
19 Reviews
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How Did I Miss This Gem?
19 March 2007
I thought I'd seen every schlocky 60s drive-in flick made, or, at least was familiar with them. Then this little title popped up on TCM's Friday night Underground series this past week. When it was over, all I could say was, "How come I haven't seen this one before?"

To list the many joys of this movie would take far too long. Let's just say that this movie has everything, and more. To wit:

1) Lon Chaney Jr. 2) Lon Chaney Jr. singing the title song. 3) Cannibal children. 4) Cannibal relatives living in the basement. 5) Carol Ohmart 6) Carol Ohmart in a negligee. 7) Carol Ohmart in a negligee being chased around the woods at midnight. 8) Sid Haig playing a loony in short pants. 9) Uncomfortable yet unavoidable impure thoughts about a certain "spider-baby" 10) The beginning, middle, and end.

See this wonderful, funny, even touching movie with someone you love.
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Serenity (2005)
Only for Firefly fans
5 March 2007
My twenty-something nephew said this movie was awesome. So, when Costco had it for eight bucks, I figured, why not? If you weren't/aren't a fan of the TV series on which it was based ("Firefly", which evidently was canceled after one season for good reason), "Serenity" won't do much but confuse and bore you. Hipness for hipness' sake, a convoluted version of the English language to speak dialog that isn't really worth hearing in the first place, predictable plot progression -- all of this in a film that goes on way too long for what it does. Some fight scenes are worth it. But, again, if you weren't a "Firefly" viewer -- and I wasn't -- you'll feel as if you came in during the middle of the story, not the beginning.

Only for fans and geeks. 4/10
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Sleuth (1972)
Doesn't Hold Up
19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I came to this movie just recently with absolutely no prior knowledge, only that Olivier and Caine were in it, and it was supposed to be good. And yes, the performances were good, the dialog at turns witty, vulgar and amusing, and the art direction was superb. But --- AND THIS IS A SPOILER -- the central conceit absolutely didn't work. That it was Michael Caine underneath piles of bad makeup was incredibly obvious, well before the "surprise" reveal -- the eyes and the barely suppressed cockney accent gave it away immediately. So, that another "game" was afoot was clear -- the only question being "exactly who WAS killed," because it clearly wasn't Milo. When the "surprise" was finally revealed, the whole thing fell apart for me. It became simply clever, but not particularly interesting. Boring. Worth seeing once, but not twice. And only if you can see it for free.
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Can't recommend this one
7 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Big fan of Duvall, Caine, Sedgewick. Don't mind sentimental tales. But even sentimental tales have to hand together. This one, sorry, doesn't. So many leaps and plot holes that it's impossible to ignore them. And while I hate to be too critical, Haley Joel Osment is absolutely horrible. If ever you wanted a kid to be eaten by a lion, secondhand or not, it's him in this movie. The transition between cranky old great uncles to doting father-figures occurs almost instantly and without explanation. The viewer is asked to accept far more on faith than even a movie about faith should ask. And to be constantly beaten by the soundtrack into FEELING SOMETHING is mostly unbearable. To all of this movie's fans, I again must apologize. If you want to see how this type of movie is made well, check out another of Duvall's movies: To Kill A Mockingbird. Or even "Fried Green Tomatoes." This one, however, is strictly for little kids.
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Psycho (1998)
What were they thinking?
31 July 2006
How did this pitch to the producers go? "Let's remake 'Psycho!' And by remake I do mean remake: we'll use the same script, shoot the same scenes shot for shot, use the same score -- everything will be the same. EXCEPT it will be in garish, pointless color, and we'll employ the very worst actors we can find, and we'll eliminate all traces of irony or suspense or menace from the original. Why, it'll be a huge hit!" Yes it will, if the groin counts. Van Sant should get no credit, but heaps of blame, for this travesty. To claim that this is a remake is sort of like copying "Tom Sawyer" in longhand, then claiming to have "re-written" it. Technically true but only to the letter of the law. He was overrated to begin with, and with this turkey, he showed the world what a true non-talent he is. Avoid this one as if it were "Titanic."
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Eight Below (2006)
Worth Your While
21 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a dog lover, I'm pretty much a sucker for any film featuring fur. Knowing that this was a Disney film, I was prepared for a mundane story, the requisite heart tug or two, sappy music, a little comic relief -- in other words, the standard formula. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is a solid, well-crafted movie. The animal scenes are outstanding, the human ones less so, but bearable. You know from the opening scenes that you're being set up for what comes later, but such transparency doesn't mar the overall effect. WARNING: If you are a dog lover, bring a hankie (or at least a companion who won't mind if you wipe your nose on his/her sleeve). There is a particularly scary scene involving a leopard seal that will make little kids jump and scream (some big kids will, too). And because this is a Disney film, know that not every dog will survive the ordeal. If "Old Yeller" made you lose it, you don't stand a chance here. You've been warned. Best viewed on a big screen, since the location shots are frequently awesome. Overall a good family movie, well worth seeing.
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
Don't miss this one!
27 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Santa brought me this DVD. Goes to show you how smart old farts can be.

