
10 Reviews
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Roadkill (1989)
See this movie!
17 September 2000
I highly recommend this movie. It will probably not appeal to mainstream audiences, but that is to be expected. It's a brilliantly done low budget indie that may remind you of Tarantino, even though it was years before Reservoir Dogs. In fact, I'm surprised Tarantino hasn't acquired for Rolling Thunder(his distribution company). I know he's familiar with the director because he reportedly has the rights to one of his other films. You will have difficultly finding it in America. I recommend checking the internet auctions regularly. I assure you it is worth buying to see it, even if you only watch it once. Since it's so unknown in America, you can probably get it cheap as well. You may have noticed I haven't said anything yet about the plot. I think if I tell you plotlines you won't believe me. That's how "out-there" it is. And worth your time and money. Get this video.
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Clerks (2000–2001)
I really hope this lasts
4 June 2000
It was obvious from the beginning that a series of Clerks on the Disney network couldn't be the same, but what it lacks in profanity it makes up with how unpredictable and ridiculous it gets.

It's not as if it isn't as funny as the movie, but it has it's oh-my-god-I-can't-believe-this-is-happening moments. The whole sequence with Randal egging on an attorney to sue Dante and the QuickStop is absolutely priceless. Dante's "introduction" as the defendent was hilarious (and surprised me frankly, I didn't think the Disney network would allow a line that risque. Maybe they aren't such stiffs after all.)

I really hope this show lasts. If it doesn't, there is supposed to be a second film, according to the Dogma credits anyway. Either way, I hope these episodes see a DVD release.
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a screenwriting masterpiece!
19 May 2000
A brilliant portrait of society at it's most selfish. I could spend forever analyzing this film and it's characters. Neil LaBute is on a roll, and I am one of his disciples (see my comment on In The company Of Men for further proof).

Perhaps the greatest challenge surrounding this film is deciding which is the most despicable of the characters. On the surface, Jason Patric character seems the coldest and most hateful person ever, but if you look closer you may see an uncomplicated man who simply lives by a code and only reacts when it is violated.

Think about it. But then, you will be thinking after watching this movie. So be prepared. (And don't watch it with a date if you have anything romantic planned afterwards.)
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take that Hollywood!
19 May 2000
Brilliant! I don't get most people's reaction to the works of Neil Labute. His writing is hard-edged, powerful, and unflinching. Most people reacted to their hatred of Chad by projecting it onto Neil LaBute (and, as I understand, Aaron Eckhart as well).

Well, guess what folks: that means they did their jobs well. You're supposed to hate Chad and what he does (and Howard as well, I think). This movie is meant to make you think. If you don't want to think (and I realize that that's not the strength of most mainstream moviegoers), then go see whatever Tom Hanks is in that's playing, and leave these artists alone. (And if anyone wants to discuss this with me, my address is listed.)
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I guess no one is immune to selling out.
22 March 2000
The time has come for Steven Soderbergh to sell out. I'll always think of The Limey as his last film before selling his soul to Hollywood. It's hard to believe that the director of sex, lies, and videotape made this. Soderbergh used to be one of the godfathers of independent filmmaking (before there was Tarantino, there was Soderbergh). The name Soderbergh meant quality cinema. I thought Out Of Sight was a little too mainstream, but I saw what he was doing: trying to take an action film, and give it the kind of gritty feel that The French Connection or Serpico used to have. Most directors don't make them like that anymore (pardon the cliche). Following that, he perfected the gritty action drama with The Limey. These movies prove that he is above directing a knockoff of A Civil Action built around Julia Roberts. What's next? Jim Jarmusch directing the third Mission: Impossible? (If you're reading this Mr. Jarmusch, I know you wouldn't do that really. I'm just illustrating how ridiculous this seems to me. I think you're a brilliant artist.)
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Last Night (I) (1998)
16 March 2000
Now, THIS is an End-of-the-world drama. You can have Deep Impact and Armageddon. Take 'em, and keep 'em. Last Night is far better, and frankly, I'm a little ticked that the Academy didn't give it anything. Don McKellar (a genius, by the way) wrote a beautiful script, and did the kind of directing job that you remember years later.

