
28 Reviews
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Hot Shots! (1991)
Definitely one of the better spoofs
5 August 2008
This movie is a lot of fun to watch. Yes, there's a lot of spoofing going on, and one comedic line after the next, but unlike spoofs of today, they actually make sense and bring together a cohesive story.

That said, the other strength of the film is that, comedy aside, there actually is a storyline going on, and its pretty good. You feel like you're watching a movie, instead of a string of stupid "hey this is from this movie", "hey that's from that movie" scenes strung together.

Lloyd Bridges is fantastic as the clueless admiral, Carey Elwes plays one of the most egotistical jerks I've seen, and Charley Sheen's comic timing with his lines really bring this one together.

The other great part is you don't even have to have seen the movies its spoofing to understand what's going on or to laugh at the jokes. One of the best movie spoofs there is.
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Mega Man X3 (1995 Video Game)
Good, if it wasn't for the music and lack of animation.
2 June 2008
What's the deal with Capcom making great firsts (Mega Man/Mega Man II (NES) and Mega Man X (SNES)) and then letting them quickly go downhill from there? Mega Man X had great graphics, smooth animation, and one of the most enjoyable musical scores for the SNES. Mega Man X3, however, is just plain annoying to listen to. Almost all 8 of the robot masters have almost identical 1 minute looped electric guitar rampages for music (ugh!), and then so much of the smooth animation from Mega Man X is gone. There's just too many enemies that are only 1 or 2 frames. A horrible example of this is Sigma himself. Standing is 1 frame, shooting is his arm straight out for a 2nd frame. It just flickers back and forth as he shoots. It's almost embarrassing, and unpleasant to look at. Much of the rest of the game is like this.

