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Stupid Pet Tricks (2024– )
Here's an idea
24 March 2024
Presumably, people have to submit videos of their pets doing tricks to even get on the show. So when the animals don't perform due to stress from the unfamiliar setting, instead of it being a let down, why not have a backup plan to show video of them doing their tricks so the audience has something interesting to watch. I think it would be a great idea to allow pet owners to submit videos of their pets doing tricks for the show.

It can be really nerve-wracking for both the pets and their owners to perform live on television, so having a backup plan with pre-recorded videos would be a nice way to showcase their talents without the stress. We all just want to see those adorable pets showing off their tricks. The show should just make it a fun and less stressful experience for everyone involved by including videos of the tricks if they don't have "live."
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My kind of humor
8 March 2024
I was watching Seth Meyers and saw Rory Scovel on as a guest. I found him amusing and I was having a terrible day and needed a little lift so I decided to watch the comedy special he was plugging. I always have low expectations with comedians I haven't seen before because I've seen some real snoozers. I didn't quite know what to expect, but I did not expect to laugh so immediately, so hard, and for so long. I can't believe how funny it was. My SO and I watched it together and we were practically on the floor throughout the entire special. I had to pause several times to catch my breath from laughing so hard. I feel great now after watching this. It was exactly what I needed.
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Past Lives (2023)
Can't remember the last time I rated a movie 10/10
6 March 2024
This film is absolute perfection from start to finish and was my favorite film of the year. I loved every moment of this experience and I am in awe of Celine Song's exquisite direction of this film. I was shocked when I found out this was her first film. I am so excited to see more of her work now.

I know great films are a collaboration and the acting, cinematography and music throughout (I thought the music was reminiscent of Nick Drake's River Man at times, which I loved) was equally stunning.

Teo Yoo, in particular, was just incredible. I don't think acting needs to be nominated for awards as evidence of its value, but how did this man not get an Oscar nomination? His performance was so honest and realistic and profoundly vulnerable I had a lump in my throat feeling what he was emoting.

Greta Lee was also amazing. She has this serene Garbo-like face, but it belies the depth of her inner feelings. Her ultimate cathartic release leaves you with so many questions. The realism and subtlety of the acting in this film is not something you often see. Even something as simple as eye contact becomes a dance. The furtive glances, the awkward meetings, the intense gazes, all of it was just so intense! I actually had to pause the movie just to breathe and absorb the building up of emotions. I hope to see both Teo and Greta in many more projects. Together they were magic.

This movie is heartbreaking and beautiful and relatable and full of so many conflicting emotions that reflect the complexity of life, when every choice you make can lead you down a different path where the opportunity costs may not be felt until years later. I just loved it. It spoke to me in a way that few films have ever spoken to me.
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A bloated fever dream
18 February 2024
I really thought I would adore Killers of the Flower Moon since it has all the things I usually enjoy - Scorsese, DiCaprio, De Niro, a true crime story based on historical events, and a powerful narrative. However, I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to get through. I just checked to see how much time was left, thinking it must be almost over, but to my dismay, I realized there's still 2.5 hours left! 😓 I usually have a decent attention span - I mean, I watched Oppenheimer, which was 3 hours long, and I was completely engrossed the whole time.

Update: there's still an hour left. God help me get through this.

Update 2: I almost cried while watching this movie because it just...would...not...end. It's finally over.
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King Charles (2023–2024)
I adore this show
25 January 2024
I have watched every episode of King Charles, and it continues to improve as the hosts get more comfortable with the show format and each other. The banter and rapport between Charles and Gayle is incredibly entertaining, funny, and heartwarming. They cover a wide range of topics, both serious and lighthearted. This show will make you laugh out loud at times (Charles Barkley is frequently hilarious) and also bring tears to your eyes with its inspirational and uplifting stories.

I convinced my husband to watch it with me, and now he is also a fan. It provides a truly relaxing and enjoyable way to spend an hour, which is not easy to achieve. I genuinely hope that CNN keeps it in their lineup because I really look forward to watching it every week.

As a personal anecdote, we had a brief encounter with Charles Barkley in New York City, and he is just as cool and genuine as you would hope. I have met many famous people, but he stands out as one of my fondest memories.
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Frontline: Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover (2023)
Season 42, Episode 4
Aggressively annoying Twitter whistle sound ruins documentary
15 October 2023
I was very interested in this subject matter, but I don't know if I will be able to get through this. I'm 20 minutes in and I've stopped counting that high-pitched Twitter whistle sound that gets played with every Tweet shown on screen.

I don't know who made the choice to include these whistles, but it was a huge mistake. I'm thoroughly irritated now and bracing myself for the next whistle.

