
23 Reviews
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Spartan (2004)
Fast moving
20 July 2004
This movie is rather well done but Val Kilmer doesn't really seem to have the necessary stuff to carry the lead. His actions and reactions seem all to predictable, even when the plot isn't. I think I would have picked some other actor for the role. The ending is a little unsatisfying and seemed not quite all tied up as it hinted it was. Ed O'Neill and William H. Macy are wasted in their roles and I feel that they could have added a lot more to the movie if they'd been allowed to. I enjoyed Derek Luke's performance but why is that they always knock off the black side-kick? It would be nice to see one of them survive now and then. Overall, a pretty good watch.
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21 Grams (2003)
A badly edited hotch potch
9 February 2004
If there is a story here, I couldn't find it. It constantly jumped into flashbacks and flash forwards without any reference points at all which only served to confuse. Some people will think this is a clever film, probably because they don't understand it, and what they don't understand, they think must be very clever. The purpose of a motion picture is primarily to entertain. It may make you laugh, it may make you cry, it might challenge you and make you think, it may even do all of the above at the same time. But, a director needs to learn how to tell a story. I wonder if this guy has learned under David Lynch? He's as pretentious and confusing. For me, this film was a waste of time, because it had nothing to say at all.
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Rosewood (1997)
This is more than just a movie.
25 October 2003
If you haven't seen this film, there's more than enough been written on this page to tell you what it's about. But if you're expecting just another comment on race relations in America in the 1920s, you'd be very wrong. This is an horrific film. When the violence is finished, you feel as if you've been through it yourself. And to those who argue whether it's historically accurate, I say this: Does it really matter if there were 5 or 50 people killed? For even one person to die through a thing like this, is the ultimate wrong. After seeing this true story, can we even wonder why some black people in America still hate whites? And don't forget, this is only one story out of who knows how many. I found myself filled with anger at the injustice I was seeing, and it makes me even more determined to fight such injustice wherever it's found.
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Hard Eight (1996)
Intense and quite gripping.
13 April 2003
I saw this by accident on late night television and I feel sorry for the people who can't persevere and appreciate this kind of film. It started off very slowly but it maintained an intensity right through and was quite intriguing. Director Anderson took a rather well worn plot and a not very good script and gave it to excellent actors. Even though I found it hard to empathize with the characters, (except for Sydney, they seemed like a bunch of no-hopers,) I enjoyed it enormously.
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Very enjoyable.
23 May 2001
Being a sucker for courtroom dramas, I found this to be a very enjoyable movie. It's legal question marks were interesting to follow, and Martin Sheen's pivotal performance was very good. [I loved this actor from the time I first heard him laugh. It starts right down in his boots and just bubbles over in a very infectious manner.] Sean Penn's role was very small but crucial, and it shows what an incredibly talented actor he is. His use of a German accent was masterful. This isn't a great movie, but I think that most people would find it enjoyable.
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This is one not to be missed.
21 May 2001
Thus is a superb movie. Firstly, the story line is just great. The true story of a man who fights against all the odds to realize his dream. Secondly, it's hard to imagine a better cast. They do an extraordinary job in bringing to life all the wonderful characters involved. Jeff Bridges is perfect as Tucker, and Landau is brilliant as the money man. But what really makes this work, is the way Tucker's undying spirit is brought out. He seems to lose the battle of making cars, but wins the ultimate battle of fulfilling himself and keeping his integrity. {"They're only machines, the idea's the important thing."] Over the years, I have collected many hundreds of movies, but this one has to be in the top ten. By the way, I just loved the music sound track. Very 40's.
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Ruby (1992)
6 January 2001
A fascinating subject, that just didn't grab the audience. It flowed like molasses, and left me feeling as flat as the movie. I'm one of those who can't get enough of this subject, but there was very little here at all, and with the current trend to change the true stories, just to make them look better, you begin to wonder just how much, and which parts, are really true.
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I'm afraid, rather average.
28 December 2000
Even in it's day, I think that this movie would have been looked on as rather average. It just isn't a patch on the classic 1939 version. The scarecrow, the tin man and the cowardly lion are not characters, but rather disguises that three of the characters "put on". And there is no witch at all. [Margaret Hamilton, we miss you.] Although the plot is good, the way it's done would confuse younger children, and it somehow just doesn't hold up. It is interesting to see, only for its historic aspect.
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The Lifeforce Experiment (1994 TV Movie)
Worth watching - once.
4 December 2000
As I watched this movie, I couldn't help thinking that it was right out of the 50's., and I half expected Vincent price to poke his head around the corner at any moment. Movies that verge on "the mad professor" type stories, are rather limited in their appeal, but this one seemed to have more going for it than most, but, unfortunately, it was quite flat. Sutherland [who never seems to get the sort of roles he richly deserves,] and in fact all the cast, do their best, but it doesn't really help. The plot is too predictable, and ultimately just doesn't hold the interest.
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This one's a must.
9 November 2000
I was never really crazy about the Hitchcock version of this story. Hitch too often "fiddled" with an original story, and although so often made a great movie, it was seldom true to the story as it was first written. The later remake with Kenneth Moore, was a little more glossy, but flat. But with this version, we finally get the story as it was written. Superior photography on location, really help to make this a real winner. Evenly paced, with fine acting performances by the entire cast, the whole film just flows. Excellent production values, recreate the period flawlessly. If I had a criticism, it would be of the rather fanciful climax, but it was still fun. This movie is for enjoying over and over again.
