
6 Reviews
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Good horror, but not if you've seen the original
29 March 2004
The film is too short at around 100 minutes, which with this subject matter it needs to be at least 2 hours long to allow character development,and to give some background to the events etc. Because of this you dont give two hoots for any of the characters, and they are playing it for laughs as well - no one looks very concerned and they all seem to be taking it in their stride, as if the dead come back to 'life' every day. So whats wrong with this film, here goes : the Zombies run - zombies should'nt run they are dead !, the female at the start of the film is chased by her zombie boyfriend who punches the windshield through on her car, but when the survivors are in the shopping mall the zombies cant break the entrance doors ??, there is no character development, and the film builds no sense of being trapped as in the original.There are too many survivors holed up in the shopping mall, characters are introduced and then not given any time to develop.

In saying that if you have'nt seen the original you may well enjoy this movie - as a horror it is a good film, with plenty of action and good SFX. However the original was a GREAT film which makes this remake pale in comparison.

It could've been so much better.
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Disappointing and a turn off..
13 January 2003
I found out about this movie on the internet - it looked good -

Shannon Lee, a Golden Harvest Production,Benny the Jet as the bad guy, directed by the same guy that did the action scenes in Romeo Must Die, so hell I'll give it a go. Well, to put it mildly, this is a very disappointing film - first off it is dubbed and the dubbing and overall sound are terrible. Secondly, Shannon Lee copies many of her fathers trademark moves, and other actions from his movies - i.e. ripping of hair into hand a'la Chuck Norris fight scene from 'Way'. Even the action is poorly done - it is way too fast, so you cant see what the hell is going on, & the story and plot has more holes than the Titanic. The end fight scene between Lee & Urquidez is OK. Shannon Lee is better, and deserves better, than this loads of old cobblers.
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Westworld (1973)
A corking Sci Fi movie
10 January 2003
This is one cracking Sci Fi movie - OK by todays standards the FX look shoddy, but remember this film was made in 1973. Quick synopsis - a high tech holiday resort reflecting life in the Old West - all your needs catered for (by robots), until the robot staff turn into killers. Fantastic casting of Yul Brynner, who looks exactly like his character 'Chris' in the 'Magnificent Seven', is the lead villain, and acts like a sort of seventies terminator. The two leads (Brolin & Benjamin) spend the rest of the film trying to escape this horror resort. Thoughtful, well executed, and especially well cast - this is one film that definitely needs remaking to bring it bang up to date with the latest FX, it would be a worthwhile moneyspinner if done by a good action director like James Cameron (in saying that I'd like to see George Romero have a crack at it) - I'd like to see Arnie or Dolph as the robot bad guys, and George Clooney & Billy Crystal as the leads. Dream on !
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China O'Brien (1990)
Only worth seeing for the talented martial artists on show
15 September 1999
As this is a Robert Clouse film, don't expect an intelligent or unique plot (daughter of a murdered town sheriff takes her revenge !!). The plot,acting, and direction is mediocre (and thats being kind). However with Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton (who should be as big, if not bigger than J.C.Van Damme), and Keith Cooke (whose kicks rival Bruce Lees), there are some excellent martial art fight scenes staged. Whilst this can't save the film from being anything more than average, a decent budget and director would benfit the stars on show (who are no less talented in the acting stakes than the likes of Schwarzenegger, Norris, or Van Damme). In particular Richard Norton, whose presence and martial arts skills make exciting viewing.
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Poor martial arts film, rescued only by Richard Norton.
22 February 1999
A poor martial arts film - its only redeeming quality is Richard Norton showing why he is one the world's best martial arts weapons experts. Plot - what plot?
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Good third installment in the Romero Zombie trilogy.
22 February 1999
Zombies are in control - and a band of hapless scientists and soldiers are holed up in a disused missile silo desperately trying to find a kill or cure treatment for the zombies. Very dark, very gory, a few unnecessary sub plots, and an intelligent zombie (Bub) make this a worthy third instalment in the trilogy. But where is part four Mr Romero ?, it's been 14 years now come on !!.
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