
16 Reviews
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The Shining (1997)
4 November 2002
I am not a big Kubrick fan... I am a big Stephen King fan. But I enjoyed The Shining (1980) more than the mini-series. I know it doesn't follow the book but it's just more effective. I know many other King fans that will agree (many will disagree as well). The book is great, but that doesn't make the mini series great too. See the 1980 version instead.
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V.I.P. (1998–2002)
Brain dead, are we?
3 October 2001
Just out of curiosity I wondered onto this VIP page, hoping I'll find a bunch of negative reviews. To my surprise, most of you seem to feel that VIP is a great show. Now, I don't criticize something I haven't checked out, and so, I have forced myself to watch two episodes (something that I regret to this day). The acting was awful, the ideas were stupid, and overall it was terribly executed. My expectations were low to begin with, after all I have seen Pamela in some of her prior works, and frankly, the only material that she showed any good skill in was her charming home video...

Awful show; possibly one of the worst on TV today.
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The Others (2001)
A superb ghost story.
16 August 2001
( A- ) I was pleasantly surprised by this one. But I must say that the trailer was poorly done. I wasn't at all tempted to see this movie until I saw the high rating (8.3/10) on IMDb. That made me curious enough to go and see the movie. I'm glad I did.

THE OTHERS is a great classic ghost story right up until the end when the viewer is shocked with an amazing twist. The acting is good, even the children were good in this one.

Don't expect some masked and deranged fellow pop out of nowhere and start jabbing people with a huge knife. This is a good old fashioned ghost story, which means that there's no gore and no real violence. That DOES NOT mean that you will not be frightened; if you pay close attention, you most certainly will.
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It could have been... but it isn't.
30 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: May contain minor spoilers!

( C+ ) I have mixed feelings about this movie, but overall impression is negative. It definitely was not what I thought it would be. and what it could have been if not for some painfully obvious flaws. And despite the `re-imaging' it is still inferior to the original 60's version. Simply, it doesn't offer much more than what I've already seen in the trailer.

One thing is true: the movie did have some amazing special effects and the makeup. Both of these crews did a phenomenal job. The make-up effects were simply extraordinary, and of course, far better than in the original. But again, with the budget they had, the high expectations from the public and the special effects and make-up wizardry we've already seen in the movies, we already expected it to be great. I have only one complaint: the artists tried to make the female apes too feminine and human-like. Simply put, the make up for the female apes wasn't as convincing as the make up for the males, but no big deal.

When I first saw the trailer, I was astounded. However, one thing bothered me ever since then, and it was the human characters-more particularly, their appearance. They were all. too pretty. Handsome. Beautiful. This had always set off an alarm in my head, especially if I have high expectations for a movie, like I had for the Apes. Such smooth and pretty faces are all right in such small TV shows like The Relic Hunter or Xena: Warrior Princess. But in a huge sci-fi motion picture like Apes, I expect some reasonable detail and realism. And as the movie progressed, I found that the apes were more believable than the humans and that's not necessarily a good thing, since I know I should be rooting for the humans, but I just didn't feel any sympathy towards them. The characters seemed shallow, and the only real feelings and emotions that I encountered in the movie, were those of the apes.

Imagine: you find yourself in a word that has been turned upside-down, and suddenly you're a slave to the apes. You eat whatever they give you. You sleep whenever you're not needed. You work hard. You wear the same clothes everyday, and you haven't bathed in a very long time, or haven't had the chance to practice any kind of hygiene for that matter. And to add to the list, you're beaten and kept in an atrocious environment. Then, you happen to stumble upon a mirror. how would you think you'd look like? Well, if you happen to be a male, I can almost guarantee that you wouldn't walk around clean-shaven, with a nice, smooth and bright complexion. And if you're a female, your hair won't be nice and curly (even if the curls are natural, they wouldn't look too good), and you would have light traces of lipstick or any kind of makeup. And here's where Tim Burton really disappointed me, because I've always thought of him as a director who pays attention to detail. However, the slaves almost shine for goodness-sake! The only reasonably believable character was Kris Kristofferson's character, but unfortunately, he's not in the movie long.