Complaints aside, it is a fun adventure. The items are well hidden and enjoyable to find, as with the other X series. However, when you don't like looking at a game or listening to it, it's hard to enjoy the good things.
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Family Guy: Peter's Got Woods (2005)
Season 4, Episode 11
Great fun with James Woods
9 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Peter's Got Woods" is one of the better episodes of Season 4. In the episode, Brian tries to impress a new black teacher by suggesting the name of James Woods Memorial High School be renamed after someone more fitting like Martin Luther King Jr. After a fight with Brian, Peter stands against him and in turn quickly becomes best friends with James Woods. I give James Woods credit for portraying himself in such a fun and twisted manner in how he becomes overly obsessive over Peter's friendship. Not only that, but those that love Family Guy's parodying of famous movies will agree that the last thirty seconds of the show are worth watching the entire episode for.
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Wake Up, Ron Burgundy (2004 Video)
Definitely a better 'movie' but not nearly as funny as the original.
26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wake Up, Ron Burgundy had a lot better and realistic storyline than the original film. However, in a film such as this, a good storyline really doesn't make much of a difference. It was the crazy and comical situations that made the first film such an uproarious experience and this 'second' film just didn't have it. Yeah, there were some funny situations, but for the most part, I was bored watching it. It was very easy to tell that this film was not previewed in front of a test audience as there were some scenes that just dragged on a bit too long and went from the funny stage to the uncomfortable stage, such as the scene where Champ just goes on and on and on and on in the car about how he is really in love with Ron. Funny at first, but after a while, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with it. In my opinion, they should have just sorted through it, found the funniest material (as there was some stuff that was WAY funny) and just compiled it into a longer edit of the original film. I own the DVD and I know I'll probably never watch it again. There are some scenes I'd really like to see, but I know that if I want to watch them, I'll just skip through the movie to find them and not watch the movie in whole. The best part of the DVD was the even MORE deleted scenes that were never used in either film and the multiple takes of the same scene, especially the ones that included Brick.
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Aliens (1990 Video Game)
Captures the feel of Aliens
11 December 2002
Although it goes a little overboard (3 headed aliens, aliens that morph, fly, spit acid, roll into armored balls, etc...) mostly because it is a video game, this game does capture the feel of Aliens rather well. I remember playing this in the arcade when it came out in 1990 and was amazed by it. Somehow, something about it is just so Aliens it's creepy. If you can find it, give it a try. I guess there's arcade emulators out there on the internet now.
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I tried to not listen to the other reviews.
11 December 2002
I'd heard a lot of mixed reviews about this movie, but all in all, not too many of them gave it very high praise. I figured, hey, I'm an Arnold fan so I'm going to forget what they say and make the decision myself. I tried very hard to like this movie, I really did. It had an interesting idea, Arnold looked good and acted well, but it just really wasn't that interesting. There was action, yeah, but it didn't spark much interest. There was some adventure, yes, but nothing too entertaining. There was a nice plot and story, but nothing breathtaking. All in all, it just was, well, kinda boring. I didn't find it dumb, or poorly done, or badly acted, or anything like that. It was just boring. I'd recommend watching it if you like Arnold, enjoy watching movies for lack of anything else to do, and are entertained by just HAVING a story unfold infront of you. If that's you, you'll like this movie. But if you want to be entertained, enjoy an action movie, and want some excitement to your otherwise dull day, this isn't going to cut it. Rent one of Arnold's previous films like Predator if you want some awesome action.
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How did this happen?
11 December 2002
How does Alien: Resurrection have a higher rating (on then Alien 3 does? I'll WATCH Alien 3, I might even like it, but this movie is a total piece of trash. Alien 3 had a point, it was meant to be a dark, moody version of the Alien world and it succeeded. There was a story behind Alien 3. It might not have been the most exciting, but there was evidence that someone who cared had worked on it. Alien: Resurrection is an example of Hollywood making a little more money off of a franchise. There's barely any story, just a bunch of people trying to get off of a space ship, most of which characters we WANT to die. Just a dumb movie all around. In comparison to Alien 3, Alien 3 is definitely the superior film so I don't understand how Alien: Resurrection was rated higher.
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Fun, just like it should be.
9 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie for one reason only, it was fun to watch. But think about it, what more could anyone want? I enjoyed myself and that's really all that should be necessary. As for the content of the movie, I though that it was kept real enough so that the "cheese" factor never got in the way, but it never took itself too seriously to be ridiculed for incorrectness. Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" did a very good job. He definitely has a career as an actor and has a warm screen presence. He's the kind of character you couldn't help but to like. I think his biggest bonus was the fact that he never went over the top with his acting. It never seemed like he was "trying" to act, but that he was just playing the part. My only complaint was this (may contain spoilers): Considering that this IS a prequel to The Mummy Returns, how did he turn into that hiddeous scorpion creature shown in The Mummy Returns? Why was he evil in that movie, but a good guy in The Scorpion King? Even though this was a movie to explain his origin, it never got around to explaining his origin and I was left wondering "wait a second, what about..." The only thing I can think of was that he was poisoned by the scorpion venom and the sorcoress said something about "if he lives, scorpion venom will always run through his veins" Is that it? It that ALL the explanation we're going to get?

Who knows. Oh well. It wasn't enough to ruin the movie for me. Either way, watch it, have fun, grab a bowl of popcorn and just enjoy yourself. The more you expect, the less you will get. Expect to be entertained and you will, but expect a movie of epic proportions and you'll be disappointed.
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9 December 2002
We watched this film in class when I was in the third grade, and I remember thinking then, "wow, it's been a looong time since I've seen this." I enjoyed watching it then and was fascinated by it. It also reminded me of why I had enjoyed it when I was younger. (A 9 year old remenisencing about when he was younger?)

That was 14 years ago and a thought of this film has always had its place in the back of my mind. I've always been able to remember movies quite well (if someone saw a movie last year, and I saw it when I was six, I can probably tell you more about it then they can) and had always wanted to watch it again. No film has stuck in the back of my mind for so many years like this one has.

Several days ago I got my chance and was immediately brought back to the wonderment I had experienced when I was younger. It was just as I remembered it and it was amazing watching all those things I had locked away somewhere in my mind coming to life again (the Red Bull, the skull on the shelf, Fortuna with her Harpy, Robin Hood walking through, the loving tree, just to name a few of the things that stood out in my mind) I watched it from beginning to end enjoying every second and have not been able to get it out of my mind for the last several days.

An incredible fantasy story that is so immersive on many levels. Excellent story telling. And thankfully not made JUST for little kids! It's gripping and will make you think.

And on a final note (literally), why can't Disney take some hints from the music in this film? As soon as I heard the theme song playing in the intro, I was filled with feelings of sorrow and compassion. The songs had EMOTION in them! Imagine that! (Obviously Disney can't, with their campy little sing-a-longs).

