
21 Reviews
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typical French farce
24 June 2007
Typical French farce with many doors flapping and people under beds, many at the same time, great double takes and all that. This is one of the last real funny movies of the great era of quality comedies. The cast is perfect and ensemble in action. Not a wasted moment. Really funny with real laughs but there are not the super noise and explosions of the rather "in your face" funny moments. But, alas, those moments are gone with present generation. But it comes out even for I don't think the stuff now is really funny. I'm glad I saw this one and Court Jester and Beat the Devil and a couple of Marx Brothers. That's just the way it is, not bad or good, but different. I think it is FUNNY all the way.
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The Prestige (2006)
plot is not clear and is quite muddled; good film making
20 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a magician. The show is entertaining in magic but not realistic. The big stuff (2 tricks) are well known. The Tesla transported man (and hat and cat) are not real and we are not expected to think so but just to enjoy disbelief. The plot had a real plot but it attempts to add to many veggies to the soup so that we do not know if what we see is true or could never happen. If so, you could write anything into any story and tell the viewer just to try and figure it out. That what happens here, doubles, science that couldn't happen, women that are important and have no importance to the men. But magnificent Michael Caine is Oscar material. I enjoyed the show but it is not really good. Actors are fine but are really wasted but I guess they got paid.
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The Departed (2006)
blood, f***, great acting, silly story, don't take mama
6 October 2006
This is not the greatest movie ever made as some suggest. It has a story that could never happen - except in Hong Kong. Acting is top notch. Nicholson is as usual; should have been shot early in movie. Only one girl in show but since she sleeps with everyone, only one is needed. Lots of f*** to where it really doesn't mean anything (sounds like real life, doesn't it). You won't get tired and it is a great story to watch for action. It is a city Italian cowboy western. I do not think many women will enjoy it. I did but it isn't a really great movie. Peckenpaugh lives. I've finally accepted Damon as a tough, mean fighter but it has taken a long time. Where is Orlando Bloom to add to the violence?
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it really happened; I was there
8 February 2006
I was there exactly the year depicted. I was a lonely GI standing in front of the theater when two large Scots in kilts grabbed me by each arm and charged through the door without tickets shouting, The Black Watch never pays." Shortly afterwards the British MPs showed up and there was quite a hassle getting the kilted to get tickets. Fortunately I had not sat with them and the show went on. The theater looked exactly the same as on the screen so far as I remember. I, too, had not seen several nudes at the same time or maybe not at all in the same conditions. Remember, this was 1942 and if you were on your own at college, it was difficult to get 5 girls to strip at the same time, I guess. The headliner was Phyllis Dixie. The movie has been reviewed splendidly by others but I'm certain none viewed it with the emotions that surprised me. Of course I never heard of Mrs. Henderson but I did see the night bombings from a rooftop nearby. I know this isn't about the movie but it is about something that REALLY happened.
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It is the first sound movie I ever saw at 6 years of age
1 January 2006
When I was six year old, an older (that is harder)man took his kids and me to the Columbia Theater in Baton Rouge to see a sound movie. I remember that it was "The Little Wildcat" and that it was funny. I wasn't overwhelmed by the sound but remember that I knew it was an event of importance. I do remember the pictures of a jolly man talking. Now that I'm almost 84 years old I consider this an important event; one that only a few readers can duplicate. I know that this isn't a picture review but I thought it ought to go down in history, for what reason I can't imagine. Now if someone can just find "The Riddle Rider" with William Desmond, I will feel fulfilled.
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Batman Begins (2005)
beginning is great but computers took over in last fourth
15 July 2005
We have had so many batmans that rehash the same stuff, car chases, explosions, and much computer enhances cities and ranks of people that is is wonderful to see the beginning of Batman told as if no one had any knowledge of his origin. Then we proceed with the saga like we want it to go and it is rewarding and satisfying. But at the end it just couldn't last and we get the 2005 enhancement with too much computer work on screen and explosions that blot out the story. The cast is way beyond hoping and is superlative. Michael Caine in a Batman movie!!! And others to match suit. This is a show worth watching if you're a Batman lover. It satisfies. If you must have noise, car chases, etc., it has that but not enough to satisfy those who like cataclysm. I liked it. And I'm 83 years old.
