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Ängelby (2015)
Life is short, stay clear of Ängelby. You don't need to thank me for that advice.
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."

― Oscar Wilde

In the case of Swedish TV-series Ängelby I would say it's more of an insult than flattery.

The setup, right down to the main theme, is a total rip off from Twin Peaks. Same goes for the mystery man who doesn't speak. He is a copy of he dwarf who speaks backwards in Twin Peaks. But in Ängelby he can speak to flying elks (!).

In the woods there is a mystery stone from space which sounds a lot like Stephen King's The Tommyknockers. Then we have the mystery kid that rides his bike in the woods. Why does he remind me of the mystery guy in Lost?

There are more examples of "inspiration", or theft, from Stephen King, Twin Peaks, Lost and more.

Fact is I have no problem with inspiration, but I do hate plagiarism, especially when it's uncredited.

Besides the lame story Ängelby has some of the worst acting I've seen in a long time. In Sweden the government pays writers, directors, actors etc money for their "cultural work" which makes is a job you choose because you like it, not because you're good at it. The need to reform the Swedish system has never been clearer than with Ängelby.

Life is short, stay clear of Ängelby. You don't need to thank me for that advice.
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Custom made for Taliban males
19 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found "The Killer Inside Me" very disturbing. Director Michael Winterbottom chooses to show exploitation violence against women instead of telling a story.

When Casey Affleck punches Jessica Alba, in what seems like an eternity, until her face is nowhere to be recognized, he ends the scene with Jessica telling her killer "I love you". Why? She was a prostitute and they'd known each other for less than three months and Casey just beat her to death in a horrible and painful way.

Later Casey Affleck beats another woman to death, his soon to be wife and lifelong friend Kate Hudson. This he does by spitting in her face, hitting her so she ends up on the floor gasping for breath. Then he pulls up her shirt over her head and watch her pee herself on the floor while she slowly dies in horrible shaking. Oh, he kicks her while she's lying there too. And smiles pretty much all the time.

In between several other persons gets killed. These killings director Michael Winterbottom chooses not to show in any graphic violence, if at all (two of them are only told about later).

Why is this Michael? Do you like showing women getting gruesomely beaten to death while they cry, pee them self and die in horrific pain? I don't mind violence on film and I love gory movies like "Hostel". But "The Killer Inside Me" seems custom made for Taliban males and that's simply not me.
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North Face (2008)
A Masterpiece and a Perfect 10!
6 January 2010
I wasn't familiar with the story behind Nordwand which is absolutely essential to get the most out of this masterpiece. I also watched, like I always do, the movie in it's original language, German, with English subtitles. Even though I don't speak German I could tell the cast was absolutely stunning in their performance, perfectly casted and directed.

Due to the Swedish distributor Atlantic Films commercial need to picture Nordwand (a.k.a North Face) as a WWII-movie the Blu-ray cover is covered in Nazi-symbols and references to Der Führer. I thankfully found very little of this in the movie. Instead the director choose to invest the first third of the movie into the characters which he did great. Then the story moved to the Eiger and the Nordwand.

Watching Andi and Toni climb in their 1936-gear is breathtaking. I was totally on the edge of my seat most of the time, and remember, I didn't know how the story would end. The experience was amazing and I really connected with the actors and their story.

