so insufferably.

The two scenes in this episode that don't have her character in it, are the only reason this episode gets any stars.
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