
10 Reviews
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not bad
16 March 2003
The film was okay. I didn't dislike it, and in fact found some parts really interesting, especially some impressive camera work. It's a movie I'll remember. The highlight for me was the performance by James Van Der Beek. I knew him only as "Dawson" of the Creek, but I thought he was amazing! Each character is entirely unlikeable, but the actors were all wonderful, and James was, in my opinion, a stand-out. I'd see it again.
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Red Hot (1993)
Highly recommended
25 April 2001
What a great movie! I only hope more people have the chance to see it. I purchased "Red Hot" without knowing what to expect, and very much enjoyed it. The music itself is wonderful and makes the movie great, but the storyline and the acting is also extremely well-done. See it and you won't regret it.
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Chocolat (2000)
You'll crave chocolate for days!
1 January 2001
I absolutely adore this movie! The first reason I saw it was because one of my favourite actors, Hugh O'Conor, has a role in the film (Pere Henri). I knew that if Hugh was in it, it was going to be a good show. :) I found all the acting very good and very enjoyable. Although it may have been predictable, I think we need more happy, uplifting movies like this one! I enjoy a movie that leaves me with a good feeling afterwards, and "Chocolat" certainly does. I can't wait to see it again. But as for now, I must go scrounge up some delicious chocolate for myself!
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The Skulls (2000)
7 October 2000
Usually I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to films. I heard that this was a bad movie, but I'll admit I basically went for the eye candy, yum. Let's face it, like my sister said, "They don't cast Joshua Jackson and Paul Walker in a movie if they expect you to pay any attention to the storyline". Which is good, because the storyline was pretty bad. The basic idea probably could have been much better and more believably developed. But the acting was decent, especially considering what they were given to work with. I think Joshua Jackson is quite a good actor, but there wasn't much in this movie that required serious acting. Just running (so much running that I would have backed out of the film when I found out how much) :) $2.50/$8.00
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Night Court (1984–1992)
All rise...
10 July 2000
This was and still is my absolute favourite show! I was quite young when it started, and as such my Dad always tried to make me go to bed at 9. But, sneaky devil that I was, I stayed up past my bedtime in order to watch the greatest 80's show, in my humble opinion. I even went out once on Halloween dressed as a judge, inspired by Harry! It was such a funny show, and yet could be serious. I loved all the characters, though the 6'8" Bull would probably have been my fave since he was such a big, friendly...dummie :) The whole cast was gigantic in general :) I especially loved the episodes when you got to see the good parts of each character shine through (yes, even Dan had a good side), such as the episodes where Roz finds out she has diabetes. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it and I wished for years that they would show it in reruns--my wish has come true! It's now shown on A&E, 2 episodes a day, which I often tape and watch when I come home. It's a great show! Watch it, you'll adore it too, and hey, if all courtrooms are like that, maybe I'll go to law school :)
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I liked Deuce
25 June 2000
I wasn't expecting to like this movie, in fact I passed up a chance to see it for free when it was in the theatres. But when I did see it on video, I was pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's full of lowbrow, politically incorrect humour (and what comedy isn't these days), but it had a sweet side also, I thought. I think I just liked the character of Deuce, because he seemed to actually be a nice guy, unlike some of the mean characters that have come out of SNL alumni. It's a fun movie, don't go in expecting a deep message to be put forth. Just enjoy it. And Deuce is a sweetie :)
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The Last Stop (2000)
Adam's great, but the movie itself....
24 June 2000
To be honest, if this film didn't star Adam Beach I probably wouldn't have rented it in the first place. He's a great actor and gives a fine performance, along with the rest of the cast, but I just didn't think much of the script. It never really grabbed my attention, and by the end I didn't even care who it was that committed the crimes. Though the acting was good, the characters weren't very interesting, you never found out anything about them than what was on the surface. I'd say if you enjoy the actors in this film, and you have an hour and a half to kill, rent it. Otherwise...
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
Love this show
5 May 2000
I've watched this show since the beginning, and I always found it amusing. A bit off the wall at times, sometimes serious, but ALWAYS entertaining. Though I can't say I went through the exact same events they did in high school, there were always certain things that felt familiar. It was a sitcom! It wasn't high art, but it was a fun show directed at teens. As to the comments about how "unrealistic" and "fairytale"-like this show is, I ask this: Who needs to see yet another show based purely on reality? I don't watch TV to see my life, I want to be entertained (and my life doesn't have a team of screenwriters behind it, so it's far less interesting) Complaints about no danger in the classrooms? Really, I see enough of that on the news every night. Kids see enough of that in schools each day. I want to come home and see something that is sweet, that I can somewhat relate to, and that just makes me happy! That's why I loved this show! :)
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Jane Eyre (1973)
The best version of Jane Eyre ever!
16 December 1999
I have seen many versions of Jane Eyre, and this version is at the top of my list. When I get the urge for some terrific acting and a bit of romance, I pop in the videotape and sit back to enjoy. Michael Jayston gives an incredible performance as Mr. Rochester, just amazing. Sorcha Cusack and the rest of the cast turn in equally good performances, but I felt that Jayston was the best Rochester I have ever seen! It is a lengthly production, but the length is needed to tell the story--other productions, 2 hour movies, have not been able to do nearly as good a job. But again, Michael Jayston's masterful performance is the best part of this already first-rate production!
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Surf Ninjas (1993)
It's cute!
15 December 1999
Okay, art it isn't, but this movie is rather cute! I don't understand why it wasn't better received. I rented it on video a few months after it was released, mostly because of Ernie Reyes Jr, and I quite enjoyed the film. All right, so maybe the acting wasn't top-notch, maybe the script wasn't Oscar-worthy, but it was great for 90 minutes of entertainment. Upon reading some reviews I wonder what some people expect for a ninja movie? If you want tons of silly laughs then see this movie.
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