
7 Reviews
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3 October 2003
I picked this up from the video store not expecting much from it, but keeping an open mind because quite often underrated movies really surprise me. No luck here. I simply did not find it funny at all. I watched the entire movie with a straight face, occasionally checking the clock. For a "dark satire" this sure doesn't get very dark, I couldn't believe how tame the whole thing was. I found the comedy to be at the same level as a Disney film, only with F-words inserted. And yes, I "got" the satire and adult jokes. That doesn't mean they weren't tired and incredibly overused.

So many big names! Robin Williams has pulled out the occasional flop (Flubber), Danny DeVito as well (see "What's the Worst that could happen?"), but I honestly didn't expect Edward Norton to sink this low. Time to change that theory. Now I can easily see why this went straight to the back of the weekly dvd shelf.
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Rose Red (2002)
Ho hum.
22 August 2002
I liked the concept of a house that grows, and I normally enjoy Stephen King stories, so I picked this up with high hopes. However, I found this was just one big disappointment. Far too long, there was no need for the full 4 hours. Scary? Maybe I've just seen too many horror films, but I found myself laughing at the incredibly weak props and "special effects". The acting wasn't too bad. In fact, I'd say most of the cast deserve an Oscar for looking so terrified in front of those ridiculous corpse puppets. Here's hoping the book is better.
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I Want my 2 hours of life back!!
13 April 2002
What total s**te I was forced to watch!!! After my 13 y.o recommended this movie to me I decided to hire the dvd. The plot was pathetic, the cop who has been on the tial of this hijack gang ends up letting the ringleader take his car and run!!...WTF????

I wish I'd read reviews about this movie B$ I paid out good money to see probably the trashiest piece of cinema ever...

See at your own risk.
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Fantasia 2000 (1999)
Longing for the old Disney quality...
25 May 2001
One boring afternoon I decided to dust off my old videos and sit down and watch "Fantasia". I was overjoyed to see my favourite scenes once again - the fairies, mushrooms, and centaurs to name a few. This inspired me to hire "Fantasia 2000", as I wanted to see more of what I loved in the first Fantasia.

Unfortunately, I was bitterly disappointed. This just wasn't as nice. To name a few bad points: The opening scene with the butterflies made me nauseous. And although Rhapsody in Blue was cleverly done, I still found it visually unattractive. Oh, and the addition of the Sorceror's Apprentice was what almost made me shut off the tape. I was never fond of this piece in the original, so to add it again was like a double slap in the face. (Although I ended up stopping the tape prematurely anyway further on). And heck, how can I forget the pointless celebrity cameos which took away even more of the "flow" of the movie?

Now, there WERE a few good points, namely...uh...well, the Tin Soldier I did enjoy. The whale sequence I came close to liking, but the 3D + cell integration just didn't do it for me. I never saw the last few end bits so I can't say what they were like, and somehow I don't think I'll be hiring it again to watch them either. Give me the old one over 2000 anyday.
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Wishmaster (1997)
It wasn't that bad...
29 December 1999
I suppose not many will agree with me here but I think this is one of my favourite horror movies. The gore was non-stop, unlike some where you have to wait half an hour for any action. I found his (the Djinn) methods of granting wishes rather creative and fun to watch. I especially loved the the very start, and statues at the end. 8 out of 10.
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Mad TV (1995–2016)
Not what it used to be!
30 November 1999
In it's 1st and 2nd seasons Mad TV was great, but it just went downhill from 3rd on. It is not as funny, some of the sketches can be slightly offensive and all my favourite old cast members are gone - David Herman, Mary Scheer, Artie Lange, Orlando Jones and Bryan Callen.
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Let It Be Me (1995)
19 November 1999
I found this movie really hard to sit through, my attention kept wandering off the tv. As far as romantic movies go..this one is the worst I've seen. Don't bother with it.
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