Great classic. Now I just need to find a copy of the book and then wait for the movie adaptation!
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Orgazmo (1997)
Self Defeating Film.
25 October 2002
First off, I'll start out by saying that I am not a Mormon, nor do I believe in the Mormon religion, which is what this film was meant to bash and redicule. I started watching this movie already knowing it was going to be dirty, raunchy, and a bit on the wild side. With that in mind, I was ready to laugh. However, about every 10 - 20 minutes, Joe Young (a play on Joseph Smith and Bringam Young, two guys who started Mormonism) throws out some comment about how all of this is wrong. "How would Jesus benefit from me doing this?" And so on and so forth. It kept making me think, "umm...he has a point." For anyone with or without a sense of religion, the amount of comments made in this regard would start to effect anyone with a sense of morals into having second thoughts about finishing watching the movie. This is why I say it is a self defeating film. In what began as a kick back movie to have some laughs ended up in feeling uncomfortable with the whole movie because of the constant reminders. However, all in all, with that aside, the movie really wasn't all that funny. Maxxx Orbison was too outright profane and mean to be funny and made us wonder if this might be getting too serious. There were some good parts though, such as when they zap people with Orgazmo's working gun, (especially the dog, I got a kick out of that), and a few other scenes. They were just too far between. In conclusion, the constant moral reminders of the film killed many of the laughs because we are reminded that we really shouldn't be laughing at that. The laughs were few and far between and the film was much to profane to be all that funny.
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Just wasn't that funny.
25 October 2002
It would be a natural assumption that since Tim Allen is the main character in this movie, and that since this movie IS supposed to be a comedy, that some of Tim Allen's lines would have at least some humorous content to them. About 90% of his lines were flat and were spoken like they were SUPPOSED to be funny, but just weren't. As for the rest of the movie, why is it that since someone is raised in the jungle, they are complete idiots? His son could speak two languages, seemed rather intelligent, and yet, he'd kill someone elses fish and eat them, steal catfood from the cat and eat it, and do other stupid things that someone with common sense wouldn't do. The things he did were more embarrasingly stupid then funny and just didn't create all that many laughs. Now if we want to look at the point of view of the movie being meaningful as far as a father/son relationship...well...ok, a big time, job oriented guy with a hot new girlfriend finds out he has a son (with his devorced wife, who is of course, really cool) and the two don't get along until then end, when they suddenly do. Like we haven't seen that story before. All in all, just not all that well done. I think the idea could have worked but it was just a poor choice of a final script. Rent if you're bored, it'll entertain you, just don't expect anything all that good.
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The Transformers (1984–1987)
I thought I remembered it being good. I was right.
22 October 2002
It's probably been about ten to fifteen years since I last watched an episode of the Transformers. I remember it being a very involved storyline with lots of history and amazing subplots. Of course, when you're only 7 or 8 when you watch the shows, it always seems better then it really is. However, just today, (I'm now 22), I got a chance to watch a couple episodes and I was thoroughly impressed! The voice acting was really well done and not at all very cheesy. The animation was what I remembered and really good. And last but not least, the backgrounds were amazing and awe inspiring! As for the story line, it was very engaging and intruiged me to watch more episodes to find out how this happened and where that transformer came from. Another technique the cartoon used was to have "special" transformers. Those transformers that were rarely seen and sometimes only talked about. Occasionally, brief history was given about the transformer, but not enough to know the whole story behind them. This made for a very intruiging and interesting cartoon. Definitely keeps me wanting to watch more.
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Predator (1989 Video Game)
Pretty sorry excuse of a video game, especially for an awesome movie.
24 September 2002
The old Nintendo version of Predator is summed up by the simple word "sucks." It's a classic example of the old idea that if we made a video game, no matter how lame, and make the characters look like the characters from the movie, it doesn't matter what the game is about, people will buy it and that's all we need. Other than the name, and the fact that the game gives a short summary of the movie (it takes place when Arnold is trying to get to the chopper all by himself), the game resembles nothing about the movie.

