
72 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why make a movie about a civil war in America when you can't even tell what the war is about. I love a movie that has a story and I went into this expecting a war story about America, instead what I got was a story about a journalist. It wasn't a bad film, but it wasn't great either. Maybe I expected too much, but I really wanted some meat to go along with potatoes, and I didn't get any. This could have really been a much better movie. At least with Captain America I got a story about their Civil War, with this one I feel as though I walked in half way through the movie and missed the first hour or so. Oh well, maybe there will be better writers somewhere else.
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Kind of dull
19 April 2024
I had owned a 16mm print of this film and have onky watched it twice. When people like to say they have seen really horrible movies, they have never watched this film. Go ahead and say that some of these new movies like Indiana Jones or Madame Web are terrible. Then go and watch this, you might just change your mind.

Sure the plot is something you have seen before. Sure the acting is wooden and stiff. Sure there is enough non tension you could cut it with a dull spoon. Sure there is no one famous in it. But hey, they had enough money and timebto make it. So if you can find it, make sure you watch it.
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Rio Lobo (1970)
Blasted Hornets
18 April 2024
I have read that this was not received well when it came out. I honestly think people judge too hard with movies. Remember it is only a movie. There is a lot going on in this film but that is what makes it so fun to watch. John Wayne had come a long way from his early films, and if yiu really want to see horrible one, go back and watch one of those "singing Sandy" films. I do feel that Jack Elam steals the show and that is one of the reasons I like this movie so well. It is a shame that they never made another film again, but I do believe that this is one of the films that helped Elam to get the role in Cannonball Run. Not to mention those Disney films and Support Your Local films as well.

All in all this is an enjoyable western, just don't judge it too harshly and enjoy it.
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5 April 2024
I actually love this film. From the bridge opening to the final rocket launch, this movie is not as bad as others think. If you think this is the worst movie around, then you haven't watched enough movies. Even Stephen King disowned it, and it is probably one the best films made from his work. I mean have you seen Tommy knockers, and don't get me started on Firestarter, boring!! This movie has a lot going for it, and it never tones down on the shock value either. And if you think this film is really bad, dare you to watch Manos, Hands of Fate, or check out the movie Things. Wow so much real junk out there. Anyway, don't listen to the haters, this is a really decent flick, and something King should really be proud of.
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Who you gonna call?
25 March 2024
This was fantastic and fun, don't listen to people who hate movies, this was perfect. And don't just take my word for it, go watch it for yourself. Readin through the reviews section there was a lot of good things people had to say. For those who rated it poorly, they must not like movies. I do, yes I have issues with remakes, but I have always felt if it was good the first time, why remake it? If it was something poorly done that needs to be remade, go for it. If a story has a great new story, got for it and make a sequel. There were 88 Hopalong Cassidy movies and not all are great, but they are all worth a watch. Don't hate on so.ething till you have watched it, give it a chance.
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Got a date with fate
15 March 2024
I love this movie from the first time I saw it back the early 80s. It was one of those, I had never heard of it, westerns my dad rented on VHS. I loved the story back then. As I got older I understood the humor that went along with this film. Something I was not used to being done by Lee Van Cleef, only seeing him in the man with no name films and the great Esacpe from New York.

I will not put any spoilers here, but I will say that if people didn't like it it was because I feel they didn't understand it. And thatbis not unusual in a 70s western of thus type. Just think, films like Blazzing Saddles and others of that nature would be bigger hits. But try it again, I think you might like it.
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9 October 2023
I doubt very much that the director or producer will ever look at IMDB and read what people are saying about this new, unfaithful, horrible, film that they just unleashed onto the public. I doubt very much that read the book or watched the original film. There was nothing shocking, nothing new, nothing imaginative, and nothing that really ties this film to the original. Even the use of any of the original stars fall flat here making it a total mess. Plus they plan to make two more films? I am so sorry that I spent the money to go and watch this. I should have learned my lesson about David Gordon Green after trying to watch what he did to Halloween. That one was bad too. So, in short, don't waste your time, go watch the 1973 film and stay away from this. And hey, if you do like this film, well, more power to you.
