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Heavy (1995)
Watch this movie!
7 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
As one of my boyfriends friends described this film "This is one of those movies where you don't really feel any better after you watch it." Reguardless, this is a film everyone needs to see.

This film is about Victor, who is brutally shy. Victor has had everything a certain way, for a long time, and wants it to stay that way. His dream is to go to culinary school and become a chef, so his mom and dad open a resturant, so that he has a place to cook - sort of a greasy spoon - nothing all that special.

During the film, Victors mom gets sick, and he takes her to the hospital. He sits with her for days. He goes to the cafeteria for lunch, and while he's gone for lunch, his mom dies. He doesn't tell anyone - not even the people that work at the resurant, because, as he puts it later, he "didn't want anything to change."

I am unfamiliar with the man that played Victor in this film. However, I think he is one of the most amazing actors that I've seen in a long time. You feel all his emotions - his painful shyness, how alone he feels after his mom passes, how alone he is in the world. You actually FEEL all of that.

Now, be forwarned - I cried for two days after watching this movie. This mans performance was just so heartbreaking, that I couldn't help it. Every time I thought about it, I teared up. If your wanting a feel-good movie, or a date movie, I wouldn't really recommend this. However, if your having one of those "depressed, lay around in your pajamas, and eat a whole tub of ice cream" sort of days, then I wouldn't miss this film at all.
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Consider it a chess game, if you will...
22 July 2001
I like this movie. Or, I like parts of it. I consider this movie much like a chess game. Some moves work. Some just really, really didn't. Julia Roberts plays the same charecter that she always plays. The impossibly cute "creeper girl" who kind of gets buy at first, until it dawns on nearly every male charecter in the movie that they're in love with her. She does it well, but for as many movies as she's done, she should. John Cusak. Having never been much of a John Cusak fan, I didn't really know what to expect. His role was I think the most exhaustive of the movie, but he did well with it, and by the end of the movie, I wanted to go rent everything else that he'd been in, so I could see if he was as good in all his other films! By the time the movie ended, I wanted to gouge Catherine Zeta-Jones eyes' out with forks. She's either the most amazing actress in the world (her charecter was uber-b***h), or she really has some personal experience in that area. Hank Azaria was a waste of space for this movie. Donning a little bronzer (he played a spanish man, and he's not particularly dark complected in real life) and a absurd spanish accent (pronouncing 'junket' as 'honk it', for example) he just basically takes away film time from the other actors. Seriously. I can't figure out any other purpose for the guy. Billy Crystal serves much the same function that Julia Roberts serves. "Just play the same charecter you play in every movie, and you'll be fine" he's just as sarcastic and wise cracking as ever, but I think he had better sucess in the past, having better "bouncing boards" if you will, than Seth Greene and whoever that man was that played the head of the studio. Basically, if you like any of these actors, you'll like it because their in it, but if your going for the story, be patient. It'll get there...
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The Man Show (1999–2014)
Gasp! The Shock! The Horror!
12 September 1999
Of what? You might be asking yourself. Well...not a darn thing, to tell you the truth. Although this is The MAN show, I tuned in the other day, simply to see Adam Carolla (IMHO, one of the funniest men on telivision today) outside the Loveline format that made him famous. This show is hilarious - I love this show. And yes, as the name "Theresa" would suggest, I am not a man. This show is about not really taking yourselves very seriously. And since they call it The Man Show, it is mostly about men not taking themselves to seriously. Like (and anyone that saw the most recent episode will know what I'm talking about) the 3 quater a$$ shorts? Please! The only part of the show that is excessivly male is the "Juggies" dance squad, but even that can be dismissed as laughable.
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Loveline (1996–2000)
12 September 1999
That's the most I have to say about this show. I used to live in a market that carried loveline on the radio, but I didn't have cable to watch it, and now i have cable, but i can't listen to it on the radio. I have been a faithful viewer/listener for a year now, and I wouldn't miss it!