Living out their last years in a Texas nursing home, old folks await the Reaper in whatever ways are left to them. Great recipe for a comedy, no? Well, should one of those old folks be Elvis, and another maybe JFK, does that up the ante? And what if death comes in the form of a snakeskin-boot wearin' soul-suckin' Egyptian mummy? Would I have your interest then?

Words fail to describe how absolutely terrific this film is. You will share it with those special friends who you know will "get it." You will make new friends because you mention the film and they share your love for it. You will find yourself thinking about this improbable -- or is it? -- plot, and wishing the movie kept going long after the final credit. You will remember and quote lines. And, maybe, you will look differently at the world because of it.

Or, maybe you'll just laugh your ass off. Either way, you win.

A performer once knew he was past his prime when studios paired him with a fool or two in a B horror movie. Think Bela Lugosi meeting Abbott and Costello. I couldn't help but think that, had Elvis really lived, right about now he'd be stuck in a cameo in the latest Jason or Freddy schlock. And therein lies the charm of this movie. Elvis would find, deep inside, the courage to stand against it all one last time, to reclaim his kingdom, to face the beast with courage. May we all do the same, not going gently into that good night.

Seek out "Bubba Ho-Tep." You will be richly rewarded for doing so.
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King Kong (2005)
One Moviegoer's Opinion
27 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say...I thoroughly enjoyed this updated version of the classic "King Kong." Normally I avoid remakes of movies that I love, and the original KK is among those films, because generally they are unnecessary (does remaking "Yours, Mine and Ours" make any possible sense?). But Kong COULD benefit from technical advancements in movie-making if the original storyline was kept intact (one of many fatal mistakes of the 1970s remake was attempting a "socially-conscious" plot). And, in this viewer's humble opinion, this version of Kong gets it almost completely right. This is close to the movie O'Brien and Cooper would have made had they had today's technology available to them.

The basic plot and setting remains intact from the original, though background is filled in for the main characters to give them a bit more depth. So, anyone who's seen the original already knows the story. Kong has a personality that could only be hinted at in the original, mainly, I think, due to technical limitations that are now gone.

Suspend disbelief, you must. But, given the fact that this is a FANTASY film, that should be easy. Unless, of course, you are looking for nits to pick.

This is a movie for the big screen. In fact, the TV trailers made me think that the CGI effects were going to disappoint, but I was wrong.

Parents be warned: it's rated PG-13 for a reason. This is NOT a movie for young children. There are nightmarish scenes on Skull Island that are simply too frightening for kids. Get a sitter or stay home.

Not a perfect movie; few are. But this version of King Kong has everything an entertainment should have: characters to care for, spectacle and excitement, pathos and elation, heartbreak. Other opinions on this site notwithstanding, I submit that Mr. Jackson does, in fact, know how to make a good movie. At three hours, I was ready to sit through it again immediately.
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Good, but could have been great
24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For fans of the "Dead" series of films, this latest installment is a mixed bag. The director clearly had a bigger budget and was able to take advantage of technology unavailable for his previous films. The acting was consistent, the gore effects numerous and generally satisfying, and overall, the final result benefited from movie makers who genuinely care about this rather offbeat material. However, depending upon what you're looking for in a Romero "Dead" film, you may end up wishing it had been more.

I am in the minority, as I consider "Day" the most effective of the series, for exactly the reason that most fans dismiss it. Besides a palpable tension throughout, I enjoy "Day's" political commentary immensely: that no matter how dire the outside threat, our inability to cooperate with a common agenda remains the greatest threat to our survival. In "Land," I suppose I expected him to bring this theme to full fruition. Unfortunately, it almost felt as if Romero was saying "Just ignore 'Day of the Dead,' cause this is really what I meant that movie to be." Certain scenes felt lifted directly from that movie. And let me just day that Big Daddy is no Bub. Finally, as others have noted, it all seemed too rushed.

Having said all that, I DID enjoy the movie. Asia Argento is almost TOO sexy to look at, and how can you not love a zombie movie where someone gets a tonsillectomy from the undead?

But it could have been so much more.

George, please go for five. And don't spare us the political commentary. You have something to say, so say it. Right now, America needs it said.
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Frailty (2001)
Did I see the same movie?
13 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Frailty" started out strong, begins to fade in the second act, then completely falls apart at the end. Clearly, this opinion is in the minority, but it needs to be said...

