
22 Reviews
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Why You Never What to Finish Out Your Days in a Nursing Home!
9 October 2005
This movie could be so close to the true that it's scare. The characters are amazingly realistic. The people in nursing homes are so forgotten that their environment become a separate existence, a world apart from reality. Some people may feel that some of the treatment of the patients are cruel, but you have to weigh that against the loneliness of having no one notice you for days. Give this film a try. Then talk to your kids about how your never want to be in a nursing home, under any circumstances. Because of the use of pot, this film is not appropriate for younger people. Remember that the care takers get minimum wage and would be better of working at McDonalds or Burger King.
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Chupacabras Straight-up, with a Twist!!
6 June 2005
This movie has you guessing what's happening to who and why from the very beginning. Very clever plot and too clever to include spoilers. Stick with it, and you will be surprised. Enjoy the authentic California gold rush settings and a very interesting cast. Electro-shock therapy for pain and profit, gives Jeremy (Jason Michael Fong) a buzz, but does he really know anything worth 20,000 volts of P.G.& E.'s finest vintage AC/DC. The wide variety of characters provides someone for everyone, especially if you like blonde cuteys. Can anyone go up against the Chupacabras and survive? You'll have to see this one through to find out!! mrpentax gives at least one thumb up (or maybe seven, if I were a Chupacabra).
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From a Flat Earth to Black Holes via the Big Bang
7 February 2004
This is an incredible piece of work. Each step of the way is carefully explained: who and why it is correct, who and why the competing theories were wrong, and how it lead to the next step. What's the value of knowing that there are galaxies millions of light years away and black holes?: Just knowing. And, if you can identify with that, you have to see this series.
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Anything Else (2003)
Is Woody Allenism Contagious
23 January 2004
This is a film that drives you nuts with its ridiculous plot, but at the same time is sheer genius. Amazingly, Jason Biggs becomes, an exact replica, young Woody Allen, and he does it so well. To the viewer, the film is an exercise in total frustration. None of the characters can get their lives straightened out, even at the total expense everyone around them. You will like this movie more 12 hours after you have seen it, than when the credits roll. See it.
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Not Just a Black Crime Movie, but a Crime Movie Triumph!
23 January 2004
I can not believe so few people have seen this movie. It is a terrific film. It has all the action, intrigue, double and triple crosses, and tragedy anyone could ask for. The plot and its development is a work of art. It is first class. The characters are so real and the depth of their portrayals goes well beyond most crime films, including the Godfathers. This is a film you must see if you every watched a single episode of The Sopranos, and liked it.
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This Movie Proves: NOTHING is sacred!!
23 January 2004
If you hold even one thing to be sacred, do not see this film. It defiles everything you might believe in literally from before the cradle to after grave. This movie is the sickest puppy of all sick puppy films. It is a shock and minute and you better be ready for everything from dead babies to cannibalism, sometimes put in an attempted comedy wrapper. So, if your skin is feel particularly thick some evening, this is the film for you. The character played by Perez and her lover are so evil, it's clear from the beginning you will not be able to predict their next atrocity. This movie leaves you in one of two states: 1. can't wait until it is over; or 2. can't wait to see it again. In any case you will be amazed and shocked, I guarantee it.
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Cappuccino (1998)
Pray Your Wife Doesn't Do "This" to YOU!
5 November 2001
Very well done Film Noir. When you think you have it figured out, you will soon find out you are WRONG. This piece has an earthy realism that really gets you hooked. You wouldn't wish what happens to Vic on your worst enemy. A very watchable film.
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Worth Every Minute You Invest in Watching It.
20 April 2001
Absolutely stunning account of America's journeys to the Moon and back. It will fill you with sadness, pride, joy, and admiration. If you lived it, do your kids a favor and have them watch it. It is one of those events that will be remember for all of history.
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A million bullets and a bucket of blood
31 October 2000
This movie will give adults bad dreams. I wish I had a buck for every bullet that was fired in this movie. If you have any value of human life, this film will sicken you. It is way too bloody and whatever the moral story, it's killed by friendly fire.
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This is Fun!!!
19 May 2000
What makes this movie so much fun, is how outlandish it is, but at the same time it sucks you into accepting the ridiculous as a plausible reality. There are so many NEW and DIFFERENT subplots that I was blown away that they should all appear in just one film. I have recently thought that everything that could be a film plot had been done. I was WAY WRONG! One of the best films I've ever seen.
