
6 Reviews
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The Stranger (1946)
superb orson welles thriller
4 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
"The Stranger" is not by any means Orson Welles' worst film. "F is for Fake" would probably earn that title. It is one of his least ambitious--there's very little of the wild technical inventiveness featured in "Citizen Kane"--but taken on its own terms it's an engrossing thriller. The acting is superb, the action moves briskly, and there are many wonderful moments. Welles' monologue at the dinner table on "the German" is remarkable. My favorite Welles touch is a moment of black humor. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Franz Kindler (Welles) is using a public phone booth. He picks up a pencil meant for notetaking in the phone booth and, while talking, idly doodles a swastika on the wall. Realizing what he's done, he obscures it. END SPOILER END SPOILER END SPOILER It's too bad that people knock "The Stranger" by comparing it to masterpieces like "Kane" or "Touch of Evil" instead of taking it for what it is: a crackling suspense film that is well worth a look.
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Lots of good looking women
26 October 2001
Caught part of this film on Cinemax. I'm not even sure what the plot was--something about a dude running a massage parlor. What I do know is that there was a series of absolutely stunning women naked. Since this is a T&A film of the "Skinemax" genre, I'd have to say it's a damn good one. Not only are all the women gorgeous, but it looks like all of them have NATURAL large breasts! If you like beautiful women naked, this is a good film to see.
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South (1919)
Imperfect documentary
12 July 2000
This film is a documentary of the Shackleton Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914. Shackleton's ship was trapped in pack ice and later destroyed, leading to a two-year struggle for survival on the frozen seas. The film is a mixture of live-action movies and still photos from the expedition. It is as much a nature documentary as a record of the voyage, with the latter portion especially paying more attention to the Antarctic wildlife than the struggles of the explorers. It is also incomplete, skipping some important parts of the story, like the fate of the expedition's dogs. Those who want to learn about the voyage might be better served reading Alfred Lansing's "Endurance", or Shackleton's memoir, both of which are still in print. Still, "South" is an interesting video record of the early days of polar exploration.
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Downstairs (1932)
Gilbert triumphs as talking actor
4 September 1999
John Gilbert was the highest paid actor in Hollywood in 1929, the year silent films breathed their last. By 1933 he was through with movies and by 1935 he was dead. Lots of people believe bad things about him, mainly that he had a high squeaky voice or that he was a ham who couldn't adjust to talkies. In "Downstairs" he proves that both of these myths are false. The film is a splendid little drama--"little" being the only kind of movie MGM would cast him in by then--about a scheming chauffeur who blackmails or steals from practically everybody at the mansion he works at. Paul Lukas, years from stardom, plays the head butler, and Virginia Bruce (who married Gilbert in real life) plays the butler's new bride. The script and story are flawless, and Gilbert, playing very much against type, shines as the amoral chauffeur. "Downstairs" is a sophisticated drama that could not have been made a few years later after the censors cracked down on Hollywood, but more importantly, it is a testament to John Gilbert, who might have had a successful career in the talkies if he had been given a chance.
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Siren's Kiss (1995)
praise film's eroticism
9 July 1999
A well-done erotic film. Good erotic movies have an interesting story to go along with the sexual content. This one tells the story of a painter who changes his models' lives while reviving his moribund marriage. The sex scenes are tasteful, and the exquisitely beautiful Kristen Knittle makes this film worth watching all by herself. For those who enjoy erotica, "Siren's Kiss" is a good choice.
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praising the movie as a milestone
5 May 1999
The power of this film is undiminished 80 years after its release. It is undeniably racist, but anyone who is able to ignore the message of the movie can appreciate it as sheer cinematic genius. It has splendid cinematography and fine acting, especially from Lillian Gish, one of the greatest actresses ever to appear on a movie screen. One appreciates Griffith's genius even more when one views other films from 1915 and realizes how many light years he was ahead of his time.
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