This is also the first time I've ever seen a movie end by fading to white, and it was an excellent idea for an ending.

I think the only weakness, if it qualifies as a weakness, is the wasting of Sarah Polley. I felt the film could have spent a little more time with Jennifer and her boyfriend. Sarah Polley is the kind of actor who can take an insignificant character, and make her into something more.

Other than that, the performances were excellent all around. McKellar did a great job. When actors direct the films they're starring in, they're usually pretty weak. If you didn't know he was the director, you never would have guessed it.

If Mr. McKellar makes a film half this good the next time he directs, he might get a chance to thank the Academy (that is, if there is any justice).

One final note: I don't think I've ever thought this much after watching a film. Obviously, everyone who sees this movie will be asking themselves what they would be doing on the last night. So, to everyone who has not yet seen it, get someone to watch it with you because you will definitely what to talk about it afterwards.
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I haven't cried so hard since Schindler's List.
25 February 2000
By the time this film reaches its inevitable climax, I had never so strongly wished that I wasn't watching a true story. Hilary Swank makes you love and want to protect Brandon as if he/she were your own child, and at the end I felt like I died with him/her. She WILL win the Oscar. Hilary, if you read these comments, know this: I haven't cried so hard since Schindler's List.
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Kevin Spacey's career performance.
25 January 2000
I can't remember the last time Hollywood was responsible for a movie this good.

This is also Kevin Spacey's best work (and if you've seen his work, you know that's saying something). He doesn't usually play very likeable characters, and Lester is perhaps, in his own way, the most angry and antagonistic of all of them. Yet he manages to make him sympathetic, almost a hero even.

The rest of the cast is excellent all around, but to me the show belongs to Spacey. This will be remembered as one of the important films in his career.
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Dogma (1999)
The best screenplay Kevin Smith has ever written.
22 September 1999
No, I haven't actually seen the film yet. This review is based on the screenplay on the Internet. If it's any indication of what the film will be like, then it's already one of my favorite films. I can't really review it without talking about the current controversy surrounding the Catholics' and their negative attitude towards the film. It is not blasphemy, to begin with. Certain obstacles in the story are created by certain Catholic rules, suggesting that they are wrong (which is probably what the Catholics are crying about). It doesn't deny, question, or show any disrespect to Jesus or God. It does, however, speculate on the holes in the Bible, the things that are left out, making humor out of these left-out fictionalized details. If one feels that making jokes about one's religion is disrespectful, then let me remind you that the oldest rule of comedy is that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Kevin Smith has called this movie his love letter to his faith. In the script, he treats the subject matter like it's an old friend. I don't know to many old friends that I can't joke around with as a way of expressing love and friendship. Kevin, if you read this, I respect your love of your religion, and know that it has made me really think about mine for the first time in years (and laugh at the same time). I believe that God, male or female, has to have a sense of humor to put up with us for as long as he/she has, and will remember this love letter when your time comes. Peace be with you, my friend.
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Go (1999)
An excellent vehicle to introduce America to Sarah Polley.
10 August 1999
This is Sarah Polley's movie. There's just no way around it. Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf created great comic characters. Timothy Olyphant has a great future playing film heavies ahead of him. But the show always belongs to Sarah. She's flawless, and always has been, at naturalism. There's never even a hint of acting in her performance. The film, however, has two major weaknesses. The first is the wasting of James Duval(I have no doubt that the Gregg Araki fans will agree with me on this). The second is Katie Holmes. She is extremely weak in the kind of throwaway role that a good actor usually makes something of. I'm guessing that her work on Dawson's Creek was probably the only thing that got her in this film. No matter. She just leaves more room for Sarah Polley to shine. And shine she does.
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