
6 Reviews
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24 July 2005
I really hope that the production crew fired the boom operator for raiding Buttermaker's beer box. Nearly every scene has the boom mike visible in it and one scene even had part of the other equipment (camera lens/shadow box) visible for the entire scene. And if it's not bad enough to see the black mike hanging overhead like the sword of Damocles, they dropped the mike with the sheepskin on it into one scene, reminding me of someone holding Albert Einstein by his ankles over the scene. One close up scene of one of the kids had the mike just inches from his head...I would have been nervous, myself. And in reference to the filthy mouths of the kids (and realizing that not everyone has my sense of values) I personally think the parents of these little sailors should have been punished for child abuse, as well as the crew who made them talk that way. And someone please--get a sheep-shearer in here for Tanner's 'hair'...that was the worst wig I've EVER seen on a human.
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A funny film BECAUSE of the stereotypes....
22 January 2005
Steve Martin acting like a slang-slinging homie? what's the prob? Isn't any more offensive than millions of young white people using the same slang every day they live and breath. I thought this movie worked because it USED the stereotypes to prove that there IS no true stereotype. People act and react to their environment and to changes IN that environment. Although I agree with the previous poster regarding NO second in this series, it's not because it's such a poor film, it's because the story is best laid down at this point. All is well in the lives of the characters. This is just a fun little flick that should be taken at face value and not held up for great scrutiny. Not all films have hidden and deep meanings. Even Freud said sometimes a cigar is simply a cigar. Watch the movie, enjoy it, laugh at the silliness. Then go out and rent something what--Eight Mile? Please, a very LARGE break here....
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Van Helsing (2004)
A movie...get it?
11 May 2004
Haven't you wannabe critics ever heard of suspension of disbelief? This is a movie, not real life. I've got the vague idea that this should have been a comic book, rather than a movie. As a movie, it's not bad...just cartoonish. Nothing wrong with that... . I would like to have had a better explanation about Van Helsing's past (and since when is Van Helsing Gabriel? It's always and forever been Abraham, and he's always been a doctor.) I got the feeling that someone had played the video game Gabriel Knight and liked the name. There was lots of humour in this movie and it really made it lots better than it would have had it all been played straight. A friend complained that Kate Beckinsdale's character was parading around in suede thigh high boots with knock-me-down heels. Well shoot....look at the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen....sort of a Doc Savage feel about it....mixing 1800's, 1900's and the future.... It's just a movie...enjoy it. And if you don't, get up and ask for your money back.
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Grease 2 (1982)
I can't believe people STILL hate this movie...
3 September 2003
Take it on it's own merits. Forget the vulgarity of the original Grease. You can sing these songs (even "Reproduction") without embarrassment, something you CAN'T do with the songs from "Grease". This is a fun movie. I saw it I don't know how many times at the theater and took my friends by the herd to see it and they loved it. Maxwell Caufield <sp> was great in the role of the misplaced Englishman and Michelle Pfieffer <sp> was great as the confused Stephanie. I thought that the change of the 'coolness' of the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies was a good reflection of the changing times--not too many people were interested in gangs and codes etc, I guess. Don't try to judge this movie as simply a sequel to "Grease"'s NOT really a sequel. It's more of a continuation, just in a different atmosphere.
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Mischief (1985)
Well after all, it's only a movie...
29 August 2003
First and foremost let me say that it does take a sense of humour to watch a comedy, even one as 'bad' (in the words of the previous post) as this one. But after all, it IS only a movie. Things happen. The writer/screenwriter or whoever the person was says the movie was 'somewhat' (my emphasis) autobiographical. Now, does this mean that all the stuff happened, or is this what he WISHED had happened? Had I been alive in the fifties and had someone as pretty as Kelly Preston in my school, I probably would have been hot to trot for her too. She probably would have played largely in my fantasy life. But all that aside, this is a movie, meant to entertain by showing the foibles of growing up normal. Some people shouldn't be parents, some children shouldn't have to live in abusive environments, and 'nerds' shouldn't have to fantasize over the beauty queens. Put political correctness aside, sit back and ENJOY this film for its own sake. Good tunes on the soundtrack, pretty girls in the pics, and at least the 'preps' got taken to task in the end. "Mischief" was good when I saw it at the theater, and it remains good eighteen years later.
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Pure Country (1992)
Pure Country...yep that's what it is!
25 July 2002
This is a good vehicle for George Strait, although it IS a little hokey at times. Some of the dialogue seems to be a bit too predictable, some of the plot lines too hackneyed, but hey, it's only a movie! It's not an Academy Award nominee! This is a good film about a country music star who has had it with all the "stuff" of performing, and has had it with 'performing' itself. He simply wants to sing and play his guitar, he wants to get back to the basics of what pleased him about music in the first place. I wouldn't expect too many people outside of fans of country music to like this movie, or even understand it, but I like it. I understand it. And I accept it as 'Pure Entertainment'...and with a soundtrack like this one has, it can't go wrong. One might want to find a copy of "The Nashville Rebel" (sp) starring a very young and barefaced Waylon Jennings for comparison.
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