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1941 (1979)
Turn around and take me to Tokyo
5 September 2023
So many bad reviews and they always blame Spielberg. But let's look, the script was written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gail, the team that did Used Cars, and then went on to do Bavk to the Future and let's not forget Spielberg was behind both of those comedies as well. Especially since I see that people say 1941 is Spielberg's only comedy. Sure it's loud, yes it has a lot of stuff going on, but is it the worst film ever? Umm no. You want dull, boring, huge wastes of time? Then go watch films like Manos, Hands of Fate or Things. Then tell me how terrible this film is. I actually appreciate the humor that is in this film. The actors are great, and where else are you going to see a film with this cast? If you don't like it or don't get it that is just fine, but for those who have not seen based on the poor reviews, give it a chance. You might just be surprised.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Flash meets Batman
15 August 2023
Okay, people will say what they want to about this film, and just to be honest I am not a huge Flash fan, except I really liked the older TV show that only lasted one season. So why rate it an 8 and give it a positive review? Simple,been waiting since 1992 to see Michael Keaton to play Batman again. Was I dissatisfied? Nope, not one bit. I think that was the only reason I went to see this film and was it ever the best thing out there. Don't get me wrong the movie itself was pretty entertaining and that is what movies are all a out. But the best part of this was seeing Batman back in action. Go check it out.
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Dr. Giggles (1992)
This Dr makes house calls
15 August 2023
I recently just watched this again for the first time since it came out back in 1992. I forgot how much fun it was. Larry Drake is awesome and he delivers his lines so well with such a straight face. The plot is pretty much standard fare and the acting is so so, but it wasnt made to earn an Oscar amd you are not there for great performances. But I think that Larry Drake should receive some kind of award for his betrayal of the good doctor here. But dont take my word for it. So if you like those early slasher films with a kick, check it out. Just make sure to eat an apple a day to keep this doctor away.
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This what the big screen was made for
12 July 2023
I do not understand why so many people hate this movie, why they lie about it, and then tell you not to watch it. If you love movies like I do, then you will live this movie too! Stop listening to people who hate films, they are almost always wrong. Go watch it and judge it for yourself. This was much better than the last film and it reminded me so much of the first three films. I just feel that people are making it out to be something it is not. This was a great adventure film not to be missed. It was refreshing to see something good on the big screen again. And to be honest the only thing that was a disappointment was the fact that it was not being shown on a 35mm projector.
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So Much for this Avenger
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Black Panther was an Aveger and yet none of the other Avengers came to his funeral?? Yet he was there when they created Ironman, Disney must not have had enough money or respect for the character to have any of the Avengers there. What a waste for a movie, oh well. Well at least they had good continuity, oh wait, nope that precious metal was used by Stark Industry's well shucks, continuity is hard. And why is this movie so dark, can hardly see it, they needed better lighting on the set. All in all one of the worst movies I have tried to watch in a long time. Right up there with films like Things, Manos Hands of Fate.
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Fantasy Island
13 May 2022
Not sure why people do not like this movie, it reminded me of the TV show I grew up with, and that show could be scary at times. It was actually really good, people need to realize that movies are there to entertain you. Fine, if doesn't do that, or you don't like this kind if entertainment, that is fine, but just remember, it is a fictional movie, nothing else, stop tripping. If you want reality go watch a Micheal Moore film or a documentary. Bit this film was great, enough said.
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Santa is coming for you
13 December 2021
What happens when you mix Prom Night with Friday te 13th and set it at Christmas? You get this mess. Throw in a porn star and the cute girl from Ghostbusters, a silly subplot and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas. On a scale of 1 to 10 I gave it a four due to the fact that it had some entertaining moments. But for a better killer Santa flick, Silent Night,Deadly Night followed by Don't Open Till Christmas still are supreme.
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About time
23 November 2021
Been waiting for this third installment for many years and now that it is here I can't get enough. First movie I have seen all year that I have gone to more than once. All I can think of for people who do not like the film maybe they don't understand it. To me it was more than just a trip down memory lane. It was not a reboot or a remake but a long over due continuation and I would not encourage people not to see it but to take the time and go check it out. Remember it is a movie. Remember why we got to the escape our every day real life. And this hits on the mark of entertainment.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
now it is time for the Thing part two........
9 February 2012
and make this a perfect trilogy, let it pick up from where the 1982 film ended. I have wanted to see a part two for the longest time. But John Carpenter has to do it. And it has to be just as awesome as this movie is.

