"Supernatural" Back and to the Future (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Very underwhelming
StylishHokie12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a bit surprised by all the praise for this episode. My expectations must have been really high considering how the last season ended. It started off strong with the brothers and Castiel fending off the undead souls. The callbacks to The Woman In White and Bloody Mary were nice, but a few nostalgic moments doesn't make the episode great.

God mentioned to Sam and Dean that this was "the end." I'm not really getting those vibes based off this first episode. It starts out with that tense scene, but is then ruined when a demon takes over Jack's body and zaps all the ghosts away. I also found it quite ridiculous how Sam and Dean put their trust in a demon they barely know who's inhabiting someone they cared for and just died. Castiel is the only one that gave a damn and he's an angel! It was completely out of character and certainly wouldn't have gone down like that in the previous seasons.

The worst part for me is that a majority of the episode takes place during the daytime. It totally killed any tension the episode had after that. Remember the scene in the pilot when The Woman In White appears on the highway and scares Sam? How about the scene in episode 5 where Bloody Mary emerges from the mirror to kill Sam and Dean? Let's be honest. Would these scenes be nearly as effective if they were set in the daylight? It was a nice callback, but it should have been treated with more care. It just felt half-assed to me.

The writing is subpar and inconsistent. There's a scene where Sam is investigating a house and gets attacked by John Wayne Gacy (clown ghost). The ghost succeeds in wounding Sam. In the next scene on the road, the same ghost attacks him again except this time he decides to punch and kick him. A minute later, he has the knife out again, but Castiel saves Sam's life at the last second. The Woman in White catches Dean off guard and instead of killing him, she just knocks him out and focuses on the demon. This gives Dean time to hit her with the crowbar. These ghosts are very stupid. Once again, this wouldn't have happened in the previous seasons. The final scene where the ghosts RUN after the heroes was the icing on the cake for me. Did the ghosts forget they can teleport? Enough said!

It wasn't all bad though. Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins are at the top of their game. They make this show watchable despite the awful writing. The other scene I liked besides the cemetery was the trunk scene at the end of the episode. Nice callback! Overall, I was very underwhelmed by this episode considering this is the final season. Maybe I'm nitpicking too much, but I just expected more. 7/10 for me.
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A decent setup for what will hopefully be a more epic season.
chriswhagedorn11 October 2019
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Mild spoilers/teasers ahead, but nothing too serious.

I liked this episode. Really, I did. I just wish I liked it more. The first act was very strong in my opinion, picking up right where the finale left off. I was surprised to be introduced to a brand new character so quickly but good news, it's a great one!

I believe the second act is where the troubles lie, and I found myself wishing that certain things were approached just a bit differently (time of day during a certain sequence, acting direction of minor roles, etc.). It's no surprise to me at all that the best scene of the episode by far is Sam and Dean standing by the Impala having a good ol heart to heart. Honestly, don't most of the show's best scenes follow that blueprint?

All in all, this was a middle of the road premiere for me. Obviously it's all up to personal preference, but I think Seasons 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, and 13 all had much stronger openers. That being said, I'm extremely anxious to see what the entire cast and crew have cooked up for us this year. I know they'll all have put their hearts and souls into this final season, and I think we have a strong jumping point for a truly stellar endcap to the series.
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Doesn't feel much like Supernatural
skarch-4441811 October 2019
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We have the characters but.. Sam and Dean just turning around right after Jacks body is upright and a demon is in it? The world just ended, Jack died and they are barely reacting to Jacks corpse being inhabited (also essentially trusting the demon outright.. wat). The camera work, dialogue and delivery of dialogue just feels like a different show. I'm happy to see them back in action, it just feels a little wrong. Also way too much filler in this episode.
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Not Up to Par
ElectExile14 October 2019
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A good story with good writing and good casting makes a good show. I'm not sure this whole premise is that compelling a story arc. Logistically, if the entire world is filled with souls from hell appearing as ghosts then every home would be chaos with billions of deaths. Demon Jack's reason for helping Dean and Sam is weak. And cool Demon Jack doesn't work that well. The broad daylight setting doesn't fit the mood of the story. The action choreography with the mother and daughter was fairly cheesy. A few more episodes will tell if there is something fundamentally missing from the season. Every episode starts with a baseline of five stars just because of Dean and Sam.
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This season is gonna be so special!
Splarke2211 October 2019
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15x01 features so many amazing callbacks and is a real trip down memory lane! Seeing so many former villains return and the ending scene calling back to the pilot episode were amazing. So excited for how this magnificent story comes to a conclusion, but I'm not ready to say goodbye!!
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The callbacks land and Belphegor is a great side character
CubsandCulture9 November 2021
Season 15 of the show has a lot nostalgia for and callbacks to the prior years. Sometimes these callbacks don't really work or are forced. That's not the case here. The symmetry with the pilot episode lands and it opening episode does set the stage for the season well. Some of the action beats are lame or silly but this is a good start to the final season.

