
18 Reviews
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The Greatest Comedy In Quite Some Time
22 May 2008
I mean come on, this is what they call classic comedy, John C R gives his best performance and sings just as well. The movie was all JCR, incredible that he could sing and act like only he could have. if you haven't got a chance to view this, do The acid masterpiece is on my rotation on my ipod, blacksheep baby blacksheep! Insanity...this director sure knows how to knock em out. kudos to all in the cast. I have never seen this off the wall type of comedy pulled off so well, the drummer the guy from snl is absolutely brilliant! The wrong son died! I laughed from beginning to end and I would like to say I have good taste. Give it a chance, how couldn't you like the Beatles sequence with the bad trip...whew!
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Absolutely Pathetic
9 February 2008
As usual they make another story about Doris and once again the truth never comes out. All of the books are incorrect, and now all of the movies are fabricated trash. Why can't they tell the real story of Miss Duke? Because they have never contacted the people who actually knew her and were with her during her best years. Such a fascinating woman reduced to chasing men and drinking endlessly with a butler whom looked nothing like Ralph Fiennes but more like Louie Anderson. A complete waste of film and time, why focus on the butler who was a corrupt drunk after her money. Focus on the real Doris one day and you will see a woman that is completely different in every way. Such a shame to see this mess that HBO came out with, she wasn't even at Falcon Lair at the end. The whole movie was basically nothing more then fiction and lies. I can't even continue it was so bad...It's really a shame because she was such a fascinating woman, more then anyone will ever know.
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True Romance (1993)
IT's Mother F-ing Charlie Bronson
4 May 2006
the greatest movie in the history of film period. Period Period Period How this is a 7.9 or whatever is a sin and a disgrace. This is too high to rate because every scene is perfect, that is the sign of a truly wonderful piece of art. This has it all, and in my opinion is as I said before a perfect film from start to finish. Rarely does this happen.. Gary Oldman is almost to good to put in words, amazing... astounding, insane.. Every scene every word is as if it were taken from real life, as if the story was told as it is. A fragment of someones reality that works on every level.. THe only film I can say is Completely Perfect... I could say not one thing should be changed

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I Control The Weather By Means Of Thought-What What I Say..
2 April 2006
The Fat one....what what..The greatest performance I have ever seen. Nigel was the finest actor of our time, and his performance in The Madness Of King George, along with the rest of the cast is nothing short of Brilliant. Amazing Film a must see....If there were more then 10 stars to give I would... I give it a 15 out of 10. 5 points higher then Excellent. Truly a work of art. Also Ian Holms performance is truly incredible.I could watch this movie over and over and over. The Dialouge is also one of a kind and I can't remember a more believable performance to date.

"When felons were induced to talk, they were shown first the instruments of their torture. The King is shown the instrument of His... to induce Him NOT to talk."
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Probably The Best Film Of Our Time
20 January 2004
For the money and time spent on this masterpiece it has to be hailed

as the greatest flawless work of art to ever hit the screen. This is the most brilliant peice of art I can think of and is in every

way perfect, and in know way do I use the word lightly. Pure, Original and Timeless.... Incredible journey of those who love to think.... If you don't like to use your mind watching movies this isn't for you. As in the scene where Donnie has to put a situation in either fear or love. It doesn't work there are to many hidden layers and elements that make up a whole of a thought or idea involving such complex simplicity.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
A+ how could this be so lowly rated?
27 October 2003
give the movie a break.... this was a very entertaining flick, all you wanna be ropert and ebert

reviewers give it a rest... What the hell do you want? Great flick had me entertained the whole movie. So it wasn't perfect but what damn movie is? Watch it and enjoy...stop hating with the unrealistic ratings...
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The Funniest flick ever
23 August 2003
This has to be the greatest movie of all time.... I'll say it again....You told Brandt on the phone, he told me. Yes Yes.... The bums will always lose.... Shut the F**k up Donnie! Classic unforgettable line after line... A work of Art.... How can Clerks be above this in the Ratings? This is at 228 and dropping...Come on people... The Coen Brothers are 2 of the most intelligent writers and directors in the history of Film....Period... Incredible....the film would have been flawless if it was not for the Flying with the Bowling ball trip thing

and the other dancing scene. David Huddleston was perfect as the Other Jeff Lebowski... He should have won something for that role...
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beautiful film work
7 July 2003
gorgeous work of art...Anderson never fails with imagery and mood....The color of the film is pure and the over all sense of agitation with the notion of realness is fresh as always with his work...Love Sandler in it....
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Frida (2002)
Stunning Visuals And Quality Acting
14 June 2003
Salma Hayek pulls out the performance of her life and just to watch her is a treat. I have a dear crush on her beauty, although i don't know what she see's in Edward boring Norton? Oh Well The movie was incredible and ALfred Molina was nothing short of genius. I love Frida and Salma justified herself with Exotic heartfelt passion
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Biggest Downer Ever
18 December 2002
I went in with the highest of expectations thinking Jackson was going to pull it off again with all the mystical beauty that Fellowship captured. Well boy was I in for a surprise. Not only did it fail miserably in development of character and storyline, it was a mistake to have Gimley being a joking dwarf? Who wants to hear one line jokes every other 10 mins. And WTF with Gollum being half of a jar jar binks? Gollum Binks is not what I was looking for? The score was almost unbearable and compared to the first score I can't believe that this one was so Muted and desperate in searching for the right moment. I just got home from the engagement of the 11:59 Pm show on 12-17-02. My friend and I are Ring Die hards and decided to get a first look at the much anticipated sequel.... We are both in a state of shock over how it never got into the flow of any thing near what the Fellowship had accomplished. I was saying I know at the Opening Premiere for the cast at the end they all went...."UH OH" inside there heads. And then proceeded to try and trick themselves into believing it was a work of art. Horrible follow up and one of the biggest all time single failures in sequels. You will see what I'am saying when you see it.

