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Homeland: Clarity (2018)
Season 7, Episode 10
Now more ideas?
26 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Or else, why keep on insisting in wasting the viewers time with the "child problem"? This is supposed to be a story about a top notch CIA-operative and international relations. Nobody cares about the kid, nobody cares if Carrie has problems with her annoying sister, because it slows down the pace in the main story! In this episode, at last, the kid leaves the scene! (custody goes to the sister). But why so late, only two episodes left for the hard stuff, the real story. Generally, this series is much better when evolving outside the US, both the Pakistan and Berlin seasons were terrific. The reason seems to be that when in the US, the writers are on their home turf and simply have to make a mixture of "everyday life" and being an agent. Imagine, people have common and simple lives themselves and knows all about these problems already. Intelligence agencys, however, is a bit more interesting.

Please locate season 8 in Switzerland or Norway. (hint: Geneva is in Switzerland and Norway has a border to Russia)
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The universe that doesn't evolve
24 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*** SPOILER ***

40 (?) years has past. However the big bad guy dresses like Vader, the Stormtroopers are having their old stupid white armor and helmets and the death-star officers are wearing the same old fascist-look-alike uniforms. The evil forces are having the same old recipe to conquer the universe: A DEATH STAR. But bigger. Otherwise same useless defense against our heroes, and the same useless fighters (you know, the ones looking like two solar panels connected with a rear axle from a Ford -57).

A universe capable of hyper-drive that isn't evolving and still using Millennium Falcon with WW2-style cannon towers. This concept is no more.

Only one thing surprised me, although slightly. Han Solo dies. Preferably he will not resurrect, since he is not connected to the force. Neither am I, not any more.
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Standard serial (killer). with intervention
9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is very standard: hard core cop who left his job because he did "the right thing" according to "public opinion", which is as usual NOT done according to present legislation. He would have gotten away with it, but was unlucky and caused collateral damage, which is in the US regarded as not OK, but very OK if it happens in for instance Irak. Hard core cop has to live as a poor but good PI, for hire only if the moral is OK, money is no object.

The cop gets in a moral dilemma: help drug dealers AND simultaneously help their innocent relatives? Liam Neeson does a god job, the standardized character isn't overdone or overplayed and this would easily be given a "6", if not for some of the stupid screenplay writing. (possibly the novelist, I really don't know).

For some reason, in the US you can only help alcoholics if you involve God? Nobody struck by alcoholism can be in self control without God? For this reason, there is an AA-voice-over talking religious stuff (a wild guess is it about the Christian God) in the beginning of the finale. Intervention by a divine being??? This completely undermines the main character and his actions.

Try to endure the "God-stuff" and this could be a reasonable entertainer for a Friday night, if your standards aren't too high. For me, as a standard European atheist, it's a disappointment.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Giv'em a history book!
4 April 2002
These dreadful anachronistic scenes make me sick! Why pretend to be in the year 1899 and play music that belongs, for instance, in the seventies? Furthermore, it's not sufficient to have Nicole Kidman rolling around on the floor in black lingerie. A god movie has to have more than that. And Moulin Rouge simply hasn't. I fell asleep after the first hour. 1/10.
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You can't be a businessman and that stupid!
11 March 2002
This is a standard action movie, fairly well kept together, and probably good fun for most people. However, the plot has a fundamental flaw. If you are a nice swedish capitalist (Fröler), family and all, trying to establish your business in Latvia(?), what do you do if you get blackmailed? You might try to get help from a silver-haired, ex-STASI agent (Ohrt) carrying a laptop. You might also think it is worth to give up 20% of your profit in Latvia to this former STASI officer in order to get peace and quiet. The STASI-professional then kills all of the blackmailers in 30 seconds! How do you reason then? "Oh, how horrible, I must immediately leave Latvia and try to get away from my agreement with this dangerous STASI-man"? Not very likely, you can't be that stupid and at the same time a businessman. It's simply impossible.

4/10 but could be a 6/10 with a slightly smarter businessman.
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Good one by the Orson Welles of Sweden
11 March 2002
A very interesting movie, dealing with "womens lib" in the early twenties, a young womans desire and fear for love, and simultaneously providing you with a historically interesting picture of the early Swedish aviators. Terrific acting almost on all hands, the only exception as always Richard Wolff, who as usual plays himself. Even the dialects are well done, with some understandable exceptions; sometimes Roney is back in Stockholm but it's hard to blame him.

The only problem from my point of view is that Troell is Swedens Orson Welles! Just like Welles, he made the movie of his life on his first try. Troells "Här har du ditt liv" (1966) is such an amazing accomplishment that it is simply impossible for him to beat, and you always get the feeling that he is trying! Well, he didn't pull it of this time either, but possibly this should be higher than my 7/10.
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The misplaced persons file?
11 February 2002
Really, everybody in this movie looks like they want to be someplace else! No wonder, the casting is done not with the left hand, but rather not at all. I haven't seen anything worse than Natascha McElhone impersonating some sort of agent, carrying a gun. You don't use a spoiled city-brat-look in such a role. The only worse thing I can imagine is casting Doris Day as a prostitute. The rest of the cast is likewise awful, possibly with Hurt as the sole exception, sometimes you can see him trying, but suffering. Oh, did I mention that it is a completely insane story? Jeopardizing many peoples lives because you are divorced and want to see your family? Well, it must be because the guy (Weller) is German?

2/10, because the photography could be worse.
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