Secondly, Belphegor is a very fun and funny side character. I'm glad Calvert got to play a much different persona because that ties in to the number of times Ackles and Padalecki had to play different characters. Calvert is pretty good as the quippy jerk.
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Great Way To Start The Final Season
katerinakormendi12 October 2019
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I loved how we started off exactly where season 14 ended, getting to see the boys and Castiel in the thick of it, and the accompanying song was an awesome addition. (If I were to have one gripe, it would be that this scene didn't last long enough, though I still loved it.) After, that scene in the crypt and the new character we get introduced to? I thought that introducing a new character so quickly at the beginning of a premiere would be risky, but they pulled it off fantastically. Plus, I'm already interested in this new character...whose name I'm not even going to attempt to spell. Some reviews have stated that this was a weak start to season 15, though I respectfully disagree. No, it was not the sky falling apart, fires raining down quick paced, high stakes action feeling storytelling that we've seen, but I liked that, as it added a greater sense of foreboding and dread for me...what's going to happen down the (final) road...because this episode almost felt like the depressing calm before the storm. I hope this conflict between Dean and Cas is sorted out soon, because I CAN'T BARE TO SEE THOSE TWO FIGHT! Lastly, after fighting all those ghosts in the evacuated town, I felt like crying (in a good way) at the very last scene, which flashes back all the way to the pilot episode to mirror this premiere. What am I going to do with my life when Supernatural is over?
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A brilliant start to the season, loved it
aleksilehtola1511 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this was fun and it felt better than some of the previous seasons. Really liked the way they used Jack's actor again in a wise way.
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Disappointing Start
TenofDiamonds11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My last written review on Supernatural was a very long time ago but have continue to watch this show.

Started off great when at the cemetery but overall felt very rushed. I will overlook the brothers to allow a demon they have never met help them, even to the point in getting the last item for that "spell", desperate measures and all that.

Deans treatment towards Castiel was somewhat disrespectful and found myself disliking Dean alot when this episode ended. Dean have seem to have forgotten or doesnt care Castiel has lost alot more than just his "son" Jack, but also having his faith ripped apart by God.

Everthing we know about ghosts mythology and how they behave in this show is now confusing. What is tying them to the locations in this episode ? How are they able to just appear on some street ? I hope we get answers

Felt very rushed, alot of running around, very little answers and very simple plot. Yes i know this is just the first episode and perhaps i shouldnt be too harsh and no doubt will get better.

Overall a disappointing start to a final season.
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A good start to an awesome season
samtko-0467511 October 2019
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Alright let's get one thing straight with this premiere, it starts off right where the amazing conclusion of Season 14 ended, and for the most part is pretty awesome but there is a problem with the time of day, an entire sequence of tension takes place during the day, while this can work this is a show that thrived on it's amazing night scenes it would have been SO much cooler if this sequence had taken place at night, now with that minor gripe aside the callbacks to Season 1 are awesome, seeing ghosts that we saw 14 years prior is great, I have a feeling that this season will be amazing and hit the marks for an epic conclusion.
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Anonnamus26 October 2019
I'm obsessed with all things Supernatural. Love this show and can find something positive to say about every episode, even the ones that aren't up-to-par. That being said, for a season premiere, especially the FINAL season premiere, this was pretty bland. It almost felt like the show was going in a completely different direction from what we loved in previous seasons. Everything from the special effects to the supporting characters' acting skills (I really thought that little girl would turn out to be possessed; she has to be an investor's kid or something) all left a lot to be desired.

What should have been an epic opening to what could possibly be best "Big Bad" Supernatural has ever seen never reached the potential it could have. Disappointing, but still entertaining television.
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That was a good start
naydireknu29 October 2019
I totally loved this episode. It was a good one that's 1 out of 20, great job
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Not bad at all
gokcekaraman11 October 2019
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I don't get what Sam meant at the end. If they save the world from the last apocalypse there is still no reason for Chuck to leave. He can start a new one again and he can repeat it millions of time as well. or if he is bored he can just end it by clicking his finger as he killed Jack. so they will never be free. Still this episode was pleasent to watch but I expectations were higher. And again,why Castiel is so powerless and weak why? he was going to lose a simple fight with a simple ghost. I am sure all the audince want to see their favourite angel super strong and powerfull.
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Lame ghosts and cheesy jokes
Faith0058 January 2021
Lots and lots and lots of sun. Like everywhere bright and shiny asf desperate housewives much? Ghosts just love to sunbathe and to run sprints in this episode. They could teleport, but no, they decided running is faster. They probably saved on the costumes and makeup but why why why would they make it so obvious by shooting in broad daylight? It just made the whole thing cheap and lame as their jokes.