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The Grave (1996)
Stay with'll love it!
31 October 2000
For a non American, the accents are a bit hard to get used to, but once you do, it's really worth watching. A black comedy with a few delightful twists to keep the audience on its' toes, and to give it a good laugh. It reminded me a little of THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY, and I can't help wondering what Hitchcock would have done with this story. Enjoyable ending.
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The Outfit (1993)
Don't bother.
28 October 2000
Poorly made gangster movie about the supposed feud between "Dutch" Schultz and "Legs" Diamond. Silly script, Dreadful dialogue, amateur acting. The production values are not too bad, but it's flat and trite with every imaginable cliche.
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Black Ice (1992)
Could have been better.
28 October 2000
Good and strong performances from the three leads, holds up a rather weak script. This is certainly no thriller, but more like a chase movie. The fanciful plot, or lack of it, needed a bit more construction on the bones. It just could have been a lot better.
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Hollow Man (2000)
OOOOPS! Not too good.
18 October 2000
I just can't believe the business that this very ordinary film is apparently doing. The dialogue is pretty awful, the acting very average, and as for the script generally...Oh dear. And that ending... Director Verhoeven, puts on the same kind of silly ending that he used in BASIC INSTINCT, where the bad guy does a Lazarus, and comes back for one more try to kill the opposing lead. One should always approach this kind of movie with suspended disbelief, but enough already!. The only thing that makes this movie worth watching at all, is the special effects. Better luck next time Mr. Bacon.
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The Jackal (1997)
Doesn't make it.
18 October 2000
As a movie standing by itself, it's average. But as a remake of DAY OF THE JACKAL, it fails miserably. It has neither the tension or the atmosphere of the original. The original script was also much more ingenious, with some very interesting characters. But this one just doesn't make it.
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12 Angry Men (1997 TV Movie)
Certainly worth a look.
18 October 2000
I always remember Roddy McDowall's comment; "If you're going to remake a movie, remake a bad one and make it good." The obvious inference here is, that you avoid the inevitable comparison to the original. This remake was a lot better than I expected it to be, but, alas, still not as good. Changing the Ed Begley part into a black racist, just doesn't work. And neither does casting George C. Scott in the Lee J. Cobb role. Great actor though he was, he was just too old for the part. One plus is that the script is a little softer, and somehow seems a little more acceptable than the original.
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Guilty Conscience (1985 TV Movie)
You'll love it.
18 October 2000
Hopkins and Danner are great as the opposing spouses. His conversations with himself are fun to watch, as he tries to work out how to kill his wife. Not so much a whodunit, as a who's going to do it, with a wonderful twist at the end. And don't miss a word of the dialogue.
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Finnegan Begin Again (1985 TV Movie)
Don't miss it!
18 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
One of those quiet, near perfect movies that sneak up on you and are just unresistable. Preston [I'm an unashamed fan,] and Tyler Moore, are just right together, and the movie isn't just funny, sad, poignant and good fun, it also has something to say about relationships and about life. If I had a criticism of the film, it would be the last scene. I didn't need to see them in bed. It would have been much better if this had just been implied.
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Rehearsal for Murder (1982 TV Movie)
Catch the killer....If you can.
18 October 2000
Robert Preston, who is always a pleasure to watch, lines up the "suspects". Who killed his wife? You'll never guess. Nobody is what they appear to be. Very enjoyable to watch, and try to pick up the clues on the way. Spoiled only by a very fanciful plot, you'll have to suspend your disbelief, but it's fun anyway.
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Murder by Natural Causes (1979 TV Movie)
If you like to be fooled...this is for you.
18 October 2000
Probably the best of the Levinson/Link made for TV movies. They take the audience by the hand, and lead them completely in the wrong direction. I would defy anyone seeing this for the first time, to pick the ending. This is great "edge of the seat" stuff, but don't miss a word of the dialogue, especially the last 20 minutes, as there are more twists than a corkscrew.
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Enjoyable, but could have been better.
17 October 2000
The situation of a straight young macho Italian, suddenly finding himself in a gay environment, has possibilities that were not explored. Scotti was good in the role, and the supporting cast did what they were supposed to to, but it just didn't click. I think that the fault lies in the script, which was funny at times, but rather patchy. I disagree with "Anonymous" of NYC who said that it was "moronic and one dimensional", but I do agree that it could have been better.
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Better than it's been rated.
12 October 2000
Walter Mathau left many wonderful performances for us to enjoy, and here is another one of them. In what could be a rehearsal for GRUMPY OLD MEN, it's great to see how he and Jill Clayburgh bounce off each other. Their characters are so different and opposite, yet they're like two pillars holding up the roof of the system. I find it difficult to fault this movie, It's enjoyable from start to finish.
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Decoration Day (1990 TV Movie)
Well worth the time.
11 October 2000
One of those quiet movies that leave a deep impression. Garner is good, as always, and the supporting cast seem just perfect for their roles. It has a similar atmosphere to FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER with Walter Mathau. A feel good movie, and well worth seeing more than once.
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