I've only ever seen one other example of this sound effect being used and it was in the (awful) movie Zola, which was based off on long Twitter thread from Reddit, rather than an actual script. It was as bad as it sounds.

In closing, this documentary is intolerably annoying due to the whistle sound effects that accompany every on screen image of a Tweet. You ruined your documentary.
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Animal Cribs (2017– )
I wish this show had more than 2 seasons
16 September 2023
It brought me such happiness to watch it. Antonio's enthusiasm and joy for what he does is just infectious. He spreads love. All those animals deserve to have the best lives and he made it possible.

There were a couple people who seemed too lazy *cough* big drinkers who had a backyard full of weeds *cough* to do the required upkeep (and I noticed there were no updates on them) but otherwise the humans and animals both seemed thrilled and happy with their new places. Some of the houses got incredible makeovers, inside and out. Lucky!

I so wish some TV executive would give Antonio another show. I am already in Antonio withdrawals. The world needs this man.
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6 episodes are not going to be enough.
30 June 2023
I'm going to need a 2nd, 3rd, 4th season and more. Are you listening E! Network executives? Just keep renewing it so I can watch Mama Doris experience luxury and food and culture all around the world. She deserves it!

Anthony Anderson and Mama Doris are so fun and funny to watch. Mama Doris has the "IT" factor and steals every scene she's in. She's so real, down to earth and straight up hilarious. Of course, Anthony is the perfect comic foil to his mama. You can't manufacture chemistry like this. The love and affection they have for each other is evident. But I am living for the laughs in this show. Each episode is pure pleasure to watch.
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Sean Patton: Number One (2022 TV Special)
Hilariously funny and original
14 December 2022
I had never heard of this comedian before last night when I saw him on a talk show. I was curious to watch his comedy special based on a bit he did about New Orleans accents that I found pretty amusing.

Well, I just finished watching and immediately had to write a review to urge others to find this on Peacock and watch. I was blown away at what a brilliant show it was! 90 full minutes of loud laughter in between being mesmerized by his delivery. This was more like a one man show than a stand up comedy routine. It was riveting to watch him perform. His material is raw and honest and unsettling and absurd and genius all at the same time. He's now become one of my favorite comedians just based on this special alone.
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Can't remember the last time I was so moved by a film
22 July 2022
As I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks after the credits have rolled I feel compelled to write a review for this stunning work of art. It started slowly but drew me in to such an extent it is now firmly in the top 10 of the best movies I've ever seen in my life.

I am shocked that this is the director's first work. Congratulation to Pawo Choyning Dorji. He is truly a once in a lifetime talent. This film just hit every emotional note for me. Every aspect of it was perfection and spoke directly to my soul. The script, acting, and cinematography (filming at that remote location and altitude alone is a huge accomplishment) were all beautiful, inspirational and had universal appeal.

This movie resonated with me on every level and I will not soon forget it. It's now my goal to encourage everyone I know to see it. I've watched all the films (including short films) from the 94th Academy Awards and this one is my favorite, by far.
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Painful autotune
27 June 2022
I love both their music. I've seen James Taylor live (Carole is still bucket list) but my god the autotune was way too heavy. Part of why I love 70s music so much is that raw, intimate, natural and imperfect sound of the singer-songwriter's voice. There is something so close and intimate about it. It touches my soul.

I know autotune has become the norm for post-2000 musical artists, but hearing that sound applied to James' and Carole's music was disappointing. No one wants to hear the "Glee" tv show version of their music.
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I Was There (2022– )
11 April 2022
This is such a tight, streamlined show without lots of boring, meandering filler. It is able to methodically break down and explain how historical events happened, step by step, in an entertaining and educational format. The episodes are nicely condensed and get right to the core of what happened--why, when, and how--with the advantage that time, distance and hindsight provides. Of course, you will learn more in a 10-hour miniseries. But if you have 20 minutes to spare, you will come away with greater knowledge than before, which may pique your curiosity to learn about history in even more depth.
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I have to laugh
15 November 2021
I've seen several of Alex Gibney's documentaries so far and I find myself noticing the glaring, blatant, intelligence-insulting manipulations.

I was really enjoying this documentary (more than many of his others, which were lousy and incredibly one-sided and manipulative) until the final episode. I am a Democrat and I loathe Trump, so I have no bone to pick in terms of "owning the libs." But to claim that not a single FBI Agent was happy about Comey being fired is, on its face, implausible. No leader is 100% beloved. In fact, career agents are not particularly impressed with political appointments. Imagine being at a company for 30 years and suddenly your new CEO is plucked out of a totally different industry and put in charge. Sure, in many ways it's a figurehead position, but respect still has to be earned. I'd say Louis Freeh came the closest to having that respect the day he started, but only because he'd previously been an agent. And still, there were those who said, "Sure, but he quit after 6 years."

