
8 Reviews
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Have lots of kleenex on hand!
6 July 2002
Few movies have affected me as deeply as this movie did when I saw it shortly after its release. It is a movie I will never forget. The performances....especially Hutton's were extraordinary! I went to the movies to see it and I was sorry I didn't bring a box of kleenex with me.

Though the quality of the movie is top notch, there is a disadvantage to seeing it under certain circumstances. If you have a tendency toward depression this may not be a good movie to see until you are better. I have a history of depression and it simply made it worse. Otherwise enjoy the intensity, depth and wonderful performances it offers.
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From Hell (2001)
Gory and not very believable
15 June 2002
If you don't care for gore then you probably won't like this movie. What happened to the days when they could make a scary movie without making you want to throw up? Also, the idea that Queen Victoria had knowledge of or influence on the Jack the Ripper killings is in my opinion, ridiculous. The performances weren't bad though.
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The War (1994)
Wow! What an underrated movie!
26 May 2001
I never heard of this movie before today and I just saw it on TV. What a wonderful movie! I would recommend it to anyone. It is family friendly as well. I was very moved by the movie. As far as kids not talking that way, well, lets face it, people in general don't talk the way people do in movies. At least they weren't constantly swearing. Instead, they were saying intelligent and thoughtful things. I was really impressed by this movie as it emphasizes values in our society. There are many movies that do just the opposite and that alone is very revealing about our society. We seem to value sex, drugs and rock and roll above values and that is sad. The acting was wonderful also. Enjoy everyone!
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In & Out (1997)
One of the funniest movies ever made!
16 September 2000
This is definitely one of my favorite movies. I was laughing almost all the time. I really think Kevin Klein is an underrated actor. He was really brilliant in this film. And I agree with the other comment that the self-help tape scene is the funniest in movie history. Being a person who is not wafer thin I also appreciated the scenes in the movie that seemed to be a "hooray" for the large woman. There were a couple of those scenes. Such as the scene were the movie star tells his model/anorexic girlfriend: "For Gods sakes EAT Something!! You look like a swizel stick." I just about died laughing. I don't want to give away the other scene because it's near the end of the movie and would give away a surprise. It's just a great movie and I recommend it to everyone.
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Enjoyable movie!
13 September 2000
I really enjoyed the movie. The cursing however was at a maximum so I would not recommend it for young viewers. Julia Roberts as usual is fantastic. The character is so bold that it makes me wish I were that bold sometimes. I loved the boyfriend! What a great guy! The actor that played him is superb!! I have to go back and look at his name and then look for him in other movies because that man knows how to act. I definitely recommend the movie to almost anyone (except children). What she does is important and she does it in a very gutsy way. Enjoy!
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Happiness (1998)
Definitely not a family film but it makes you pensive
13 September 2000
When I started watching this movie I knew it wasn't my type of movie but I was drawn to it like someone would be drawn to a car wreck. However, instead of being physically gory it's emotionally gory. I kept watching to see who else was hiding a bizarre aspect of themselves and to see what happened as a result of it. I would definitely keep all children away from this film as it is no holds barred when it comes to sick sexual behavior and conversation. Yes, the acting was very good, but sometimes I wish those talents would be used in a more positive way. One of the other reviewers mentioned that the film did not show the consequences of the psychiatrist/pedophile who raped young boys. I agree that was not the most responsible filmmaking. I'd also like to point out that we seem to be led to almost sympathize with the creep. I felt very sad for his son and the boys who were victims more than anyone, least of all the perpetrator. Almost everyones behavior was sick to some degree, going all the way from extreme phoniness and arrogance to murder. I walked away from this film wondering how many people in real life are hiding something emotionally gory about themselves and I also walked away a little more disillusioned with the world we now live in. I'm guessing I should have skipped this one since my speed is more "Mrs. Doubtfire" and "It's a Wonderful Life."
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Loved this movie!
13 September 2000
This was a riveting movie! Kevin Costner and the boy gave wonderful performances. I was never a big Costner fan but I think he was very believable in this movie (contrary to some other opinions). Just because he didn't act like a hardened criminal all the time doesn't mean he wasn't believable. On the contrary, I think it proves that it was a job well done on his part. He portrayed a very dark side and a very good side. He really identified with the boy he kidnapped because they had similar backgrounds. I didn't find a dull moment in the movie and was riveted to the screen as well as touched. I would recommend the movie to anyone.
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There are many reasons this is a great comedy....
5 December 1999
Mrs. Doubtfire is a great comedy for many reasons. 1.) Robin Williams is brilliant in almost any movie he makes, including this movie. 2.) It's great for the whole family which is kind of rare. 3.) It shows that a man can absolutely love his children and want to be a part of their lives. 4.) The music fits the movie and is great. 5.) It's heart-warming as well as funny.
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