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This Was Viet Nam
22 April 2000
Great depiction of what life must have been like for those unfortunates thrust into the Hell called Viet Nam. Great location shots and plenty of character development. There are plenty of reasons to avoid war flicks. This one actually helped me with me with my feelings about the war. See it.
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The Tenant (1976)
An Amazing Movie
8 April 2000
If you like film noir, this is the best of the best. It combines horror, misfortune, obtuse people and madness into one big honking delight. Don't miss it. The acting is great and the character development is outstanding. In fact, this movie is so good it's hard to review and certainly you can't talk about the plot. Just see it!
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Video Vixens! (1974)
How Low Can You Go????
25 March 2000
Clearly one expects a film like this to be at or near the bottom of the barrel. As a frame of reference, to better understand the range quality, to try the taste of beans after days of filets, one might occasionally sample a film that you expect to be bad. What one may be surprised to find out, as I was, is that for some films, like this one, the barrel has one bottom. There is no explanation, no description, no criticism that could impart the full measure of this movie's utterly astounding baseness. Whatever makes Plan 9 from Outer Space a loser and be found in spades in this gem of tasteless tripe. I am burning my copy so that one else might make the same mistake I did. There are better ways to test quality.
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Preppies (1984)
What If Playmates made movies? Really BAD movies!!!!
25 March 2000
This movie had to mark the beginning of the end for the Playboy Empire. The acting (I use the term very loosely) at the beginning of the movie is WORSE than a high school play. It does get better, but is still stinko right up to the end. You would spend your time much more wisely viewing these starlets' assets in the magazines they appeared in and avoiding this movie at all cost.
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Breaking Out is Hard to Do
11 October 1999
A study in the seemingly rank unfairness of Chinese culture toward women, this is an excellent film. Our heroine has a particularly raw deal, matched (or more correctly, purchase by) to a cruel, but well off husband. His only interest is to have a son, but Xinghua does not become pregnant, bringing great hardship on herself. I liked the movie, although it was a little long and some of the characters could have been developed more, like Nizi, the husband's sister. If you accept the movie as a real depiction of life in rural China, it is a wonderful, but depressing view of the Chinese twist to life's complications. Try it. You'll like it.
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The Fight Against Exploitation is a Noble One.
3 October 1999
One man's quest to change the environment of the slum he grew up in, against all odds. Unthinkably, the woman he used to love becomes an almost insurmountable obstacle. A great film with plenty of great characters carefully and skillfully intertwined to tell a powerful story. Not so predictable you'll be bored, and great settings in spite of being shot in B&W. Try it. You'll like it.
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Minbo (1992)
The Lawyer Saves The Day!!!???
2 July 1999
O.K., when is the last time you saw a movie where the lawyer was the hero, and female to boot? If you like underdog films, you will LOVE minbo. It is very cleverly done and successfully demonstrates a quick wit outsmarts a quick temper, every time. The sub-titles are good and the action quick paced. Lot's a comedy and Japanese over-acting make this film just plain fun.
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Black Lizard (1968)
So much, much more than a black snake with legs!!!
25 June 1999
The most purely entertaining and amusing film I have seen in a long time. The dialogue between the two antithetically engaged principal characters reflects their exactly opposite ethics, and at the same time, their clearest view of each others thinking. Their well matched genius creates plot, foil, and counter-foil, throughout the film. I almost never watch a film twice. This one, I can't wait to see again.
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Reaching Beneath the Skin of Art
15 June 1999
A beautiful film, with beautiful characters. The essence of the film is to provide a glimpse of the trials and tribulations of artists as they endeavor to create art. The challenge, conflict, sacrifice, frustration, and a host of other expressions and emotions are portrayed. Watching the ink flow from the pen to the paper gives the viewer a feeling of seeing art created. The scratchings and seemingly careless strokes, refined or obliterated, suddenly become identifiable art. You almost feel it happen and are amazed. See the film. You won't regret it.
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Excellent, right up to the end!
23 February 1999
This was a very decent movie on a very indecent topic, right up until the end. Unfortunately, the final plot twists leave you scratching your head and asking yourself, "What's wrong with this picture?" (pardon the pun). Still worth watching, but be warned, it will leave you twisted.
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Caught (1996)
Find and Watch This Film!
23 February 1999
I loved this film because it was absolutely real and totally believable. The character development was awesome and the tensions between the characters could be cut with a knife (sorry, you'll see why!). An emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. Don't miss this one.
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22 January 1999
Life is a collection of experiences, unique to each individual. This film lets us see how its characters experience events in their lives, at times very intimate events. What is boring to some is beautiful character development to others. Erotic, yes. Boring, no. A great film.
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