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Heartbreak High (2022–2025)
Very influenced by Sex Education
20 August 2023
Too much trauma bonding was used to expedite the plot . Excellent acting. Rachel House was awesome. Loved Malakai's storyline and Quinni's story as well. Just didn't like the jaded energy of some of the characters. Teenagers can be dorks, completely uncool and still have compelling stories to relate. Just have general criticism of kids being shown as adultified. It is a continuing issue with teem shows. Young ppl can shown growing up without catapulting all of their experiences into hard partying and normalised drug use. Every weekend is not Carnival. Also, for all of the diversity in the cast, race was only referenced with Malakai and the other 2 First Nations characters and with. Darren and their dad. I know Darren was supposed to be the voice of oppression in a sassy way but overall, the subject of race was treated very superficially.
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Troy (2004)
It is not the actors' fault.
16 May 2004
I feel I had reasonable expectations of this movie: a classic tale of war to be greatly enhanced in its retelling by incredible fight scenes and terrific actors. I basically assumed the script structure and basic direction would be good enough not to get in the way of the movie. I was so wrong.

This movie is awful. The storyline has no linearity and no resonance. I am not even critiquing the liberties taken with Homer's work. It is just that in terms of how the story in the film is told, there is no clear vision. Obviously, the battle scenes are pretty exciting, but the rest of the time there are serious lags of interest. There are several film sequences in Troy that could have had remarkable impact, but were lost in boring still shots. While the fight scenes were well-staged, many other scenes were poorly formatted and blocked. The script could have employed a few devices to make the story and its characters more coherent and cohesive. These lapses in the screenplay, cinematography, and direction produced a sodden, overcooked mess of a movie.

That said, the actors in the movie did a great job. The most worthwhile elements of the movie are Eric Bana and Brad Pitt. They are tremendous in their roles of Hector and Achilles. Sean Bean, Peter O'Toole, Saffron Burrows, and Rose Byrne are very good as well. Brian Cox, though a brilliant actor, is a bit over the top in his role of Agammenon. Orlando Bloom as Paris is a little lost, but his character isn't very well-written. Lastly, while Diane Krueger is beautiful, she is somewhat useless in her role of Helen of Troy. All in all, the actors did the best they could with what they were(or weren't) given.

This movie should have been better.
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The enjoyment of this film was absolutely owed to Jennifer Garner.
1 May 2004
This movie is one I would see again just for Jennifer Garner's performance. She is effervescent and funny. The concept and execution of the movie is very "cute", but Ms. Garner is a winning protagonist and makes it work. She maintains all of the nuances of being a thirteen year-old (the awkwardness and naivete) without discounting the character or the audience. Also, with this film, I finally see Mark Ruffalo's grace as an actor. He has a subdued but strong presence. Andy Serkis is very good, as well.
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Unsentimental and brilliant
1 May 2004
This movie has a lot of references: the films of Sergio Leone; kung-fu and Godzilla movies; blaxploitation films; Japanese anime; and specifically, the French movie The Bride Wore Black. Even with all of these elements, the movie exists unto itself. There is no self-referential winking; the audience is drawn into the film's seamless reality without question.

Uma Thurman is magnificent as the Bride; her vengeful drive is focused and unsentimental. Her will is unstoppable. While many wrongs have been done to her, she is not a victim; she is a survivor with a wrath.

Besides Uma Thurman, my favorite performances are Lucy Liu (O-ren Ishii) and Julie Dreyfus (Sophie Fatale). Lucy Liu is real and brilliant in the role of the immaculate boss of the Japanese crime underworld. Julie Dreyfus is perfect as the beautiful and multi-lingual co-conspirator/witness.

The movie is dark and gruesome, but not in a salacious way. It works and it works well.
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Crush (I) (2001)
Well-shot, highly entertaining
10 February 2003
I was very surprised how much I enjoyed this film. I thought it was funny, sexy, painful, and warm. Andie MacDowell's performance was nuanced and vulnerable. For once, the director of a MacDowell film did not make her beauty another character in the film. The romance between Kate and her young man is lovely to watch and it plays out very well. Her relationship with her friends is both a thorn and a balm in her life. Imelda Stalinson, who has been a MVP in so many British films, does a great job in this. There is some tragedy in this but I think the film is saved in the end by the brilliant acting, clean direction, and witty writing.The film quality is excellent and the music is good, too, though unavailable on sound track.
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Just Married (2003)
Just Okay
2 January 2003
This film looked really funny in the first preview I saw, so I carefully avoided the rest of the commercials concerning this movie as they tended to feature all of the gags and then I saw the sneak preview.