I have read a lot of the comments about this movie and I know that it did not do as well at the box office as it could have. There are a lot of things that it seems the other reviewers are not pleased with. I for one am pleased with this film. The film makers went to such pain staking details so that the lovers of the original film would be happy with the outcome. I know I am. I also know that I think that this is better than most of the stuff that Hollywood has been remaking over the past few years. I personally hate remakes and John Capenters The Thing is about the only one that I have really liked. This move is not a remake and that made me happy. Yes I think that some things are better left the way they were made the first time.

For example, I would hate to see a remake of Casablanca, The Searchers, Gone With the Wind, or African Queen. And I know that people have the choice to watch what ever they want. So personally I will watch the originals over remakes almost any day of the week. But here I think that film makers went above and beyond to make a really good movie.
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The Roommate (I) (2011)
difference between horror and suspense
16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I walked into this never hearing about it before and not knowing what it was. At first I thought it was like single white female. Then as the film went on I was surprised, little gore, little cussing, more like a good suspense. The story telling was good, no matter what some might say, I thought it was a good story. This girl seemed to never really go further than the edge, making threats, hurting people, but never to the point of murder. That is what I saw and to me that build up is what is lacking in movies today. They want to show everything from the past to the present and show blood and gore and sex. It was refreshing to see an old style movie with new actors. By the end of the movie it was sit on the edge of my seat and yell at the screen, "Look out behind you" I have not yelled at the movie screen in a long time. Thats what movies are for. I give this film two thumbs up and rate it an 8 out of 10. I would like to see more films like this. I miss old Hollywood.
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Voyage Into Space (1970 TV Movie)
ktla (5)
9 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this movie when I was a kid and I am not the only one. And the thing that I really like is that most of the people who have made any comments on this movie remembers seeing it on channel 5 ktla out of LA. I remember that they would show this movie on that weekend show, family film festival. I would love to see this movie in in its entirety. I have seen individual episodes on Netflix, but it is still fun to see this day. Watching them and remembering the Giant Robot with the missiles coming out of the tips of his fingers and how he would fight. Great stuff from a by gone age of film making. I would not like to see a remake of this today. I believe that they would mess it up with CGI and it would lose all that charm the first show and film had. It would be a sad day for Voyage into Space fans everywhere.
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Wes Cravens New Nightmare was way better than this......
3 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When the lights went down and the movie started I kept thinking to myself, why didn't they just re-release the original 1984 film. I know, they thought they could improve the movie. Did they really do that? I do not think that they did. I also kept thinking to myself, wow, all of these teenagers that have never seen the original because it is 26 years old, and heaven forbid that they watch something older than 5 years ago, and yes I know that there are some that do, and yes, I work in a video store and I when they ask for horror movies they would much rather watch Jennifer's Body over the Exorcist because "That is way too old." Anyway, they were really loving the movie. This "Wanna Be Freddy" was not the same as in the films from the late 80's or early 90's, and he was not as scary as the original Robert England Freddy, it was like when Roger Moore tried to be James Bond, after all he was no Sean Connery. This new "Freddy" could hardly open his mouth, he looked like he was wearing a rubber mask, and he was just not that scary. He seemed to have no idea how to use his gloves, since when is making them sound like a pair of scissors more frighting than the consistent scrapping on metal? It just became more lame as the film went on. Then we are made to believe that the children made up the stories about him. What is more frighting, a monster that just likes to kill children, or a child molester who wants them to remember that he really liked them? Kind of twisted, but not scary. In the original we don't even find out who Freddy is until way late in the movie, and only then we know that he was a murderer who was seeking revenge. Well, watch this if you must, but just remember, New Line Cinema is the house that Freddy built, but it was the 1984 film that put them on the map. There is a reason for that.
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I expected more
14 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
From someone like Sam Rami. I read a lot of reviews about this movie before I sat down to watch it. I read that a lot of people compared it to The Evil Dead. So going into it I thought I was in for a treat. I was wrong. It was more like Stephen King's Thinner, only it took three days to happen. I did not find all the "black comedy" to be funny at all, because it seemed to only involve "throwing up". Some parts were kind of creepy, like the encounter in the parking lot, but other than that, I did not find this movie scary. I believe it could have been better, the plot was good, but lacked in depth. Horror needs to take a step back and look at its roots to find what is scary and what is just fodder.