Comey may have been somewhat popular in his early days as director, especially in contrast to the dour Mueller, because he was more extroverted and friendly and seemed to have more of an open door policy. But he certainly carried a lot of baggage. He had a reputation in DC as kind of a holier-than-thou, self-aggrandizing, "I'm the only honest man in DC" persona. He may have tried to play the humble aw, shucks role, but the guy was full of himself. Everyone knew it.

Add to that his relentless PR campaign to make the FBI more open and transparent, complete with TV appearances, speeches, you name it, and suddenly the FBI was in the spotlight all the time, which made many agents uncomfortable and miss Mueller's discreet and quiet leadership style. But yeah Comey had some burning desire to blaze a new trail.

That Alex Gibney actually used an official FBI internal memo to "prove" that Comey was so beloved and going to be missed is utterly laughable. Like the FBI is really going to have an internal memo that said "Phew, glad to see the POS is getting the boot!"

How stupid and naive do you think the viewers are? Many agents resented Comey and were glad to see him go. I had to take off 2 stars just for that jaw-dropping segment. I'm still shaking my head.
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Curtain Up! (2020)
I loved it
22 May 2021
This is a wonderful, joyful and life-affirming documentary. The children really bring the magic to this film and draw you in to their world. They are talented, creative, funny, honest, and vulnerable in front of the camera as they share their frustrations, hopes and dreams for the future. I am really glad I decided to watch it. Such a sweet little film.
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16 May 2021
I was absolutely captivated by this beautiful documentary. It was so well made and this family's story was so rich that it needed to be told. The history, the photographs, and the personal anecdotes evoked so many emotions within me. Have your Kleenex box ready. This is one that will stay with you. I am so glad I got to see this thanks to America ReFramed.
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Chad (2021–2024)
It's not that complicated. I love Chad.
15 May 2021
I am now 5 episodes in and fully immersed in Chad's world. I cannot believe how good Nasim Pedrad is at playing this awkward, intelligent and sensitive teenage boy. This show is dead funny but also very nuanced and touching in many ways, but without veering into saccharine "very special episode" territory. I almost never laugh out loud when watching sitcoms. I laughed out loud watching this one. For context, some of my other favorite comedies are What We Do in the Shadows and Curb Your Enthusiasm.
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Brilliant and compelling documentary
13 December 2020
I'm sitting here at a loss trying to put into words how much this documentary series has impacted me. I don't know that I can adequately describe it. I have never seen anything like this series. I had to write a review to let others know to watch this masterful piece of work. There is such an emotional payoff but it will wreck you at the same time. At this point, I will watch anything that Madison Hamburg makes in the future. He is so gifted and talented and I'm astounded at how intimately he conveyed his pain and loss and brought the viewers into his family. The level of vulnerability and courage that took just astounded me. I can't wait to see what he does next.
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Probably my favorite documentary I've ever watched.
31 August 2020
I put this on not knowing what to expect and it blew me away. It has kind of a strange title and part of me thought it was going to be boring, but it drew me in immediately and I was enthralled the entire 1h 15min length. It was just a perfect documentary in every way--from the direction to the cinematography to the music and artists involved. It was mesmerizing, informative and it cleansed my spirit, refreshed my soul and quieted my mind. This is not a documentary you watch so much as you experience. Just a superb work of art. Highly recommend.
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About Love (2019)
Hard to watch but interesting glimpse into generational patriarchy
16 August 2020
It was hard to watch much of the 90 minutes of this film, which focused on arrogant and egotistical husbands berating and verbally abusing their obsequious wives. The biggest revelation of the film was the mother. How she was able to retain her lovely, sensitive spirit, hidden and unbroken, in the midst of the rigid and forced gender roles within her patriarchal culture is quite an inspiration. Her beautiful soul is wasted on her boorish husband, who seems to find satisfaction in browbeating and demeaning her. I don't blame the daughter at all for not wanting to get married, if this is the example of marriage she grew up seeing.