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light, pleasing, silly, whimsical nonsense about nothing
29 April 2005
Most people already know the story, book or TV production and it has achieved almost a cult status. The movie is shorter and different but does not vary from the previous experiences too much. It is enjoyable, the music is fine, acting is fun, story is baloney but you do find out the real meaning of life and how important we are in the universe. See it if you are playful and don't go if you are serious. Remember Helen Miren, Alan Rickman, and John Makovitch are in it but you won't see them. For a family outing on a hot afternoon this is fine fare. Come to think of it, there are no forbidden language in it. The cast is not very familiar to me but are completely capable. Them remind me of a very good little theater bunch. Special effects are interesting and the Henson crew produces lots of creatures. No one gets hurt. I saw the first showing after release.
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New Orleans (1947)
terrible acting; great music
23 January 2005
I just saw this in January, 2005 so this is a different view. It's difficult to know how professional movie people wouldn't know this is a terribly acted movie. DeCordova reprises his previously cardboard acting although he has something, but it doesn't come out. But the music of Armstrong, Holliday, and Herman etc. is magnificent. It surely is worth the time just to revel in the 1947 jazz. Bad acting doesn't destroy the movie. Wonder what happened to all those actors. It must have been the directing for all to be so bland. I think the attempt is to make this an epic picture showing the intrusion of jazz into classical music. The voice sync with the singer is also poor enough to be disturbing to the viewer. Dorothy Patrick is lovely but apparently not a singer. It's fun to see many old character actors that I knew by looks but couldn't remember their names. I'm sorry DeCordova didn't work out because I liked him in "Frenchman's Creek."
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3 September 2004
I shall not review the story. I've read all the submitted reviews. I am an MD and as such see this picture from a different standpoint than that of a movie-goer. I think it is the best acting from the standpoint of being INSIDE of a paranoid schiz I'm aware of because you can see and feel the confusion. If you are confused by the jumping around so too is the poor psycotic. His superior mentality is used as a pianist as well as a caring person for others. He fights to maintain reality but "where is it" or "which is it?" Of course there is no clearing up at the end as there seldom is. But that is the beauty of this film. Feel and understand the plight of such a victim? Now maybe see it again.
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For the person who must see all of the Tarzan films
22 March 2003
I agree that this is a rather bland film but for the person who wants to "see 'em all" this is necessary. It was the only Burroughs film that I did not own. I loved it because I knew Pierce and his wife who was Joan Burroughs, ERB's daughter. Burroughs picked Pierce to be Tarzan. Scenery is fine and action is limited to running toward the camera. If you are under 60 and don't care about "just a Tarzan film" you can forget it but for me it was a dream come true that I never thought I'd see. Silent so you can add your own Tarzan yell. That is a chance for self-expression.
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holds up well after 58 years: suspense and intrigue
17 August 2002
I saw this movie 3 times in blackout conditions in 1944 on the German front just before the Battle of the Bulge. That was 3 separate times and apparently it was the only movie on the whole front. I just viewed it again today, 2002, and showed not a bit of age. It is exciting though it is 75% talk and 25% action. But what talk: Greenstreet and Lorre!! All the parts are finely chosen and hand polished until they fit the space perfectly. They don't make them like this anymore. Put it with Casablanca, Maltese Falcon (Bogart one), Key Largo, etc. If you like these, you'll love the Mask. And Col. Haki is great and in a previous movie was played by Orson Wells, i.e., another Eric Ambler movie. It is the Balkans in 1938 and background shots are exciting. If you don't know Faye Emerson, you will wish you did. Rush out and rent it.
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Rode through blackout in warzone three times to see it
11 July 2002
On the front in 1944 in the Siegfried line I heard there was a movie in the area. It was quiet so in the black of night for about an hour we hunted the tent in blackout to see this show. Twice more I heard there was a movie and it was the same one. I now think it was the only one in Germany at that time being shown by the Army. It was one of the best suspense movies I remember and Zachary Scott was the best. It was chilling and worth it. The Germans didn't start their Battle of the Bulge for 2 more weeks. Sorry I can't tell more but I might ruin it for you. You must see it for yourself.