It's now been 12 hours since I finished watching Nordwand and I have been thinking about it ever since. Nordwand is a heartwarming story unlike everything that could ever come out of Hollywood. It's up there with another German masterpiece; Das Boot. A perfect 10 and a Must See!
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Remake of remake that fails to deliver horror
5 September 2009
The original Last House on the Left was a remake of Ingmar Bergmans Jungfrukällan and it shocked audiences worldwide with it's raw and brutal violence. It wasn't, however, a pretty good movie. The Last House on the Left 2009, the remake of the remake, is even worse. It's actually one of the worst remakes ever made. The original story and villains have all been replaced by a new bunch without any depth of character at all. Also, the violence has been Hollywood-stylized and is not the least bit shocking or, in fact, even disturbing. Where the "original remake" shocked, the "remake of the remake" fails (and I watched the UNRATED Blu-ray edition). The violence in The Last House on the Left 2009 is just pale, boring and stylized. Simply put, guns ain't scary in films so why use them in a horror movie at all? Hollywood has lost it's grip on the horror genre and been surpassed by Europe, and then especially the French. If you want a good horror movie check out the original versions (NOT dubbed versions!) of À l'intérieur and Haute tension - that's horror that'll shock! Also, check out British The Descent which scares like few other movies out there. As far as The Last House on the Left 2009 goes, it's a waste of time to even watch this piece of crap. Last thing; why, why, why can't Hollywood a) skip the "super-kids" and b) let dead people stay dead in horror movies? Horror? Nah! This is a TV-movie, nothing else. Avoid along with Halloween Remake, Friday 13th Remake etc etc.
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It won't get any worse than Subconcius Cruelty.
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Critics are a strange kind of people. Some of them are common people like you and me. Some of them are not. When a critic say Subconscius Cruelty is beautiful I wonder where they did grow up? What's beautiful with filming a field, some clouds or a tree with an old camera if you can't do it with style and capture the mood of the environments. Karim Hussain for sure can't. I've seen kids do better footage than Karim manage to do in Subconscius Cruelty. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is the whole recording, I refuse to call this a film, is just a bad excuse to picture nudity and extreme torture, rapes of both sexes, masturbation, sperm, pissing, cannibalism, child-murder and much much more. I love gore/splatter and I love horror. This ain't neither of those. This is utter crap and if my comments make just one single person skip Subconscius Cruelty it's been worth it. Always remember that your life won't last forever, don't waste two hours of precious time on Subconscius Cruelty. You've been warned.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Best Bond ever!
3 December 2006
The screenwriters, the director and the producers - they've all taken a huge chance with Casino Royale. Leaving the comedy-style James Bond we've grown accustomed to and gone darker, grittier and most definitely bloodier than ever before. Daniel Craig is the new James Bond, and he is James Bond like no one before. James Bond in Casino Royale is impulsive and sometimes makes the wrong decisions. When he gets beaten he gets bloody and it hurts. Badly. He's simply more human and I love it! As far as the dark side of James Bond goes I simply say, stay dark James. Stay dark. With Daniel Craig, and the new dark setting, a new James Bond has been born. Casino Royale is not only the best James Bond movie ever. It's most definitely one of the best action movies ever! To sum it up; Casino Royale is James Bond joining Vic Mackey on his Strike Team and going after the bad guys no holds barred!
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You will lose 90 minutes of your life, never to be returned and forever gone, if you watch this film.
22 March 2006
I have never before pointed my finger at a specific movie and called it the worst film ever made. Until now that is. There are some pretty bad films around, then there are the really bad and awful ones. Cube 2: Hypercube, however, plays in it's own league. It's even worse than Surf Nazis Must Die, which is about as bad as it gets. When looking at Cube 2: Hypercube some things are pretty obvious. The first is the total lack of a production budget. The scenery is one single white room for most of the whole movie. The original Cube had a low budget, Cube 2: Hypercube doesn't even seem to have a low budget. More like no budget at all. The actors are so bad they can't possibly be anything more than Hollywood-wannabees who work for free with hopes of being famous. The actors quite possibly act in their own clothes as well. It sure looks that way. Then we have the death scenes, or the lack of death scenes. Cube had death scenes, Cube 2: Hypercube doesn't. The special effects are few and poorly made. Anyone with basic 3d-knowledge, a computer and a 3d-rendering tool can outperform the special effects in Cube 2: Hypercube without taking a sweat. Cube 2: Hypercube sole purpose is to steal money from whoever pays to view this. Quite possibly the worst film even made. Beware and avoid at all cost. You will lose 90 minutes of your life, never to be returned and forever gone, if you watch this film.
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Elektra (2005)
26 March 2005
I'm an old fan of the Daredevil franchise, the comic that is, and have been secretly in love with Elektra since childhood. A couple of years ago came Daredevil the movie, with ...eeehhh, Ben Affleck as Daredevil and Jennifer Garner as Elektra. They both sucked. Thankfully Colin Farrel managed to picture Bullseye in a somewhat decent way. Then came The Punisher, the next anti-superhero of the Daredevil-franchise. The Punisher outperformed Daredevil in every category. Hey, even the old Dolph Lundgren-Punisher-movie outperformed Ben Affleck do-ooh-dude-Daredevil. And now we have Elektra as well in her own movie. In the cartoon Elektra is a deadly assassin without any remorse. In the motion picture Jennifer Garner is Elektra; crybaby with lots of makeup, red panties and a romance(!) waiting around around the corner. Where did Elektra the ASSASSIN go? Elektra is one fine example of how a good comic book-franchise hits rock bottom when transfered to the big screen. Stay away! Star far far away!!
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The Forgotten (2004)
Forget The Forgotten
7 February 2005
The Forgotten starts way below average but manages to haul itself up to average, and beyond, by the middle of the film. When the story accelerates I remember saying to myself "they won't be able to sum this up in a good way". Then the fall from grace begins. On the box cover Bill Bregoli of Westwood One compares The Forgotten with The Sixth Sense. I wonder if Bill Bregoli might be the brother of The Forgotten's writer Gerald Di Pego, or perhaps the best friend of director Joseph Ruben? Or maybe he just got paid to say such a foolish thing. There simply is no way someone can compare The forgotten with The Sixth Sense and be serious about it. Or get away with it! The Forgotten is the worst kind of psychological thriller. The one which doesn't sum up in the end. There are so many loose ends, so many things that doesn't fit into the storyline and such terrible directing that this should have been a straight to TV-flick. And I'm NOT talking pay-TV!
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
As rare as cult classic turkeys come!
4 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! THIS TEXT CONTAINS SPOILERS! Gross! Bubba Ho-tep is the story about how a 3000 year old mummy lives again to perform rimjob after rimjob on an elder peoples home in Texas, USA. Too bad for the mummy then that The King and JFK are among the inhabitants on this elder peoples home and they're not up for a mummy buttocks-treatment. Sidekicks include The Lone Ranger, a nasty thing on Elvis' genitals, some cockroaches and a whole lot of other sick stuff. Not to mention the fact that JFK has been the target for a conspiracy and transfered to a african american body while his brain is under guard in Washington D.C. connected to a radio-transmitter. Bubba Ho-tep is as rare a cult classic turkey as they come! Go watch if you're bored enough of Hollywood-era happily-ever-after-movies.