The human clothes are torn, dirty and so on. But notice the `beauty' in this movie: Daena, played by Estella Warren (I'm not really sure if this character was necessary. I rather think not). Yes, her clothes are dirty and ragged, but conveniently crafted as well. It's as though, these slaves had their own fashion designer that was forced to work with dirty scraps of material, but still managed to create a nice little dress with a cut to show cleavage and nicely narrowed in the waist to accentuate her great body, and cut nice and high to show her great legs. Like I said before, that's all great for a little TV show like Xena or Relic Hunter, but here of course, I expected higher quality filmmaking.

Mark Wahlberg was good, but he wasn't great. I didn't think he projected his emotions well, because I didn't feel his pain, or shock. To think that Wahlberg's character encounters not just talking apes, but loud, human-size, scary-looking talking apes. If that's not enough to defecate in your own pants, I don't know what is. But Wahlberg's character gets over this realization unusually quickly.

The movie was worth seeing just for the apes. Not only were the makeup and costumes terrific, but also the actors underneath it all. Two apes in particular stick in mind: Thade (played by Tim Roth) and Limbo (played by Paul Giamatti) used effectively as a comic relief. Both roles were very convincing and the makeup on these particular apes was incredible. But Thade, the evil General, impressed me the most. I thought it was a great character, superb makeup and phenomenal acting by Tim Roth.

And finally comes the ending. Understandably, there is nothing the writers of this movie, or Tim Burton could have done to overwhelm the ending of the 1968 version-that movie delivered a punch in the gut like few movies have. It was possibly one of the greatest, most powerful endings of all time. But what they have done in this version is simply ridicules. This movie would not have been so bad if not for the last few minutes of the film (which feel incredibly rushed) and a pathetic attempt shock the audience in some new way. I think they failed miserably and I found the ending laughable rather than shocking.

Overall, the movie wasn't bad but it was very disappointing. The visuals were great, and so were the apes, but everything else seems to need a lot of work. Too bad-it really could have been something great.
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The Score (2001)
An enjoyable film.
13 July 2001
[ B+ ] I must say I enjoyed the film, particularly the cast...the acting. The story was pretty good, too. A clever and satisfactory twist rapped up the movie, which was also very nice. First of all, Norton was amazing, playing two personalities in this movie - both done very well. DeNiro was equally impressive, portraying an experienced thief. Brando did a great job as well and it was nice to see him on the big screen again.

The suspense was good, especially near the end. Frank Oz (mostly known for directing comedies) did a great job directing, making the movie realistic but never boring. Bottom line, it's worth to see it in the theater. I recommend it.
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Unbreakable (2000)
What the hell is wrong with you people?
28 November 2000
Unbreakable was a very good film. And stop mentioning Sixth Sense - this movie has nothing to do with it. It's a whole different film. One reviewer compared it to Battlefiled Earth -- SHAME ON YOU! The movie was original and had an actual story, but I guess it's too much for most of you people. The only thing your brains can absorb are stupid, simple movies, like Charlie's Angels..

Apologies to those who enjoyed both movies mentioned above.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Genius film maker! Simply amazing...
25 November 2000
(A+) M Night Shyamalan has just made my top 5 directors list. This was simply an amazing film and, like its predecessor, it has affected me greatly once again. And who ever said that Bruce Willis' acting is not satisfactory in this movie is sadly mistaken. Once again, he was really good.

When I exited the theater, all I could think of was how talented the creator of this movie is. I was really worried that he's nothing but a one-hit-wonder -- but he's not! "He did it again!" as some of the previous reviewer's have said.

The movie contains many great shots and many symbolic scenes (if you watch closely). Everyone involved in this movie did a tremendously good job. And if this movie won't get nominated for an Oscar I'm gonna get really p***ed.

Samuel L Jackson was also fantastic as Elijah Price - the total opposite of David Dunne (Bruce Willis). Both characters were VERY believable.

And even though the idea for this movie is really quite uncanny, you can almost believe that something like that could really happen.

