8 Reviews
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Stan in the West
5 November 2002
This is quite a funny short, in which Stan travels to the wild west. It includes good comedy acting by Stan, especially during the hold-up scene at the start, probably the funniest scene in the movie. The shoot-out scene is well constructed, and works well. This is one of many parodies Stan made for Joe Rock during 1924-1925, before joining Hal Roach. The film will appeal to fans of Stan Laurel, and people who generally like silent comedy.
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Mud and Sand (1922)
80 years old and still great
20 August 2002
This is one of Stan Laurel's best solo comedy's, before the 1927 teaming with Oliver Hardy. Laurel is a very good actor in the film, and provides good comedy. The best scene in the film is when Stan dances with Mae Laurel (his real-life common law wife), at the Cafe Espanol. Stan does silly dances that are funny, without you hearing the music. I will recommend this to any Stan Laurel fan.
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It's on the Front Page
7 June 2002
Stan Laurel and Tyler Brooke star in this Hal roach comedy. It's got a good plot, including some really funny moments. The comedy acting of Brooke and Laurel is good, but the best part of the film is when Stan, who is scared of women, has to get into a comprimising position with Lillian Rich, for Tyler to take a picture of them together. Stan is at his best in this scene, and even uses his famous 'cry'.
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Kid Speed (1924)
Kid Speed
20 July 2001
This is good film, and it is clear that Larry Semon has left no expense, while making this film. Their are huge sets, and a fleet of racing cars used in this production, in order too extract every laugh possible. Larry Semon does try to hard to make some of the gags as funny as possible, and that some times that does backfires, and the jokes does not raise laughs, by todays comedy standards anyway. Saying that, Larry does manage to produce some of the best sight gags that I have seen, and some really dramatic action sequences. The plot is slightly predictable, but that is overcome with the other elements.
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18 July 2001
A Fun cartoon, in which 4 ghosts scare Mickey, Goofy and Donald for fun. They create the best laughs scaring Donald, and the cartoon finishes with a good ending. Fun Walt Disney Cartoon.
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This Is Funny
17 July 2001
This Walt Disney Cartoon spoofs the many newsreels that people watched in Cinemas in the '20's, '30's and '40's. It explains to viewers how to play (American) Football, with hilarious results. Recommended Deeply.
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Crazy to Act (1927)
They were Crazy To Act
30 May 2001
This is a lame comedy built around a silent movie being made, within a silent movie. This is not successfully done and has few funny moments in the film. A sub-plot involves Gordon Bagley trying to marry the heroine of the "movie", but she prefers the hero, and the rest is predictable.

Oliver Hardy made this film to finish his contract with Mack Sennett, so its below average of any of his solo films, but he was the only one in the cast to go onto world-wide stardom.
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Not quite as rough as Africa
27 November 2000
This is an enjoyable silent, starring Stan Laurel. There is plenty of silent comedy, with the animals, but the scene with the elephant getting shot, may be disturbing nowadays. This is Stan's best solo silent comedy I have seen.
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