You start out with your fist, walk around in some lame side scrolling level dodging guys with grenades, little monsters that look like crabs that shoot "something" at you, spike balls that jump out of pits, and other assortments of strange monsters and creatures that have nothing to do with the film. Every once in a while you'll get a really useless weapon that's really easy to loose. Then...after maybe 5 levels of the same monotonous stuff, you get to fight (Yay!) the Predator. Except it just looks like the predator. You are in a stand off and he shoots a bunch of fireballs, and spinning blade things at you. Then when you kill him, his head flies around for a bit and tries to get you. After you beat him, it's the same thing over again. You go through a bunch of boring levels and then fight the predator again...then again....then again....for about 30 - 50 levels or so. (Wow! Lots of levels! Must mean great replay value!) Each level has the same music so it gets old really fast. But that's not all, after we're done with this amazing and almost impossible adventure, we get about a 10 second ending explaining that you got away. It's probably safe to say that they programmed the whole thing in about a day or two. Maaaaybe more, but not much.

I guess one of the plusses is the introduction, it does have some pretty cool graphics for the explosions. But that's it. Even for an advent Predator fan such as myself, it's a boring, non nystolgic waste of time.
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The Haunting (1999)
The children!
10 May 2002
I thought this movie could have been done much better. The special effects were incredible, and the sound quality was so immersive that one should listen to it for the experience alone. But as for the story, it was pretty lame. I don't remember how many countless times Lili Taylor (As Nell) was heard saying, "but the children!" "Oh! The children!" It was so much it began to become stupid. And just how she "knew" everything from the beginning. It was irritating. As for being scary, let's put it this way. I have a girlfriend who jumps at anything. I can say, "I'm going to scare you in three seconds. 1...2...3 Boo!" And she'll still jump. This movie bored her. Special effects alone won't save a movie any more. EVERY movie has special effects, and any more, almost all of them are good. This movie seemed to forget that fact and relied it's success heavily on amazing computer generated images and such. Wasn't enough. I guess if you're in the mood for just a movie to watch, this one won't hurt. It's not going to be overly entertaining for you, but it's not the worst movie made. Just nothing to get excited over.
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A good movie, but one major downfall is too much to bear.
2 November 2001
Last action hero was a good movie. The plot was very interesting and creative and Arnold Scharzenegger, despite other opinions, does a good job of acting. The whole plot of Jack Slater (Arnold) taking on the villains, having to come out of the movie to catch them, and being assisted by a fan of the Jack Slater films is well thought out and entertaining. This enough, should have been in line for a great film and it would have been if one key factor would have been left out. The main character, Danny, is so incredibly annoying that one gets worn out of his constant blabbering to convince Jack Slater that he's not real, everything around him is a movie, and that in real life, he's Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seriously though, if ANYONE, especially a kid that's a fan of the film, was able to go into their favorite movie of all time, they would be living it up and enjoying it!! But in this film, they had him irritated the whole time because no one would believe him that none of it was real and that it was just some movie. The line "because this is a movie!" just got a little old after the umf hundredth time. If Danny's dialogue had been altered to express the idea that he was just having fun and helped Jack Slater nail the bad guys, and help him out when they enter the real world, it would have been a fun and enjoyable film. But the annoyance level of the main character was a little too much to take. I wish the kid's dialogue would have been done right so that I could have been allowed to enjoy what could have been a good movie. It's a real shame.
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Real Men (1987)
Great Beginning, ok middle, great ending.
11 October 2000
This movie started off awesome. James Belushi is incredible as an unstopable and fearless agent that doesn't even blink an eye in any situation and how he deals with John Ritter as the cowardly yuppie like guy is great. Then near the middle it turns into a boring movie about John Ritter overcoming his fear and some real stupid parts about James Belushi being seduced by some woman he met who wears black leather and carries a whip. First of all, most of the humor was how awesome Belushi was at being a secret agent was lost in this part and second of all, an agent as awesome as Belushi would never allow himself to stray from such an important mission as saving the world. Fortunately though, the end of the movie pulls itself together and the humor is back. At least it redeems itself.
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Alien 3 (1992)
Not as bad as some think
15 September 2000
As most know, this isn't exactly the best the Alien series has to offer. But it's not as bad as some say. Personally, I like it, and I like it for a lot of reasons. Now, as for me, Aliens is my all-time favorite movie and there is rarely a film out there that even comes close to touching it's glory, so why even begin to compare? Alien 3 is a movie all in it's own. Yes, it's a bit slow, not as action packed, and there is a little too much swearing (but hey, they're convicts) but it's also a very tense and realistic story. Like the first two, the plot and story line are sound and believable. Unlike the first two, it's not an action movie and I think that's where it lost some people. Yes, it does have action in it, but that's not it's main focus. I think this installation to the series needs to be viewed for it's powerful grip and sense of realism. It's so real, the viewer almost feels as if they're really there (which would suck big time). Unlike it's piece of junk sibling (Resurrection) it really is a good movie and well worth a watch if you're not comparing it to it's two older and more powerful brothers. Plus the musical score is excellent. And after reading the alternate scenes, I wish they'd release that to the public! I know I'd buy it in a second.
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Great film about what it would REALLY be like to be invisible.
13 September 2000
One of the best points of this movie is what it seriously would be like to be invisible. I'm sure everyone, at least once in their life, has wanted to be invisible, but how few of us really thought about the negative side effects? This movie shows them. Nick (played by Chevy Chase, whose great in a serious role,) gets turned invisible in a lab accident. As soon as the CIA find out about this, they stop at nothing to obtain him. And if they can't have them, no one can (including himself.) Although the film has a large amount of funny parts and an overall light tone, it isn't necessarily a comedy. There is a serious over tone to it that makes it very interesting as well as funny and can be enjoyed almost purely for it's story line and insight on what it would really be like to be invisible. Definitely worth a look for anyone who's up for a good movie.
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Mega Man (1987 Video Game)
The one that started it all.
18 October 1999
Dr. Light was a genious. At a time when the world was at peace, he created eight robots to perform certain tasks for him: Rock, Roll, Cut Man, Guts Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, and Bomb Man. Each of them had their own use, such as Cut Man was used to cut down trees and Ice Man was used to explore terrain too cold for humans. As for Rock and Roll, Rock was a mechanic and Roll was a housekeeping robot. One day, Dr. Light's assistant Dr. Wily reprogrammed six of Dr. Light's robots to do his bidding and help him take over the world. Dr. Light, in an effort to stop him, changes Rock into a fighting robot, thus creating Mega Man.

