
11 Reviews
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The movie lives up to it's title
16 May 2000
I have always disagreed with the Academy not to mention most of the professional movie critics. But after viewing this masterpiece, I must say that my tastes are getting scarcely close to theirs. I had to watch it twice in a row after renting. Spacey, Benning, and Birch are all fascinating as is the script in this story of a man in a middle-age crisis until the beauty of a teenage girl brings him back to the spirit of his youth. I can see why many may not care for the controversy aspect of this film but in my opinion it's a slice of heaven for 2 wonderful hours.
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The Ride (I) (1997)
A ride for the entire family
16 May 2000
It's nice to just sit down every once in a while and have a film really touch the heart. Michael Biehn stars as a washed up rodeo star who now only rides the bottle and gambles until he gets stuck as a ranch hand. His life is changed as he trains a terminal 14 year old to ride. If you have a chance, see this film with the whole family.
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Dogma (1999)
Those devilish angels
16 May 2000
I was actually reluctant in watching this film and it's now ended up one of my favorites of 1999. A devilish dark comedy with two fallen angels wanting to get back in heaven & going on a killing spree on the way. Watch out for great performances from Affleck, Damon, Fiorentino, Hayek, and Rock. I know the religious aspect causes controversy but this is entertainment not to be taken seriously so take a pill and enjoy.
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The Low Life (1995)
A little sleeper that wakes you up
16 May 2000
Fine performances and a believable story revolve around a Yale graduate who is stuck in a rut of temp jobs. His bland friends can't help him get on his feet but a strange new roommate whom he thinks he can't stand actually brings out the life that he has pent up inside. At first glance this film may seem slow, a bit dark, and even depressing, but when examined as a whole after completion it really is a little slice of art with stand out performances from Cochrane, Sedgwick, and Astin.
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Criminal Behavior (1992 TV Movie)
A steamy tv thriller.
9 February 2000
Farrah Fawcett and A. Martinez star in this sweaty thriller that's pretty edgy for a tv film. Not yet available on video, catch this if you can on cable for a twisty plot. Fawcett is a lawyer and Martinez is the sexy cop trying to protect her with her latest case.
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Go (1999)
Three stories, one night, many crazy lives.
6 February 2000
What a ride! Go is easily the most original and spellbinding motion picture of 1999. The performances all around are good but what really stands out is the direction and storyline and how it all interweaves. The best way to describe Go to you is just tell you to watch it and then watch it again to see a bunch of things you missed the first time. Go with "Go" is you need a sure fire fun comedy-adventure.
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A man in the afterlife explores life and death.
6 February 2000
When Robin Williams made "Mrs. Doubtfire" I thought he couldn't top that. Then when "The Birdcage" came along I thought okay that's his best. Now "What Dreams May Come", easily the best film of 1998, he has reached a new peak in drama no less. The story of a man who in death wants to find his deceased children but also wants to "haunt" his living wife. From the special effects to the performances, this film leaves you speechless.
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Twenty-One (1991)
A comedy-drama about a british 21 year old single woman.
6 February 2000
Patsy Kensit gives a bullseye performance as a young woman who can't seem to get her men and her life to merge. Often hilarious and just as often dramatic, this true examination of today's modern woman is a sleeper that everyone should wake up to.
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Extremities (1986)
An attempted rape victim turns the tables on her attacker.
6 February 2000
Farrah Fawcett gives an award nominated performance as an attempted rape victim who turns the tables on her attacker. This movie not only makes you examine your own morals, it proves that Fawcett can excel as a serious actress both as a victim and victor.
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A killing machine of the future is sent to kill a woman of today.
6 February 2000
From the first frame to the final frame, this film takes you for the ride of a lifetime. Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, and of course Arnold Schwarzenegger put themselves on the map with this instant classic as well as the nearly perfect direction of James Cameron. Part 2 may have more modern special effects but nothing can touch the original.
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Johnny Belinda (1982 TV Movie)
A hearing impaired woman is befriended by a social worker.
6 February 2000
Rosanna Arquette gives an emmy deserved performance as a hearing impaired woman who meets and falls in love with a social worker played by Richard Thomas. Dennis Quaid and Candy Clark co-star in this compelling tearjerker. I'll be the first to admit that this movie brought me to tears of joy and tears of sorrow a number of times. If you get the chance to view this adaption, please do so.
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