
6 Reviews
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Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
Anime at its finest!
10 June 2000
You'll be hooked from the opening song (Tank!). This series has great style and a great storyline to boot. Some of the situations in the show offer some excellent humor as's an overall great series. While I personally prefer the English version, diehards may want to watch the Japanese first. Now if only they could offer a bounty on Pikachu. I'd like to see Spike and the gang go after that one. :)
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So bad it's unbelievable
10 June 2000
Talk about a disgraceful waste of film. Sequels have a reputation for being bad and this was certainly no exception. The original Lawnmower Man kept me entertained and had something that its sequel lacked...namely, a plot. It was also missing the good acting, nifty special effects and everything else the original had to offer. Can we say regression in action? If it ever comes out on DVD you'll have a lovely decorative coaster. Or if you want to break up with your significant other then rent this movie to watch with them..they might be gone before the opening credits finish rolling.
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Sailor Moon (1995–2000)
Ick ick ick!
10 June 2000
Dic has done it again...they've taken a wonderful cartoon that's intriguing and entertaining and turned it into mindless drivel. The original Japanese cartoon was a masterpiece (I've seen the entire thing subtitled and thought it was some of the best anime ever made). The English version is nothing but horrific.

Apparently all of the Sailor Senshi went to Valley Girl school. Think anime meets "Clueless". The American voice actors are simply annoying and some of the translations are positively embarassing (meatball head comes to mind). And the number of changes meant to protect America's children is appalling. They completely changed the gender of one of the Negaverse generals (surprise gang, Zoicite is NOT a flat chested woman!!) and deleted harmless scenes for fear that they would be copied by children watching it. They also wiped out any trace of Raye's shinto practices removing her chants in front of the holy fire (no, she doesn't just TALK to the fire) Tomorrow they're going to air the S and SS season for the first time on tv dubbed. This will be a disaster in the making I'm sure since Dic is at the helm. The S season has the Messiah of Silence, a crucifixion scene and *gasp* Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are lesbians (which just might confuse millions of kids). The horror of it all!! Give me a break. Children see senseless violence every day but I'm sure Dic is going to have a heyday with the edits here.

Of course we all know that Sailor Stars will never make it to the US. The three lights change into women when they transform (which just might confuse millions of kids), and there's *gasp* nudity in the last episode! Think naked Barbie doll type if kids don't undress their Barbies.

If you really want to see great anime then dredge up the subtitled tapes on the black market or ebay. As for the American version: Sailor Moon says, "Bleh"
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Life of Brian (1979)
Definetly one of Python's best (slight spoilers)
10 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
**MILD SPOILERS** Scandalous heretical fun. This movie has something to make everyone laugh (and something to offend everyone I'm sure). In this Python masterpiece, poor Brian (an unsuspecting red-sea-pedestrian) is named the messiah in a botched attempt to escape the Romans.

Brian's Latin lesson is reminiscent of most everybody's experience with a foreign language teacher I'm sure...and Brian's mother is a perfect example of the mother in law from hell (for reference to this watch the scene where Judith first meets Mrs. Cohen). Pontius and Biggus Dickus are a speech pathologist's worst nightmare delivering some hysterical lines (my favorite being, "So Jew, your father was a woman?" "No no, a *Roman*" "Stwike him centuwion vewy woughly.")

The only bad thing I can say about this movie is the fact that we're assailed with a brief shot of Graham Chapman's naughty bits in a full frontal balcony scene. Other than that this movie is worth a million laughs. And when Brian meets his untimely end, you'll at least wind up whistling "The Bright Side of Life" for a few weeks afterward while you tell your friends jokes about attending stonings.
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It's not dead yet!! Hysterical fun
10 June 2000
When I first heard about this movie I balked. Holy Grail? It sounded like a bad Indiana Jones ripoff. However, within the first 15 minutes I was on the floor laughing and holding my sides. This movie has it all: violence, missing limbs, a chorus line of knights in full armor, bad french impersonators (with outraaaaageous accents!), violence towards cats, and a little sex (oral).

If you like great battle scenes see BraveHeart or Episode I. There's no great battles here. In fact the fighters keep going while spewing blood and missing appendages without even noticing. If you want romance then watch Casablanca. This has a castle (The Castle Anthrax no less) with 5 score young blondes and brunettes who set out after the chaste Sir Gallahad. If you like drama see Gone With the Wind...the most drama you'll find here is the cannibalistic consumption of some rather annoying minstrels, a terrifying construction paper monster, and an animator suffering a fatal heart attack. If you want an intelligent flick, then rent Pi...the most intellectual stretching you'll find here is the mind taxing "Gorge of Eternal Peril" in which unfortunate souls must answer mind wrenching questions like "What is your favorite color?"

If you just want some good fun then this is the movie for you. You'll laugh till you cry through most of it. Just supress the urge to hurl livestock at your tv with a catapult when you see the ending.
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A fantastic movie, as long as you watch the Japanese version
14 May 2000
In my opinion, this is the best of the three Sailor Moon movies. However, if you're a true Sailor Moon otaku then watch the Japanese version with subtitles. The English dub is filled with mistakes in attack names, translation errors to protect America's "sensitive children", the bad American voice actors, and the list goes on. They also replaced the movie's trademark song "Moon Revenge" with a cheesy, watered down teeny bopper song called "The Power of Love."

Overall, the uncut movie has an engrossing plot that shows how Sailor Moon has matured both as a character and a phenomenon from the first season. The film has something for everyone in it: romance, drama, comedy, and hooks for both young and old anime fans alike. The music is infectiously catching, and they actually pulled off making ChibiUsa likeable.

If you want a good Sailor Moon movie that will keep you hooked then go for this one. Rent it, buy it...just make sure you watch it!
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