Highly recommended!
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Heads on Mike, again!
23 July 2004
Ooouch!!! Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 can't possibly help the current Cheney/Bush administration in the upcoming election. The USA being a 50/50/50 country when it comes to voting, i.e. republican/democrats/non voters I'd love to see the last third, the MTV Jackass-generation take this movie to their hearts and minds and use their right to elect in the upcoming election. You can make a difference and we all know the whole world is at stake! Maybe then we could all have a safer world without oilthristy warmongers like Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld/Rice/Wolfowitz/Powell acting Police of the World. Moore is heads on, again, when he shows the world why the US of A is in no current fit to Police the World. Maybe the costs of Iraq could have been better spent? Like into research for alternative fuels and a revoke of the SUV-tax/ban? Maybe the administration should start caring about the truth and not only about making themselves and their partners, like the Bin Laden family, richer and richer from oil and weapons? I applaud Michael Moore for his efforts and wish he'd put Ficus into the coming election. A+
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Tom Crui$$$e is Rambo, The Last Samurai without fear...
19 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Pros. The Last Samurai is a nicely crafted motion picture with some truly stunning scenes, the assassin attempt come to mind as a stand out-moment. The scenery is nice as well as the photography.

Cons. Fact: Tom Cruise never dies in a movie, thus efficiently removing every last bit of thrill with this ride. It's like wathing Rambo taking on the Soviets in Rambo III or the VC in Rambo, you just know there's no way he'll bite the dust. The Last Samurai without Tom, and without the (WARNING!!! SPOILER!!!) happy Hollywood-ending, would have been a superior movie. As it is now The Last Samurai is just another Days of Thunder where the wheels have been traded for horses, or a Cocktail with bamboo sticks and swords instead of bottles and drinks. Tom even gets to kiss the girl making this yet another Crui$e ca$$$h-in. BIG disappointment!
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Rollerball (2002)
Waste of time
22 February 2004
Rollerball quite easily qualifies as one of the worst films of all time (among the likes of Rambo III and Surf Nazis Must Die). It's not even funny to watch it, only a waste of time. How is it possible to make a remake of an already bad film and even manage to make it even worse? And who funded this? Beware!
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great start, sucker ending...
10 July 2002
stupidity... spielberg gets of to a good start but halfway through the movie the whole cabang turns hollywood and american patrionism. great start, sucker standard-a-ending. stay away if you're not into tissue-hollywood-standard-stuff. peter stormare is the only thing that stands out as good in an, at best, average movie.
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The Mexican (2001)
19 August 2001
If there ever was a stinker this sure fits the description. The most pathetic dialogue mixed with real bad performances from Roberts and Pitt in worst written and directed story this millenium. I hate this movie and I don't encourage anyone to see it. Stay as far away as you possibly could.
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A masterpiece if there ever was one!
23 July 2001
After Pi I was confused, was the movie good or bad? Couldn't really tell so I had to watch it again, again and again. Finally I decided that Pi was, and is, an epic masterpiece.

