
9 Reviews
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3 October 2000
I had a personal reaction to this film. My little brother was handicapped. Thus I grew up with bunch of kids who had various problems, and one girl was blind. What made me ache the most was how desperately he was trying to live. He really tried his best to live his life to the fullest despite all his problems. People like us who don't have problems seldom try this hard.

Now about the way the film was made. It was refreshing to see something this simple. No special effect or anything of that sort. Just the people and the landscape. All breathtaking. This is so worth whatever they are charging you at your local theatre (I paid CAN$6). You must go see this, and remember the value of life and how lucky you are.
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The Cell (2000)
24 August 2000
I was amazing film. The plot may be dull, but that was not really the focus of the film. It was the vision. The director did wonderful job integrating ordinary scenes from desert, police cars, etc, with the dreamy scenes from serial killer's mind. There were some scenes in the show that I would pay again to go see. It was awe-striking. It was beyond beautiful. It is so worth the money.
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27 July 2000
I didn't read any reviews, but I just wanted to see a scary movie. So off I went with my unwilling husband. We had little expectation, but it turned out really well done. There were lots of good twists, and suspense was built up so well. We were always left wondering for the next surprise. And all the while, there was an edgy atmosphere that made you sit on the edge.

Whatever the reviews said, I think it was a great summer, scary movie and am really happy I went to see it.
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Perfect Blue (1997)
14 July 2000
I used to live in Japan and so I know some Japanese culture and all. And it always makes me wonder. Somehow, acting and story line of Japanese shows always look a bit silly to me. This particular movie is definitely a better one. Story line is kinda neat. But it is predictable most of the time. The main character looked pretty silly (maybe it was meant to be). I heard so much good thing about it before I went in, so I guess I was somewhat disappointed with the film. It was supposed to be full of suspense, but it really wasn't. Maybe in Japan, a film about stalker and a little bit of twist is unique. But by now, I have seen so many North American films where twists are almost a must. So I wasn't too impressed with it.

I don't know. If the show is cheap and you got money to burn, so for it. But this movie is perfectly good on a video rather than theatre.
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Gladiator (2000)
15 May 2000
It was a sort of a movie a big screen was invented for. The fighting scenes were impressively (a tad too gory for my taste, but oh well) filmed. It was just amazing watching Russel Crowe move. He had so much presence. So awe inspiring that I am thinking about going to see him again! And their recreation of Rome was also impressive. Computer schomputer. It looked big and real enough to me. I could see why people would worship Rome. Only small downside is that the story/plot isn't that great. It is quite predictable and some of the lines are quite corny. But the great thing about this movie is that it doesn't matter. I was so engulfed in the image and awe of Russel Crowe and Rome that weakness in the plot never bothered me at all. I went to a cheap night show and payed CAN$4 for it. And I believe that was a real bargain for such a grand film. I think every one should go see it!!!
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Indecisive film
22 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few spoilers ahead. You are now warned!

I read the book a while back and was impressed out of my pants! I have never read a book which appeared so real. What was the most amazing was his style of writing. I could just picture Richard, someone in my age group with similar back ground and similar values, talking to me about his experience over a couple of beer. So I reckoned that it would be a really difficult book to turn into a book and do as well. And here it was. I was disappointed with the film. It was very half way. It followed the book for some of the plots, but changed quite a lot of things. The book had events developing, leading us to some place. The film had many random events which seemed to go nowhere. Like the shark attack. That changed a lot of things in the book. In the movie, that seemed to do very little. It would have made no difference to the film if that was there or not. And Richard's involvement with Sal and Francois. That seemed to do nothing as well. In the book, his infatuation with Francois was interesting because nothing developed. Once they become a couple, it had no impact on the film. The ending of the film was very Hollywood. Richard screaming out philosophy of the beach did nothing for me. The ending in the book gave me nightmares. In the book, things went horribly wrong, so wrong, and was left like that. There was no big speal on justice.

All together, I think this film had a potential. Someone could have made a good love story, a good beach adventure/action, a very alternative or experimental film, or stick to the book and see if one could create the atmosphere of the book on film. But the movie was little bit of all of that, causing it to be half way at everything. It is a shame. It really should have been one thing, not pieces of many.
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Best one I have seen in a while
16 February 2000
This film was amazing. All the actors involved did great job. Every one appeared quite real. But the best thing about the film is the camera work. Every one of the shots can be used for a poster and would look great. There are several shots that stayed in my mind for a long time. My favourite scene was where your vision is that of a player. You see all the big guys around you, glaring at you, and you are scared brainless. You can feel all that in this film. It keeps amazingly intense, upbeat pace all throughout the film as well. Only few slow scenes are used well to fit the story. All around, this film was the best one I have been in a while.
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End of Days (1999)
Just awful!
14 February 2000
Just to warn you, I may be a bit harsh, but this is how I felt.

I did not want to see this film in the first place, but my fiance insisted on it. So off we went. We were shocked how bad the film was. Here are what's wrong with the film. 1) No plot-the main point is simple, the girl has to get away from the satan. Not much else of interest to the story. No twist, no surprise. 2) Weak characters - no one interesting. Arnie holding a music box and crying was just silly. Satan didn't seem very overwhelming for a satan. Don't get me wrong, I like Arnie. And the guy who did Satan as well. But they had no chance to develop their character at all throughout the film. Other characters are hard to remember. The girl was nothing very special either. 3) No development - things just happen. There is little struggle for the girl, considering that she just found out how horrible her situation was. There is no reason at all why Arnie had to risk so much to save this girl. None. The relationships between characters never develop either. 4) No scripts - no good lines, nothing witty. All there really was, lots of explosions and running around. Nothing else. This film was waste of money and resources. Don't bother to check it out.
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Scream 3 (2000)
Nothing special
14 February 2000
Maybe because Original Scream was an amazing piece of art, I was not at all impressed with Scream 3. It is not bad. There are a few scary parts which prevented me from being alone in public bathrooms for a few days. I definitely screamed once or twice. But then, the rest was nothing special. Plot was not awful but not great. Acting was the same sort of thing. Only thing I really liked about it was one liners. There were quite a few good ones. I suppose when one makes a creative film like the original scream, it is difficult to match it again. If you are bored, and want to spend a few hours listening to people scream, I say go for it. But don't expect anything special.
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