One piece of advice to those who haven't seen the movie yet but enjoyed Sixth Sense. Don't compare the movie to Sixth Sense, and forget what you heard about this movie. Just go to the theater with a fresh mind and expect so see a great film.

Just like Sixth Sense, it was a beautiful supernatural drama. Beautiful - I can think of no other word.

I look forward to Night's next film in great anticipation.
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Simply - bad.
10 September 2000
(D-) Bad acting, not much of a plot, and overall stupid. Ever since Scream, these types of movies have become really popular and I don't really know why. Probably anyone could make such a movie. I didn't see any talent anywhere. Just a standard teen slasher movie -- absolutely nothing new. Not scary, but stupid and annoying. A lot things didn't make sense and the climax was terrible. Not a good movie. I'm really getting sick of those highly popular party horror flicks.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
This movie deserves all the praise it is getting!
22 June 2000
( A ) I could understand why some people might hate this movie; and I respect that. However, what I don't understand is why someone would say that Tarantino is a bad or not good enough director. It's simply not true and you know it! This movie was done very well in more areas than one. Somehow the characters seem more natural in their behaviour, the way they speak, etc. The stories aren't deep and the plot isn't very rich because it isn't supposed to be. This is just a look at some criminals caught in some interesting and messy situations.

In order to really like this movie, you need to set all your expectations aside and --very important-- watch it more than once. You'll probably like this movie even more the second time. But if you didn't like it a bit the first time you saw it -- don't waste your time! Find something else to watch. This is the kind of film that you either love or hate. I love it.

The cast is great, the acting is amazing. The characters are very vivid and interesting. And even though some of the situations are a little outrageous, Tarantino still made them believable. Butch's story was very entertaining, and Jules is just the coolest - I like how he handles the coffee shop robbers at the end (even though it's not really "the end")...

And the soundtrack -- fabulous. I think Tarantino has good pretty good taste in music. You won't find any scores for his movies, though - just really cool tunes from the sixties and seventies that were once popular, but were forgotten.

As for the violence... there isn't much of it really. Yes, you heard me right. Next time you see PULP FICTION count the number of times you see a really violent scene and you'll realize it's not more than any other action/crime movie... And notice that they don't show that much -- it's mostly your imagination filling in what the camera doesn't show you.

I recommend this movie to all true motion picture fans.
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In Dreams (1999)
Just enough weirdness; very good!
3 April 2000
(B) This movie was very satisfactory. I enjoyed most of it right to the end. And the ending provided just what the viewer desired... Even though this movie didn't give me as much of that 'creepy feeling' as I would like, it was still a really good piece of dark film.

In Dreams explores the world of dreams and the possibility that they predict the future. Although this idea isn't very original, the movie was filmed in such a way that the viewer didn't detect any unoriginality. Only the dialogue and the character introduction could have been a little better. The rest of the movie was great. Oh, and Robert Downey Jr. did a fantastic job.

A nice dark piece of film.
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Great movie, released at the wrong time...
31 March 2000
(A) The Sixth Sense and Stir of Echoes must have been the two movies of '99 that I enjoyed the most. Both had good scripts and stories; they were interesting, mysterious, dark, weird -- those are my kinds of movies! They are also a proof that the mysteriousness of ghosts is something we will never tire of or not think to be intriguing.

Stir of Echoes was somewhat similar to Sixth Sense but it was also in many was DIFFERENT. First of all, it (SOE) is dealing with hypnosis and has a more 'criminal' as well as supernatural theme.