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Not as bad as I thought it would be.......
10 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
But then again, Steve Martin is no Peter Sellers. I know that a lot of people are comparing this film to the original Blake Edwards/Peter Sellers films of the 60's and 70's, but I have to say that in all fairness, these people that are making the new films must not have paid much attention to the older ones. Yes some things are there, Peter Sellers used to call Cato his "Little Yellow friend" that line is heard here, but in a different context. The surprise attacks by Cato are used here, but only by children. What is missing? "Yes I knew that" "What was that you said?" The way Dreyfus hates Inspector Clouseau, Herbert Lom was just so great in that part, nothing aganst the former Monty Python alumnist, he was even better that Keven Kline, but something was missing three. Just to name a few things. Now for moment lets look at this film. Did I laugh? Yes, with some parts of the film it was hard not to laugh. Were some things over the top? Yes, the part with the Pope was a little over done. The Pink Panther seemed to a bit bigger than in the first movie and looks more like the one from the original films, bigger.
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What it means to go to the movies
1 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It has been at least twenty years since I have been to a movie that when the credits start to roll the audience cheers and applauds. This is what movies are made of, stands right up there with all the great films of the 20th century. Very little CGI, the ants stood out the most. It was the first time that I went to a theater in a long time and saw a good movie. To all the people that said they should have remade or recast Indiana Jones, I pity you, to the ones who told me that this movie would suck because it has been so long since there was an Indiana Jones movie and he did not belong in the 21st century, you must not like movies. It had everything that one would expect from an Indiana Jones movie, action, laughs, sci-fi, John Williams score, and those scenes that make you look away, even tho you don't want to.

Go into this movie expecting only a movie, a fun movie with lots of the things that made all the other movies great.
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AvP: relighted
12 April 2008
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The sound for this movie was awesome, there were a few shots with some gunfire and explosions that looked OK, but for the rest of the movie, I COLD NOT SEE A THING. I work for Movie Gallery so I was able to rent the unrated DVD of the film before it hits the shelves this Tuesday. The sound was really great, but the whole film was so dark that I could not see anything, I mean I really may have enjoyed this movie if it were not so dark. I remember horror films from the early 70's and going to the drive-in to see them, I remember that most of them were very dark and that you could not really see much of anything in them. This is just what it reminded me of. I think that this would have been a really great film if only I could have seen it. I think that ht e brightest part of the whole movie was the small part where we get to see the predators home planet, it is this reason and this reason alone that I gave the film such a low rating. Other than that I think that the movie would have been great. Not as good as AvP or the first Predator or Alien film.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Not a real Bond film
23 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie again, this time with my 14 year old son who is a James Bond nut, he likes them better than I do. He was lost, he could not understand how it could be modern day and Bond just got to be a 00. I told him this was supposed to be like the very first book, but then he read the book and said that the time is wrong, the date he meant, it is supposed to be 1958 or 57 and that for it to be the start it should have a male "M" a completely different game to play and there are no such things as computers like that in 1957, he stopped watching about half way through and told me the new die hard film was better, went to film collection we have and got "Thunderball", put it in and said, now here is a real James Bond movie. I have to say that film has action, but as far as a "Official James Bond film from EON" I would have to say the 1967 unofficial David Niven and Peter Sellers film was much better. Sorry Cubby Broccoli, they ruined your franchise. I guess that we might have to wait another ten years for a good Bond film again. And to see that the new film, Bond 22, is going to be just another action flick like this one tells me that there are no real Bond fans anymore. Too bad.
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Just wrong
20 October 2007
I just tried to sit through this thing that some one called a movie. Now as far as watching movies I will watch just about anything. I don't like remakes and some of the newer movies are really dull, but this was just awful. I really did not like the first one, but I like movies so I gave this one a chance. I like gore films like the old Italian Fulci, Argento, and Bava, but this was terrible. I mostly watched this film in fast forward and really could not stand the part where the girl was hung up by her feet and cut with a cycle. I would recommend watching anything other than this movie because this was just not entertainment. I will not put anybody down if they like this type of film, but I would not say it was an academy award winning film.
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