Since then, Mega Man has spawned over 20 sequels, six for the Nintendo, five or more for the Game Boy, four or more for the Super Nintendo, several arcade games, Playstation games, computer games, and Sega Saturn Games. All of which take Mega Man on new adventures and new enemies to face. Truly an excellent game and probably one of the first equally challenging and equally beatable games for the Nintendo.
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Final Fantasy VI (1994 Video Game)
A fight against the evil empire.
15 October 1999
Final Fantasy III in the USA, not quite as good as the second though. Final Fantasy III would have done much better as just the story itself. The story was fantastic, with the music to back it up, but the gameplay wasn't all that much fun. It almost seemed as if you were just playing to find out what happened next. As with Final Fantasy II, playing was half the fun and enjoyment. An excellent cast of characters backed up the story well. Probably one of the first RPG's to truly focus on the characters inner selves and the internal conflicts they faced. As with Terra, she fought to better understand herself and remember her past, a constant swirl of confusion of the feelings inside her. Celes, a general turned traitor to the Empire, is constantly fighting to show others that they can trust her. Sir Cyan, after losing his family, country, as well as his entire world to the Empire, is fighting the burning hatred inside of him. As for Shadow, Sabin, Edgar, Mog, Locke, Relm, Umaro, Gogo, Strago, Setzer, and Gau, they all face their own problems as well. Yet all of them share the fact that they have something against the empire and a desire to stand up to it. As for Kefka, the frustration of putting up with someone so evil continues to build throughout the game, especially considering what he did to General Leo.

