
16 Reviews
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Lep in tha hood come to do no!
13 January 2004
I suppose one could begin by saying that it was well acted; it was, but pornos can be well acted also. The plot is a whole different matter.

The writer seems to have totally abandoned the comical limericks that are the lep's modus operandi. In fact we see Warwick taking on very few lines and taking on more lethal damage in this one flick than in all of the other lep movies combined.

Overall it was pretty good, certainly better than Warwick Davis' dabble in space travel. But really, did my Pot of Gore need to become obsolete for this?
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The Living love the Dead Hate the Living
5 March 2000
This movie is rad! Full moon is normally pushing halfy horror genre products, but this one is excellent.

A group of teens break into a medical facility and are filming a horror film of their own, but they didn't know they were staring in one. The group finds a room with a mysterious machine and decides to turn it on. What a blunder. Rob Zombie and his army (ok well maybe not that many zombies) step out and begin to kill, one by one, all the members of the movie. Two of the three remaining cast members decide to make-up a plan to rescue their friend.

The best thing about this movie is the semi-unexpected ending. Let's just say that it doesn't end with two people riding off into the sunset, holding hands.

With a good plot, excellent acting, and a unique ending I would give three thumbs up to this one.
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Good Deal!
5 March 2000
This movie is pretty damn good. Way better than #2, and just a nose away from the first. This film focuses around the miller house and goes back to reveal a bit more about the Warlock and his presence in colonial times. It is really quite well done and the acting put forth by Bruce Payne supersedes Julian Sands'. It is also quite creatively done, especially what the Warlock does. Excellent, probably the best in the series.
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Ticks (1993)
T&A (Good Ticks and Great Actors)
5 March 2000
This movie was pretty good, but the cast is classic! Seth Green, Ami Dolenz, and Alfonso Ribeiro. I bet Panic looks familiar, yeah that's because he's Carlton on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And the icing on the cake is Clint Howard. What an actor. He makes another great appearance in this film as a marahuana farmers.

This movie is not too bad, but definitely entertaining. You'll love Ribeiro's character, especially since he is a hardcore inner city kid. This total contrast to Carlton make nearly everything he says a joke.

If you're looking for a movie with a funny cast, check this movie out. What a sidetracker for a lot of these people's careers. Classic!
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Doom Asylum (1987)
Best Suited for members of an Asylum
5 March 2000
What a smoker. Actually this movie was pretty funny. The acting and make up job was so bad that you couldn't help but slap your knee and giggle like a third grader. This isn't a film that will scare you, or win an Oscar for that matter, but it's totally Friday night entertainment.
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Eyed watch out for this one...
3 March 2000
Who approved the script for this movie? I am very disappointed due the high quality of horror films put out by Full Moon. I rented this movie based on this and was in shock when I finished watching it. The acting was horrible and plot was no better than that of a porno. In fact this is one of those soft porn movies, so if that is what your looking for, look no further.

A scientist is conducting experiments with eyes and the eighth dimension and a killer eye comes to this world from the eighth dimension and begins to ex-out all the tenants in his building. Its so bad, I am not even going to write any more about the movie. Rent any other movie by Full Moon; I would especially recommend the Dead Hate the Living.
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Get a Life (1990–1992)
Where did it go?
28 November 1999
Why did this show die? I thought it was one of the funniest series on television ever. Chris Elliot is Chris Peterson, a thirty year old newspaper delivery boy who still lives with his parents.

This show should be resurrected. My favorite episode is when Chris orders a submarine via the mail and he builds it in his bathtub. Him and his father then get trapped inside and are running out of air.
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28 November 1999
As part of a fraternity initiation, Chris and J.C. sneak into a cryogenics lab and accidently thaw out a creepy corpse. Little did they know that they have just unleashed a plague upon both their houses. When the corpse shows up without its head in front of Kappa Delta sorority, Detective Cameron is hot on their tales. Suddenly unexplainable events begin to happen. Corpses begin to walk around, the dead rise from their sleep, and heads explode to reveal a nest of slugs. These creatures are the carriers of this so-called disease and are doing quite a good job of transmitting it. One by one, they consume people, nest and spread. After J.C. becomes one of the victims, Chris and Detective Cameron are determined to stop these little creepy crawlies.

This is a awesome horror movie straight from the generation of the genre. Night of the creeps doesn't sport any big names, but its quite well done and is more than entertaining. There is also a bit of very lame foreshadowing that's pretty visible to anyone who has seen the movie more than once.

There are few must see scenes and things to look out for when you watch this movie. First off is one of the first scenes of Chris and J.C. in the cryogenics lab. When they see the frozen body Chris asks, "Who do you think it is?" and in a sarcastic tone J.C. answers back, "I don't know, Walt Disney? Who cares." Nobody could've known how funny that line would come to be in today's light. Keep you eye open for detective Cameron who comes armed with a twelve gauge and a myriad of cliches and one-liners in an attempts to be witty. Also watch for the magically self-extinguishing and self-re-lighting flame thrower. And near the end, like when they blow up the house, keep your eyes peeled on the crowd. There is a guy standing in there that looks a little like Bruce Springsteen.