I have enjoyed the work of both Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy very much and so I had high expectations for the movie. The premise is cute: uptown girl meets down-to-earth guy,they fall in love and rush to marriage. Based on this, the film meets the basic expectations. It is funny and the both lead actors do their jobs well. However, the script could have been much more fleshed out in terms of the supporting cast, the production design was lackluster, and the direction should have been cleaner. The overall effect of the film, even with the talented Mr. Kutcher and Ms. Murphy, was isolated and muted.
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So trippy
5 June 2002
While I enjoyed the performances in this movie and could sort of put the dots together at the end, I don't think I want to see it again. Was it all a dream? Do two flipside universes exist? I don't think so, but it was so trippy that I was tired by the time the movie was over. Naomi Watts was brilliant. All of Lynch's nuances are still intact. It was very well-made.
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Summer Catch (2001)
This is a bland exercise with points of interest.
25 August 2001
The first aired previews of Summer Catch only showed the bits with Freddie Prinze , Jr. and Jessica Biel and those did not interest me. Only when I saw that the movie cast included Matthew Lillard, Marc Blucas, and Brittany Murphy did I even want to see it. I had low expectations from the outset and so I wasn't disappointed when the bulk of the movie centered on two very attractive, terribly blank actors such as Jessica Biel and Freddie Prinze, Jr. Mr. Prinze seems like a nice enough guy, but he does not project real emotion. Ms.Biel is appealingly American in her stance but her acting lacks conviction.

The script for the movie is pretty banal. The viewer doesn't really care about the primary and secondary struggles of the central characters because we absolutely know that things will work out just fine.

The parts that showcase the rest of the cast are pretty fun. Matthew Lillard is fabulous. Marc Blucas is charming with his affection for chubby chicks. Brittany Murphy is great, as ever. It was nice to see Brian Dennehy, Fred Ward, and Jason Gedrick, though the inconsistent New England accents were kind of pointless.
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Beautiful and Sad
30 June 2001
A.I. is an amazing film. The story of a robot child who loves like a human is a journey. As David (Haley Joel Osment) experiences love, loss, betrayal, fear, hatred and devotion, the audience goes with him emotionally. Haley Joel Osment is brilliant, giving David a real soul. The film's production design is great. Mr. Jude Law is fabulous as Gigolo Joe. The blend of wonder, faith, and darkness in this film is beautiful and shocking.
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Great Cars, Cool Stunts, Bad Movie
23 June 2001
I attended an advance screening of "The Fast and the Furious" with high anticipation. Here, I thought, is my cool sexy action movie for the summer. I was looking for pure entertainment with just a thread of credibilty. What I got was a lopsided movie with great cars, amazing stunts, crappy acting, and bad editing. If one-fourth of the attention given to the cars had been paid to the acting and the human film story, the movie would have been just fine. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

First of all, this movie really reminded me of Point Break with Keanu Reeves, only instead of surfing, street racing is the centerpiece.Both stories are completely improbable. Both stories involve green cops sent to infiltrate gangs of thieves who use the loot to fund their expensive hobbies. In both films, the hero jeopardizes his case by gaining a dangerous level of respect for the charismatic leader of the band of thieves. The big difference between the two films is that while Point Break works, The Fast and the Furious does not. The failing point of this film is the lead actor. Paul Walker is the sucking-chest wound of this movie. Yeah, he's pretty, but he completely unable to emote or communicate anything about his character. Even in the presence of excellent actors like Vin Diesel and Ted Levine, he is like a plank of wood. Jordana Brewster isn't too pro either. All the other actors(including Michelle Rodriguez)do a fine job.

Had the basic criteria been met(competent lead actor, clean editing), The Fast and the Furious could have been great. As is, it is moderately awful.
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Angel Eyes (2001)
Excellent cast
21 May 2001
I very much enjoyed this film. Jennifer Lopez was angry yet vulnerable, Jim Caviezel was appropriately haunted(and a little old-fashioned.). I enjoyed how the story unfolded. It is a damaged romantic film and the cast is what makes it work. It avoids being too maudlin or plot-constrained. It was great to see Sonia Braga, too. Romance in movies is not a bad thing; it just has not been done very well over the past several years. Also, I wish critics would give Ms. Lopez credit for being a good actress. She is able to communicate complexity, and perform in action scenes. And she looks great, too.
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Return to Me (2000)
Funny and tender with real emotion
26 March 2000
I just saw this movie last night and I was really surprised. This movie was wonderful. Most romantic comedies lose emotional substance, lost in plot machination. This movie, while sentimental, maintains a tender comedic edge. The use of such veteran actors as Robert Loggia and Carol O'Connor and "funny" actors like Bonnie Hunt,David Alan Grier,and James Belushi enrich the film greatly. The tone is gentle wit. The comedy does not overwhelm the basic story. Minnie Driver and David Duchovny give truthful performances with emotional resonance. However, the star of the movie is the grace of the assemble cast.
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