Story: Attempting to be meaningful, in the end the story devolves upon itself. Did any of the flashback story happen at all? Are we being asked to believe that God really is in the business of directing people to "destroy demons" (disguised as actual people) loose in the world? Are we intended to feel that the killer or killers in the movie are actually heroes? That everyone who gets axed (excepting, perhaps, the sheriff) actually deserved it? Or are we not supposed to think about any of this and just go along for the ride?

Photography; Watch this one in the dark, but not because it's so much scarier that way. The fact is that you won't be able to make out most of the action because this movie is very poorly lit. Couldn't the script at least have called for a flashlight or two?

DVD: Barely worthy of ONE audio commentary, this DVD actually had THREE. Don't know how valuable they are since I couldn't bear to sit through this THREE MORE TIMES to find out.

Director: I wanted to yell at the screen "Pick up the pace!" You could almost hear the prompter off-camera feeding the lines to the actors during long pauses between snippets of cumbersome dialog. One director's homage is another man's rip-off.

Having said all this, I will grant you that this one will keep your interest, right up until the moment that you realize that you've been ripped off and could have been re-lining your bird cage instead.

PS: Whatever Texas town that was supposed to be in the end -- a little background check on your sheriff might be in order.
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Funny first half-hour
9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
You go to a summer comedy, you don't hold highbrow expectations. But hey, you can't get away with EVERYTHING. I mean, doesn't it have to at least adhere to its own established rules? The first half-hour of this one is fall-down funny. Wilson is subdued and Vaughn is manic, but they click. The wedding-crashing montage is funny, no doubt.

But once the main part of the film gets going, it all falls apart. Obvious jokes, well-worn and obvious, plot lines that go nowhere, and the odd feeling that much much more was shot and left on the cutting room floor. And yet, this one could use a really good editor.

Wait for the video.
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20 January 2004
Imagine that Armageddon has arrived, and you have somehow survived the carnage. Will you be safe, at home, with all your loved ones around you, familiar neighbors and trusted friends, all pulling in the same direction to recover from the devastation? Or, is it possible that you will be miles from anything resembling your comfort zone, and surrounded by people with whom you would ordinarily not associate under more normal circumstances, indeed, people whom you would avoid at all costs, would never agree with, might actually even despise? You find that you cannot even agree on what has happened, much less figure out how to pull in the same direction to survive. You find that, rather than the best in human nature coming to the fore, the absolute basest of primordial instincts take over -- and you must play politics once again just to survive, while the danger of a social order gone mad closes in from all sides. How would YOU behave?

Here, the dead walk in the light of day, while the living are survive, in an underground tomb, turning everything we know and expect neatly upside down.

Romero has combined all of the insightful social and political commentary of his previous two "Dead" films, subtracted most of the humor, pumped up the gore, and in the process created an absolutely claustrophobic masterpiece that becomes more remarkable with repeated viewings. Wonderful lines ("Be grateful you live in the suburbs, Johnson. You ought to see how crowded the city is getting to be."), underrated acting, tight direction and editing. Totally convincing makeup effects that outrank anything CGI has accomplished. A terrific score. Completely brilliant movie, happily now getting a second look by those who initially dissed it.

It clearly isn't a movie for everyone. But, if you can appreciate where Romero is coming from, this movie is an endless treasure for the horror fan.
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Laurel Canyon (2002)
Unintentionally funny and dull
12 January 2004
While not a complete waste of time, this movie should not be viewed if you are in the mood for anything more than a slicked up "relationship of the week" movie. Francis McDormand is fine, as usual, but one can't help but wonder how she kept a straight face delivering some of the lines she was given. My favorite: to her uptight son, played by (a dead ringer for a young James-Brolin) Christian Bale: "You're my kid, man."

Too well-photographed to be completely ignored, but without the drop-dead howlers of a classic such as, say, "Moment by Moment" (which I can't recommend highly enough), this one deserves a solid C.
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28 Days Later (2002)
What zombies?
10 November 2003
This movie is little more than an MTV-generation reworking of all of George Romero's "dead" movies with a nod to one or two others in the genre. Could have been much better if not for the annoying logical leaps that others have so ably documented here and the utterly ordinary ending. Overall, let's just say, "Nice try" and leave it at that.

But, lordy, lordy, this is not a ZOMBIE movie, if by zombie one means a re-animated corpse (whether or not under the will of another person). The "zombies" in this film didn't die and come back to life. When killed, (and they can be killed, in very mundane, non-specific ways) they don't reanimate. And if a person dies in an uninfected state, apparently the person stays dead. These creatures are "enraged" (but apparently not at EACH OTHER, only at those who have not yet been infected). Though they are able to behave in a non-enraged way as well, as did those playing possum in a church full of corpses.

So, call them what you will -- infected, sick, contagion, enraged -- but please, not zombies.
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Great from beginning to end
25 July 2003
I loved it when I saw it in 1990, and repeated viewings have only increased my appreciation for this astonishing film. While "Fargo" may be the Coens' most accessible and darkly funny movie, "Miller's Crossing" is, in my humble view, their very best. To say that MC is a gangster movie is like saying that "Harvey" is a movie about rabbits, however large they may be.