Night of the Creeps is time and money well spent. Do what you must to see this movie. Not a bad movie to watch with your girlfriend either, but its worth watching so don't be doing any of that other stuff!
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Fright Night (1985)
26 November 1999
Charley Brewster has a new neighbor and he has a secret. Jerry Dandrige, Charley's new neighbor, is a vampire and is slowly consuming victims and dumping them behind the train tracks. One night Charley catches Jerry and his assistant carrying out this task and now Jerrys out to get Charley. He fends off Jerry for one night, but come tomorrow he's a dead man. Charley seeks the help of a TV actor when none of his friends will believe him. Before the night is over, Charley will emerge from Jerry's house, but will it be via the front door or the side door in a hefty bag.

An excellent vampire movie straight out of the eighties. Amanda Bearse is great as Charley's girlfriend and Roddy McDowell perfectly fits the role of the vampire killer. A well spent 90 minutes filled with laughter and terror.
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Totem (1999 Video)
Totemly a good movie!
20 November 1999
In the tradition of Full Moon's excellent b-horror movies comes Totem. The story of six people who find themselves mysteriously drawn to a cabin in the woods. They decide to leave and wander into a nearby graveyard that contains a totem pole, the crux of the film. The gothic style pole has three monsters carved into it. These creature are looking to raise the dead or complete some sort of ritual and they need three victims and three killers.

This movie is undoubtedly a product of Full Moon in its style, acting, and plot. The special effects are hysterical. One of the monsters who can supposedly fly sports a pair of wires that are all too visible. Also towards the end, when dead people are rising the make-up warrants an oscar award for a job well done. The corps wear rubber masks that yield no facial expressions whatsoever and when they grab for the people you can notice that nothing has been done to their arms so there is a complete contrast between the decayed face and the skin on the hands and arms.

Perhaps not an instant classic, but definitely a movie to sit down to. If

you are a fan of Full Moon's other productions you're sure to like this one. Its filled with awkward lines and, as expected, at some parts less than good acting. Even though its a bit short ( about 73mins ), head out and rent this puppy!
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What a ******
16 November 1999
Well from the title and cover picture you can expect too much. This movie is about some dorkey guys and like a devilish woman and I don't even know. Its a mind scrambler. With awkward nudity scenes, this might not be a date movie but if your sitting at home I would watch it. Funny enough, it was one of the first DVD movies to come out, so rent it on whatever media suits you and spend a night with Fraternity Demon. An instant Classic!
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Back again
16 November 1999
Well I found this movie for 1$ at sale at my local library and my brother and I flipped our lid. Both of us are veterans to the series and we more than happy to pay a dollar for it. Unstoppable action, even though its obviously not as good as Angela's first party. Angela is at it again ( even though its a different Angela ) and this movie packs one of the best lines in the series when Angela is in the shed: "Happy Halloween Bi***h!" Definitely a good way to spend 90 mins, but a must see for the Night of the Demons fan.
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Fangs (1974)
An Instant Classic
15 November 1999
Ok well if you've come this far, you can't be expecting anything good. I can tell you this much though, I would file this movie under instant classic. Not a good movie, but there is something about it that you just can't put your finger on. Whether it be the ancient look of the film, or the band music that plays after Snakey Bender has given what is owed to those comrads who turn against him due to peer pressure. Also a bonus is Sis, perhaps she looks familiar and for good reasons. Take a peek at Large Marge in Pee-Wee's big adventure and you might notice some similarities. I do. Well its a fun night with Fangs so I would recommend it to you B-Movie fans.
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Ice Cream Man (1995)
Excellent despite lack of acting skills
15 November 1999
Ice Cream Man definately goes on the top shelf in my collection. An excellent movie about an escaped mental patient turned ice cream man. Nothing can beat the line when the Ice Cream Man puts Tuna in the freezer: "You're Ice Cream!". It just doesn't get much better than this. If you are lloking for a real bomb, you have just found the atomic one. High five to Clint Howard for another role well done. An instant classic!
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Think Twice
15 November 1999
Perhaps think twice if you bring your popcorn and sode to this one expecting a good movie. Of course your not going to get something decent, in fact your looking for something close to bad. I personally loved it, even though Linnea Quigly only makes a short appearance. The first one was a bit better, but the second is definately one worth sitting down to. File this one on my top shelf. Instant Classic!
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Chopping Mall (1986)
Blast from the past
15 November 1999
This movie it totally eighties, you can't get tighter brown pants and cheesier sweaters than this. This is a nostalgia trip for all you B-moviers out there. Check this movie out, its a laugh-and-a-half. Robots go crazy and a group of teens are stuck in a mall and have to destroy or be destroyed. Eighties clothes, Eighties robots, Eighties phrases, Bad acting, canisters of gasoline that don't explode. What more do you want? Totally cool. An instant classic!
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