Seeing as the majority of countries and cultures of the world are patriarchal, I think many women can relate to this family dynamic. I found it especially interesting that each generation of women seemed to be less tolerant of the patriarchal system, so that gives me hope. The oldest generations of women are sometimes the biggest torchbearers of the system that oppresses them. Young women like this filmmaker are standing firm and saying no, we won't accept this anymore. We expect equality and respect.
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Why Jim why?
31 July 2020
The Canadian set was hilarious. I laughed nonstop. Virtually every joke was a hit. Then I put on the Spanish set. Wow.....*thud.* Not a single laugh. Ended up turning it off because I was falling asleep after 30 minutes. The audience didn't seem into it either. It was a shock why Gaffigan would put such a weak set out there. It was a total downer after the show in Canada. I've seen Jim Gaffigan live and I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. This is a just bizarre misstep and I don't understand why he did it.
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I pretty much howl when I'm watching this show.
21 April 2020
Who knew how funny vampires living in Staten Island could be? This show has become my favorite above all others. I could write a really long review going into extraordinary detail about how genius this show is written, produced and acted, but I'm not an energy vampire so I'll keep it short. Two words: watch it!
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The Disney Family Singalong (2020 TV Special)
How was this SO good?
17 April 2020
I really expected this to be cringy and kind of boring, but once I surrendered to the simplicity and sweetness of it, it thawed my frozen heart. The raw talent (albeit a few heavily autotuned voices) and the less-is-more production values were more entertaining than every musical "Live! TV" special of the past decade combined. It was just purely joyful, intimate, touching, beautiful and sincere. Thank you to all the talent who participated in this and made it happen. For one hour I completely forgot all about my problems during this pandemic and that's pretty much all we can ask of entertainment.

High points: Christina Aguilera, James Monroe Iglehart, Josh Gad and Luke Evans

Low point: Vanessa Hudgens
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Silence (I) (2016)
I can't get past it
4 February 2020
I can't get past the fake accents of the two leads, Adam Driver and Andrew Garfield. I feel like I am listening to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
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BH90210 (2019)
This show is juicy, funny, messy and I am all in
10 August 2019
Hated the first 10 minutes. I was cringing. Then they all met up and the magic started. Love how self-deprecating the script is. We're not laughing at them, we're laughing with them. We all took ourselves so seriously 20 years ago and now that we have some perspective we can look back to laugh and cry at how life can be so messy and unpredictable. There's so much nostalgia wrapped up in this show but at the same time it's very fresh and modern. The sign of a good show is when you're so caught up you lose track of the time and the ending feels abrupt and leaves you wanting more. This is that show!
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All the sympathy is for the criminal, as usual
21 July 2018
Wilcher met Katie Belle Moore and Velma Odell Noblin at a Scott County bar and at closing time persuaded the women to take him home. Under this pretext, he directed the women down a deserted service road in the Bienville National Forest where he robbed and brutally murdered the women by stabbing them a total of 46 times.

He told reporter Sid Salter he stabbed Velma Odell Noblin and Katie Bell Moore on a deserted U.S. Forest Service road on a rainy night in 1982 because "it felt good."

Wilcher asked for a contact visit with Lindy Lou Wells who had been a juror in one of his trials, but the request was denied. Wilcher and Wells had developed a friendship. She was allowed a non-contact visit with Wilcher

Wilcher's last meal request was for two dozen shrimp, two large orders of fried onion rings, two orders of fries, one raw onion, six pieces of garlic bread, two cold, 32-ounce Cokes and two strawberry shakes.

Wilcher asked for and received a Valium shortly before the execution began.

Offered a chance to make a final statement, he said: "I have none."

"The families are relieved. It was long overdue," said Moore's nephew. "My emotions are better now because it's finally over," Moore said. "We don't have to focus on it all the time. But it just looks to me like he died too peaceful a death compared to the crime he committed."

After the execution, family member, Joe Rigby said: "All I could think about was when I first saw what he'd done to those ladies on the end of that government road. He died such a peaceful death compared to what they endured, to what my aunt endured."

So, basically this subhuman savagely and violently murdered 2 women and had no remorse. Got a bunch of his favorite foods, a chance to call and write letters to say goodbye to everyone, got a chance to visit with a chaplain if he so desired, got a sedative to relax him and then got peacefully put to sleep as if he were going under for surgery. And the lady in this documentary calls it "not humane" and then tries to justify the murders telling her husband "Haven't you gotten so mad you wanted to throw something?" Unreal. This lady is nuts. If his victims would have been able to kill him in self-defense would she find that inhumane, too? Well, we're just doing for the victims what they would have done themselves, had they been able. So sick of all the attention and sympathy being focused on men who brutalize women. All I can think about is their abject terror being driven down a dark country road by this madmen and what was going through their minds. Just wanting to be able to go home to their loved ones and see them again.

One last thing, Lindy Lou carries a gun. If you're against the penalty of death, don't carry a gun, you hypocrite.
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