
4 Reviews
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The Swan (2004–2005)
don't listen to these people....this is the funniest show on TV
4 May 2004
OK, so you have to have a sick sense of, humor.....but the cheese factor is VERY VERY HIGH on this show. The women are pathetic (not really, but the producers make them look pathetic). They never are seen with makeup before the "REVEAL" and never seen without makeup after the "REVEAL." The show is done in PURE FOX style, with pseudo-suspense and dramatic music and "will she or won't she make it" commercial break cliffhangers. And to top it all of, you have the cheesily dramatic REVEAL, in which the women usually touch their face, cry, turn around and ask if this is real, and then cry, and then laugh hysterically. IT IS PRICELESS..........don't listen to these people commenting on this show. They are too uptight to breathe.
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Duplex (2003)
Pretty funny....better than Smoochy!!
11 September 2003
Not that it really takes much to be better than Death to Smoochy (which was really "Throw Momma From the Train" with Barney), but this movie is quite a bit better. It's more like "Throw Momma From the Train" in an apartment.

The movie has several HILARIOUS episodes dealing with Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore as they try to deal with and plot to kill their upstairs tenant. The movie had some GUT-BUSTING parts where I (and the rest of the theater) couldn't stop laughing. [One of those times where you laugh so hard and loud you miss the next 30-60 seconds of dialogue] The performances were great, especially the old lady and Ben Stiller. Drew Barrymore seemed to be miscast at first (or at least not a good match for Ben Stiller), but when things started picking up, she played evil pretty well (thank you, years of recklessness).

The end of the movie was a let down of sorts, as the ending was sort of abrupt. It dragged for the last third, but by the end had wrapped up for the most part with no loose ends. In my opinion, this movie was better than Smoochy, but doesn't hold a candle to THROW MOMMA. I'd still give it 8 out of 10. I'm definitely going to purchase it on DVD when it is released.
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Passions (1999–2008)
5 April 2000
This has got to be the campiest hour on television.

PASSIONS is by no means a GOOD soap opera. In fact, it's pretty bad. But then again, aren't all soap operas pretty bad from day 1? With that in mind, it is easy to get hooked on PASSIONS. Talking dolls, scheming teens, outrageous curses, and of course, the witch who lives next door.

I will choose PASSIONS over DAYS any day.....while they're both equally unbelievable, at least with PASSIONS I get to see Timmy and Tabitha.
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Flawless (1999)
This one drags a bit
25 November 1999
First of all, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert DeNiro were both spectacular.

It is sad that two great actors (Hoffman & DeNiro) didn't have much to work with as far as the script was concerned. However, these two men gave it their all and were very convincing in their roles, especially Hoffman.

While the whole "drag scene" was a bit camped up for the masses, it was quite entertaining. Pay attention to Jackie Beat and Joey Arias (NYC divas), for they're only on camera a couple of times.

I enjoyed this film, only because the acting was outstanding (for the most part). If you are looking for a film that reaches deep within the minds and souls of two people from different sides of the fence and their developing relationship, don't see this movie. If you want some funny drag and good acting, see FLAWLESS.
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