Therefor I looked forward to Requiem For A Dream and the wait was well worth it. Requiem is nothing short of a masterpiece if there ever was one. The atmosphere is extremely dark and your gut twitches through the whole extravaganza. Just when you think it can't possible get any crueler/darker it sure does, and then again and again until the movie ends.

After watching, sorry, living, Requiem For A Dream you're left with a strange feeling in your gut. Is this possible? Problem is, it probably is!

Be happy for your own life and everytime you feel depressed make sure to load your DVD-player with Requiem For A Dream. It will make you feel a lot easier...

Requiem For A Dream is up there with The Godfather Saga, Naked, Samurai Trilogy, Das Boot, Stalingrad, Seven Samurai, English Patient, Le Grand Bleu etc.
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Rubbish *Happy-Hollywood-Love-Story*
25 March 2001
I'm MAD! What could have been a great comedy is totally spoiled by the boring love story. Why?!? WHY?!? Why can't Hollywood (and Americans) make real comedies? Why do you guys always have to ruin the fun with including somewhere around 30-40 minutes of totally uninspiring side twists that's not even funny? I'm talking Sleepless In Seattle, You've Got Mail and now What Women Want. I know what I want when I go see a comedy and that's a GOOD LAUGH! Understand that one? Capice? What Women Want is nothing but a (mostly) boring American/Hollywood love story with the standard A *Happy Ending*. I hate wasting my time AND money on crap like this. Mel, you should stick to films like Braveheart, Payback and Lethal Weapon OR choose better among all the film offers you get. This one simply STINKS! (and that for two full hours).
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Bad mouth musical!
13 January 2000
Do not misunderstand me - I really did love this film. The problem is the singing every five minutes. If I wanted to see a musical I would have seen "Annie", NOT Southpark. Matt Stone and Trey Parker has performed well in creating a humoristic movie and some of the songs are ok too, but there are far too many of them. You'll start pressing fast forward sooner or later, probably sooner. Too bad folks. What could have been a truly fantastic movie is messed up by too much singing.
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Savior (1998)
15 April 1999
This film is a controversial one. Sadly it feels like the producers didn't dare to take it all the way, with ONE exception. The scene by the river will definitely make your conscience feel bad, your gutter twist and you won't be able to speak for minutes! Watch this film just for the atrocities shown in the river scene and remember that this is exactly what has been happening every day in Yugoslavia for the past ten years...
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Apt Pupil (1998)
Where's the suspense?!?
15 April 1999
Can't help but notice the sad fact that none of the suspense from the book has survived the translation to the screen. The movie is pretty basic and I ask myself if Bryan Singer had a "one-hit-wonder" with the excellent "Usual Suspects" a couple of years ago. Not even the original ending is left in the movie, instead we get the regular "happy-Hollywood-ending". Basically this movie is one bad translation of a superb book, therefore read the book instead!
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4 January 1999
This has to be the "most value" dvd so far. With over 140 minutes of glorious picture and sound Metallica sets a new standard for future dvd's. Crammed into two dvd's with both Dolby Surround and Dolby Digital 5.1 Metallica delivers THE ultimate ride! If you got a dvd-player this is definitely a "reference-must-have-disk!". Sweden, 4th jan 1999.
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Wild Things (1998)
Smart, clever and sexy!
5 October 1998
Whoaaaaa! What a twisted story (+ the fact that I'm in love with Denise Richards AND Neve Campbell), this one rocks you off the chair! ...and do NOT miss the extra scenes after the film.
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Shine (1996)
I'm only happy when it rains...
5 October 1998
...or when I play the piano. This is one true masterpiece!
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5 October 1998
This film is an epic masterpiece! Turn off the telephones, lock the door, turn out the light and watch this with someone you love - it's so beautiful...
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Seven Samurai (1954)
One of the best films ever made!
5 October 1998
This movie grabbed me by the throat and invited me for a ride I will never ever forget. Akira's materpiece IS one of the best ever made films in the history of film-making. And for fans, check out the Criterion DVD-version, amazingly superb with remastered picture and sound. Totally awesome!
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