It was better than most movies out but for the fact that Jackson and crew did such an astonishing job on the first I thought since they filmed them all together he was on to something with a special vibe he had created with this mystical bond? Nope........... Big Let Down.......
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One Of The Best Films Of 2001
8 October 2002
Please watch this movie and enjoy the beauty.... This is one of the finer films I have seen foriegn or not. All the actors are wonderful and the movie overall is one of the best I have ever had the pleasure to view. The two lead actors are unbelievably talented and I expect to see more of them in the future. What ever you do don't listen to Imdb user: Deveney. He didn't enjoy Brotherhood of the Wolf, but did happen to think the Movie BABE with a pig was a winner? Ya ok Deveney? You argue a strong case....
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Frailty (2001)
A Winner For Paxton
25 September 2002
This is what a movie should be when trying to capture the essence of that which is very surreal. It has this hazy overtone that is rarely captured on film, it feels like a dream sequence and really moves you into a dark haunting memory. The Kids were extremely believable and I do expect some things to come of them in the future. Very natural acting for such young ones, I don't know if Bill pulled it out of them or there just that good, but no the less excellent. Bill scored as far as I'm concerned and for the comment by KevNJeff about Mr. Paxtons bad acting, what can one do in that role. He played the part rather well in my opinion. This is coming from someone who said Hamlet was good (The Ethan Hawke Version?) Wow......... Do not listen to his Comments. Great flick to make you feel really uncomfortable, if that's what you want? Cinematography gets an above the average rating also.
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The Only Movie Better Than The Classic Book
8 August 2002
I have to say this is the best movie I have ever seen on my 31 years on this planet. I can't put into words how I feel about this cineamatic wonder....It by far ranks among the classic if not THE most Classic flick ever to be shot and captured on film. The only complaint I have is about all the extra Buy this Buy that game. Widescreen-Fullscreen-Criterion _BLah Blah BLah.........BUT I have to say I will buy all of them with great pleasure because the love they all put into this movie. Every last breath breathed into this magical epic is more than worth it too myself. Peter Jackson is my new idol as far as directors go. Man this guy has vision!?!? I thought J.R. had vision nothing taken away from Mr Tolkien. Jackson is among the best of the best of the Greatest to even think he could go against the book full force. And too my amazement he pulled it off. They all pulled it off and I can't freaking wait for December! The Twin Towers!
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Spider-Man (2002)
Kristen Dunst Is The Lowest
4 May 2002
Spider man was ruined by that lame actress Ms. Dunst. I can't believe the casting in THIS movie? She absolutely has no acting ability what so ever, it is amazing the other actors could stand it for a minute. It is that BAD.......I can't get over the fact that one person could ruin the most glorious awaited movies imaginable. And that awful BAND Nickelhead with there sappy Metallica type song at the end THE SINGER LOOKS LIKE A HORSE ON SPEED......WOW how sappy can a band get and what a bunch of sell outs to sit there like puppets for money sprouting greedy wings to fly to there next gig...F U FU...... I'am very UPSET WITH THE WHOLE MOVIE AND GIVE IT A BIG FAT 0 scrazcanis!!!!
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Nice Trip
28 April 2002
I loved the flow of this movie, it had a certain dream like sequence thing happening and so many things to think about. Many interpretations to present to the viewer which is exciting in this day and age of movie garbage. Naomi Watts and Laura Harring are probably the too most beautiful creatures I have ever seen on the silver screen. So much untouched beauty that Mr. Lynch brought to the table 10 out of 10.
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Vulgar (2000)
Smith Proves Again
26 April 2002
This is far out there and is quite the different movie although it probably will offend others it is shock value for money. One shocking scene that lasts almost 2 long but proves to be the way to pull people in the theater. Smith continues to put nothing into his movie money wise and still pulls the big bucks out of it. That is why he is brilliant....
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Almost Famous (2000)
A Beautiful Film
2 March 2001
I really fell in love with this film for one of two reasons. The soundtrack and Kate Hudson. You always know a great movie when the soundtrack emulates the movie in such a vivid and passionate way. Few movies seem perfect such as Thomas Newman's Score for American Beauty. I know I'm comparing a Soundtrack to a Score but I have to because they both feel so real and right in every sequence of the film. Somethings are just meant to be and this was one of them. I saw the movie once and when I hear the soundtrack I automatically know the scence the song was in. That is the sign of a good movie in my eye's. I fell in love with Kate Hudson.....She is the warmest screen presence in a long long time. Just like her mother,(Goldie Hawn) she has this beautiful mysterious feel to her. I also think Patrick Fugit did an outstanding job, and Jason Lee is a favorite and once again delivers. Sorry....Billy Crudup also a wonderful actor.
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The Matrix (1999)
The Greatest Movie Of The Century
2 October 2000
As far as the genre is considered this is the all time single most beautiful piece of Art ever captured on film. The acting I wouldn't consider to be the greatest of our time but the vibe and the overall message was by far the most wonderful visual feast I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. What a brilliant movie by The W Bros. these guys kick serious !@!@#@$! Also a must see is the movie "Bound" if you like anything by The W Bros.
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