People call in that have had some serious trauma in their past, and depending on how heavy the trauma is, Adam will usually crack a (mildly - once again, depending on the trauma) off color joke or two, and then comes the advice from the almost-always serious Dr. Drew. Watching the show, you'll find yourself almost getting sick of Adam by the end, but at the same time, you'll be laughing at his jokes. Every so often, a sensible piece of advice will come shooting out!

As for Dr. Drew - how can you not like him! To paraphrase what Adam said about him once "He came from a stable home. He had two parents that loved each other and loved him. They made sure he had food to eat every day. They made sure he went to school, and went to college." Can you imagine the world if there were 5 billion more people just like him?

And, Diane...Diane, while being even less qualified than Adam, serves the purpose that she is there to serve, which is adding a female perspective. However, the one thing that I've noticed about her is that she laughs incessantly at ALL of Adams jokes. I think Adam is hilarious, but he isn't a funny as she seems to think he is.

Overall, this show is a benefit to society, and the "generation x" as a whole. If you are watching or listening now, continue. If you've never seen or listened to the show, look it up on the web, find a radio station in your area, and take a listen. If you can't find a radio station, then get MTV and watch it.
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Total Request Live (1998–2019)
Does no one understand how the show works?
28 August 1999
TRL is a show that is solely based on viewer requests. And since the people that seemingly feel the most motivated to call in are POP fans, those seem to be the videos that remain on the top the most. I just watched the top 50 video countdown on MTV, and I want to share a few statistics with you - Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, Blink 182 and Eminem all came in the top 10 - for the entire summer. Only BSB and N Sync? Try again. "Freak on a leash" came in at number 18, beating - (you might want to sit down for this) Madonna, N Sync, Britney Spears, Brandy, LFO, Sugar Ray and more.

If you don't like the bands that make it into the top ten everyday, then get up and call and request another video.

Oh, here is another fact for you - Backstreet Boys video for "I want it that way" was on the countdown for 65 days, the maximum allowed. Of those 65 days, it spent 40 at number 1. There is one band that knocked them off. Guess who - Limp Bizkit! N Sync was recently at number 1, and got knocked off by (I don't think anyone will expect this) Tom Greene!
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Wild Things (1998)
A porno with a plotline? Couldn't be - could it?
28 August 1999
YES IT CAN! This movie dragged on for ever. I watched from beginning to end, and even though my direct tv said it was just two hours, it felt like 4! This insipid story dragged on forever. The one charecter you think you could like (the female cop) gets brushed under the rug without a second consideration. As for the other charecters, just when you think you've got a handle on something that is happening, something totally differant happens! And wasn't everyone just a little too good looking?
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"I'm the boss...need the info..."
28 August 1999
The info is, that this is just a campy, all in good fun, not taking itself to seriously, spy spoof. And in not taking itself so seriously, it also requires that its viewers do the same. If you can do that, you'll love it. If you want a pretty serious movie, or if you heard "SPY" and thought "James Bond" then you won't like it. MY RANKING: 4.5/5
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Overnight Delivery (1998 Video)
28 August 1999
I watched this movie, and I didn't quite know what to expect. I got everything I wanted.

The general storyline was a little predictable (hmm, she agrees to drive him cross-country to meet his girlfriend, and they end up falling in love. Who would've thought?) But the story unfolding on the screen (ignoring the premise behind it) was cute, and very entertaining. If you can get past the fact that this movie has a pretty basic "Yeah, you all know they're gonna fall in love" idea, then you will enjoy this movie.
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Threesome (1994)
Mindless Meaderings
4 June 1999
I knew what to expect going into this movie...and I got every bit of what I thought I was going to. The actual plot and storyline itself wasn't bad. The acting wasn't bad. I got a little sick of Stuart, played by Steven Baldwin, but that is about my only complaint. What I didn't get, was the point that all the sex had to do with everything. And I know that makes me sound really bright. But, without it, this was a nice story. One that I would watch again. Steven Baldwins sexual escapades (and I mean that in every sense of the word, right down to the actual "threesome") where over the top for me.
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