Certainly stirs emotions at many parts and a true tail of adventure. Worth playing.
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Final Fantasy IV (1991 Video Game)
Final Fantasy II in the US. Probably the best RPG ever.
15 October 1999
Final Fantasy II is probably the best RPG in existence. I've played it through numerous times and it has been an exciting adventure every time. The story is truly one to be recognized. Cecil, a dark knight, betrays his country once he feels that it's direction has turned more towards evil. During his quest to retaliate, he must face trials that bring him to learn that his ties between the ultimate evil and the ultimate good are more than he could have ever imagined. An excellent cast of characters and a musical score that is absolutely fantastic. A story that should be told again and again. Should be a movie by now.
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Definitely different than the other Alien films, but unfortunately, this is not a plus.
27 September 1999
Alien: Ressurrection was definitely a good attempt at a sequel but definitely fell short by a long, long way. The other three Alien films were solid. Their plots were strong and held their own. If the Alien species were to be real, these films would describe them perfectly, in mannerism and in habits, reproduction, and thinking patterns. In Alien 4, much of this structure and solid foundation were thrown away. It is easily proven impossible and contradictory in many ways. Even the slime and gunk the aliens put off to build their homes was altered and very different. Alien: Ressurection was an addition that was best to do without. The characters were somewhat weak except for Ripley's. The only character that truly fit the alien movie specifications was the leader of the Betty crew and he was killed right away. Too many times in the film did a door open and those who were still alive thought it to be an alien whereas it was someone they thought to have died earlier on. It might have been ok if it was done once, but three times? Two of them within 5 minutes of each other. Talk about lacking ideas for suspense. Speaking of suspense, the film wasn't even suspenseful, nor was it thrilling, and the action was weak and almost non-existent. The film was so full of plot holes and unrealistic ideas and concepts that it was almost funny. And the "Newborn"? It was rather a stupid idea to begin with. Now I'm not saying that Alien: Ressurrection was a bad movie, there were some very strong points to it, such as how the newborn was torn between it's thinking of an alien and as a human was very realistic (even though the overall idea was dumb). The film definetly would have done much better as an independent idea and film but completely lacked everything as an alien sequel. It truly did not live up to it. What a disappointment.
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Good, but could have been done without
1 December 1998
Alien: Ressurrection was definitely a good movie, but lacked much of the strength and purity of the other three. As in Aliens, the plot was perfect, there were no holes, no corny lines, no cheesy plot. Alien: Ressurrection had its share of these. Put it this way, three times in the movie, twice in almost a ten minute span did someone come out from behind a door, just happening to come upon the main group, and just so happening to be (every time) a crew member they thought had died earlier. Only like 3 or 4 main people died so the aliens weren't that much of a threat. And you didn't get to see the aliens much, they were just kinda there, as if they were almost minor. It touched all areas of a good movie but lacked in every one of them. It may be possible to reclone Ripley, but ones genetic code wouldn't include the alien. This makes for a weak (but pretty cool) main idea. The baby alien was evil, but dumb. It was gross and irritating. Everything that makes the Aliens series so good was altered and tampered with in Ressurection and just made for a poor addition to the Alien series.
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The Abyss (1989)
Really cool
22 September 1998
First off, Cameron, what more can you say? After his success with Aliens, James Cameron made Abyss. The hardest movie in history to make. Over 40% of it was actually shot under water and all the actors had to become certified swimmers. Ed Harris actually almost drowned in one of the takes. An interesting twist between a love story, suspense, action, and aliens (not Aliens). A deep-sea oil rig crew is told that a top secret Navy Seals team has come to board them to investigate a downed nuclear sub-marine. In the course of this, they encounter an underwater alien species. One of the navy seals (Michael Beign) goes berserk from the pressure and thinks the aliens are potentially dangerous and the rest of the crew is against him. Stealing one of the nuclear subs missles, he tries to destroy the alien race and jeopardizes the whole crew. In the directors cut, there is about a half hour of restored footage which shows why the aliens are there and how they plan to destroy the human race because of how they fight amongst each other. The directors cut and the "regular" edition are basically the same movie but very different story lines. The directors cut added a lot more background info but just wasn't as enjoyable as it had a different feel to it. The original wasn't as informative but a lot more fun to watch.
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Predator (1987)
A different kind of Sci-Fi
22 September 1998
The most interesting part about this movie is that it's not a hi-tech sci-fi. It's a down to earth movie with a sci-fi creature brought into the middle of it. Arnold Shwarzenegger potrays the main character, Dutch, in this film. He's the leader of a special forces team assigned to investigate missing army operatives. After completing their mission, they find themselves in the Central American jungle being stalked by an intergalactic hunter that collects the skulls of his kills for trophies. Awesome acting, storyline, and non-stop action. A definite must see. Very different from any other kind of sci-fi and is pretty much uncomparable because there's nothing to compare. Do yourself the favor.
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