
9 Reviews
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Love Meerkats but not this production
31 May 2008
I would have accepted anyone new as the narrator, although I think Astin did a fantastic job.

However, Whoopi was breathy, melodramatic, and talked like it was written for 6 year old kids. The previous seasons that Astin did had some melodrama, but not like this. It seemed like every other sentence was about Flower's destiny and how the entire continent knew Flower would be the one. It was just too over the top for me.

The scenery was wonderful, the footage was great, and 2 thumbs up for the meerkat actors...

However, if the Next Gen season coming up is written like this one was, I will remove it from my Tivo list.
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Didn't really like it
9 September 2003
I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival. I was only in town for 2 days of films, waited in line for single tickets, and ended up seeing this one.

It is a German movie with English subtitles about a woman who returns home from an apparent suicide attempt to find her boyfriend has another girl staying there. He has parties and she doesn't really seem to exist in her own apartment, but then out of the blue they reconcile and get married. She gets a job and steals from it and eventually goes off to start a new life.

There is certain charm to her character and you definitely empathize. However, the plot kind of rambles along and isn't particularly believable.

I don't think I would recommend it.
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Solid movie with a negative for widescreen tv owners
24 February 2003
I liked the movie well enough. However, be aware that if you own a widescreen tv, the widescreen DVD is in 2.35:1 anamorphic format instead of the standard 1.85/1 format. This means that it wasn't made for widescreen tvs, or more accurately, it wasn't adjusted for them. As a result, you will have the top and bottom black bands on your widescreen tv. That was just slightly disappointing for me, although I guess it means it was exactly like shown in the theater instead of minorly adjusted.
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The Triangle (2001 TV Movie)
so bad it's kind of funny
13 August 2001
Basically this is the Shining on a boat with a predictable plot. It does have a couple of startling moments but mostly it is pretty lame. I cannot say any of the actors really distinguished themselves.

Overall, it was an amusing waste of a couple of hours.
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Quarantine (2000 TV Movie)
It's so bad it's funny
5 August 2000
This is basically The Stand but with bad acting and a poorly thought out plot. A terrorist group has developed a deadly virus and it is unleashed on the world. I will give some things away here so stop reading if you don't want to know.

A number of pretty stupid plot points happen: 1. The President and key personnel are quarantined on an island off of Washington. Of course, they announce to the world where this island is. (that would probably be kept secret) 2. A flamboyant financier tries to land on this island with 12 kids (and low fuel) and is almost shotdown, but spared at the last second. They allow it land and park on the runway but indicate anyone who gets off will be shot. Um, wouldn't there be extra airplane fuel around. Gas it up and send it back out! 3. The lab where they are trying to find a cure for the disease is not quarantined until it spills. 4. They realize they made need medical help for the kids on the plane, but there are no doctors on the island except some former country club doctor. Um, wouldn't there be some doctors as part of the President's essential personnel? 5. A flight attendant (I guess) just happens to be part of the Bleeding Sword terrorist group that created the virus. He eventually takes the plane hostage and forces a face-to-face meeting with the President to tell his story (his village was hit by so-called 'smart bombs'). There is a gunfight and the President dives to catch the virus he has brought to infect him. Oh, this guy who was smart bombed had absolutely no accent.

It was just bad. The acting was horrible and melodramatic. It was a laugh riot!
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Its a fun movie
22 May 2000
This is simply a fun movie. The flying scenes are great to watch and sometimes filled with suspense. Its simply an adventure that traces Waldo after flying in WWI to getting money from small communities for stunt flying to flying for Hollywood. There is no deep thought here and the plot is not that great but it has fun action. I am not sure if I would rent it, but its worth watching if you see that its on cable somewhere.
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Dream is the right for it
8 May 2000
This movie did play like a dream or maybe even like an autobiography - it was disjointed. It was basically a bunch of mostly random scenes throughout this lady's life and you wonder what is going to happen next to her. The scenery was beautiful, but that is the only redeeming value I could find. Wait for it to come to tv.
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Good ghost story
27 August 1999
Its a pretty good ghost story. It wasn't the best piece of cinema I have ever seen, but it does build up pretty nicely to the end. It was not as scary or as suspenseful as I would have liked, but still worth renting.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
great picture, but boring
27 August 1999
It has all the elements that makes a picture great and yet I found it incredibly boring. I'm sorry, but the story did not have enough to keep my interest. Historically, it was a very important film and broke ground for future narratives, but I am happy I will only have to sit through it once in my life. Sorry.
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