Superlative writing, acting and directing. Not one false note. Each character has motivations that are revealed gradually, through their words or through their actions or through their eyes (hidden by hats or not). Gabrielle Byrne has never been better, Marcia Gay Hardin terrific, and Albert Finney? Well, let's just say that he's absolutely convincing whether he's playing a mob boss or a ladies room attendant.

Of course, if, like Leo, you "don't like to think," you probably won't care for this movie. But if you enjoy complexity of idea and character motivation, beautiful cinematography, set and costume design, score, and mood, if you liked movies like "Chinatown" or "Donnie Darko" you should check this one out.
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Chinatown (1974)
70s paranoia meets 30s noir
15 July 2003
Little more can be added to the voluminous and completely deserved praise that "Chinatown" has reaped over the years. With the passage of nearly 30 years since its release, one can see how brilliantly the writer, director and actors reflected Watergate-era paranoia using the genre of 1940s film noir. The plot needn't be rehashed here. Instead, I'll focus on the many small details that in combination add up with such astonishing effect: the rich, evil Noah Cross repeatedly mispronouncing Gitte's name, or the slithery and completely unnerving way his arms enfold and drag away a character at film's end; the almost Asian, "inscrutable" look on Evelyn Mulray's face as she turns away from Gittes in bed after Gittes talks about Chinatown; Yelburton's secretary distractedly offering key clues to a "nosy" Gittes; the 2-dollar bill and the ASCAP card in Ida Session's wallet. So many brilliant, subtle touches. I am convinced that this is a movie that could never be made today, so infused with themes of political corruption, greed and even darker personal deeds among the rich and powerful. For lovers of quality film, you'll cherish this one and should watch it multiple times.
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Oh, the joy!
28 April 2003
Though Ms. Tomlin apparently (and with good reason) tried to have this movie buried, it turned up on AMC last week, and oh joy! oh bliss! I was able to tape it to own for all time.

No lover of bad movies can claim such status if you haven't seen this one. It is an absolute DELIGHT from beginning to end, from the cheesy 70s titles displayed while a bored Lily shops Rodeo Drive to a "romantic" score, to the astonishing lack of character development by the lead actors, to John Travolta's reason for running away from home (Mom and Dad forgot his birthday -- two years in a row!) to some of the funniest dialog ever (Lily to John: "Are you a member of the Auto Club?", which line is wittily and meaningfully repeated at the end of the film; and the "tuna" lunch scene). John's character name -- STRIP -- should clue you in on the fun in store -- every time Lily utters it, you find yourself wondering if she's saying his name or issuing a directive. And the hot tub scene is one for the ages.

You'll find yourself wondering if it was all meant as a joke, but when you realize that all these people were apparently dead serious (witness Lily's phone "breakdown" with her ex), you'll want to watch it again and again to savor the wonderful horror of it all.

This movie has EVERYTHING (even two loveable mutts, one with a bandaged foot, and a mob murder subplot that dies quicker than the victim). If you must, scour your TV listings EACH week so that you won't miss the next showing. It will be well worth the wait, I promise.
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American Beauty isn't
5 April 2000
At the end of this film, Kevin Spacey's character talks about the idea of one's life passing before one's eyes at the point of death. If such a phenomena is true, then I fervently pray that, at the moment of my demise, the two-plus hours I sat in the theatre watching this dreadful movie will be omitted by the Great Film Editor in the Sky. I knew as I left the theatre, long before the awards, that this movie would win the Oscar for Best Picture. It's EXACTLY the sort of condescending, self-important tripe that Hollywood likes to honor. Both "The Insider" and "The Sixth Sense" were superior movies. I'm no genius, but I demand that a movie be smarter than I. I knew every plot "twist" five minutes before it happened, only erring on when Lester would be killed, but not by whom. Unbelievably stereotyped characters. Not particularly funny. I guess that because Lester beats off in the shower or lusts after an underage girl, we are supposed to think this movie is worthy of praise. I wonder how many people would praise the movie if Lester had lusted after an underage BOY? The ONLY good scene was the film within the film -- lovely and poetic. But one scene does not a good movie make, let alone a Best Picture. "American Beauty" is nothing more than an extended sitcom (though one that would only be shown on HBO). An utter waste of time. The Hollywood marketing machine has pulled off another cultural coup.
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Don't miss this awful movie
29 January 1999
Man, there's a reason this one isn't on video (public embarrassment not the least of them). But it's so absolutely awful you have to catch it if it shows up on broadcast or cable TV. Travolta playing a young stud named STRIP (!) and Lily Tomlin as his older lover. Many soulful, soft-focus gazes and incredibly lame dialog. Too much fun!
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