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This follows the rules of D & D and is fun
26 March 2002
This isn't supposed to be real or make a lot of sense but if you like the game Dungeon and Dragons, you will enjoy this. There is a child-empress, dwarf, elf, magic, demons, and all the rest. Good special effects, all ridiculous but following the rules of the game. I enjoyed it by not really caring about reality. If you don't want this, don't go but if you do - well, you're in for a treat.
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watch for loyalty and curiosity if you saw the other two
17 March 2002
It is not bad but surely not good. Effects are middling; acting as required; silly as it integrates a modern school day with 30 year old bullies and Fantasia. Doesn't work well. If you are loyal to the series, you should see it. It is better than pulling weeds out of the garden.
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exciting, lots of fun for an 8 year old
3 February 2002
I was 8 in 1930 so I saw it when it came out and it was exciting and even had a bit of color in it at the end; which no one had seen before. So from that vantage point, I love the fighting, right wins in the end, and huge crowd fighting. Where could an 8 year old see this? Frimyl isn't a total loss either. Remember there are only Friml, DeKoven, Herbert and Romberg in America when it comes to operettas.
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cowboy serial with mysterious villan that enthralled me when I was 6 years old.
13 January 2002
One of the first movies I remember in 1928. I thought William Desmond with his tiny moustache and dash was the most thrilling hero I would ever see. He was a dashing cowboy. Tom London wore a glove with claws on it and showed his hand in the film but everyone knew it was he because the introduction to all 10 or 12 chapters said --- played by Tom London, the man the bad stuff was behind. A 6 year old doesn't remember too many details but IT WAS THRILLING. I probably saw most chapters on Saturday for 10 cents at the neighborhood theater. This was a memory of my early life.
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satisfying to fans and entertaining to newcomers
16 November 2001
If you have read the book, you will enjoy it more because the movie can't contain it all. It is true to the book. An exciting, enchanting, thrilling, satisfying movie with great casting, special effects, and music. It is not a child's movie only but if you don't like Alice in Wonderland and Star Wars, go somewhere else but if you do, then wish the two and a half hour movie was longer. 10 thumbs up!
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To the Ends of Time (1996 TV Movie)
if you like fantasy, sit and watch; if not, run other way
21 July 2001
Satisfying fantasy with ships sailing thru clouds with cannons, evil plotters, strange landscapes, manipulations of time, great sets, void of reality, maybe like Never Ending Story or some Merlin stuff. If you like that, you'll love it. Christine Taylor is beautiful. Sword fighting is phoney. Music is delightful. Good wins out, they kiss, all is well, and the cook is pleased.
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well made and does not give the history of slavery
28 March 2001
This movie was made 30 miles from my home and we had a gathering of those in it in March 2001. They were the Southerners in the 2 scenes around the tables. The slave scenes were made somewhere in the Indes and did not depict the condition in the South. They were slaves which is horrible but they were valuable property and were treated by the doctors of the family not vets. The scenes showing 20 or more slaves in the interior of the house is inaccurate in number. The babies would not have been in the house or jumping on the beds. But their lot was not proper especially where families were broken up and sold etc. This is not to defend the film but to say that a lot of innacurate imagination was used. It is a rather horrible film to watch and Gone With the Wind would be correct to those who wish to see the conditions. Birth of a Nation is also overdone. The directors who live in Rome are very skilled and I think the cinematography is excellent but you will not have fun watching it. I do have a copy I got from Italy.
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Legend (1985)
beautifully made fantasy with images, characters, magic and a good/evil confrontation
24 September 2000
If fantasy, fairies, demons, beauty, elves, and the triumph of goodness is your bag, then this is your movie. It is Fellini and Bergman together with a great editing; an adult "Never Ending Story." If you like detective, car chases and explosions, you're wasting your time. If you have the heart of a poet and and appreciation of grotesque beauty, you'll hunt to buy it.
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laugh out loud comedy of horror fantasy; satisfying
17 February 2000
This is a wonderful ridiculous film that uses all the fantasy and horror stuff and comes out satisfying; characters are 3D and likeable, even the ghouls. Special effects are well done. Ending is great and surprising. If you aren't serious minded and like adventure, SEE IT!
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