On the other hand, opening scenes were good finally saw them work as a team. Music was too cheesy for the scene. Those flying kicks belong to a kung fu show not this one. That was way overreaching lol. The only thing thats perfect for me is the flashback scene in the end.

Overall, this season opener was a missed opportunity. Too bad there wont be anymore of those.
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Great opening
Adam-0926512 October 2019
It doesn't try to be over the top and is a great build up episode to the up coming story. The nostalgia was a nice touch too.

It's great to see Sam, Dean and Castiel back in action, should be an awesome final season.
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HOLY S**T !!! Better than expected
exlana11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I bet we can all agree that we're a bit sceptical for this season finale, considering how weak the last couple seasons and those cons interview. But this is a really good way to open this final season. I like the demon who possessed Jack, he's interesting and i'm sure there's more to him than some random demon. I mean, we all know they're not gonna just let Jack go away, he will be ressurected somehow. But i must say, the character isn't that bad. I would say, the bad thing about this episode is the acting & the production. The acting (besides jensen) are horrible lol, i feel like watching a single take home video. But i guess we've been passed a whole season ago. We're not here because of the acting, we're here for the storyline.

Originally i was going to give it 8/10 , but i'll give extra 2 stars for the final scene. I literally had goosebumps. The moment the scene cut into the first season... HOLY S**T !! THAT'S SO COOL!!! It kinda reminds me of why, and how long i've been a fan of the show
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kaliberkairee7 April 2020
Great opener to the final season , can't wait to see what they have to offer in the rest of the season.
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Back to the Future indeed...
rashsupernatural22 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
.. this episode felt like old times for me, subtly capturing "the end" in mind . "God-chuck" is the ultimate villan to end the series. There are lots of possibilities of how the story can take turn. Its gut wrenching that all their past sacrifices and pain meant nothing now. But the winchesters know sooo much more now since the "women in white" so it wouldn't be surprising if the ghost issue is wrapped up quickly for something that's more big and bad.
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A bit disappointed
ahmadmobeenqazi17 October 2019
I'll start by saying that the expectations were really high going into the episode. The cliffhanger from the last season had laid down a great setup. This season premiere, though, was very short on delivering on that premise. A lot of the tension got subdued by limiting the impact, while the characters do some stuff that is so off with their personalities. The utter disregard for the loss of a certain individual so soon after he's gone is jarring to say the least. Also, it's really surprising for a totally newcomer to command the trust of the main characters in, like, a couple of minutes.

The nostalgic factor gave all the right feels. It's really emotional that we are coming towards the end of this spectacular series. Let's hope the last mile delivery to this epic journey is a bit smoother going forward. Cause the Winchesters deserve it.
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jeevsbuster12 October 2019
This is the best season premiere yet. I'm getting season 1 vibes with the classic music. I cant wait to see what is in store for the rest of the season.
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not bad start but so slow and not enthusiastic
bassemsidhom11 October 2019
This episode is not bad it starts on slow motion actions and no blood is bumping through veins when you watch this episode even the song at the start wasnot epic like the song in season 8 and 9 intro song but we will see in the next episodes what will happen canot wait to see more actions i hope its agood season
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Nice ending, But..!
sadjad186411 October 2019
Why they using wrong actress for lady ghosts, On first episode the actress was Sara Shahi
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Mr. Fan-Service...
Robinson251119 October 2019
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Dabb's love of fan-service is in full force here. Bringing back fan-favourite monsters is an interesting idea and one that results in plenty of genuinely frightening and tense moments. On the other hand though, when you stop to consider that since defeating them the boys have defeated God's sister, Satan and two Apocalypses, the threat starts to feel shallow and weak. The plot of the episode is very thin and moves a little bit too slowly to the point that it starts to feel padded. The introduction of Belphegor, a so-called "new-crowley" character brings back the interesting character dynamic that I loved with Crowley, but the biggest problem with it is that Belphegor is no Crowley. While Alexander Calvert does a fairly good job with the character, he and the character himself do not possess the same level of sarcastic wit and humour that Shappard brought to the show, and as such he makes for a rather uninteresting presence. Plus the show seems set on going with this "God created the last 14 years" concept, one that I find insulting and poorly thought out.
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Weird in a bad way.
andyhilton-970-32277412 October 2019
Maybe they're saving the production budget for later episode because this felt like a low budget after school special.
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