This movie is spectacular and the reason it was not recognized as such, is because it was released just a few weeks after The Sixth Sense - a movie which had already satisfied the audience with its supernatural theme. And because The Sixth Sense was such a hit, Stir of Echoes was shoved aside and didn't get the recognition it deserved. Don't get me wrong! I loved Sixth Sense, but this movie is also very good and if you liked The Sixth Sense, I highly recommend you see it!
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One of the best Vacation Series - no question.
31 March 2000
(A-) There's really not much I can say about this movie except that it is fantastic. It has become my family's tradition to watch this film every Christmas. Chevy Chase seems to play his character better than in most of the other Vacation series... And, as always, Randy Quaid does a brilliant job playing the irritating Uncle Eddie. It's a really great flick, especially around Christmas time.
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Sexmission (1984)
A Polish movie I can enjoy again and again...
31 March 2000
(A) Very, very impressive. Low budget, but still sooo good! Very funny (in its original language) and creative. And if you thought that Truman Show's ending was weird, you should see this movie.. Wow. Good stuff. And the last scene ends the movie perfectly.
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The worst of the 'Vacation' series!
19 March 2000
D- What an awful, awful movie! I could barely finish watching it. It was painful to watch this movie, especially for me since I'm a fan of the 'Vacation' series. This -- I am sorry to say -- made into my list of the top ten worst comedies.

Same characters, same actors (except the kids) but a horrible result. I wonder why that is? The direction? Probably. The only funny character was Uncle Eddie, although he's not AS funny as in the past Vacation movies, he still lifts this disaster off the ground.

There were many scenes that didn't make sense. Overall the acting was really bad (and I mean really really bad -again, comparing to the other Vacation movies)! It was just a big disaster. Some situations reminded me of a Bugs Bunny cartoon, although this seemed to luck the humor a cartoon has.

I think I laughed no more than 2 times throughout the whole thing. Stephen Kessler made a disaster of what could have been another good addition to the Vacation series.
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Best movie of the year--absolutely no doubt about it!
28 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(A+) I saw The Sixth Sense during the first weekend it was out and let me make this perfectly clear: This movie is one of the greatest movies of the 90s. The Blair Witch Project, Halloween H2O and the Scream trilogy just don't compare!

I came out of the theater astonished and awestruck, for I had witnessed one of the greatest endings. And for those who say that they saw it coming, I say 'no way!' because there is absolutely no way one could predict the ending to this movie unless he or she was the unfortunate one who heard it from a friend or read a spoiler somewhere.

The script was superbly written (by M. Night Shyamalan), and the cast is great. The acting was magnificent, even though you might hear otherwise now that the movie received so much praise. For some reason, people like to place negative comments about a movie that had great success; my guess is that it's because they like to be different from everybody else. This IS a great movie, believe me.

There are two kinds of horror movies. This kind (dealing with the supernatural and the fear of the unknown), and the slasher kind (where a mentally ill and/or deformed in some way person or creature goes out and massacres teenagers). The first kind mentioned is my favorite type and that's why I grade The Sixth Sense so high, it's simply original and well thought out.

Cole Sear is played brilliantly by Haley Joel Osment and Malcolm Crowe was also fabulously played by Bruce Willis. M. Night Shyamalan did a superb job directing and I look forward to his future films.

The music score, written by James Newton Howard, delivers the appropriate mood and builds the suspense. A great score. I love the camera movements also.

If you enjoyed this movie as much as I did, I would also strongly recommend you to see THE STIR OF ECHOES with Kevin Bacon, directed by Devid Coepp.
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Action-filled sci-fi, with special f/x that once blew our minds!
22 February 2000
(B+) An overall great action-packed movie. I especially enjoyed Linda Hamilton's performance. After her character was locked up in a mental institute for several years, she had changed a great deal. She is tougher. She wasn't wailing or being hysterical--finally an action movie that wasn't as stereotypical as other action movies I've seen with female characters.

The story was decent, even though it sometimes lacked a little sense, but then again, the 'time travel' aspect often has some kind of flaw in every sci-fi movie I've seen.

The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course) is sent back in time to protect the young John Connor (Edward Furlong) from T-1000 (Robert Patrick) whose mission is to kill John and his mother Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton).

The special effects--considering the time period (early nineties)--are phenomenal. The movie is exciting and therefore fun to watch.

The score for the movie (music) is interesting, since the main theme is the only piece that has a melody in it (composed by Brad Fiedel), the rest consists of more unusual sounds effects than actual music. But it's all good.

James Cameron did great job of directing. And yes, I did like it better then the first.
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